< WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1924 13 i J A group of alumnae and friends of Mrs. Victor L. Cunnyngham and her x " Ma ny immne thans A ttend the National Kindergarten 280 ge son, William, 710 Lincoln avenue, will Chicago Winnetka mentary college are meehinty wit 'S-1sail for France, June 14, on the Levi- T 0) i ] dd he 'Alired # Dies, 17 Noyes BAF Be athan. After two months abroad, they 'ww } --- -- / Cf Q WW anston, this afternoon to sew for the|7 5 turn and go immediately to 0 ut of 0 n € ings College Corner at the Courtesy thelr he 90% "Contentment = $hoope, J Davis A Franstos, Lodge," on Pine Island, in northern . g ; where articles are on sale for the col-| yi; in; where they will remain ure ANY members of Winnetka so-| The audience which crowded the lege building fund. Weekly gather- a Bre Jhey CLEANER ciety will be in Lake Forest this | 1€W Evanston Country club was most ings are planned for the summer, to afternoon as guests at the War- ner-Dennehy wedding which will be solemnized at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Warner at 5 o'clock. Miss Jane Warner will attend the bride ! as maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will be Miss Virginia Dennehy, Miss Madeleine Childs, Miss Alice Carpenter, Miss Mari Smith, Miss Louise Mitchell, and Mrs. Justin C. Sturm. Charles Dennehy will serve as his brother's best man, and Ralph I. Farwell, Shreve C. Badger, John Edmund Holland, Tr. Clarence B. Mitchell, Albert F. Mad- lener and James McCrea, Jr., will usher. Upon returning from their wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Dennehy will reside in Lake Forest. A special train of Winnetka guests is leaving this afternoon for Wayne, Illinois, where the marriage of Miss Barbara Dunham and John Luther Dole will take place at the country home of the bride's parents. On Miss Elizabeth Greeley left Friday to attend her class reunion at Vas- sar. She will visit in the east for a month. Miss Louisa May Greeley, di- rector of physical education at the Country Day school, will conduct a summer camp in Winnetka during the month of July. --_--Q-- Miss Willa Hamm, Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods, entertained at bridge on Thursday night of last week for Miss Constance Parks of Glencoe, who left for California on Thursday. On Tuesday evening Miss Mary John- stone of Hill road gave a bunco party for Miss Parks. sr Cet Mrs. Albert Gleaves Berry is stay- ing with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Blatchford, until the last of June, at which time the Blatch- fords are leaving for a trip in the east before going on to their summer home at Desbrats, Canada. ---- On Tuesday evening, 18 friends gave a surprise dinner and bridge for Mrs. Delbert Poff at her home on Pine 'street, in celebration of her birthday. Miss Olive Coleman of Waukegan spent last week-end as a guest of the Poffs. --C---- Dr. and Mrs. J. W. F. Davies, 652 Lincoln avenue, are leaving Monday, June 9, for their camp, "Indian Hill" at Lake Hamlin, near Ludington, Michigan. Their son, Gould, follows them on Thursday. -- Miss Virginia Wallace, who has returned from Principia school, brought with her two of her school- mates, Miss Ashton Wilson and Miss Olivia Boone, who will be guests at the Wallace home for two weeks. --Q-- Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whitehill of In- dianapolis, of the engagement of their daughter, Helen Margaret, to Albert K. Scheidenhelm, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Scheidenhelm of Wilmette. --_--0-- The Pine Street circle will give a picnic for its members next Tuesday, June 10, on the grounds of the I.ake Bluff orphanage. Automobiles will leave Communty House promtly at 11 o'clock. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Rich have moved into their new home on Scott avenue. -- Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard Casselberry have moved from Chicago to 870 Sher- idan road. enthusiastic over the Pageant of the Seasons presented by students of the National Kindergarten and FElemen- tary college last Tuesday evening. Announced by heralds and trumpet- ers came Autumn, most georgeous of seasons, attended by the autumn winds in waving scarf dance and by a stately processional of sun-crowned maidens bearing high the gifts of the harvest--the royal purple of the vine- vard and ruddy gold of ripened sheaves. The conception of Winter was probably the most unique; glittering ice crags yielded a myriad of tiny frost sprites, mischievous and nimble as Jack Frost himself. Tal Valkyrie in silver tunics and helmets made King Winter's icy realm a thing of beauty, into which the Christmas trees with lovely glow of candle light and a group of old English carolers brought the warmth and cheer of the Christmas season. Spring, dainty and sweet as a dewy eyed maiden, responded joyously to the pipings of Pan. Delicate as a rainbow, light as thistledown, she danced and swayed beneath blossom- laden boughs. With scarcely a pause came Sum- mer, rich in color, her maidens danc- ing with