€ - HERE IS A PAGE OF GOOD NEWS = - as = CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1924 TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three MINIMUM CHARGE 50c. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. { ) Classified advertisements will Deadline for Insertions-- 2s! up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Evanston to be ac- 1 REAL ESTATE 11 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 16 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS For Sale Winnetka SIX - ROOM FRAME HOUSE; LOT 50x187; 2 baths; newly decorated. Move right in; owner anxious to sell and has given us minimum price of $13,000. Bargain in an older 9-room stuc- co house. Excellent location; N. E.; 2 baths; lot 775x150. Owner is making changes and when complet- ed it will be a bargain at $25,000. HILL STONE Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. 543 Lincoln Ave. Tel Win ao p " " - C - 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT--IN WILMETTE; 6-ROOM FOR RENT Unfurnished OVERLOOKING INDIAN HILL, COUNTRY CLUB 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, H. W. Heat 2-car garage and drive, Lot 85x250 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $250 PER MONTH POSSIBLY $200 OR SQ TO GOOD ENANT Haviland Realty Co. 747 ELM ST. PH. WINN. 577 Open all day Sunday 1TN29-1te FOR SALE ONE OF THE BETTER HOMES ON the North Shore located in Win- netka, near the lake on a beautiful lot with nearly 300 feet of frontage, grounds have wonderful trees, shrubbery, flowers, etc. The Eng- lish Manor house idea is carried out in the interior plan, decorations and woodwork of the house which is built on Steel framework. There are 7 bedrooms, 4 baths, 2 exira lavatories, sleeping and dining porches, sewing room, linen room, servant's porch, unusual closet and cupboard space. Basement is very light and completely finished and includes chauffeur"s room. Lot alone Is worth $40,000 which makes the en- tire proposition a very attractive purchase. QUINLAN & TYSON--Ine. Fountain Square, Evanston UE _ Prouty Bldg., Winnetka University 2600 Winnetka 2199 Suburban North WINNETKA 8S. E.: A SPLENDID BOY IN A 6- rm. frame, on wooded lot, all fresh- ly painted; 2-car garage; $15,000. Indian Hill Grounds 7-rm. white, new English Colo- nial, clapboard, 3 baths, 2 tiled, lot 134x216, with beau. sweeping view over golf course; a genuine buy at 27,500. N, E. Winnetka 6-rm. tapestry brick, beau. planned on 75 ft. wooded lot; a splendid value at $20,000. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 Prouty Annex, Winnetka Winnetka 1800 Winnetka 1226 1LTN52-1tc ? [eo] Nn New Sh H New Shingle Home IN HUBBARD WOODS FOR SALE. 6 rooms; sun parlor; 2-car garage; dandy wooded lot; owner anxious to sell. Helnsen& Kroll, Ine. 556 Center St. Tel. Winn. 254 Formerly West Railroad Ave. 1LTN52-1te FOR SALE--21-ACRES ADJOINING the . exclusive North Shore . Golf Club at Glenview, having an un- broken frontage of 1320 feet on the course, also an unrestricted view of the club house and grounds; excep- tional buy. for a home or for invest- ment. For particulars see or call-- WYATT & COONS Exclusive Agents Ph. Glenview 81. Northbrook 104. 