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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 15 Dec 1923, p. 27

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as 28 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1923 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notices-- §issified Iivanston to Glencoe inclusive, phone directory, either Wilmette Life, Winnetka Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. three papers. words te the line. Minium M This size type charged as 2 lines. This size type charged as 3 lines. Deadline for Insertions-- o'clock for Wilmette Life or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glen- Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388. coe News. only to persons living in the district from whose names appear in the tele- or to persons who are regular subscribers to No black face type used. Classified advertisements will be advertisements will be charged Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. «0 cents per line in all charge 3 lines. Average of five This size type charged as 4 lines. accepted up to Wednesday 12 FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE FOR RENT--ROOMS EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO acquire 100 feet frontage of beauti- ful wooded vacant in Wilmette, 11 blocks from Lake, Parks and Beaches. Bargain $166.00 per foot. W. G. Stacey & Co. 336 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 308 A BUSINESS BUILT ON SERVICE LTN11-1te FOR SALE--FLORIDA REAL ES- tate. 25 acre Farm and Citrus grove, 4 yrs. old, 5 room house, screened porch, garage, etc. in Lake County, Florida; also other 10 to 40 acre tracts, unimproved and improved groves, farms and home sites. For list of bargains, write : . Spies, 3749 Seminary Avenue, aya LTN11-1tp LIST YOUR WINNETKA PROPERTY with us. We have established a special department for handling high grade Winnetka homes, acres and vacant and place at your dis- posal our 40 years of North Shore experience. Quinlan f aon 701 Davis St., Evanston, inois. Davis St i0utte WILMETTE VACANT, OWNER WILL sacrifice, choice wooded lot, Lake Ave. near 6th Street, 50x195, look this over and make us an offer. MITCHELL BROTHERS Central St. and R. R. Ave. Tel. Evanston 961 LTN11-1te FOR SALE--5 ROOM HOUSE, WEST side, Winnetka, good location, lot 50x183, $8,750, half cash. Tel. Winn. 1703. LTN11-3te WANTED TO BUY--REAL ESTATE WANTED -- TO BUY ON TERMS with substantial cash payment, six or seven room house in Winnetka. Owners only ne Shy; Address i Ww alk, - ; Winnetka eekly SE I WANT THE BEST HOME IN WIN- netka that $35,000.00 will buy; give full particulars and terms. Address Winnetka Talk, A-430. T40-3te FOR RENT--HOUSES Winnetka Snap BRAND NEW 8 RM. BRICK COL, h. w. ht. Large lot, large liv. rm. with fireplace. $100 per month to May 1st or $135 to Oct. 1st, with option to buy on easy terms. EE THIS TODAY Helnsen& Clark Inc. 556 Center St. . Winnetka 254 OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY LTN11-1te ON WOODED LOT section of SMALL HOUSE 100x187, in Southwest Winnetka. Moderate rent. Immedi- ate occupation. Fhone for appoint- ment, Winnetka 1122. T40-1te FOR RENT--5 ROOM BUNGALOW; glazed porch, garage, from May 1st. Tel. Winn. 524-J. T40-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--1 CAR GARAGE. TEL. Winn. 2087. 798 Cherry St. T-2tp FOR RENT--ROOMS To make them Distinctive hold your banguets in the new Masonic Temple. The kitchen equipment is ample, and the banquet hall is very attractive. For dates and terms consult Dr. J. KE. Fonda WINNETKA Meyer Bank Bldg. LTN11-1tc FOR RENT--2 rooms, nished, LARGE SLEEPING large windows, nicely fur- heat, electric light and hot water, $7.00 per week. Tel. Wil TH7-W. LTN11-1te FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE nished front room, near transp., hot water heat, telephone, refer- ences, reasonable. Tel. Wil. 2375. LTN11-1te FURNISHED single room, from trains. T40-1te FURNISHED FRONT cafeteria, one or two housekeeping privileges if Wil. 3068. T40-1tp FUR- FOR RENT--NICELY double bedroom; also steam heat, 1% block Tel. Winn. 2034. FOR RENT room, near 1e.sons, desired. LARGE, LIGHT, DOUBLE ROOM, furnished, bath, kitchen privileges, near lake and trans. Call Winn, 1543. LTN11-1te FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED light room, suitable for woman. 