WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1923 Do Your Eyes Dance, Too? Night-time is so enchanting when it brings parties, dinners and dances. But night-time often finds you with your EYES dull and heavy, and you feel that the evening is ruined. ¢ To express to you our sincere good wishes of the Yuletide Season A few drops of Murine before go- ing out in the evening will instantly enliven those drowsy EYES and make themdancewith light. Ittakes away not only the tired look but the tired feeling. Use Murinenight and morningand keep your EYES always clear and sparkling. It's easy to apply, and contains no belladonna or other harmful ingredients. Peerless Motor Car Company of Illinois North Shore Branch John S. Moffat, Manager 1735 Benson Avenue, Evanston Our attractively illustrated book, "Beauty Lies Within the Eyes," tells how to prop- erly care for your Eyes, Brows and Lashes, and thus enhance their beauty. Send for a copy of this helpful book. It's FREE. 'The Murine Company Dept. 27, Chicago JR Ve EYES If You Are Waiting for z pv After | H oliday Sales a 'INC- Now Offer Their Entire Stock Women's Apparel From 10 to 509) Below Regular Prices 1606 Chicago Avenue EVANSTON Telephone 5483 ("Down Town") .| noon Miss Copeland is planning to take OCIALACTIVITIES Mrs. F. K. Copeland Will Give 'Reception N Saturday afternoon, January 5, from 4 until 7 o'clock, Mrs. Frederick K. Copeland will be hostess at a reception which she will have at her residence, 665 Prospect avenue, to introduce her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Frederick Winsor Copeland, formerly Miss Polly Packard of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Copeland returned this past week from New Orleans, and are now residing at 1082. Spruce street. Winter Clubs Celebrate New Year's Eve NDIAN Hill club will entertain with a large informal dance and buffet supper which will be served at 11:30 o'clock. The cele- bration for the coming of the new year will not take place at Skokie club on Monday evening, but on Saturday, December 29, when an informal dinner and dance will be held. Gwenyth Jones Engaged to Samuel Bingham R. and Mrs. E. Mansfield Jones of 878 North avenue have announced the engagement of their daughter, Gwenyth, to Samuel Herbert Bingham, Jr., son Yingham of Highland Park. The chosen. A good many of our north shore folks are planning to attend the Or- rington hotel's first New Year's Lve party next Monday evening. Since} the Christmas party this past Monday?! night with its two hundred guests, proved such a delightful affair, one is enclined to look with favor upon the New Year's affair which takes place in the orchid and gold ballroom. The Orrington boasts three handsome Christmas trees, the one causing the greatest comment being the silver tree in the Tudor lounge. The other two ornamented in the regular Christmas fashion have been placed in the ban- quet hall and in the ballroom. --_---- On January 6, Miss Betty Copeland will be hostess at a sports luncheon, at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Copeland, 180 Linden ave- nue. She will entertain for Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Copeland, whose marriage took place on December 15. Mr. Copeland and his bride who was formerly Miss Polly Packard of Chi- cago, and the members of their bridal party will be the guests. In the after- her guests to Indian Hill club. On Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dickinson, 1228 Scott avenue, had a "complete" family party over Christmas. Mrs. Dickinson's mother, Mrs. L. A. Town- send, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hinch- liff and family, of Galesburg, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ross and family, from Rochester, New York; and Mr. Dickinson's father, Mr. Henry Dickinson, of Chicago, were the guests. kr A Robert DePau, Jr., is spending the Christmas vacation at his home, 724 Center street. Miss Dorothy De- Pau is visiting a friend in Chicago, over the week-end. Next week, Betty Weiss of Chicago will be the guest of Miss DePau for a few days. FUSSY, Mr. Herbert D. Anning is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Anning at Altadena, Cali- fornia. He will return to Leland Stan- ford university to complete his junior year. --Q-- Joseph M. Greeley, who. has been spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Greeley, '655 Maple avenue, will return on New Year's day to Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he is a Junior in Harvard. SO Mr. and Mrs. John H. Woehler of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and Miss Doris Goodland of Minneapolis, have been the guests for the past week of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bartlett, 503 Willow street. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Ellison and daughters from Evanston, Miss Mary Batchelder of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Thorne, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Windes, 244 Forest ave- nue. +0 Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Scharf and fam- ily, 509 Cherry street, passed Christ- mas day at the home of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Atkin and family, 556 Willow street. her lh Mrs. Lorenzo M. Johnson of Sher- idan road, will depart early in Jan- uary for her winter residence in Pasadena, California. --O0 The Evening guild will give a bunco and card party at Christ church parish on Thursday, January 3, at 8 o'clock in the evening. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Eder of New York are spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Swabacker, 815 Ash street. --_-- Mrs. Beinlick and family of Glen- coe are the guests, over the holidays, of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Beinlick, 995 Elm street. of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Herbert wedding day has not as yet been Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham Chandler and little son and daughter of 9 In- dian Hill road, and Mr. and Mrs. Hobart P. Young and their two sons of 708 Prospect avenue, were the Christmas guests at the family party given in Chicago by Mr. Frank R. Chandler at his residence on Rush street. --0-- Mrs. William B. Hale, 900 Willow street, was hostess at a tea-dance on Monday afternoon for two of this sea- son's debutantes, one of whom is her niece, Miss Eleanor Follansbhee, of Chi- cago, and the other is Miss Anne Kales. Mrs. Hale entertained at the Fort- nightly. 0. ae The Woman's society of the Win- netka Congregational church will hold the first meeting for 1924 on Wednes- day, January 9, a week later than the customary date. The unusual plans for this event will be announced in detail in the Winnetka Talk next week. pi Miss Margaret Sterrett entertained on Friday evening former members of the Winnetka Congregational church choir who met in reunion at her home, 488 Ash street. Miss Pratt and Mrs. Harvey Brewer were the guests of honor. ------ Gordon H. Rogers, who has been spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rogers, 467 Linden avenue, will remain in Winnetka until January 7, when he will return to Howe school in Indiana. oa The members of the Triangle Alli- ance held their regular Christmas meet- ing on Wednesday when they were guests at luncheon at the home of Mrs. George F. Gonsalves, 635 Rose- wood avenue. An attractive affair of this evening is the holiday cotillion which the Win- netka Coterie is giving at the Winnetka Woman's club. A professional cotillion leader, Mr. McConnell, will be in charge of the dance. Wt ia This evening Winston Elting, Victor Elting, Jr., and Robert Clark will be guests of honor at a dinner party which will be given at.the Saddle and Cycle club by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Elting and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Clark. --o0 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Sim- monds, Jr., and their son and daughter have moved into the new home which they have purchased on the corner of Ash and Walnut streets. pole id Hampton Ripley, who is a student at Hill school, is mm Winnetka spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ripley of Indian Hill road. CAE Mrs. H. B. Kennedy, of Indianapolis, will be the house-guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hyatt, 477 Elder lane, over New Year's day. --(-- Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hyatt, 477 Elder lane, had the twelve members of the Dinner club as their guests last Satur- day evening. : 0 Miss Gwendolyn Hart of Boston ar- rived in Winnetka yesterday to visit 'Miss Alice DeWindt, of 593 Sheridan road, for ten days. em Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Vollman and son, John, spent Christmas day at the home of Mrs. Vollman's mother, Mrs. Frank Barlow, in Argos, Indiana. ---- Cabray Wortley is back from Wil- liams College, Massachusetts, to spend the holidays at his home, 565 Lincoln avenue. de Mx. and Mrs. A. B. Roth, 511 Wil- low street, entertained 14 out-of-town guests over Christmas day.