i WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1924 23 ---- A ~ = | int > oe ga -- = 6) --_-- be a @ of the { 7 Be EERE ---- ou, 1 --3 | = --L-- 8 SEIT EE . rH, " -- tala] rn 7] 5 % 2 fiom = 5 A Saving Idea: GET one of our Dime Savings Sav- ings Cards today. Just step in and ask for one--they're free. Levy a tax of one dime on every one in the household every night. They'll never miss it, and by the end month--! Just try it! INNETKA-TRUST « SAVINGS -BANK Elm Street at Center > = = ET Zz a - g Ga i, 7 ) tl ee x 8 3 nh -- id : FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--4 BURNER STOVE; CAR- pets; curtains; upright piano; 1 new walnut desk table; sun parlor set; walnut bedroom set; with double bed; painted dresser; maid's dresser; everything used short time; leaving town; prefer to call Sunday. Tel. Winn. 1383. 1155 Scott Ave. T7-1te FOR SALE--PAIR SPINDLE BEDS; antique slat back chair; one single brass bed with box springs; one child's bed with mattress; one Mor- ris chair; one single chair and one fireless cooker; all in good condition. Phone Winnetka 782. T7-1te FOR SALE--9-PIECE WALNUT HEP- plewhite dining room suite, almost new, $250; bassinette, $5; 3 plain taupe rugs, $100.00. 260 Woodlawn Ave., Hubbard Woods, tel. Winn. 2131. TNT7-1te FOR SALE--OVERSTUFFED COUCH; mahogany frame; covered in black and gold; changeable velvet; excel- lent condition. Telephone Glencoe 533; 210 Park Ave. TN7-1tc MODERN BRASS DOUBLE BED AND box spring; also single wood bed (ivory finish) with spring and mat- tress. Winn. 749. 100 Green Bay Road, Hubbard Woods. T7-1te FOR SALE--CHEAP, BECAUSE MOV- ing, kitchen cabinet and table; washing machine; baby carriage; double bed; sled; rocker, ete. Tel. Winn. 1473. LT30-1te FOR SALE A. ORIENTAL RUG, GOOD "condition, 101%x16; valued at $800; will sell for $250; pair of antique chairs, $15; refrigertaor, $7. Tel. Winn. 1158. LTN30-1tc FOR SALE--BLUE VELVET RUN- ner 4% yards long, rug to match 2x1% yards; cost $7.50 per yard; will sell runner for $20. Tel. Wil. 839-W. LT30-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture and rugs, living room, bed- room and wicker furniture; no deal- ers. 640 Gregory Ave. Wilmette. LTN30-1te FOR SALE--ROLL TOP DESK AND office chair, $50.00; full size bed springs, $3; folding tent bed, $5; auto theft signal lock for Ford car, FOR MUST SACRIFICE KERMANSHAH rug; oil painting; green marble ped- estal with bronze figure. Tel. Wil 1998. LTN30-tfc SALE -- STANDARD SEWING machine, excellent cond., $15. George THE SPORTS SHOP ANNOUNCES THE ARRIVAL OF NEW hats from Paris; also latest models from the best New York designers, including Tappe and Bendel. Irre- sistible new sport hats at moderate $5.00. Tel. Winn. 1844. LTN30-1tc FOR SALE--ICE CHEST, COST $35; cigar case, cost $75; both in good condition; best offer takes them. "599 Greenleaf Ave. Glencoe. LTN30-1te! J. Eber, Wilmette State Bank Bldg.| Riis New Spring Goats = Suits, LTN30-1tp Children's imported Scotch sweaters as well as dresses and FOR SALE -- EMERSON-ANGELUS coats. player piano with 50 rolls; good|g Market Square Telephone condition; $125 . Tel. Winn. 978. Lake Forest, Ill. Lake Forest 862 LTN30-1te LTN30-1tp FOR SALE--MORRIS CHAIR; 2| BABY CHIX: AFTER MAY 2nd, IN rockers with removable spring seats; 100 lots. Leghorns, $8.50; Barred center table; all Mission, like new. Rocks, Single Reds, $9.50; Rose Tel. 'Winn. 1857. LTN30-1tc| Reds, White Rocks, $11.50; Wyan- dottes, Buff Orp., Minorcas, $12.50. FOR SALE--AMERICAN IDEAL HOT D T FARROW CHICKERIES, PEORIA ,ILL. LTN18-22tc water heater, size No. 2; suitable for garage; very cheap. Tel. Winn. 400. LTN30-1tc FOR SALE--GRAY ENAMEL 7-PIECE PEDIGREED COLLIE PUPPIES, PER- fect markings, long heads. Tel. Wil. 1370. LTN30-1tc nursery set, like new; child's Chau- tauqua blackboard; 1 gray iron single bed. Tel. Winn. 1099. TN7-1te STRICTLY FRESH DAY OLD EGGS for sale. Tel. Wil. 708-M. LTN30-2tc FOR SALE--OAK DINING TABLE; 6 FOR SALE--BABY BUGGY IN GOOD chairs; painted black, $50. Tel. cond. Tel. Winn. 1907. LTN30-1te Winn. 1564. T7-1te WANTED T --MISCEL N FOR SaLP-VOORUARE, DESK AND | ANTED To BUY--MISCELLANEOUS other furniture'. Tel, Winn, BOR |winNmTHA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, FOR SALE--OAK BEDROOM SET pianos, anything useful. 808 Oak and other household goods. Tel. St. . LTN1-tfe Winn. 2180. TN71tD [WANTED--A SECOND HAND LAWN " . roller; weight from 200 to 300 lbs. CHILD'S IRON BED WITH MAT-| roller. 