818 Elm St, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 2176. LTN11-1te FOR RENT--WARM, AIRY ROOM IN private family; centrally located 621 South Green Bay Rd., Glencoe. LTN11-1te FURNISHED ROOM near trans. Tel. FOR RENT-- Glencoe 923. TN40-1te FOR RENT---2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, responsible people. Tel. Winn. 911. T40-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M; near all transportation. LTé6-tfc FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOM in East side home, near trans. Tel. Wil. 1940. LT11-1te HELP WANTED--KFEMA LE WANTED--WHITE GIRL, FOR HSE.- work by the hour, no heavy clean- ing or laundry, 57 Warwick Ave. Kenilworth. Tel. Kenilworth 2147. LTN11-tfe WANTED -- COOK, EXPERIENCED, no washing, wages $18 to $20. Tel. Winnetka 151. "The Judge"--Necessi WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1923 SACK OF FLOUR . FAMILY IS STARVIN', JEDGE COULD YOU STAKE ME TO THE PRICE OF A WERE ALL OUT AND MAH ALLRIGHT JAKE 1F You NEED A SACK OF FLOUR AND HAVE NO MONEY FOR IT {LL LOAN IT -- pI -- --_ --_---- a 7 -------- Pmm-- pe p---- COME TO THINIOF I'T JAKE THERES ACTRISCOMING | TO TOWN NEY WEEK YOURE SORE YOU DAT WANT THIS MONEY TO TAE YOUR IGOT DE CIRCUS MONEY SAVED LTN11-1tc,| Yl 4 p SEA -& " -- RN = -- 7 " 2 7, i' £) = Z = . ~ TITAS -- rs ° p lues are to be multiplied many Pp: N NTED--MALE FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS erty va SITUATION Maury - : : ~ | times in the course of a few years by zon SA SAME COLLTOTION: : | this wonderful improvement, the least Ae] Winn 536. Ses IN40-Tte we can do is to help in the construction R 1 Ing : ANTI Q UES . of the new Commerce Building on this epa Ir WOR SALE--SEAL DUVETIN COAT campus." . deep squirrel collar; also cape, : . ° @ " of fine China, cut glass and moleskin collar, cheap. Tel. Wil (Suitable for Christmas Gifts) | Great Medical Center yorcelain; first class Euro 380%. Ja0m14e Old Brasses, | Already Mrs. Levy Mayer has agreed PC . . a> - eka 0 i - 3 : i 4 ak FOR SALE -- DOUBLE PAISLEY Glass Lamps, ; . Chi C Id P ! to build a law school to be called Levy pean experience, prices rea- shawl, silk broche 175 years old, Small Oval Mirrors in Gold and cago ampus ca YO- Mayer hall and it is considered likely 3 : leav i $300. Tel. Glencoe 350, French, 860 Walnut, nounced Flawless | that in the near future plans for the sonable ; leave articles to be Vernon. IN40-1tp Stools and Ottomans, | most_extensive medical and dental met- mended at LOST AND FOUND O. G. Mirrors in Mahogany, ropolitan center in the world will be « FTANTT T Te Maple and Mahogany Beds and ' forthcoming from Northwestern uni- 669 VERNON AVENUE LOST--SMALL PLATINUM PIN WITH Chest of Drawers, With every sign pointing to epoch- versity. Dean Ralph E. Heilman of GLENCOE oa PARE Ave Toad Elm Sewing Tables and Tip-Top making improvements along the near 6 Northwestern University School of Street and Summit Road, reward. Tables, north side of Chicago, various property | Commerce says that the present objec- LTN11-1tp Tel. Winn. 1836. T40-1tc 1 Col. Dining and 1 Living room 8 £0, : | SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE MON-MARIE-LOUISE will remodel your old gowns in the latest Paris styles; also gowns to order and French lingerie; reason- able. Tel. Wil. 2943. LTN11-tfc BOOKKEEPING, AUDITING, INC. tax service day or evening by ex- pert accountant. Phone Evanston 6449-W. W. Seneco, 2146 Asbury Avenue. LTN11-2tp PIANO TEACHER, POST GRADUATE American Conservatory. Beginners' and Advanced pupils, reasonable. 368 Jackson Ave. Glencoe. LTN11-3tp BUNDLE AND FAMILY WASHING done, called for, delivered, work guaranteed. Tel. Evanston 3352-R. LTN6-tfc WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRONING or cleaning or other housework by the day; call mornings or after 9 'evenings. Tel. Wil. 2987. T40-1tc SEAMSTRESS, (COL.) SEWING BY day; also curtains, draperies, ete. Tel. Atlantic 5126, Chicago. T40-1tp WANTED--COOKING, BY THE DAY; call Highland Park 317. T40-1te SEWING BY THE DAY. TEL WIN- netka 531-M. T-1te HELP WANTED--MALE CHAUFFEUR, EXPERIENCED; ALSO willing to work around place, must have excellent references. No liv- ing quarters on place. 