1LT52-2te 1LTN52-1te TWO EXCEPTIONALLY WELL- built, new modern ALL FACE- WILMETTE, BRICK residences: Hot water heat; steel beams; steel casements; all tile baths; Kel- vinator refrigerator; mosaic vesti- bule; sun parlor and English side porch. Lot seventy-five (75) foot front- age; two blocks to transportatoin; ideally attractive natural surround- Ings trees, shrubs, hedge. S rooms and su i $16,500. aia FIVE rooms and porch, $15,500.00 Reasonable Terms to Desis- able Applicants J. H. Schaefer & Co, 909 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, Illinois Phone 364 1LTN52-1te Vacant Winnetka N. W. WOODED LOT 100x225 IN EX- cel. location. Adj. pty. held at $130 per ft. Must turn at once at $90 ft. WILMETTE $1,600 will buy a 50-ft. lot 1 blk. west of the Ridge. Other lots sell- ing for $2,500 and more. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 3 10 Prouty Annex, Winnetka Winnetka 1800 Winnetka 1226 1LTN52-1te A REAL HOME fo Rent with Option to Buy 7-ROOM COLONIAL; OVERLOOKING lake; 2 sun rooms; breakfast room; all glazed and heated; extra toilet and lavatory, 1st floor; h. w. h,; 2- car garage; beautiful woooded land- scaped lot; $250 per mo. Heinsen & Kroll, Ine. 556 Center St. Tel. Winn. Formerly West Railroad Ave. 1LTN52-1te Are You Building Next Spring? SAVE MONEY; BUY THIS FALL. My building plans have changed. I offer my beautiful wooded lot in Ravinia, 75x150, just East of Sheri- dan Road towards the lake, at a special price till October 1 of $72 a foot. Small cash. If interested address M. A. Hawkins, Linden Ave., Wilmette. 1LTN52-1te FOR SALE--IN CHOICE SECTION OF Kenilworth, resident lot 75x160; one block from lake on Robsart; $112 per foot. Owner leaving for Cali- fornia. Tel. University 8632. 1LTN52-1tp 254 OWNER MUST SELL ATTRACTIVE well built 7-rm. house, loc. east Wilmette, convenient to "L" and steam roads; sun and slpg. pchs.; water heat, beau. lot, abundant shrubbery and fine trees; excep. value at $18,000. Wilmette 2066. 1LTN52-1te house (3 bedrooms); choice location; center of east side; convenient to school and churches; beautiful lot with garden and fruit trees; Oct. 1 possession; $90 per month. 719 Ninth St, Wilmette. 2TN29-1te FOR RENT--NEWLY DECORATED 6-rooms house; sun and sleeping porches; h. w. h.; garage. 1341 As- bury Avenue, Hubbard Woods. Tel Winn. 1453. 2LTN52-1te FOR RENT--Glencoe furnished 6- room . bungalow; large lot; reas. price; long lease or winter mos. 540 Jackson, cor- 2LTN52-1tc FOR RENT--ALL OR PART OF nicely furnished house for winter; centrally located. Address Life, 325. . 2LTN52-1tc FOR RENT--SIX-ROOM, NEW BRICK residence; southwest Winnetka. Tey Winnetka 1055. 2TN29-1tc 3 WANTED--TO RENT--HOUSES Tel. Glencge 1024. ner of GPFeenwood. FOR RENT--FURNISHED 7-ROOM house. November 1st to April 1. For particulars call Winnetka 789. 3TN29-2tc 4 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED living room, bedroom, kitchen and private bath. Also furnished rooms. WILMETTE INN 726 11th Street Wilmette 1868 4LTN52-1te FOR RENT--2-ROOM FURNISHED kitchenette apartment, Yo block from. C. *& 'N, station. Water heat; hot water service; ready for occupation. Oct. 17th. Wil. 3156. 4LTN52-1tp FOR RENT--BEAUTIFULLY FUR- nished apartment; near Howard Avenue; 5 large rooms and sun par- lor. Reasonable rent. Tel. Shel- drake 8193. 4LT52-1tc FOR RENT -- FIVE-ROOM FLAT; stove heat; reasonable rent; near transportation. Tel. Glencoe 343-R. 4T29-1tp APARTMENT FOR RENT--$65; TWO rooms; kitchenette; near transpor- tation; immediate possession. Tel. Wil. 1800. 4LLTN52-1tc . FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND OF- fice rooms. GG. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Winnetka 62. 4LTN43-tfe IS THERE A "REFINED YOUNG woman desiring position in small family? Lovely room; good wages; housework; assist in care of 5 yr. old child; no laundry; about October 1st. Tel. Glencoe 841. 