WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1924 21 Chamber Music Association Plans Next Year's Concerts NNOUNCEMENT is made by ; the North Shore Chamber Music association of a series of four Chamber Music Concerts to be given during the next season on Sunday after- noons at 4- o'clock, in the Kenilworth Assembly hall. Tentative plans for these concerts include on October 26, the Gor- don String quartet, assisted by How- ard Wells, pianist; on December 7, the Muenzer trio; on February 15, the Gordon String quartet; and on March 29, two members of the trio heard this year, Madame Ella Spravka, pianist, and Richard Czerwonky, violin, with Bruno Steindel, 'cellist. The membership for the season has been limited to 250 subscribers, and any one wishing to take advantage of this opportunity to hear the best in music so near at hand, is advised to enter his application early in the season. Howard Wells of Wilmette is the president of the association, with Walter Marx of Kenilworth, treasur- er, and Mrs. A. B. Spach, also of Kenilworth, chairman of board. The committee on arrangements in- cludes residents from along the north shore: William H. Barnes, Edward Wheeler, of Evanston; Mrs. Spach, Miss Helen Sears, Mrs. Percy Eck- hart, of Kenilworth; Mrs. Homer Cot- ton of New Trier High school; Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, Edward Wells, -of Wilmette; Mrs. Philemon Kohlsaat, Dr. L. Harrison Mettler, of Winnetka : Mrs. Albert Olson, Mrs. Maurice F. Miller, of Glencoe. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. John T. Boddie of Winnetka sailed on the Roosevelt last Saturday. From Paris they will so directly to Rome to get their dangh- ter, Judith, who is attending Miss Risser's school. They all will spend three months in travel before return- ing home. -- Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Marie Alice Zeller of Chicago, and Mr. William Louis Wente of Hubbard Woods, which took place in Chicago on Tuesday afternoon, April 22. Mr. and Mrs. Wente will spend a month traveling through the east, va pew =Ce Mrs. Walter Benson, 671 Lincoln avenue, is in Washington attending the convention of the National League of Women Voters. She is not only there as a delegate of the Winnetka League of Women Voters, but also as a representative of the Efficiency in Government committee of the Illinois League. ie Nk, The Oak Street circle will meet on Tuesday, April 29, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. A. I. Adams, 926 Cherry street. The members are asked to please bring to the meeting their contributions to the suitcase full of clothing which is being given to Judge Bartleme's court. --_--Q-- The Mothers' association of the Delta Gamma sorority gave a large bridge party in the ball room of the Orrington hotel on Thursday after- noon, to benefit the sorority house building fund. --_---- Mrs. William Boyden of Pine street, is leaving Saturday for New York to attend the the meeting of the Young Women's Christian association, from where she will go to Bryn Mawr for May Day. The last of May, the Boydens will go abroad, to be gone about three months. --_---- Tuesday afternoon, at the Wom- an's club, there was a party given for 300 Campfire girls. The girls are of the group who go to Mr. Davies' camp in Michigan, every summer. Cards, a reading by Mrs. G. V. L. Brown, and "very good" refreshments, made afternoon very enjoyable. N --O-- Mrs. W. C. Conant, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. William Nicholls," 660 Pine street, has returned to her home in New York. ---- Mrs. F. G. Cheney of Pine street is expected to return to Winnetka on Saturday from Bryn Mawr, where she has been visiting for four weeks. An earnest appeal is made to former Britishers and their friends to attend an informal banquet for the benefit of the British Old People's Home to be given under the auspices of. the British Empire association and kin- dred British societies in celebration of Empire Day. A reception at 6 o'clock will commence the affair which will be held in Chicago at the Auditorium hotel on Tuesday evening, May 13. Dinner will be served at 6:30. A splendid program has been arranged which will include as the principal speaker, the Rev. H. J. Cody, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, Toronto, former Minister of Fduca- tion for Ontario, and chairman of the Board of Governors, University of Toronto. "Canon Cody is a wonder- ful orator, and brings a message which none of us can afford to miss," is what the president of the associ- ation has to say 'of the speaker. All information and tickets can be obtained from Mr. Harry Davies, 624 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, telephone Wilmette 2872. One may also com- municate with him at his business ad- Aress in Chicago, Leiter Stores, Wabash 4385. Mr. W. H. Lawton of Wilmette is secretary of the association, and Mr. Henry Fowler of the same village is one of the vice-presidents. --_0-- The Gamma Phi Beta sorority of Northwestern university is to give a water carnival and dance at the Sovereign hotel on Saturday evening, 'o rrise funds for the chapter house huildino fund. Miss Sybil Bauer, world's champion back stroke swim- mer and a member of the sorority, is in charge of the arrangements. Others taking