525 Elm St., Winnetka. T40-1tc WANTED--AN ALL AROUND HANDY man, to do work in and around house; also to drive car. Tel. Glen- coe 963 or Winn. 1142. TN40-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE Upholstering, Draperies, Ship Covers J. B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 LTN4-tfe | J. Shortridge Stone Mason ALL GRADES OF STONE, CEMENT, and Brick work, stone and brick chimneys, fireplaces, piers, en- trances, boundry walls, porches, walks, repairs to plaster, asbestos, boiler and pipe covering. 419 Rich- mond Rd., Kenilworth (over Kenil- worth store). No job too small. Personal attention. Tel. 2735. LTN11-1te A-1 MAN TO TAKE CARE OF FUR- naces. Ref. furnished. Tel. Wil- 2093. 1147 Wilmette Ave. LT11-1tp Trees taken down Lots cleared Wood sawed for building W. L. Corrus Workmen's Compensation Insurance carried 1315 Wilmette Ave. Phones Wilmette 1579-926-M YOUNG MARRIED MAN WISHES steady position as all-around man. Call Winnetka 1783. T40-1tc EXP. MAN, HOUSE AND WINDOW cleaning, floor waxing, furniture polishing, and basement kalsomin- ing. Also odd painting jobs; first class references. Walsh. Tel. Winn. 816. LT7-tfe EXPER" PIANO TUNING, REPAIR- ing. L. W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Winn. 509-J. LTNT7-tfe LOST--POCKET BOOK, CONTAINING sum of money and papers, on Hub- bard Road, or Bridle path of Win- netka; belongs. to Steven Y. Hord, Ambassador Hotel; reward if re- turned. T40-1tp FOUND--A FOOTBALL ON VILLAGE Green. Tel. Winn. 1922, T40-1tc LOST -- 2 STRINGS OF ROSARY beads, on Village Green; reward. Tel. Winn. 1922, T40-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--OAK DINING SET WITH WANTED TO BUY--AUTO WANTED TO BUY--A USED CAR from private party; no agents. buffet, very cheap, in good condi- Johnson, Reinwald Road, Gross tion. Tel. Winn. 631-J. LT11-1tc Point. y T40-1tp og ---- -- - n-- ---- FOR SALE--GAS STOVE, $7. Tel. FOR SALE---AUTOS Winn. 518-R. LT11-1tp WANTED TO BUY -- HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY---SHEHEOND- HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emer- son St., Evanston, Ill. Fhone 189. LTN-tfc FURNITURE STORE stoves, autos, 808 Oak LTN1-tfe WINNETKA buys and sells rugs, pianos, anything useful. St. N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave.,, Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTN1-tfc THE NEW ESSEX 6 CYL. 5 PASS. COACH. DELIV- ered price $1085. Call Gates, Winn. 692-M. TN-1tp FOR SALE -- HUDSON SUFER-SIX 7 pass. 1922, Rex winter top; also summer top never used. 2 extra cord tires and rims. Spot and stop light and other extras. At price is better than new car. MECHANI- CALLY PERFECT. Will sacrifice for $750. No dealers. Glencoe 458. LTN11-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Genuine Chinese Goods For Sale Exquisitely embroidered lin- ens, bridge and tea sets, nap- kin sets, emb. silk piano scarf, Mandarin coat and skirt, silk emb. plum kimona, shawls, purses, fans, bead girdle, ear- rings, etc. UNIQUE AND INTERESTING CHAINS, NEW SHIPMENT Real green and white jade, long string of real amber--very fine (Mandarin), black and blue crystal, old ivory, amethyst, turquoise, etc., $2.00 to $150.00. These goods are genuine and reasonably priced; my nephew, a Princeton graduate, selected and brought them from China, and his family are selling them to assist in completing his edu- cation before returning to China. Any one of these articles will make a Christmas Gift, certain to please. Inspection invited. MRS. J. W. PANUSHKA, 719 Ninth St, Wilmette LTN11-1te MAKE AN OFFER FOR TWO ROOM playhouse with porch, in good con- dition. Teeter ladder for sale, $10. To be used in play yard. Apply for both to Mrs. Victor H. Cunnyng- ham, Winnetka 89. LT11-1te FOR SALE--MOTION PICTURE chine with stereopticon also 2,600 feet Feature reasonable, Smith No. 2 $6.50. Call or write 460 Avenue, Glencoe. MA - attachment. film, price typewriter. Jefferson LTN11-1te FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL Eastern Mink shawl cuffs, $40.00; 2 men's $7.00 each. Tel. DARK collar and suits size 42, Winn. 1027. LTN11-1tc FOR SALE--PEDIGREED and Airedale puppies, beautifully marked. Call 1627 