1ILTN52-1tc FOR SALE--BLACK ENAMEL BIRCH table; suitable for breakfast room or kitchen. Contains large drawers, 45x47 inches; $5. Tel. Winnetka 1699. Address 840 Foxdale Ave. 16T29-1te WANTED--EXPERIENCED, COMPE- tent stenographer, preferably one who has had municipal experience. FOR SALE--GAS STOVE, FOUR BUR- ners, oven and broiler, $7; also two trunks. Call Saturday or Sunday, or Apply Mr. Noe, Village Hall, Win- telephone Winnetka 2278. netka. 11TN29-1te 16LT52-1te WANTED--YOUNG WOMEN FOR | MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY-- Telephone soliciting. Salary and mahogany davenport, piano, dining commission. Call at 518 Davis St. set and other household goods and Toloff Studio, Evanston, Ill. Tel. clothing. Tel. Wil. 837-W. '1122 2178. 11L.TN52-1tc Lake Ave. 16LTN29-1te WANTED -- MAID; WHITE; RELI-|FOR SALE--GARDEN TOOLS, WIN- able and good cook for cooking and downstairs work in small house; best dow shades and screens; gas stove and ice chest. Can be seen Monday, references required. Tel. Winn. 939. 1168 Asbury Ave.; Mrs. Arthur S. 11LTN52-1te Durand. 16T29-1te WANTED--GENERAL HOUSEWORK | FOR SALE --- "KITCHEN MAID" girl; white; some experience; small house; 2 children of school age; no washing. Tel. Winn. 1604. 11LTN52-1te kitchen cabinet, $35. Also Fairbanks balance scales; suitable for weigh- ing baby. Tel. Winn. 680. 16TN29-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE cook and second maid; good defer- ences required; best wages. Tel. Mrs. Stein, Highland Park 109. 11LTN52-1te WANTED---HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO take care of two boys, 5 and 6 yrs. old, after school. Tel. Glencoe 52. 11TN29-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. housework; assist with child; no laundry; call Highland Park 1671 and reverse charges. SALE -- BALDWIN UPRIGHT splendid condition, very rea- Call Winnetka 1491. 16TN29-1te FOR SALE--EIGHT PIECE WALNUT dining-room set, $75; baby pen, $2; FOR piano, sonable. jumper and stand, $3. Tel. Winn. 550-W. 16TN29-1te FOR SALE--WHITE WICKER BAS- sinette with mattress. Perfect condi- tion, $10. Tel. Winn. 1531. 16T29-1te : FOR SALE--CLARK-JEWELL GAS WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. OFFICE range in good condition; also Gris- work. Wersted Motor Co. Tel. wold portable oven. 382 Ridge Winn. 165. 11LTN52-1te Ave., Winnetka. 16T29-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN-{FOR SALE--MASON AND HAMLIN eral housework; small family. Call upright piano in perfect conditoin, Winnetka 1491. 11TN29-1te mahogany case. Tel. Wing ili -1te i3 SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--GARDENING AND GEN- eral housework by hour. Also fur- naces. Can furnish the best refer- ences. Tel. Winn. 2011. 13T29-3te EXPERIENCED MAN WISHES HSE.- cleaning and odd jobs; also take care of furnaces. Tel. Wil. 911-J. 13LTN52-1te i4 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE MANAGING HSEKPR. IN SMALL home by woman of refinement and ability; would consider care of in- valid or motherless child. References. Tel. Wil. 388. 14LTN52-1te SITUATION WANTED SEMI-INVA- lid or child cared for competently. Mary Huddle. Tel. Winn. 1525. 14LTN52-1te PLAIN, NEAT SEWING DONE AT home; reasonable. Phone after 5:00. Wilmette 3206. 14LTN52-1te SIT. WANTED -- STENOGRAPHER; experienced; short hours. Wil. 1835. 14LTN52-1tp a 5 SITUATION MALE WANTED-- AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--YOUNG COL- ored couple desire position in pri- vate family. References. Tel. Wil 1037. 