garlands, and crowning her their lovely queen. Much credit must be given to Miss Etta Mount and Miss Margaret Far- rar of the Kindergarten college for the composition and production of this remarkably beautiful pageant. The singing by the freshmen girls of the college, under the very competent direction of Miss Louise St. John Westervelt, was entirely satisfactory because of its abundant volume, its spontaneous rhythm, and its delightful quality. The Queen, gracious and appealing, was played by Miss Nellie Ball, a senior, who was chosen by the stu- dents as representing the college spirit and ideals. --{neee Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Lum delight- fully entertained a number of their friends last Monday evening at the Winnetka Woman's club with a song recital given by Mrs. Lum's two sis- ters, Mrs. Louis Edward Underwood of Swampscott, Mass., and Mrs. Frank Edwin Brown of New York City. Mrs. Underwood, who has a beautiful con- tralto voice, and Mrs. Frank Brown, at the piano, gave a program of charming selections. cil The opening dinner and dance of the season at Skokie club will take place on Saturday evening, June 7. The dinner, which will be served at 7 o'clock, will be followed by dancing on the terrace. The Tuesday after- noon bridge games for women com- menced this week, to continue every week throughout the summer. Mem- bers desiring to do so may entertain guests at luncheon. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Bradstreet have rented the W. J. Fisher home at 388 Chestnut street, for the sum- mer months. Ra nl Richard Goble, 511 Ash street, has returned from Illinois university for the summer vacation. KATHLEEN AIR Specialist in Child Training for Piano Study Principal of Winnetka Branch o Columbia School of Music Phone Winnetka 974 Orrington Hotel OF WOMEN THE here: thoroughly convince you saving at the NORTH SHORE! WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN KNOW- ING THAT YOU CAN BUY HERE FOR 209, LESS THAN YOU CAN IN CHICAGO? Do you know that we carry the same line of dainty things that the big stores in Chicago do? ; Typical examples of what you can save by purchasing KAYSER SILK VESTS, $2.95. KAYSER SILK BLOOMERS, $3.95. SERVICE CHIFFON HOSE, $1.95. HAND EMBROIDERED SILK AND VOILE CHEMISE, $1.95 up. REAL LACE COLLAR and CUFF SETS, $2.90 up. Come in and see many other examples that will LOLA SHOPPE TELEPHONE ORDERS DELIVERED Evanston 9718 that you can shop at a be held in Evanston and other north shore towns. --_---- Mrs. E. C. Weissenberg and daugh- ter, Eunice, and Miss Genevieve Mar- tin of Chicago, left last week for an extensive tour of the eastern states and Canada. Mr. Weissenberg and his son, William, are at the National Coal Dealers' convention at Blue Fields, West Virginia. From there they will go to White Sulphur Springs for several days. ---- Mrs. Ralph Brown, president of the North Shore Wellesley club, and Mrs. Earl White, both of Evanston, presided at the tea table on Monday afternoon on the occasion of the bridge and mah jongg party given by the club at the residence of Mrs. Bruce MacLeish in Glencoe. ren A delightful party was given for the Christ church choir at the home of Mrs. Robert Gay on Sheridan road, last Saturday evening. Dancing and delicious refreshments followed the conclusion of the concert given by the choir. : --_---- Winifred Townsend, violinist, and Marion Roberts, pianist, announce a recital to: be given by their pupils at the Wilmette Woman's club on Tuesday, May 10, at 3 o'clock. --Q-- The North Shore Vassar club met on Tuesday in Winnetka, at the home of Mrs. R. W. McKisson, 4990 Haw- thorn lane. CASH FOR FUTURE DELIVERY! Contracts Guaranteed by Over a Billion Dollars Assets J. E. SWIFT TEAL, Agent 1017 Central Avenue, Wilmette Telephone Wilmette 37 Write or Phone for Rates. ---- Miss Betty Payne has returned from Dobbs Ferry. Lake Forest Highland Park Brasor Art Store | -- Objets d'Art -- | Clennine aud Rare objects of beauty that pi Apr of would delight any lover of Valuable Oil Art. Paintings Artistic Picture Orrington Hotel Framing 1718 Orrington Ave. EVANSTON Telephone Evanston 9179 HE finest jewelry shop on the maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and jewelry. Plaza Jeweler LIBRARY PLAZA HOTEL North Shore, EVANSTON EL TTC HETERO EC EAE Underwear. the girls. 619 Davis St. Evanston 'Tel. 3511 SU CARRO] nm LT ET EE EE EET TTT TTT RIDGWAY'S "The Store For Children" ABE 5 VACATION TOGS for BOYS AND GIRLS WASH TROUSERS--white, khaki, gray and natural linen for the older boys. : Boys' Wash Suits and Sport Togs, Caps Belts, Blouses, Pajamas, Sweaters, Ties, Sox, Golf Hose, Sport Oxfords, Keds, Coveralls, Bathing Suits, Sealpax Undershirts--"Little Brother" for the boys--"Little Sister" for In the outfitting of your children re- member that you need not go to the Loop for the best in children's clothes. LL. RIDGWAY inn LL EL LE CL LL LC LR rr rE EE REE EET EEE CEE EE EET CTE EE EO BET TH IE ; also long trousers 1160 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette Tel. 311 ITER RTE LTT