Walnut, Wil- mette. Tel. Wil. 997-M. LTN11-1te COLLIE FOR SALE--RAUCH LANG ELEC- tric, double drive, tires practically new, battery in good shape. Tel. Mrs. Cook, Sheldrake 1600. c/o Sov- ereign Hotel, Chicago, Ill. LTN6-tfe FOR SALE--DOUBLE DRIVE DE- troit Electric, new battery, good tires and paint. Will sell generator Table, 2 Crotch Mahogany Sofas with Serpentine fronts, Sets of 6 Cane Seated Fiddle Back Chairs, Arm Chair in Rosewood and Mahogany and Odd Chair, Secretaries in Rosewood and Mahogany, 1 pair Wrought Iron Andirons, Many other fine pieces at very reasonable prices. LINDWALL'S 508 Linden St. Winnetka TN40-1tc MISCELLANEOUS WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF FINE cow, in exchange for milk and cash? Tel. Winn. 1922. 7 © T40-1te IN MEMORIAM Hoth-Elizabeth, 1202 Lake avenue, Wilmette. In memory of our dear mother who passed away one year ago, December 15, 1922. Your mem- ory is as sweet today as in the hour you passed away. Your Loving Children. Adv.--LTN11-1tp INVESTMENTS and car at big sacrifice. Tel. Winn. 1027. LTN11-1te FOR SALE--1921 SCRIPPS-BOOTH touring car, $275. Skokie Motor Co., 716 Elm St. Winn. 288. LTN11-1te YOUR MONKY .. WILL WORK HARD if you invest in our Building Association. Thousands have Try.it. benefitted. OUR EARNINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN LESS THAN 7% % WINNETKA BUILDING ASSOCIATION E. E. ADAMS, Sec. 2 Prouty Annex T31-tfe EE FOR SALE--AUTOS "FOR SALE--AUTOS CADIL USED Evanston unusual Cadillac eous makes. new automobile in class, our late model, lacs. These cars er who demands ior performance, satisfaction that an attractive vour price ment, Cadillac Motor Evanston livanston 8600 The Used Car Department of assortment cars in both Cadillacs and miscellan- To the prospective who would not ordinarily con- sider the purchase of a used car, we wish particularly to call attention to reconditioned will attract the buy- dependability, super- H and, comes from owning a car whose quality universally acknowledged. Our selections are continually changing, and you will find here at needs. Salesroom open evenings. Your present car accepted in part pay- 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston LAC'S CARS the Branch offers an of good used purchaser of a the $2,000-$2,500 Cadil- above all, the and prestige are a car that suits Car Company Branch Rogers Park 9810 LTNS-tfc owners and real estate interests of that! district have volunteered to assist Northwestern University in its plan for | "the greatest university campus in the | world" at Chicago avenue and Lake Shore Drive. A few days ago a meet- tive is for $800,000 with which to erect the finest Commerce School building to be found anywhere,--and the funds are being pledged rapidly, he adds. An- nouncement of amounts will be made soon. vernon wn en 2 PATTERSONS TO at which prominent realtors and prop- erty owners gave assurances to repre- sentatives of Northwestern university that the campus idea had been careful- ly studied by their experts and had been pronounced flawless. Immediately' a brochure was issued detailing briefly some of the dominating reasons for in- creased confidence in the plan for de- veloping this part of Chicago. Regard- ing the university's McKinlock Me- morial campus, the following statements of unusual interest were made: Realtors Sponsor Plan "This plan sustains a most vital re- lationship to the North Central district, and to its future development. "To the south of this campus, on the Lake Shore and adjacent thereto, there is already a large business development of high type, while to the north of it there is a hotel, apartment and residen- tial section unsurpassed in character. The University buildings on the Mec- Kinlock campus will constitute a per- fect and complete barrier between the two sections, and against the invasion of that section to the north, by business. It will provide an additional protection and bulwark against the possibility of undesirable encroachments on this choice section. "This campus, with its splendid buildings, carefully planned grounds and beautiful architecture, will be in keeping with the newer developments in this section, such as the Wrigley Build- ing, the Tribune Building, The Drake, the Lake Shore