WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1923 13 Out-of-Town Contributions Continue Toy ELATLD TOY CARNIVAL con- B ir.buti_ns, still pcuring in from d'stant alumnae cf the Nationa! Kindergarten and Elementary college have made it possible to continue the successful Carnival Sale which took place last Saturday, December 8, at the Evanstcn Woman's club. On Saturday, December 15, a Toy Carnival Sale will be opened in the North End Shop of the Orrington ho- tel in Evanston, continuing all day and evening Saturday and through Monday and Tuesday of next week. A choice ascortment of Christmas toys, dolls, baby wearing apparel, books, pictures, Christmas cards and other holiday gifts will be on sale. This cale is held under the auspices of the North Shore alumnae and friends of the college. The proceeds are to be devo'ed entirely to the college building fund. : a The Woman's society of the Win- netka Congregational church will hold its last meeting before Christmas next Wednesday at ten o'clock at Com- munity House. The main occupation of the day will be the sewing on the greatly needed garments for children, some of which have already been com- pleted. Mrs. Merriman will sing, and Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty will read "while you sew." The women are asked to bring small gifts to place in the pock- ets of the garments which are to be sent in a Christmas box to Chicago Commons. The committee says, "Bring your own sandwiches for lunch; coffee and doughnuts will be served." A cordial invitation is given to all Win- netka women to enjoy the day. --O-- The Girls Friendly society will have a Bunco party and a Christmas bazaar at Christ Church Parish house on Wednesday evening, December 19, commencing at 8 o'clock. Dolls, toys, and fancy work will be on sale. Miss Catherine Blasius is the chairman of the entertainment committee. Miss Florence Anderson will be in charge of the fancy work, and Miss Lillian Lindwall will have the doll booth. --_0-- Mrs. Clifford B. Ewart, 744 Ash street, gave a dinner party Saturday night for eighteen members of the Skokie Dancing club. The Club has one hundred or more members who were divided into groups and entertained in various home in Win- netka, before all assembled at the Woman's club for the dance which fol-' lowed later in the evening. --_-- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller of 1045 Ash street celebrated their silver wed- ding anniversary on Sunday, Decem-= ber 9. They entertained forty guests from Detroit, Chicago, Evans on Hirhland Park and Winnetka, at Community House. A eift was given to each one by Mr. Miller. Oe John T. Boddie, Jr., will arrive from High school, December 18, to soend the hol'days with his parents who are returning from the east today. They will ston at the North Shore hotel. Miss Judith Boddie is attending Miss Risser's school in couthern ffaly. eo The Oak Street Circle will hold its next meetino on Tuesday, December 18, at the home of Mrs. Davies Lazear, 892 Oak street. Mrs. Charles Byron will speak on "Winnetka Artists." Mrs. Thurston will sing a group of songs and will lead in the singing of Christmas carols. i Miss Harriet Plowman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Plowman, ar- rives tomorrow at her home, 421 Lin- den avenue, for the holiday season. She has been attending Penn Hall at Cham- bersburg, Pennsylvania. --0-- ; On Saturday, December 15, Miss Pergy Windes will return from Rock- ford college to spend her Christmas vacation with her mother, Mrs. Mabel R. Windes, 873 Spruce street. Oe Miss Elizabeth Boyden, the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyden will return December 20,. from Miss Walker's school at Simsbury, Connecticut. : --O---- Mr. H. P. Crowell, 770 Hum"o'dt avenve, with his son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Crowell. left Monday to pass the winter months at the Drake. --_--Q-- On Tuesday, December 18, the Haw- thorn T ane Circle will