4 i tress; cheap. Tel. Winn. 1721. Tel. Winn. 1704. T7-1tp T7-1te FOR SALE--MEDIUM SIZE ICE BOX FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Tel. Winnetka 1538. T7-1te FOR SALE--SMYRNA RUG; 9 x 12 ft. Tel. Winn. 475. TN7-1tp WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Evanston 140 Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers LTN29-tfc Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTN24-tfc MARMON 4-PASSENGER PHEATON, FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS good shape, just completely over- FOR SALE--BLACK SATIN EVENING dress, heavily beaded; child's polo coat and cap, size 4 to 5. Tel. Win- netka 1721. T7-1te hauled, 5 good tires, wire wheels, paint fair; will demonstrate Satur- day P. M. or Sunday. C. H. McNie, 266 Forest, Winnetka 1312. T6-1te BLACK DIRT FOR SALE; $2.50 A YD. 350 Madison. Tel. Glencoe 885. TN7-1tc MILBURN ELECTRIC; GOOD COND.; complete with charging board; very reasonable; terms. Tel. Evanston 2985. LTN30-1tec FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES 1921 Peerless Sedan to be overhauled and painted in your own color, $850. A Wonderful Car Slocum Motor Sales Co. Winn. 1128 724 Elm St. LTN30-1te Dependable Used Cars DODGE CARS: Roadster, $425; sedan, $950; bus. coupe, HUPMOBILE. Sedan, $80. $300. FRANKLIN. Sedan, Dodge Brothers and Wills St. Claire Dealers Wersted Motor Co. Winnetka 165 touring, $450: $675. LTN30-1te SALE--BARNS FOR FOR SALE--BARN ABOUT 40 x 60; inquire 800 Elm St, Winnetka. TN7-1tc EXPERIENCED GARDENER AND all around handy man wishes perma- nent postion or work by the day and hour. Phone Winnetka 639-W. After six p. m. T7-1te PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR- ing; old pianos made new; refer- ences. L. W. Foster. Tel. Winn. 509-7. LTN29-tfc LOST AND FOUND LOST--ABOUT APRIL 13th; AIRE- dale dog, about 7 mo. old; more black than tan; scar on front leg; reward. Tel. Glencoe 1077. LTN30-1tc LOST--LADIES' FLAT BROWN SILK nockethook. Finder please phone Mrs. Warner, Evanston 6496. T7-1te WILL LADY WHO TOOK PURPLE silk umbrella by mistake from Wom- an's Club Annual Luncheon tele- nhone Winn. 1122. T7-1te CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our apprecia- tion of the kindness and symvnathy of many friends in our recent bereave- ment. Mrs. Charles Bakkemo. T7-1te NOTICE VILLAGE OF WINNETKA Board of Appeals NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Appeals of the Village of Winnetka, pursuant to a resolution of the Council of the Village of Win- netka designating said Board of Ap- peals as a committee to consider a petition filed with said Council by a certain property owner, will hold a public hearing for the consideration of a proposed amendment to the Zoning ordinance of the Village of Winnetka, which shall provide that the property described as the North fifty (50) feet of the south one hundred eighty-seven (187) feet of the west one hundred eighty-nine (189) feet of Block Thirty- five (35), Winnetka, shall be changed from "B" Residential District to "C" Commercial District, as described in said Zoning ordinance. The said public hearing will be held by the said Board of Appeals, as a committee of the Council, in the Coun- cil Chamber of the Village Hall, Win- netka, Illinois, on the twelfth day of May, 1924, at eight o'clock P. M., at which time and place all parties in- terested may be heard. ROBERT KINGERY CHARLES L. BYRON CORAM T. DAVIS - SPENCER S. BEMAN HAROLD W. SNELL, Board of Appeals. --Adv. TT7-1tc » Kenilworth Happenings Mrs. E. F. Snydacker and Mrs. John Lind have gone as delegates from the Kenilworth Garden club to attend the meeting of the Garden clubs of Ameri- ca, held in Richmond, Virginia, Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. Mrs. Lind will go from there to attend the National Farm and Garden association convention at Washington, D. C,, returning by way of Philadelphia and New York. While in Washington she will attend the re- ception which Mrs. Coolidge will give at the White House to the members of the convention. ---- Miss Dorothy Bennett, 185 Sheridan road, returned home on Sunday morn- ing from a trip in the east. Miss Ainslee Bennett, a student at Ogontz school in Philadelphia, spent two weeks in New York with Miss Dorothy. Miss Bennett on her re- turn journey spent a few days as the guest of a former room mate at Ogontz, Miss Caroline Hunter of Pittsburgh. -- Mr. Douglas Crooks came from Knox college, Galesburg, Illinois, to spend the week-end of April 19, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .H. V. Crooks, 615 Cumnor road. --)-- Mrs. P. D. Rathbone, who is en- joving an extended stay in Pasadena, will not return home until some time in the summer. During her