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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 19 Jan 1924, p. 1

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a rq - / PY a. i» A Clean Newspaper for a Clean Community po-- TS VOL. XII, NO. 45 WINNETKA, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, .JANUARY 19, 1924 TWENTY PAGES © PRICE FIVE CENTS PARENTS' DAY AT NEW TRIER School Authorities Invite Parents to Visit Regu- lar 'Session SS HALL for After- ight "Parents' Night" robably more suitably "Parents' at New Trier High school will be observed Thurs- day afternoon and evening, January 24, from 1:30 to 9 o'clock. This event, which was planned for December, had been postponed because of delay in completing the new additions to the school plant; but now, with the new mess hall and new classrooms finished, all is in readiness for it to take place this coming week. The school session, instead of start- ing at the usual time of 8:30" o'clock in the morning, will begin at 1:30 in the afternoon. As is customary, the first half-hour will be devoted to the division period, during which the stu- dents remain in various rooms with their faculty advisers. Then, from 2 o'clock on, the regular program will be followed until the beginning of the: fifth period at 5 o'clock in the evening. Fifth and sixth periods are the ordi- nary lunch hours, but on this particu- lar Thursday they will be turned into dinner hours. From 5 until 7 o'clock a regular ap- petizing school meal will be served in the new mess hall. The parents whose "children have their meal during the first supper period (from 5:00 to 6:15) re urged to arrive at that time, for 'those pupils ~wilt*bavatoreturn,- to classes at 6:15 o'c[6PONS€A so since the capacity of the mess hall will be taxed, parents will facilitate the handling of all the diners by arriving early. Provide Parent's Guide In order that the fathers and mothers may know what dinner periods their sons and daughters have, and at what BOUSCAREN HOME IS * DAMAGED BY FLAMES Fire, starting in the basement of the L. H. G. Bouscaren home at 646 Pros- pect avenue, early Thursday morning of this week put Chief Houren's fire- men to a severe test as the sub-zero weather made it extremely difficult to fight the blaze. The fire was discovered by the fam- ily shortly after 1 o'clock when they were awakened by dense smoke pour- ing into the bed chambers. Mr. Bou- scaren immediately summoned the fire department, which had just returned from an automobile blaze, and when Chief Houren's men arrived the flames were rapidly eating into the partition between the sun parlor and living room. Within a few moments the en- tire front of the house was ablaze and the attic a mass of flames. The Bouscarens and their small chil- dren were taken into neighboring homes for the night. Damage to the residence, which only recently was enlarged by a spacious addition on the rear, was confined to the older structure. The loss was estimated by the fire department at about $5,000. CIRCLES READY FOR RECEPTION Interesting Novelty Events on Program The plans announced last week by Mrs. R. S. Childs, general chairman. for the big rally and reception for Winnetka's Neighborhood circles. have advanced sufficiently to assure a smooth finished proeram for Tuesday afternoon, January 22, at Community House. The previous annotncement in Win- that the able assistance of Mrs. Bur- ton H. Atwood is also enlisted for the occasion. Therefore, with the pre- sentation of Zona Gale's play "Neich- bors" by the Community Drama club. and every circle lending its full sup- port through the active participation of each of the seventeen chairmen, the success of the affair is assured. time they attend their several classes, each student will take home a copy | of his program a day or so before. | When parents enter the school on Thursday they should show these pro- grams to the secretary at the door, and ushers will then be supplied to take the | visitors to the right rooms. During the eighth period (7 145-8 :25) Frederick E. Clerk, superintendent,! will speak to the parents in the audi- torium, on matters pertaining to the school. Then, in the following half- | hour, the adviser period will be re-en-! acted, and the students will once more | go to their division rooms. his "is done for the benefit of the fathers and other visitors who might not find it convenient to arrive in time for the first adviser period in the afternoon. Every parent who has a student at- tending New Trier, or any one else interested in the operation of the high school, is urged to attend "Parents Dav." For the future welfare of the institution it is necessary that the township inhabitants know what 1s going on within the red brick walls, and the "Open House" next Thursday presents an excellent opportunity for gaining such information. Those for whom it is convenient should come early in the afternoon and stay right through. Fathers who are busy until évening should take a train to Indian Hill and arrive in time to have dinner at the school. We'll Meet You at the Fireman's Ball Here's honine you tay CIKELS. Duin the event von have overlooked, it is timely to inform you that the Winnetka Fire-! men's association is giving its annual benefit dance at Community House on | the evening of January 26. The Firemen's ball is one of the big | Community events each season ar' 7 of the post. certain to attract a "full house, --§ince | most evervbody wants to do a "bit" to boost the firemen's fund. | An added inducement this year is] found in the fact that the Vagabond Dance orchestra will provide the | music for the dancers. There is ample ; roan to believe, those who have] heard them say, that you'll step right! out snd dance when the Vagabonds strike up the latest tunes. have alreads--ee--TTarniture and netka' Talk