22 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1924 HIS PAGE BUYS AND SELLS QUICKLY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS " ____Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. aii 10 cents per line in one paper. 'Rates MINIMUM CHARGE 50c. the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. : . Classified advertisements will Deadline for Insertions--Cla5st up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the papers. WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 20 cents per line in all three Average of five words to be ac- o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. or WINNETKA 2000-2001. REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES Watch Qur Selec- tion for Real Values 6 ROOM FRAME, 1 bath and ex. lav. and toilet; perfect condition; beau- tiful grounds; poss. now. Market offer $13,500. 7 room Col. frame, 4 bed and sleep. porch and sun parlor; Ex. Lav., 2 car garage; large lot; practically new and a good buy at $18,500. 8 room frame, 3 baths; choice loca- tion, 2 car garage; large lot. A bargain at $18,500. 6 room frame, 100 lot; close to schools and trans.; select Hubbard Woods location. $19,500. pire, time Seed; 9 room stucco; choice east location; 2 baths; q lot. $22,000, al di + 10 room modern stucco, lines and construction; A-1 large ground value; established location. If interested in something real good, call and make appointment, this is the buy. HILL & STONE Winnetka 1544 wondeful Vacant Specials WINNERS 3 4, Denutital lot on n oad, X feet, ae et, for only Best value in southeast section; 50x175 feet, near lake; underpriced at $6,000. GLENCOE--One acre on Euclid Ave- nue, north of Scott Ave. Would be hard to duplicate as site for large home or it could be used for 3 or 4 houses. See it and make offer. Special offer of 50 foot corner, Wood- lawn Ave. and Lake St. at $25 a ft. below actual value. Look at it and call on us with offer. WE ALSO HAVE GOOD VALUES in both large and small homes from Kenilworth to Glencoe inclusive. Buy Now For Fall Delivery E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Facing the Railroad north of Oak St., Winnetka. Phone 1800 LTN36-1te Near Indian Hill Club Lovely Acre Homesite IN MOST CAREFULLY RESTRICTED district on North Shore where qual- ity of homes is well established. Tel. Owner Evanston 6497. LTN36-1tc Beautiful Acre Homesite ON PRIVATE ROAD IN LAKE ST. Highlands just west of Wilmette, only $3,500. Tel. Owner Evanston 6497. LTN36-1tc VACANT FOR SALE, N. W. CORNER CHERRY AND Locust, owner will sacrifice for quick sale this 100x177 foot wooded corner; $2,750 down; will sell 50 ft. Gilbert D. Johnson and Bros. 110 South Dearborn St. 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 314 T13-1te IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE Location--Sheridan Road, Chestnut Ave.,, Ashland Ave. Elmwood Ave. 7th Ave., 10th St., Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. 1; L. 2, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. 4, B. 5; L. 3 and +E 9; L. 9, 10 and A . 13; x 17: L. 16, B. is Lalani John P. Gage, Vineland, N., J. LTN29-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW BRICK veneered home, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms. 16th St. near Lake Ave. Open Sun- day P. M. Phone Wil. 113 or 857-J. LTN36-1tc FOR SALE--TEN ACRES, BEAUTI- fully wooded; corner Winnetka Ave. near Waukegan road. Tel. Wil. 3041. LTN36-1tc FOR SALE--200 ACRES, DIRECTLY opposite the new Sunset Ridge Golf Club on Kotz road. Tel. Wil. 3041. LTN36-1tc FOR SALE--7 ROOM REMODELED house; good transportation; yard newly landscaped. Tel. Winn. 912. LTN36-1tc I WISH TO BUY A HOME IN WIN- netka. I must have at least four master bedrooms and one or two maid's rooms as well as chauffeur"s quarters . Prefer east side location, overlooking or very