part, all of whom hold world records, and who will take part in the Olympic games, are Johnny Weismuller, Bob Skelton, "Stubbv" Kruger, Henry Brock, Bob Porter, Alvina Ortlepp, Ethel ILackie, Oliver Horn and Miss Bauer. == Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Sperling, former residents of Wilmette, have nurchased a home in Winnetka at 555 Arbor Vitae road. Mrs. Sperling is planning to spend the summer in Eng- land, France and Switzerland. She is J sailing in" Jume:" --Q-- The new home which the Warren Ewers have heen building has just been completed, and they are moving today into their new residence at 432 Maple avenue, Winnetka. --Q-- The meeting of the Little Garden club scheduled for May 2 has been postponed until Friday, May 9. Mrs. Charles N. Hurlbut, 715 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette, will be the hostess at that time. ---- Mr. and Mrs. S. Edwin Earle, 922 North avenue, announce the birth of a son on Tuesday morning, April 22, at the Evanston hospital. The baby's name is Samuel Williams. --_--Q-- Mrs. Daniel Noe of 938 Cherry street, leaves on Monday for a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergman, Brooklyn, New York. Mr. Noe expects to join her later. --Q-- Mrs. Melville C. Chatten, 1025 Ely road, was hostess on Tuesday at a buffet luncheon given for members of the Kaskasia chapter, D. A. R. A program followed after the luncheon. --Q-- Mr. G. C. Schaum, 933 Cherry street, left on Monday, April 21, for a three months' trip to Europe, where she will visit relatives. --O-- Saturday evening the Assembly gave their monthly dance at the Woman's club. Chicago Winnetka CLEANER Lake Forest Highland Park ditions--No Tents. 1327 Maple Avenue NAWAKWA A CAMP FOR GIRLS Located on Chicagoan Lake, Upper Michigan. fully supervised for health and safety. Canoeing -- Swimming -- Horse Back Riding -- Hiking -- Dancing -- Dramatics -- Arts and Crafts -- Tennis -- Field Athletics. Expert Instructors. 'MISS MARGARET CARSWELL, Director Telephone Evanston 511 Care- Ideal living con- Evanston, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Prindiville and daughter, Mary Ellen, have re- turned from California and will live at the Orrington for a few weeks, after which time they will occupy the Freeman house on Chestnut street, for the summer. If they Tire, Itch, Smart, Burn or Dis- El Mrs. George Packard and Mrs. Fred- erick W. Copeland, of Spruce street, were hostesses at a kitchen shower, for Miss Janet Lawrence and Miss Barbara Duncan, two spring brides. a Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Craft and fam- ily, 848 Lincoln avenue, have just re- turned from Tryon, North Carolina, where they have been visiting for F seven weeks. charge if Sore, Irri- tated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often. Refreshes, ¢ Soothes. Safe for Infant or Adult! At all Druggists. ---- Mr. and Mrs. R. Tilley and family are settled in their new home at 484 Fairview avenue. The Tilleys have lately moved to Winnetka from the east. HE finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and jewelry. iG Mrs. Eugene Sax is expected to re- turn to: Winnetka on May 3, after visiting in New York for the past three weeks. a Mrs. J. W. F. Davies of Lincoln ave- nue, is visiting an aunt in Indianapolis. She left on Monday to be away for a week. Plaza Feweler LIBRARY PLAZA HOTEL EVANSTON ---- After May 1, Mrs. H. M. Anning will be at 1624 Garden street, Santa Barb- ara, California, where she will remain through the summer. --_--0-- The Rev. Dr. Vennema of New York ||! | city, will be the week-end guest of his brother, Mr. John .Vennema of Willow street. --_---- Mrs. Asa Cooley is moving this week from Elder lane into the Albright house, a charming home of log cabin design. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST GLENCOE, ILLINOIS --_--O-- Miss Rachel Foster, daughter of Mr. Announces a ap es Seepher A. Foster o a . 4 . M y , 1s planni to s t nmer ammead |e Free Lecture on Christian Science Mr, J: 'W. Fr Davies dein the east, attending a conference in Providence by held during this week. Mis Lucia C. Coulson, C. S. Of London, England GURLI LAGERGREN Medical Gymnast & Masseuse Graduated from Stockholm, Sweden : Special treatment for cold. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, headache, and constipation. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Treatments administered at your home. Phone Winnetka 1435 AT MASONIC HALL Friday Evening, May 2nd, at 8 o'clock Take the. Worry Out of Life! Telephone Wilmette 37 INSURANCE . SWIFT TEAL New York Life Agent Corner of Hazel and Vernon Aves. The public is cordially Glencoe, Ili. invited to attend. 1017 Central Ave. Wilmette I E /| / 1 | «*%v, J' ° <<] [J --not merely look at it: --not merely admire it: --not merely Expect Great Things of it-- but "DRIVE IT" --and in one performance-test learn why even veteran owners pronounce it Cadillac's supreme achievement. CADILLAC CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY CHicAGo Branch Division of General Motors Corporation 2301 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE Community Branches: WEST SIDE BRANCH BROADWAY BRANCH 4660 W. Washington Blvd. 5139 Broadway BVANSTON BRANCH WOODLAWN BRANCH 1810 Ridge Ave 6052 Cottage Grove Ave.