didn't meafion the "Tacey PROBE PLAN FOR STORE BUILDING Indian Hill Improvement As- sociation Investigates Pro- posed Business Block PLAN TO BUILD SOON Structure Will Be. Located on Winnetka Avenue Plans for the erection of a com- mercial building on the south side of Winnetka avenue, to extend from the Chicago, North Shore and Milwau- kee Electric station to a new street to be known as Temple court,--being in realty Bertling lane extended--were made known Monday evening of this week at a meeting of the Indian Hill Imnrovement association. The committee of the association reporting on the project stated that investigation had revealed that there was little: likelihood of obtaining the necessary support from the Kenilworth Park district, in which the property is ocated, to forestall the erection of the building through condemnation pro- ceedings and acquisition for park pur- poses, and that the efforts of the as- sociation might best be directed. to- ward influencing the owners to erect a building that will conform in design with the desires of the neighborhood. Two-Story Structure it Complete details, was reported, were not available, but preliminary reports indicated that the building would probably be two stories in height, with four stores facing 'on Winnetka avenue and three on Temple 'ourt. The building, according to the committee, wll in all probability be of STITT bo od aisles PRE LL oc fansaitar Rh that accepted as yinecs sections © only tenants cI (he most desirable 'haracter will be considered. Construc- ign, it is expected, will begin some t#me this spring. { A committee was appointed from the standard in the « 7 he s "on +1.5 ii PRT: The program this year is a depar- ture from the custom of past seasons} when each circle ptesented a "stunt;" however, as before, no admission fee: is charged. The hour is 2:30 o'clock and tke place the new auditorium in Ceoym- munity House, and the ladies are uifg- ed by the committee to meet promwtly, inasmuch as the opening feature Jism the nature of a novelty. § Legionnaires to Visit Buddies at Great Lakes res of ithe recent cnal convent on of the American Legion will be shown as « feature of the program at the regular meeting of Winnetka Post, American Legion. in their new club rooms at Community House Tuesday cvening, January 22 | There will be other interesting items on the program, it is announced. The Winnetka legionhaires are plan- ning a visit to the hospital at the Great Lakes Naval Training station on i Thursday, January 24, where many {war veterans, principally mental cases, are undergoing treatment. The trip will be made in a special car of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Electric railway and reservations are to be made without delay. A program of "entertainment 1s planned for the disabled veterans. Members of 4he post are advised hat the 1924 dues are now payable. Mere than fifty per cent of the men oid up," itis) 'an- have already nmounced. The Wineetka Post-is in need of FET other furnishings for heir nev: room in the Community House :dditions. Residents of the village who can spare articles they feel can be used by the legionnaires are in- "ted to place them at the disposal of 'he post by calling the Community He ase offices or notifying a member SEVENTEEN DANCE The Seventeen Dance club, compris- ng in 'its membership many young people of Hubbard Woods and Glen- announced its coe, second dance, to be held Saturday evening, February 2, at 8:30 o'clock in the Winnetka Masonic temple building. The Vaga bond Dance orchestra will furn'sh th music. 'membership of the Indian Hill Im- Hrovement association to consult with sthe owners and to. present the com- { munity's viewpoint in the proposed ( 'mprovement. Push Center Parking Several other matters of business were considered at the Monday night neeting, one of which had to do with the completion of the center parking on Sunset road in the block facing the New Trier High school property. A resolution was presented and pass- ed petitioning all property owners, the high school included, to assume their proportionate share of the cost of the contemplated improvement so that work could go forward this spring. The question of a show or some -other form of entertainment for the purpose of raising funds to carry on needed improvements in the neighbor- hood, was discussed at some length. No final action was taken, the matter being referred back to a committee for a report at the next meeting. Special emphasis was placed on the social features at the meeting. It May Not Happen Again= so while you have the chance you'd better take it. Fur- nish your home complete. FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD goods for immediate sale; pieces from living room, bed and kitchen. Tel. Wil. yom ) Want Ads Help People to Spend Less Money MEN WILL SERVE AT THIS CHURCH DINNER Tickets are on sale at Community House for the annual parish dinner of the Winnetka Congregational church, Wednesday evening, January 23, at 6:30 o'clock. ] The entire preparation and serving of the dinner is this year in the hands of the men of the church. Rumor has it that they are going to show the women some entirely new ideas in church dinners. The evening pro- gram following the dinner is also to be cast in an unusual form, it is said. It is necessary that tickets be ob- tained by Monday. All people in the parish are welcome, and if any cannot come to the dinner, but can be there part of the evening, they are urged to do so in order to hear the program of work for the ensuing year. 