meet with Mrs. B. H. Kershaw, 325 Woodland avenue: The assisting hostess will be Mrs. Jesse Cain. ---- Miss Serena Forberg; 960 Linden avenue is returning. next Wednesday from the University of Wisconsin tc spend her Christmas vacation in Win- netka. . : : Zia Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Fleming, 850 Linden avenue, are receiving congratu- lations upon the birth of a daughter at St. Luke's hospital on Monday, Decem- ber 3. Carnival Sale Cn Monday afternoon, December 17. a: 3 o'clock, the North Shore Circle wiil meet with Mrs. Gayle Aiken, Jr. 849 Lincoln avenue. Mrs. Elbert Clark, 635 Blackthorn road, who was in France last summer, will tell of her visit in Grecourt where the Smith Collece unit worked during the war. In fact the relief activities of this group of women have only recently ceased. Aa Mrs. E. B. Rathbone plans to visit old friends and her parents who reside in Chicago until after the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Rathbone returned last week from an extended European trip, and Mr. Rathbone left Saturday for their. home in Pasadena, Cal. This w.ek Mrs. Rathbone is the guest of Mrs. John kathbone in Kenilworth. --O-- Mrs. Edwin R. Keeler, 631 Walden road, was hostess at a tea given at her home on Wednesday afternoon from 4 until 6 for Mrs. Nathaniel Howard, Mrs. William Colvin, Jr., and Mrs. [Lake of Menasha, Wisconsin, who is the mother of Mrs. Wallace Rumsey. ---- Mrs. William Gold Hibbard, 840 Willow street, was the guest of honor at a tea given yesterday afternoon from 4 until 5:30 at the Chicago Col- lege club. "International Institute of Pilitics at Williamstown" was the sub- ject of her speech. --C-- The Ridge Avenue Circle will have an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Windes, 244 Forest ave- nue, Monday, December 17. The as- sisting hostess will be Mrs. Earle Bates. bi Tum Mr. and Mrs. Alsdorf and son, 618 Lincoln avenue, arrived on Monday in Seattle from the orient where they have been traveling for several months. They expect to reach Winnetka today. ---- Miss Frances Anderson, daughter of Mrs. Charles E. Anderson, appeared on the program given by the McDowell club Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Flashman in Kenilworth. Cn Mrs. W. R. Baxter, of Rockford, Illinois, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Olds, 428 Ridge avenue. On Mr. Ira I. Wilson, 369 Ridge avenue, is in Washington on business. He ex- pects to return next week. Among the young girls who will re- | turn to Winnetka from Dobbs Ferry on December 22, will be Miss Isabel Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred- erick H. Scott of Hubbard Woods and Miss Elsie Blatchford, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Blatchford, of Forest avenue. igs During the next meeting of the Winnetka Hockey club which will take place Monday at the residence of Mrs. Emmons Blaine, 960 Sheridan road, nominees for the offices of the Chicago Field Hockey association will ,¢ decided upon. OE The Ash Street Circle met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Mathieson, 1072 Ash street, with Mrs. Albert Haberer as assisting hostess. A collection of twenty-five dollars was taken up to provide Christmas gifts for a family in need. ts Mrs. Hattie Adams of Mt. Vernon, Illinois, who has been visiting her son, Mr. M. 1. Adams, 1044 Elm street, left Thursday for Fort Wayne, Indiana, where she will spend the winter with her sister. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Haven of Highland Park, formerly of Kenil- worth, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sylvia Sara, to Neill H. Martin of this village. CLG Mr. and Mrs. George A. Englehart, 606 Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe, left Wednesday for a vacation of several weeks in California with relatives and friends. --e Mr. and Mrs. F. Ralph Zimmerman and family who have been residing at the Evanston hotel moved into their new home at 333 Sheridan road yesterday. --_--O-- Miss Caroline Roberts of 760 Pros- pect avenue, and Miss Janet Olmsted of Hubbard Woods, are among those returning from Smith college on De- cember 16. cris Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Ballardof, 1229 Hamptondale road, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary, born on Thanksgiving day. ee pre The Orrington hotel announces a New Year's Eve celebration and supper for the evening of Monday, December 31, in the Orchid and Gold ballroom. en The next subscription dance will be held this evening at the Woman's club. --_--Q-- Indian Hill club will have a dinner- dance this evening. A large affair is planned for New Year's Eve. Enjoy from twelve tree, and person. didi Ed IE -- re -- ES CHRISTMAS EVANSTON A » FNL On Christmas Day, Tuesday De- cember Twenty-fifth, the Maitre d' Hotel has planned a special seven-course dinner to be served in The Orchid and Gold ballroom until nine P. M. There will be music with a la carte service after nine P. M., holiday decorations, a Christmas dancing. $3.00 per Telephone Evanston 8700 Ask for the Maitre d' Hotel and reserve your table. Your fron n ER IATA Ed Id --"-- TTR TN le El a ER -- Mrs. Elmer Downey, 434 Provident road, who was called to La Porte, Indiana, on account of her father's ill- ness, returned to Winnetka Thursday with the report that her father is much better. 3 Are Mrs. W. M. Morse, 433 Provident road, gave a five-hundred party Satur- day night for twelve guests. Mrs. Eva Whitcomb, of Milwaukee, was visiting Mrs. Morse over last week-end. y --0--: Mrs. W. E. Pickett and family, for- merly of Wilmette, are settled in their new home at 927 Ash street. dons Mrs. Dalgren of Seattle, is visiting Mrs. John E. Weinstock, 850 Pine street. so. Miss Luella Swartz, 433 Provident road, gave a bridge party Tuesday eve- ning. as Mrs. Fruendt of Geurnsy, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kloepfer, 1004 Oak street. w--)r The "Assembly" meets at the Win- netka Woman's club Saturday, the 15th. Towa, is Albert Kenilworth Happenings | Mrs. Dwinnell Slater has arrived from Boston to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Allen, of 258 Melrose avenue. Mrs. Warren Pease, Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp, Mrs. William J. Taylor, Mrs. W. F. Shattuck and Mrs. Henry Tay- lor, Jr., were the guests of Mrs. Reich- mann at luncheon and bridge on Wed- nesday of this week. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Haven, of Highland Park, formerly of Kenil- worth, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sylvia Sara, to Neill H. Martin of Wilmette, also formerly of Kenilworth. A Mrs. Fannie A. Cope and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, of 239 Es- sex road, entertained at the first of a series of small luncheons and bridge t parties on Thursday of this week. i : Miss Hellen Reeves entertained at a small tea on Sunday for Miss Lucille Funk, of Bloomington, Ill, who was a week-end guest. Oa The Kenilworth Union church Guild held a Xmas sale of gifts on Monday afternoon. i (-- Mrs. Russell Y. Cooke, of 331 Cum- nor road, entertained a Luncheon and Bridge club on Thursday of this week. . 4 1 1] . A. W. ZENGELER : i CLEANER AND DYER ¢ ) A trial order is respectfully : 1 solicited [J rr] AB rarr Brest "The Children's Store' is located on the corner of Wabash and Randolph "REGULAR" GIFTS for "REGULAR" Boys! Cowboy Suits, $3.25 Policemen's Suits, $3.50 Indian Suits, $2.00 Wool Gauntlets, $1.25 Fur Gloves, $5.00 Wool Scarfs, $2.50 Sweaters, $6.95 Shoes, $5.00 Bathrobes, $5.95 Two-Piece Pajamas, $1.95 i 7a And for Girlie Silk Bloomers and Vests, $2.75 | Wool Sports Mittens, $1.25 Leather Purses, $1.25 Kid Gloves, $2.00 Bathrobes, $6.00 Shoes for dress, $5.00 to $10.00 v2 Comfy Felt Slippers, $1.75 Re ~~ Silk Hose, $1.95 Imported Skating Sets, $9.50 Wool Sport Hose, $1.35 . Flannelette Pajamas, $1.50 ." THE CHILDREN'S STORE corner WAB ASH and RANDOLPH i FE