15TN29-1tp 7 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR SALE--WINNETKA, EAST SIDE, 6-room modern house, two blocks from transortation; steam heat; large sleeping and sun porches, new breakfast porch; Lovekin hot water GARAGE FOR 1038. RENT--TEL. WINN. 7T28-tfc Ss FOR RENT--ROOMS heater; excellent condition through-|FOR RENT--TWO ADULTS; NICELY out. Price $13,000. $3,000 cash and furnished room in a small family; balance in easy ayments. Address centrally located. Light housekeep- Wilmette Life, 316. No dealers. ing if desired. Tel. Wil. 253. 1LTN51-3tp SLTN52-1tc IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON|{ FOR RENT--2 VERY PLEASANT 10 YEARS' TIME OR MORE connecting rooms; near Hubbard Location--Sheridan Road, Chestnut Woods Station; suitable for two; Ave., Ashland Ave, Tth Ave, 10th hot water; $10. Tel. Winn. 1119. St., Lots 2,-7 and'10, B. 1; 1.2, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. 4, B. 5; L. 3and 4, B. 9; L. 9 10 and 12, B. 10; 5, B13: 1. land 5,°B 17. SLTN52-1te ROOM, $4 Man preferred. Address FOR RENT--UPSTAIRS per week. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. 903 Ash St.,, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1LTN29-tfc 1688. 8ST29-1tp . FOR RENT--VERY PLEASANT ROOM Elgin, 111. for gentleman; east side; near (ONE "HOUR. 'FROM T7Hp Loop) - Bodsporiation.. Teli Wil 214% 0 Beautiful homes and improved acre tracts; also farms at bargain prices -- (live in beautiful Fox River Val- ley District). Write or call for my offerings. Wm. H. Abelmann, 26-27 Home Bank Bldg. Elgin, Illinois. 1LTN48-5tp FOR SALE--316 FT. ON GLENVIEW Road in Wilmette limits; large or- chard and 10-room home, recently remodeled; furnace heat; water and all modern improvements; will di- vide. Address Wilmette Life, 306. 1LT50-2tp FOR SALE--WILMETTE; GOOD N. W. location; new 5-room bungalow with glazed porch, tile shower bath, large attic, hot water heat, lot 50x150, $12,500. $2,600 cash, balance easy terms. Address Wilmette Life, 322. 1ILTN52-1te FOR SALE--316 FT. ON GLENVIEW Road in Wilmete limits; large or- chard and 10-room home, recently remodeled; furnace heat; water and all modern improvements; will di- vide. Address Wilmete Life, 306. 1LT52-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6-RM. houses; new; big lots; close to trans, lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. County Line Rd. 2 blks. west of Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc FOR RENT OR SALE -- 219-13TH St.; 5-room house, bright and cheery; furnace heat; location convenient and attractive. October to May. $70 a month. Key with Miss King. Tel. 215. 1LTN52-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--MODERN 6- room residence. Corner 3rd and Maple. HL. W. H. Address Owner, C. J. Cross, 1401 Forest, Wilmette. Tel. 1372. 1LTN52-1tp 1126 Central Avenue. FOR RENT -- LARGE FURNISHED front rooms; south windows; steam heat; hot water; near transportation. 16 FOR - SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- VERY CHEAP, ONE complete double brass bed, two mat- tresses and one spring. Morris chair, mahogany living-room table, two rocking chairs, kitchen table, three grass rugs, one 8 ft, 6 inches by 10 ft., 6 inches, Wilton rug 9x12, and several small rugs. Tel. Winn. 566. 16LTN52-1te FOR SALE--MUST BE SOLD THIS week; porch furniture; four poster antique mahg. bed, perfect condi- tion; dining room set; new walnut twin beds; box springs; chairs; tables; tools of all kinds. 