22 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1923 Winnetka Weekly Talk | the young driver made the es- b y LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, Ill. Telephone .............. Winnetka 38S Telephone ............. Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR All communications must be accom- panied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by Thursday noon to insure appearance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary, poetry, notices of en- tertainments or other- affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged at regular advertising rates. Entered at the postoflice at Winnet- ka, Illinois, as mail matter of the sec- ond class, under the act of March 3, 1879. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1923 Depress the Tracks. Give the Business Men Fair Play. Build a New Village Hall. Enforce the Traffic Laws. Build the Truck Road. WHAT IS THE CAUSE The North Shore Line is con- ducting a campaign against reck- less driving, especially against that sort of reckless driving that leads to railroad accidents. They are showing pictures of crossing- gates being smashed by speeding cars driven by human dare-devils. Over one of these pictures ap- pears the question, "What can WE do?" Recently the North Shore Line published a new safety-first ad- vertisement containing the fol- lowing thought-provoking state- ment: "Accidents do not just happen--They are caused." What's the use of such a state- ment? Doesn't everybody know that there's a cause for every- thing, including accidents? NO, THEY DON'T! People give evidence of not knowing. A so- called "accident" occurs, and many people regard not only this "accident" as unavoidable but al- so all similar "accidents" as un- avoidable. They act as if these "happenings" were disasters, sent by the gods. They say by their actions, "We're sorry that these poor women and children were killed, but such things can't be helped." But they CAN be helped! How? By finding out the exact cause of the "accident," then finding out just how this cause can be preg vented, and finally by taking measures to make the occurrence of this cause impossible. It's simple. [If the cause does not oc- cur, the effect will not occur. Remove the cause; that's the big thing. Here's an example. A young man of about twenty drives a car through the gates; five people are killed. What is the real cause? Of all the factors con- tributing which should be treated as the real cause? Which ele- ment if removed would have prevented the "accident?" After the most direct cause has been found, then consider the prac- ticability of removing it. Cer- tainly if the tracks were de- pressed the outcome would have been different. But is that feas- sential difference. Remove the young lady next time. "Accidents do not just happen. They are caused!" MAY THERE BE LIGHT! "Sit Lux!" That's the motto of the Winnetka Chamber of Com- merce. At the top of its escutch- eon you may read those words. They furnish an argument for the studying of Latin in the high school, which goes as follows: How can you know the meaning of this motto if you don't know latin? It's quite evident that You can't. Therefore, study Latin. The using of a dead- language motto by so business- like a body as the C. of C. is a distinct testimonial to the value of a study of the classical tongues. We presume that the adopting of this motto indicates a desire for an uncovering of the facts, even for a determination to go out and get the facts. If it means that the Chamber of Commerce is heading a movement to tell the plain unvarnished truth, then this body of men will become famous as friends of humanity. Real truth-telling, up to a cer- tain limit, will surely benefit the world. In the book of Genesis we read these words: "The Lord said, 'Let there be light'. And there was light." In the case of human beings, light will not come so im- mediately after the words. What we get we shall have to work for. EPIDEMICS The present typhoid fever epi- demic on the north shore empha- sizes the need of complete co- operation between citizens and health commissioners. Citizens must realize fully that the health officers of the various towns im- pose strict quarantine not for their own personal benefit but for the benefit of the other in- habitants. Citizens ought willingly and promptly report not only definite- ly diagnosed cases of typhoid but even those cases that are merely suspected to be typhoid. They should also make no objection to the placing of placards on their homes. Of course the law supports the demands of the health author- ities; people must conform to regulations. If you oppose these