near the lake in an exclusive neighborhood. Will pay up to $85,000.00 for a suitable place and I am prepared to buy at once although I can arrange to take possession some time before September 1st. To save time will appreciate full particulars in the first letter. Address 230 Winnetka Talk. T13-1te WANTED TO BUY--VACANT BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE lots in good neighborhood. Will con- sider frontage of 50 to 100 ft. for each lot. Give size, location and best cash price. Address Wilmette Life, A-66. LTN29-tfe -- -- FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT SEE OUR COMPREHENSIVE LIST of unfurnished and furnished houses ranging from $120.00 to $400.00 per month, Heinsen&Clark,Inc. 556 Center (formerly W. R. R. Ave.) Winn. 254. LTN36-1tc FROM --JUNE 17TH TO SEPT. 15TH, 7 room house, screened porch, % mile from public golf course and beach; 3 blocks from trans.; terms; reason- able. Tel. Winn. 624. TN13-1te FOR RENT--BUNGALOW IN GLEN- coe; 627 Green Bay road; 5 rooms; glazed porch; lease until May 1st, 1925. $90 per month. Tel. Winn 2032. T13-1te FOR RENT--7 RM. FURN. HOUSE; June, July, August; low rent. In- quire Mrs. { Schafer, 2nd flat, 930 Elm street, Winnetka . T13-1tc FOR RENT--JULY AND AUGUST; 7 rooms, 2 baths; attractive house in good location. Tel. Winn. 1810. LTN36-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOUR ROOM FURNISHED APART- ment June 15th or July 1st to party without children; one block from elevated station and near the lake; references required. Tel. Evanston 8393. LTN36-1tp FOR RENT--A TWO ROOM AND three room apartment with baths and kitchenettes in Glen Gables in Glencoe, available June 16. Tel. Glencoe 200. TN13-1tc TO SUB-LEASE IN THE ORRINGTON, a furnished one suite apartment, bath and kitchenette, for one or two months or longer. Tel. Evanston 8700, room 820. LTN36-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--ROOMS HELP WANTED--FEMALL FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR RENT -- FURN. ROOM FOR gentleman, near transportation. Tel. Winn. 1921, LTN36-1tc FOR RENT -- TWO ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, furnished. Tel. Wil. 821-R. LTN36-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM; GENTLEMAN preferred. Tel. Winn. 657-R. T13-1tp WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS BY YOUNG BUSINESS MAN OF WIN- netka; living room and bedroom; with bath if possible; also break- fast if convenient and use of piano occasionally. First class references furnished. Address Talk A 228. T13-1tp GIRL. EMPLOYED, WANTS ROOM for light services or care of children evenings. Address Wilmette Life A 222, LTN36-1tp WANTED TO RENT--BY COUPLE, A furnished room with light cooking privileges. Call Lincoln 6732. Re- verse charges. T13-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--YOUNG MEN, 16 TO 20, who wish to school themselves in Automobile Salesmanship. Chance to earn good salary during your WANTED -- WHITE WOMAN OR girl for general work, cooking; no washing; private room and bath; good wages. Tel. Kenilworth 231. LTN36-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED MAID for general housework, including washing. Call Mrs. Winship, Kenil- worth 530. LTN36-1te MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; 3 in family; no washing. Tel. Wil. 928-W. 816 Forest Ave.,, Wilmette. LTN36-1tc NEAT, EFFICIENT, PROTESTANT white girl, general work; two in family; good home to right person. Tel. Glencoe 511. LTN36-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE EXPERIENCED AMERICAN DRESS- maker wants North Shore work; works for young women and girls only; specializes in making curtains and drapes; best references. P..O, Box 117, Evanston. LTN36-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- COLORED; permanent position; general house- work; no laundry or nursing; will- ing to leave city; ref. Tel. Kenwood 8658. LTN36-1tp FOUR SCHOOL GIRLS, AGES 14 TO 19, desire housework in small families; summer vacation. Apply 724 Elm can give references. 