6 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1923 Police Raid Moonshine Joint in North Section Twenty dozen quart bottles of beer, several gallons of liquor, and a com- plete still with all the apparatus and attachments was what Winnetka police seized when they raided the home of John Ostowsky, 1487 Ash- bury avenue, Tuesday afternoon, No- vember 27. Ostowsky was brought before Magi- strate Northrop who placed two charges against him, one, the illegal manufacture of intoxicating liquor, and the other, the sale of intoxicating liquor. Bonds were furnished by the defendant in the amount of $3,000. The hearing will be held today. It is said by the police that although the still was not in actual operation at the time of the raid, a large quan- tity of mash was found in the base- ment and several bottles of liquor were concealed in a bed on the upper floor of the home. The police de- stroyed a large quantity of the manu- factured product by mixing it with kerosene, and the balance was brought to the station to be retained as evidence. Second Goodspeed Talk at Parish House Monday "Recent Discoveries in Egypt and their light on the New Testament," will be the theme of a discussion Mon- day evening, December 3, at the par- ish house of Christ church by Prof. Edgar J. Goodspeed, translator of "The New Testament--An American Translation." Monday's lecture will be the second of a series of Advent "addresses to continue weekly through December 17. Prof. Goodspeed, who is affiliated with the University of Chicago, ¢reat- ed somewhat of a sensation last sum- mer with his American version of the New Testament which is being pub- lished serially in verious papers throughout the country. The lecture is 8:15 o'clock. There is to be no offering, it is announced, since expenses of the series will be defrayed from another source. WANT SHELTER The Village of Winnetkda has re- quested the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Electric railroad to erect a shelter station at the Pine street station of the road- It is expected the shelter will be established in the very near fu- ture. Moody Institute Opens New Education Course The Moody Bible Institute of Chica- go has inaurgurated a new course in Religious Education, which will com- ply with the international standards for leadership training in religious educa- tion. The course will cover 100 weeks (1456 hours). Its object is to prepare specialists in teaching and departmental superintending, and, in particular, direc- tors of religious education. The aim is especially to train men and women of executive ability who desire to devote their lives to organizing and directing religious education in churches where the pastor lacks the time or the train- ing to supervise this important work. Issue Many Permits for New Homes in Village The Village Department of Public Works has been unusually active in the past week, and the records show that the following persons received permits to build homes in the village: Christy Brown, who will build at 156 Chestnut avenue; T. G. Valinda, who will build at 1412 Prairie avenue; William S. Nordberg, who will build a home at 489 Sunset road; lL. J. Doyle, who will build a house at 680 Locust street; Mark Maistrovich, who will erect a home at 985 Spruce street; B. D. Caldwell, who will build at 615 Fir street. HOLIDAY SEASON OPENS There is nothing like Thanksgiving Jack Holt Starred in Community House Film For the period, Jack Holt, Paramount star, ap- pears in an popular Peter B. Kyne story,--"*Making a Man," which will at Winnetka Community House, Friday, December 7. Recently he "While Satan Sleeps," in scored a knockout success- "Making a Man" is the story of a wealthy young snob, a tyrant among his employes and neighbors alike, who puts one straw too many on the camel's back, so to speak. His life threatened, he escapes to New York. There he loses the little money and clothing he took in his hurried flight, and finds him- self unable to draw on his credit. Broke, hungry and tired, he meets on a park bench, "Shorty" McCabe, a down-and- outer. From Shorty the man Winsby, played by