WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1923 Kenilworth Happenings Dr. and Mrs." Herbert Walker, 303 Cumnor road, gave a tea on Sunday eve- ning to meet Miss Jennie Johnston of Chicago who gave a most entertaining program of Christmas carols of earlier centuries and from all countries. Miss Johnston has spent years gathering to- gether these "carols,--some of which have never been published. It was a rare treat. --0-- Mr. F. E. M. Cole, 315 Cumnor road, retyrned Saturday from a business trip to New York. Mr. Cole while being denied the pleasure of spending Thanks- giving with his family had the great privilege and pleasure of dining with his father, Mr. William R. Cole, who is 84 years of age, at his residence in Pel- ham Manor, N. Y. ge Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp opened her home for the sale of fancy articles and silk lingerie made by Mrs. Tate and Mrs. Carltine Ellsworth on Wednesday afternoon. Famous Artist Designs 1923 Christmas Seals The Christmas Seal design for this year was executed by Rudolph Ruzicka, a native of Czecho-Slovakia, and an artist of international reputation. An art committee appointed by the Na- tional Tuberculosis association early in 1922 suggested Mr. Ruzicka as an artist of exceptional qualifications for work of this character. The member- ship of the committee includes a repre- sentative of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, a national expert on SOME SO-CALLED OPEN MINDS SHQULD | BECLOSED § FOR REPAIRS color printing, and the Art Director for Conde Nast, publisher of Vogue, Vanity Fair, House and Garden, etc. Mr. Ruzicka includes among his pat- rons some of the leading art collectors in this country. An exhibition of his work held at a prominent art gallery in New York a' few years ago aroused wide comment, and resulted in the sale of many of his most important works. In addition to his decorative designs in color, he is widely known for his wood cuts which have been exhibited in art galleries in leading cities of the United States and abroad. In the com- mercial field he has designed many of the illustrations on packages of popular food products including Dromedary Dates for which he recently made a new design. The Christmas Seal design for 1923 is a delightful illustration of, Mr. Ru- zicka's skill, both in technique and 'n ab.Iity to bring together all of the hap- pier symbols of Christmas within the limited space available. The sponsors of the seal hope that it will be genera!- ly acceptable to the public. They are not unmindful of the fact, however, tha. after all, the seal is simply a symbol of the great work it represents in the minds of its generous supporters. Give Your Party at The social season has opened bril- liantly at The Orrington. many teas, luncheons, receptions, din- ner parties, card parties, banquets and dances have been wonderful new hotel. When you entertain at The Orring- ZN 4 Le) | Already given in this Buckles in Cut Steel, Rhine- stone and Cut Steel Jet. Carriage Boots Quilted Satin and fine black Kid, white wool lined. Evening Slippers Of Silver, Brocaded Sil- ver, Satin and Patent Colt Skin. ton you are assured complete facilities for every type of social function in an environment that is recognized as the best. Pompeian Room The Director of d"Hotel will be glad to assist you in arranging for your telephone Evanston 8700. Orchid and Gold Ballroom Gold Room Rentals or Maitre party. Call or Banquet Hall Boudoir Slippers Quilted Satin in attrac- tive colors. >. POOL SHOES AND HOSIERY FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Christmas Suggestions Hosiery Pure Silk, Silk and Wool, Lisle and all Wool, Cotton and Wool in all the most desired shades. Rubber Boots Red Tops, the delight of every small boy. Comfy Slippers In many different styles and colors. Men's Slippers Of Fine Tan Calf, Quilt- ed Satin Lined, Comfy Sole. 1608 CHICAGO AVE. EVANSTON, ILL. READ THE WANT.ADS HERE RR Te, of a definite color. your patronage. CHICAGO = Diamonds for Christmas The Bliie Wesselton Diamond one of the highest grade in the world, is named from a South African diamond mine. [t is the generally accepted term for stones We specialize in Blue Wesselton Diamonds. Our reputation, acquired by sixty-six years of faithful service, warrants us in asking Charles E. Graves & Company Diamonds Madison and Wabash Fstablished 1857 nnn TTT TTT THERE nny LE EE TT CR LT TTT THA UHHH HHH THT undue costs. SHR ] =) I {Q 7) che Whatever the igs) Circumstances a) the same courtesy--the same helpful service in managing all perplexing details--are ac- corded you whether desire an unlimited expendi- ture or whether circumstances suggest that you refrain from QO \ 3 Dini Am eld) Ae] P AN NF ; 0 % J/ BY Garland J UNDERTAKER you 1124 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 654 Wilmette ~ 1m i Buy breakfa fro? Locet MONA, COFFEE good st better akes a WARNING Our Monarch Coffee is NEVER sold in bulk ; he 4 LS IR -- a -- 3