1980 Kristan St, Winnetka, 1107 Chicago Ave.,| Ave, North Chicago, James Jordan. Evanston. LTN36-1tp TN13-1tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICE House and window cleaning, floor waxing, lawn and garden work, first class references. Walsh. Tel. Winn. 035. LT25-tfc HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid, scraped, cleaned, Our own patent sanders Advance Floor Co. A. WASLEFF, Prop. 542 So. Dearborn St. LTN31-tfe CEMENT CONTRACTOR CALL EVANSTON 992. SAVE 10% TO 20% on your cement work. 20 years experience. Charles Abney, Cont. LTN36-tfc HOME SERVICE -- window washing, white- washing, floor waxing, wall clean- ing, calcimining. 511 4th St. Tel Wil. 135-1826. LT36-1tc LAKESHORE Gardening, SITUATION WANTED; EXP"D. PRAC- tical nurse and companion to in- valid or elderly person. Glencoe 347-M for references. Tel. Shel- drake 0785. TN13-1tp WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home; finished work and rough dry. Will call for and deliver. 418 Prai- rie Ave. Wil. Tel. 1351. LT35-2tc ENGLISH NURSE, GRADUATE, IN- fant, wishes position in suburbs; highest local references ;Salary $25. Tel. Superior 7792. LTN36-1tp RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS CARE of house during absence of family or room in return for services. Address Talk A 223. T13-1te SITUATION WANTED--TO DO LAUN- dry at home; very reasonable; good references; all work guaranteed, Tel. Highland Park 1776. TN13-1tp FOR SALE--ONE NO. X VICTROLA; in excellent condition; will sacrifice for $40. Winn, 1811. T13-1tc WILL SELL 8x10 KASHMIR RUG for $100. Tel. Winn. 1267. T13-1tc FOR SALE -- KERMANSHAH RUG, price $300; also tea cart. Tel. Winn. 1775. T13-1tp | FOR SALE--FROSTED REED BABY carriage; reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1438. T13-1tc -- WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTN24-tfc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Unique Graduation and Wedding Gifts GENUINE IMPORTED CHINESE GOODS: Hand carved Chains and Necklaces, $1 to $150. Bracelets, Earrings, Fans, Purses, Bags, etc, $1 to $15. Beautiful hand embroid- ered Table Linens, Center Pieces and Cross Stitch Luncheon Sets, hand work, Chinese designs, $12 to $80. Interesting Chinese richly col- ored paintings, framed, $2.50 to $10. Mandarin Coats, Silk Embroideries, Crepe Shawls, Capes, Girdles, etc, $2 to $60. Inspection invited. Tele- phone Wilmette 676. MRS. J. W. PANUSHKA 719 Ninth Street Wilmette, Ill. LTN36-1tc POULTRY HOUSE, "PERFECTION Portable," 6x10 ft., good condition; also complete equipment, automatic feeder, water fountains, oat sprout- ers, ete.; cost over $100; price $25. 680 Walden Rd., Winnetka 794. LTN36-1tc FARROW CHIX; IN 100 LOTS. LEG- horns, $8.50; Barred Rocks, Single Reds, $9.50; Rose Reds White Rocks; $11.50; Wyandottes, Buff Orp., Minorcas, $12.50; assorted, $7.50. D. T. FARROW, CHICKERIES, PEORIA, ILL. LTN18-22tc BLACK DIRT, MANURE $2.50 per cubic yard in Glencoe and Winnetka, delivered. Landscape Gardening MATT CARETTA 409 Randolph St. Phone Glencoe 885 WANTED--WASHING, IRONING AND TN13-tfc ani th o i . Praoraey YY phe dav. Scandinavian | pon ATH -TOY'S SECOND HAND LT36-1tc bicycle; "Prince;" made by Mead Cycle Co.; 1, 590d sonduion. Price 20... Tel. Wil. 2390. J. C. illips, WHITE WOMAN WISHES LAUNDRY $ work and cleaning by day. Tel. Wil. 1159 Wilmette Ave. LTNS4-tfe $12, LT36-1tc| FOR SALE -- GREENHOUSE BUSI- ness, complete, wonderful opportun- SITUATION WANTED -- A YOUNG ity for landscape gardeners, etc, lady wishes work by the day. Tel. Call Winn. 1545 for particulars. Kenilworth 826-M. T13-1tec T13-1tc DRESSMAKING AT 916 ASH ST.