Mr. Holt, learns the definition of a real man. Of course, there is a girl in the story, this role being done by Eva Novak. Others in the cast in- clude Bert Woodruff, Frank Nelson, Robert Dudley, J. P. Lockney, and Kal- la Pasha. There will be two shows, one at 7:15 and another at 8:45 o'clock: second time within a short adaptation of a be on view was a star of which he Harry J. Sweet Dies; Well Known Winnetkan Harry J. Sweet, well known Win- netka resident, passed away Tuesday morning, November 27, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank E. Plowman, 421 Linden Mr. Sweet had been in failing health during the past three years. Funeral services were held at Grace- land chapel Wednesday, November 28. Mr. Sweet formerly resided in the Parker homestead at Cherry and Wal- nut streets. He is survived by his widow, two sons, Anson B. Sweet and Harry J. Sweet, Jr.,, and two daughters, Mrs. Frank E. Plowman and Mrs. L. M. Ford. avenue. OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY KIDS We'LL YeLL You WHAT WE'D LIKE TO DO - - WE'D LIKE TO SHOW p THE PROOF TO YOU - - nu | There's one way to prove to vou that this sanitary wet wash establishment should take care of dots Lhe wind blow ¢ lighter and rises as it grows warmer, --Dbecause air becomes and heavier cold air rushes in to displace it. When winds be- gin to blow rough and raw, use Puwieledl" Glycerine and Rose Water for quick and gentle healing of sore, chapped skin. It is also fragrantly soothing on the face after shaving. PURETEST. GLYCERIN, "clear as a crystal" is the first real improvement in glycerin in many years. The "best gly- cerin of all" made better. to usher in the Christmas holiday | your clothes weekly. One of 200 Puretest prepara- season. While the two great holidays | yeeeserses : tions for health and hygiene. are about a month apart, most folks |Q 4 Ask us to call for your weekly Every item the best that skill regard them as closely allied. The < wash, notice its pure sweet ac- and conscience can produce. Thanksgiving homecoming and dinner 1 | ceptable condition when it is re- d sort of puts us in the mood to pro- : | turvedto you, A ams ceed with Yuletide festivities. 4 i Complete Sets for Xmas Pharmacy " Gifts $6.00 up || Oak Terrace Laundry Baha'i Temple Lectures ' = ELM AND LINDEN By the Distinguished Lecturer French Tubes Dect. $4.00 F inf A Winnetka 2 and World Traveller, Jenabe Amp. $4.50 or information: Fazel. 3 4 Phone Highland Park 87 The Rexall Drug Store In the Baha'i Temple founda- W. A f C . tion-hall, Sheridan Road 25d e are Agents for Cutting Linden Ave. entrance on Linden 3 : Ave. Sundays at 3:30 2 m. : and Washington Receivers December 2 --- The niversa " Consciousness of Sariste | Radio Programs of All ang ee December 9--"The >hysician 3 ans ee dy. : Stations now on sale 10c The Baha'i Temple with its 3 : great dome, to be built 120s 4 . . the present foundation hall wi 4 R d S Sh MMUNITY be open to all Sects ana Telige 4 a 10 ervice op ions and dedicated to religious 3 unity, universal brotherhood and ; 18 Prouty Annex Phone 1840 ; the promulgation of universal 4 WINNETKA, ILL. $ HOUSE peace. bd 4 H | by S. POOL Shoes and Hosiery for Women and Children CIEL HOSIERY FOR WOMEN PURE SILK, SILK-AND-WOOL LISLE AND ALL WOOL In All the Desired Shades FOR CHILDREN COTTON, LISLE, COTTON- AND-WOOL, ALL WOOL IMPORTED REASONABLY PRICED 1608 CHICAGO AVE. EVANSTON, ILL. TELEPHONE EVANSTON 973 N NEXT FRIDAY "MAKING A MAN" NEW Both seaus adjust forward and back for tall and short people. 566 CENTER ST. $695 f.o.b. Toledo Big loading space by removing rear seat and upholstery. America's Most Sensational Car The new Overland Champion is the big hit of the year! Delivers more kinds of service than any other car ever made. A wonderful closed car for the whole family. Big square space by taking out rear seat and upholstery--carries samples, luggage--anvthing! Great for salesmen, farmers--everybody! stery make big bed in car--fine for camping! Seats ad- justable--fit anybody. The whole Country is going wild over the Champion: Come see it. George W. Seats and uphol- Slocum WINNETKA Phone 1128 /