officers you'll possibly be jailed; or pay a fine. But were not pleading for submission to law; that would be a piece of gratui- tous impertinence. What we are trying to do is to emphasize the value of cordial co-operation. Work with your own public servants! HELP THE HIGH-SCHOOL BAND! $418.75 now in the fund for N. 1. Band uniforms! The boys and girls in the high- school band depend on their friends for uniforms. They can't ible just now? Maybe the near- ness of a certain young lady to have these uniforms until the two thousand dollar mark is reached. IN H 8: AN , . BS kitchen on TZ Sami Lo Hot water h Qi. & BRO. 150, Price coln Avenue. A RARE OPPORTUNITY rs be sy I'his seven-room house at 1341 Asbury Avenue has a large living room, dining room, den and rooms and a large bath on the second. GILBERT D. JOHNSON & BRO. North Suburban Real Estate 564 Lincoln Ave. : Main Office--110 So. Dearborn St. Chicago pi Branches--Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park, Deerfield UBBARD WOODS frame and stucco the first floor: three bed- eat. l-car garage. l,ot 00x $13,500. Key at 364 Lin- Winnetka 314 The contributions are coming in steadily in amounts of $1, $2, $5, $10, $25 and $50. Along with the money come letters express- ing enthusiasm and hopes for speedy success. Send in your dollars right away--care of Lloyd Hollister, Inc--and help hasten the day when you'll see the band march- ing down the street all dressed up in their brand-new caps and capes! WINNETKA PARAGRAPHS Let's go up to the Camp Fire Sale at Community House some time to-day and give the girls the benefit of a generous portion of our Saturday shopping. We'll be sure of getting delicious biscuits, breads, pies, and cakes, and lots of other delectable home-baked foods. Next Tuesday evening hear an informing talk on European con- ditions. The speaker will be a traveller who has just completed a very close study of the state of things "in Germany, France and England, with an eye especially to their bearing on America's needs and duties. No charge for admission and the address will be given at the Winnetka Woman's club. CHILDREN! If you're under 15 don't drive cars. Your fathers may have to pay good sized fines. CHILDREN! Don't ride bi- cycles on the streets after dark without lights. And if you're over 12 don't ride on the side- walks at any time. BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS AND lives HEALTH BONDS! You can buy them from school- children, club-women, and at many of the stores. Tuberculosis Institute, might have been saved. With more money the Chicago whose work is the prevention and cur- ing of tuberculosis, would have added to its resources and re- The deaths of 2890 people in|medial agencies and thereby re- Cook county last year from tuber-| duced this appalling total. culosis were 'preventable. If Take your part in this great more seals and bonds had been|work. Buy Christmas Seals and bought many of these precious| Health Bonds! To one who desires an attractive home : x ; ; on the North Shore--in or near beauti- ful Glencoe--where property is rapidly advancing-- We Offer at $21,000 Colonial--Shingle--2 story, 6 rooms, 3 bd. rms., sun parlor, sleeping porch, 2 baths, ht. water ht. 75x137. Your choice of: English Stucco--2 story, 6 rms., 3 bd. rms., 2 baths and maids lav., ht. water : ht., garage attached. Unusually beau- tiful wooded grounds, ravine back. $25,000 SNAP Colonial Stucco--2 story, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, sun parlor, sleeping porch, hot water heat, garage. Beautiful grounds We have other homes and homesites--less expensive-- just as handsome--all along the North Shore. "Walter P. Smith & Co, REAL ESTATE 332 Park Avenue, Glencoe, Ill Phone Glencoe 410 'rover serres Rasa aa a 2 SS od oS ee a Se Se eS ee ee ee ee ee ESS ES SS EES SS ES -- NORTH, success in CHAS. A. COFFIN MEDAL at the Convention of the American Electric Railway Association, October 11, 1923, Atlantic City, N. J. ?Q -- Because of outstanding success in gaining the public good-will. "Among the points cited contributing particularly to limited service where traflic hardly warranted it; refund of unused tickets «nd merchandise over-charges, promptly, and above all a general policy that economies are never made at the expense cf the public." CHICAGO NORTH SHORE and MILWAUKEE RAILROAD COMPANY Telephone Winnetka 963 POR DISTINGUISHED CON fii) HE le DREN OF hse rR) TERANSPORIAIION FOR IR: COMYER ZG er ThE PUBLIC AND PE BENEFIT OF THE |NDUSTRY ! A AY FR € atl re WERT J £ cHIcAGO NORTH SHORE / NE NS won the first gaining public good-will are half-hour From Report of Committee on Award Winnetka Ticket Office Elm Street