|FOR SALE--AIRDALE PUPPIES; 5 European dressmaker. Tel. Winn. months old; male and female; per- 1758. T13-1te fectly marked; must sell; a bargain. EXPERIENCED MAN, WHITE, W"TS. house cleaning and gardening; good references. Tel. Glencoe 770. Oliver Hertzberger. T12-tfc NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSE Cleaning Co., 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winnetka 1994, Winnetka, Ill T9-tfc HOUSEMAN AND GARDENER, DAY work. Mr. J. Smillie. Tel. Wil 3048. TN12-1tp WANTED--POSITION AS GARDEN- er's helper; not afraid to work. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk 231. T13-1tp EXPERT GARDEN WORK DONE BY hour or contract. Call Winn. 1902. LTN27-tfc FOR RENT--VERY PLEASANT FUR- nished bedroom, glassed in sun porch; hot and cold water; for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 128 Linden Ave. 2 blcks. north Hubbard Woods station. Tel. Winn. 1119. TN13-1te FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS WITH bath on third floor, electric grill for cooking; reasonable to responsible party; prefer help with work as part payment. Tel. Winn. 2032. T13-1te A WIDOW, CENTRALLY LOCATED, will give room and board to work- ing woman or young girl for some service in the A. M. or P. M. Tel. Wil. 253 Sat. P. M. LTN36-1te FOR RENT -- FRONT BEDROOM; suitable for one or two; gentlemen preferred. Call 806 Elm St. after 6 P. M. Apartment over North Shore Laundry. T13-1te TWO LARGE, LIGHT FURNISHED rooms; single or in suite; near lake, transportation; private bath. Tel. Winn. 1543. LTN36-1te FOR RENT -- FRONT ROOMS IN private home; best east side loca- tion; near transportation, cafeteria and beach. Tel. Wil. 1940. LTN36-1te JUNE 17 TO SEPT. 1ST, LIGHT AIRY furnished rooms, could accommodate three men, 1-2 mile from public golf course and beach; 3 blcks. from trans. Tel. Winn. 624. TN13-1te FOR RENT--THREE FURN. ROOMS; private bath; nicely located home; 2 people; garage if desired. Hubbard Woods. Tel. Winn. 729. T13-1te FOR RENT--ROOM; SUITABLE FOR two, housekeeping privileges if de- WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN MY sired; no children. Tel. Winn. 2231 lot 6 blcks. from Hubbard Woods after 6 or all day Saturday. station. Tel. Winn. 235. T13-1tc T13-1te SC -- WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES I WANT TO BUY HOME WITH FIVE or more bedrooms, prefer east side of railroad; Kenilworth to High- land Park. Will pay up to $80,000. Address 229, Winnetka Weskly folk. 3-1te WANTED TO BUY--7 OR 8 ROOM house near schools and transport- ation. Give full particulars. Box 155 Kenilworth. T13-tp FOR RENT--LARGE LIGHT FUR- nished room, private family, near transportation. Tel. Wil. 832-R. LTN36-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; steam; hot and cold running water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1030. LT1-tfc FOR RENT--7ROOMS, WHOLE OR IN part... Bek. Wilke 1183, LTN36-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE OR FE- MALE WANTED--SOMEONE WHO IS A through master of Gregg shorthand to give private lessons three or four evenings a week at my home in Hubbard Woods. Give complete in- formation in replying, including rates. Address 232 Winnetka Talk. T13-1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--YOUNG GIRL OR WOMAN (white) for 6 yr. old boy, from 3 to 7 P. M. daily; kindergarten or rec- reational experience preferred. Call 495 Ash St, Winnetka. Tel. Winn 1417. T13-1tc WE HAVE A SPLENDID OPPORTUN- ity for someone desirous of making FOR DRESSMAKING CALL MISS Carlsten; Winn. 911, before 8:15 A. M. T10-tfc Ee -------- FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Household Goods HICKORY PORCH FURNITURE, small gas range, 4 mattresses and springs, wrought iron and- irons and large poker, canoe, music cabinet, victrola and rec- ords, large mahogany screen, washing machine (hand run), mangle. 