recent visit to New York, Miss Clarabelle. Russ had the honor of having the well known sculptor and artist, R. Hinton Perry, invite her to sit for a red chalk portrait, for his exhibition at Rheinhardt's Fifth Ave- nue Galleries. The exhibition which has just closed, included oil portraits of many socially prominent people among whom were: La Princesse Marie de Bourbon, Mrs. Cordelia Biddle Duke, La Vicomtesse de Frise, Mrs. Harry Owsley and the Prince and Princess Yousoupoff. --_--Q-- Dr. Frank Cheeseman left on Sat- urday for a motor trip to Culver, Indiana, where he will visit his son, Eugene Cheeseman, who is a student at Culver academy. Mrs. Cheeseman and Miss Virginia Hedrick left on Sunday for Culver where Miss Hed- rick, as the guest of Eugene, attended the annual prom which took place on Tuesday evening. --Q-- Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Alice Smart, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Helm of Kansas City, Missouri, to Mr. Belknap Carleton Hawkes, on Tuesday evening, May 6, at Independ- ence Boulevard Christian church, Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkes will spend their honeymoon in Europe. ERE Mrs. Herbert Deyo and daughter, Miss Bernice Deyo, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vissering, 257 Kenilworth avenue, for the past two months, left Tuesday, April 14, for their home in Pasadena. Mrs. Deyo is Mrs. Vissering's sister. RE prr"-i Miss Cornelia Keith, 310 Woodstock road, spent the week-end of April 19, as the guest of Miss Muriel Badger of Detroit. wee The Rector's Aid society of the Kenilworth Episcopal church is plan- ning a bridge party for Wednesday, May 7, at the Kenilworth Assembly hall. Mrs. Henry Taylor is in charge of the tables and any one making up a table will please notify her, tele- phone 761-R. The proceeds of this affair will go to the Rectory fund. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Chandler have returned from St. Petersburg where they have been spending the winter. Mrs. Clarence Malcolm Fuller (Lucy Chandler) and son, Tom, are the guests of Miss Hatti Chandler in Rogers Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller will be in McHenry, Illinois for the next couple of months, : jen The Junior League, a group of Ken- ilworth girls of high school age organ- ized a little over a month ago for the purpose of doing philanthropic work, has already made quite a contribution of articles for Arden Shore. A little later on the girls plan to sew on nightgowns for the children at the camp. es Mr. and Mrs. William Winfield Winship returned to their Kenilworth home April 21, after a sojourn of several weeks in Cuba, stopping at Key West, Miami, Palm Beach, St. Augustine and Jacksonville, Florida, Baltimore, Md., and Philadelphia, .en route to Kenilworth. _-_.__phanose Mr. Arthur T. McIntosh was elec- ted president of the Kenilworth School board on Saturday, April 12, to suc- ceed Mr. Alexander Hannah. Mrs. Charles M. Holmes was another new member and Mrs. William J. Taylor who has held the office of secretary for several years, was reelected. --_---- Dr. and Mrs. Henry H. Everett who have been in New Mexico for the past month, are now in Valuera, but are expected home the end of this week. Dr. Everett is much benefitted by the change and rest, and will resume his practice on his return. Mr. Frank Avery Gerould who was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, Tr, returned to his home in Philadelphia on Monday, April 21. Mrs. Gerould and daughter, Patty, will remain with her parents for a month or six weeks. ---- Mr. James Prentiss and Mr. Grant Ridgeway returned home on Monday, April 21, from a sojourn of several weeks at Asheville, North Carolina. Mrs. Prentiss and Mrs. Ridgeway will not return until sometime in May. eh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Danly, 336 Essex road ,and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Toyce, 531 Essex road, left on Easter Sunday for Excelsior Springs, Mis- souri, where they will be for the next ten days. ---- Mrs. C. F. Ames and son, Lewis, of Rochester, New York, are the guests for a week of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick of Melrose avenue. Mrs. Ames is Mrs. Hedrick's sister. --(-- The Kenilworth club announces the last formal dance of the season on Friday evening, May 2. A May pole and other special features are promised. SO Mrs. John Marshall Roberts and daughter, Caroline, have gone to Washington, for Easter vacation. w--s Mrs. B. C. Hawkes is planning to leave about May 15, for an extensive European trip. 1] | | £ {