Drive Hotel, the Aller- ton, the Lake Shore Athletic Club, the London Guarantee Building, the New Racquet Club, the National Life Build- ing, the Central Life Building, the Illi- nois Life Building, the Furniture Mart, the Pearson Hotel, the America Fore Office Building, the Quigley Seminary, the Fourth Presbyterian church, etc. It will make a significant and notable con- tribution to the realization of the Chi- cago Plan and the City Beautiful. Excellent Transportation "The outer boulevard to be built from the South Side spanning the river and joining with the Lake Shore Drive at the Municipal Pier; the widening of LaSalle street; the making of Ohio street into a through-traffic street; and the ultimate construction of a subway with a station probably located within a few hundred feet of this campus, to- gether with improved service of the sur- face lines and the elevated, will make this campus one of the most accessible spots in the city. The large service ren- dered by the institution, and the num- bers of individuals to be served, will inevitably draw to the campus a large number of people--all of which will most certainly exercise a favorable in- fluence on the development of Near-In- Chicago." Meanwhile, the consensus of north side realtors and property owners was to direct their energies at present. to- ward a large fund for the construction of a Commerce School building on this site. Most of the best-known realtors of the near north shore are now direct- ing a quiet but determined campaign to express to Northwestern their utmost belief in the campus project. "Money talks" is their statement and also this: "If our prop- ¥ university | downtown ' HAVE NEW STORE Well Known Evanston Store To Move After conducting a growing business for eighteen years in rented store build- ings James K. Patterson will move his stock of musical instruments and house- hold accessories from the present loca- tion at 828 Davis street, Evanston, in- to his own building' now being erected at 816-18 Church street. In 1905 James K. Patterson, and his brother, the late Bernard F. Patterson, a resident of Wilmette, opened a store at 1522 Sherman avenue, Evanston, as district agents for the Singer Sewing machine company. Within a few months, pianos, victrolas, and other household accessories were added, and when larger quarters were needed three years ago, the firm moved to its pres- ent location on Davis street. Bernard F. died at his Wilmette residerice June 24 of this year. Desiring to give the north shore bet- Mr. Patterson decided to erect a two- story building to enable him to add a larger line of merchandise. The new building will be ready for occupancy about May 1, 1924. It will be a two-story brick 45% by 80 feet with a basement store room and work- shop. Mr. Patterson also conducts a mu- sical and household accessory estab- lishment at 1950-52 Irving Park boule- vard, Chicago. WILLIAM MCFADZEAN NEW ARCANUM REGENT Winnetka council, Royal Arcanum, Wednesday of this week enjoyed true festivity upon the occasion of its an- nual meeting and accompanying election of officers. William McFadzean was chosen reg- ent of the council. Other officers select- ed to assist in the administration of the affairs of council were: Frad Lckart, vice-regent; Harold C. Arbin, orator; George R. Noble, secretary ; John McFadzean, collector; R. C. Me- leney, treasurer; M. J. Timberlake, chaplain; Harold C. Larson, guide; Clarence Carlson, warden; Gustav Lindwall, sentry. The election of Mr. Timberlake as chaplain of the council is especially interesting in view of the fact that, though passed is his 80th birthday, he still retains an active interest in Royal Arcanum affairs, having been a mem- ber of the order for almost a hali- century. Following the election and a busi- ness meeting, the members enjoyed a , feast on genuine huckleberry pie a la 'mode. Plans for the ensuing year were discussed and, among other things, it | was decided to inaugurate an intensive membership campaign. w ter service and a more complete stock | N <f | Rs p- -- ll | oomon § 0 I » re -- 2 fu : [oR -- : ig rar = {Ti H -- Ho fue] ik ls Ee { 1d] u Ly Christmas Gift Suggestions As an ideal Christmas gift there is no present more suitable and accept- able than a