593 Sheridan Road Winnetka LTN36-1te BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED SEW- ing machines; Drop heads, $9.00 and up; Portable Electric Singers, 'White's, etc. from $24.50 up. Patter- money at home in spare time or full son Bros. 816-818 Church St, Ev- time. Ray Studio, Evanston, Ill anston. Bet. "L'" and Postoffice. LTN32-tfc LTN35-tfe WANTED -- WHITE LAUNDRESS; | ACCOUNT OF MOVING WILL SELL have good laundry with good elec- tric washer and ironer; good place for good woman; references. Tel. Glencoe 459. LTN36-1tc WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST WITH general housework; 4 in family. 503 Hawthorn ' lane. Tel. Winn. 395. T13-1te GERMAN GIRL FCR general housework; no laundry or second work. 550 Cedar St., Win- netka. TN13-1te WANTED--A WHITE WOMAN FOR cleaning one day a week; references required. Tel. Glencoe 768. LTN36-1ct WANTED--WOMAN FOR HALF-DAY work by week; permanent. Tel. Wil. 3010. 1316 Ashland Ave. Wilmette. LTN36-1tc WAITRESS--CAN LIVE AT HOME. Apply Indian Hill Club. Tel. for ap- pointment Wil. 1711, LTN36-1tc WANTED--YOUNG LADY STENOG- WANTED -- rapher for Real Estate office in Winnetka. Must be able to meet public in person and over phone. Write 227 Wilmette Life. LTN36-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Mrs. Benson, 601 Ash St, Winn 1523. LTN36-1tc very reasonably overstuffed daven- port and two chairs, with slip covers; reed settee, gas range, breakfast set. Call 888 Oak St. Tel Winn. 978. LTN36-1tc 150 LBS. ICE CAPACITY REFRIGER- ator in good condition for sale. Come take it away at your own price. 861 Bryant Ave, Winnetka. LTN36-1tc SALE -- ONE DAVENPORT, one large overstuffed chair; one solid mahogany library table, glass top. 625 Willow St. Tel. Winn. 662-J. LTN36-1tc FOR SALE -- WEATHERED OAK chair, genuine leather cushions; hall FOR like new; rack with bevelled glass mirror; both excellent condition. Tel. Winn. 1267. T13-1te FOR SALE--APEX IRONER, ALMOST new, good condition; reasonable. Tel. E. L. Nixon, Sheldrake 4549. 7415 N. Paulina St. LTN36-1tc FOR SALE--ONE 9x12 FRENCH WIL- ton rug; blue all-over pattern; ex- cellent condition. $65. Tel. Winn. 1050. LTN36-1tc FOR SALE -- GAS RANGE; GOOD condition, $15; gas heater for hot water, $10. Tel. Winn. 1298. T13-11p Tel. Winn. 897. T13-1te FOR SALE--TWO RUSSIAN FURS; suitable for coats; 1 dark brown, 1 white. $50 each. Tel. Winn 912. LTN36-1tc GIRL'S SCOUT SUIT FOR SALE; size 12, complete for $5.00, like new. Tel. Wil. 2590. LTN36-1tp WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WINNETKA FURNITURE buys and sells rugs, piunes, anything useful. t. STORE stoves, autos, 1045 Ash LTN1-tfe FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS FOR QUICK SALE--SPEC 6, 5 pass. Studebaker Sedan in A-1 shape, paint and tires like new, $500. 4 pass. Dodge Coupe, $250. 934 Oak- wood Ave. Tel. Wil. 1882. LTN36-1tc Good Used Cars '22 BUICK ROADSTER '24 OVERLAND ROADSTER Slocum Motor Sales Moon Dealers Telephone Evanston 10194 1029 Davis Street EVANSTON LTN36-1tc BUICK 1924 DEMONSTRATOR, PER- fect condition, can handle used car on above car. E. H. Coal. Tel. Ev- anston 4357. LTN36-1tc FOR SALE--5 PASS. DETROIT ELEC- tric, Exide batteries, good condition, $225. G. W. Gordon, 874 Lincoln Ave. Winn. Tel. Winn. 365. LTN36-1tc Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St, Evanston 140 Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers LTN29-tfc FOR SALE--DOUBLE DRIVE DE- troit electric car, in first class con- dition, including paint, batteries and slip covers; price $300. Tel. W. E. Faithorn, Harrison 6231. LTN36-1tc LOST AND FOUND LOST--SMALL BLACK PURSE CON- taining keys and small sum of money, Thursday, May 29, cn Elm St. Tel. Winn, 1609. T13-1tp LOST--GOLD FILIGREE CIRCLE PIN in the southwest part of Winretka. Tel. Winn. 807. T13-1te { ra NY