'NEIGHBORS' TO APPEAR TUESDAY First Spoken Drama in Little Theatre Next Week On the afternoon of Tuesday, Jan- uary 22, at 4:15 o'clock, there will be a matinee at The Little Theatre of Community House presenting the sec- ond chapter of the historical photo- drama, "The Oregon Trail" and a spicy comedy, "The Sunshine Trail" with Douglas Maclean. At 7 and 9 in the evening there will be perform- ances for adults only, at which times the film shown in the afternoon will be repeated. The evening program will open with a one-act play, "The Neighbors" by Zona Gale, presented by the Community Players under the direction of Mrs. John Marshall, which HEAR CONCERT, HELP THE BAND! New Trier High School Band Fund Benefit Concert Tonight FUND FOR UNIFORMS "Hear Fine Concert and Help Band," Slogan The Band Fund to date: John E>Mackeisho oasis $ 25.00 T..B Gibson. i. rl 5.00 Julian F Potter...{. is. 8 50 5.00 Winnetka Masonic Lodge...... 10.00 Total manne, ble dl iia 45.00 Previously acknowledged. ..... 597.56 Grand. lotal =i... 0 asl $642.56 Enjoy a fine concert and, in doing so, help the New Trier High School Band raise the fund that is to secure those longed-for green and gray uni- forms! That is the challenge to every friend of New Trier High school to attend the benefit concert to be held this evening in the school auditorium, : Last May the New Trier band ap- peared in the National Band tourna- ment in Grant Park, Chicago, played well enough, but fell several points below the winning .score because other high school bands, that played perhaps not as well, scored heavily on general appearance. Pledge to Get Uniforms When school resumed in Ser the members of the b~ termined to rem~ will be repeated at the 9 o'clock show. O11 FAY, TardaTy Zo error id rd Liang il matifice at 4:15 o'clock? In | the evening Mr. Earl Russell, a Chi- ~agq, tenor, will be introduced to Win- netka in a croup of songs, which wil! be followed hy the screen version of Cynthia Stockley's Trevel, "Ponjola,' starring Anna Q. Nilsson." Mrs. John Marshall, well known in Winnetka for her many stage suc- cesses, will direct the well chosen cast appearine in "The Neighbors.' Mrs. Charles Moon will play Grandma Mrs. Charles F. Karnopp presents Miss diantha Abel, while Mr. Milton Hig- gins wll appear as Fzra Williams Mr. Carleton Washburne will make you acquainted with Peter, Mrs Ralph Snyder will represent Inez, and Mrs. Joseph Winterbotham will play Miss Elmira Moran. Mrs. Louis Sher- man appears as Miss Trot and Mrs Lloyd Faxcen as Miss Carry Ellsworth Every Winnetkan knows how to he neighborly, as anyone will testify who has attended a Circle meeting. The experiences in being neighborly should aid one in appreciating the pathos and mirth in Zona Gale's realistic drama. The pictures to be shown next week as announced above, have been select ed with great care. Mr. Russell, who appears at the Fri- day evening performances, possesses a lyric tenor voice of unusual clarity and sweetness. ie a thorough musician with an enviable reputation as a vocal artist. 1S Foley and Company Gets Linden Paving Contract Foley and company of Evanston was awarded the contract for the pav- ing "of "Linden street which is to be improved by widen'ng and paving a: a part of the village plan idea. Th .dmount of the Toley contract is $29,- 328.50, it was announced this week. Linden street, as previously an- nounced, is to be widened from FElm to Oak street. Actual work on the improvement will begin as soon as certain buildings on the west side of the street are removed, and is expect- 1 to be completed early in the au- tumn. The new Winnetka Municipal build- nr will front on the widened horoughfare. "ire Alarm to Zick Building; No Damage The Winnetka Fire department got a "4-11" all-out summons to the Zick building on Elm street Saturday night of last weck. A chimney belching forth great volumes of smoke and sparks was the cause of the alarm. Fire Chief Houren's men took care of the unruly stack in short order, be- fore any damage was incurred. { boost the Thay, nle tournaments would have fine dividual member scare up the money galia. > Sometime later, the hand came to the attention ot a epi sentativecf Lloyd Hollister, Inc., pub- lishers of Wilmewte Iife, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, wire forth- the Lloyd Hollister, Inc, New Trier Band Fund, which today stands at $642.56, every cent contributed by north shore citizens and organizations. The sum necessary to procure those uniforms for about 75 members of the band, is $2,000, and Director Schu- macher, who is helping his charges n their campaign, recently hit upon 'he idea of giving a few concests. It is scheduled for tonight at the high school auditorum when the 56-picce con- sured interest, overtures ' and novelty numbers, well and® including marches, Predict Capacity House The cost of tickets cert is only one dollar. Bron c ayn for the con- I'hey mayghe 1 a member of the or at the door. The band | racticing with great diligen the careful tutelage of M macher, and promises an evi rare entertainment for every 'over of the north shore. You can enjoy a concert and help band fund! If you have a contribution for the band fund just mail a check to New Trier Band Fund, Lloyd Hollister, Inc. Wilmette, Illinois. 1a I WINE BIBBER FII.ED Tom Monifico oi Glencoe sipped 'to freely of "rare Italian" vintages this week and came smack up against a Winnetka minion of the law with the result that Magistrate Northrop was forced to do his duty to the tune of $10 and costs. - re TO "A MOTHER" Winnetka Talk received an anony- mous communication this week bear- ing the signature, "A Mother." In accordance with the policy of the paper this communication cannot be published unless the editors learn the identity of the authcr. The name of the author will be omitted from the published, communication ii such a desire is expressed, but Winnetka Talk insists upon knowing who is responsible for the matter contained therein. with took up the cause and launched cert band will give a program of as- known = several #

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