savings ac- count book with one of our attractive "HOUSE SAVINGS BANKS." An account can be opened by anyone for someone else with one dollar or J more. » For further information inquire at the sl WINNETKA-TRUST | 2 o® SAVINGS-BANK Elm Street at Center --- pu) 5 ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR TOWN ASSESSOR In a letter to Lloyd Hollister, Inc., this week, John J. Peters, of Wil- mette, formally announces his can- didacy at the Spring election for the office of assessor for New Trier town- ship. "For nearly ten years," writes Mr. Peters, "I have been with the Board of Assessors of Cook county in both the personal and real estate depart- ments as field man and valuation clerk in the office, thereby gaining a practical experience in land and also building taxation which should recom- mend me to the voter of New Trier, and enable me to give them and the different taxing bodies both a square deal. Before entering the service of board of assessors, I was connected with the real estate and insurance business for several years. I am also well acquainted with local conditions as I have been a resident of New Trier | since 1887 and at my present residence for about 18 years. "lI am not, at present, a member of lodges or societies," continues the letter, "with the exception of being a member and officer of Evanston Camp No. 57, United Spanish War Veterans, who can claim quite a num- ber of New Trier citizens in its mem- bership. Am also a member of "Co. D. Organization," a Wilmette organ- ization composed of members of the former Company D. Illinois Reserve Militia, in whose ranks I served dur- ing the late war as sergeant." Of Interest Only to Our Advertisers Advertising adds surprisingly to a merchant's reputation. Frequent and vigorous repetition of a merchant's name as a seller of ar- ticles that are well worth buying brings that merchant's name to the front and his sales increase. Call to mind what persistent advertising has done for the good reputation of the people who sell Sapolio, Ivory Soap, Campbell's Soups, Spearmint, etc., etc. Tell the world what you have for sale. Keep on telling it to them. In- sist on being heard, without making vourself a nuisance. Whatever you do, don't stop talking about the good- ness of the goods you have for sale, and. once in a while, use a FULL PAGE AD. Full Page Roll of Honor Hubbard Woods Lumber and Coal Company Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. Winnetka Chamber of Commerce 16 The Orrington E. C. Weissenberg Hubbard, Woods Grocery & Market 5 Blomdahl & Sundmark ............. 3 Wilmette Building Material Co. ....3 Rosénbergls 0. 0... oi iis 5 Skokis 'Motor Co. ..:.o.iiiiarivinn 3 Rosenbaum 'Co.:.. ii, i vivvieis voi 2 Richardson's Garage .......... ee ae Ril. Schell & Co. i. inne Bi 2 North Shore Bootery ............... 1 Wnt Aitken... nee a 1 Anthony :& Lareau ........... ses 1 Edinger & Sons ...... 0.0000 4.0. J Brandl Bros, .....i...0iaiciveseneys 1 Erint George & Co. ....%..... 0.5. 1 Black & White Cab Co. ............ 1 Mlinois Apex Co. ............ 7%... 1 North Side Motor Co. .............. 1 Welch's Cafeteria ....... Kr. A 1 Winnetka State Bank ............ i C. M. McDonald .......: 4... hiss 1 N.:T. Com. /Assoe! su. 5.0. 3 0 0, oy | Reo Motor Car Co. ..... AIC 1 Cadillac Motor Car Co. ............ 1 Eeltrnan & Curmes ................. 1 Northwestern Motor Co. ....... FAG | McGuire '& Orr =... 0. iv. NG | ABEStarr Best cc... onus oo | Woodland Groc. & Market .........1 CG, L. Zick & Co. .........000ivs A | Chandler's... i... holiciseai., 1 Lord's: .. .oiu' sipin aits adie ood Aa | --because it has no outlet and salt does not evaporate. There- fore all the salt in the sediment which rivers have carried down from the land, remains in the sea water. Vast quantities of EPSOM SALT which are carried into Ameri- can homes, make this the larg- est-selling epsom salt on earth. Freed from every impurity, gentle in action, and thoroughly effective. The one epsom salt that is really easy to take. One of 200 Puretest prepara- tions for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and conscience can produce. Adams Pharmacy ELM AND LINDEN - Winnetka 2 71e Rexall Drug Stare

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