1012 Greenwood. Tel. Wil. 2284. 16LTN52-1te YOU CAN EFFECT REAL SAVINGS on handsome furniture; drapes; rugs; ete. if you act quickly. Sold my home, and in place of storing, will sell at prices you cannot af- ford to overlook. 920 South Sheri- dan road, near Beach street, High- land Park. 16TN29-1te FOR SALE--HORTON WASHING MA- chine; $65; also Horton mangle $75. Both «in fine condition. Tel. Winn. 1713. 16T29-1te FOR + SALE -- LACQUERED FLOOR lamp, silk shades; baby brass bed; hair mattress. Tel. Winn 1256. 16LTN52-1te FOR SALE -- WHITE WICKER child's bed; full five, $10. Tel. Winn. 1531. 16T29-1te FOR SALE--FIELD"S SPECIAL DARK blue cab, $15. Tel. Winn. 1531. 16T29-1te FOR SALE--MAHOGANY LIBRARY table; very cheap. Tel. Winnetka 1011. 16TN29-1te 17 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS -- WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. C Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Jvanston, Ill. Phone 189. 17LTN24-tfe WANTED -- FIELD'S DARK BLUE stroller. Tel. Winn. 1531. 17T29-1te --. i8 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Fords - Fords - Fords Special this week Small down payment, terms on balance. 1 2--1924 Open Express ton trucks. 3--1924 Tourings, starter and extras. 3--Late Model Coupes. 1--Roadster with express box. 1--Good Special Six Studebaker Touring and others. 1--1924 New closed Ford Truck with panel body. 1--Ford dump Truck, good con- dition. These cars were turned in for non payment of installments and can be purchased by taking over unpaid contracts. Standard Motor Securities Corp. 634 Davis St. Tel. University 57 18LTNb52-1tc FOR SALE--STEWARD GAS RANGE; perfect condition; white doors; self Used Cars--All Makes \ iq FS =3_.1te lighter; nickel turning. Bargain at py Tel. Wil. 1940. SLTN52-1tc $25. Algo German silver mechani- REDUCED PRICES FOR RENT--LARGE SUNNY FRONT| cal drawing instrument; never used. on all used cars room; private home; central loca- At §6. Tel. Wil. 1765, day; 885, eve- tion. Tel. Wil. 965-M. SLTN52-1tc| ning. 16LTN52-1te Werste oftor ®o FOR RENT--TWO LIGHTHOUSE- | FOR SALE -- REASONAULYS OLD = ° t keeping reo 3 for wo n. Tel. Chippendale chair; rienta Tugs, W le CE TR SLTN52-1tp 70x44 and Boas) baby yeas baby Inne a : carriage; stroller; aluminum fireless Dod Brothers Motor Cars FOR RENT--PLEASANT FRONT RM. cooker. Tel. Kenilworth 2317. odge 18LTN52-1te suitable for two. Phone after 5:00. 16LTN52-1te Wilmette 3206. SLT52-1te e > FOR SALE--DINING-ROOM SET, 6 E 1 k FOR RENT -- WELL FURNISHED| chairs and table; mahogany bed-da- | [ Used Cars -- All Makes front room; large closet; private venport; mahogany living-room ta- OPEN AIR SALES bath. Tel. Glencoe 805. SLTN52-1te ble. Address 43 Kenilworth Ave, Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Kenilworth, or telephone Kenil- Willys-Knight and Overland FOR RENT---NICELY FURNISHED worth 2763. 16TN29-1te > Dealers front room in private family. 1618 Evanston 140 WANTED--MIDDLE AGED WHITE woman as mother's helper; half day: references. Tel. Winn. 1°44, ; 11L'TN52-1te 16LTN52-1te Central Ave., Wilmette. SLTN52-3tp | FOR SALE--EARLY ENGLISH DIN- 1SLTN42-tfe ner set; table; 6 chairs; buffet; 2 FOR RENT--DESIRABLE ROOM IN odd chairs; mahg. library table; private home; two in family. 898 8x10 rug. Tel. Winn. 1666. Elm St, Winnetka. SLTN52-1te 16LTN52-1tc | 19 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT--TWO LARGE FURNISH-| FOR SALE--OLIVE GREEN WILTON | FOR SALE--COCOA-COLORED ed rooms. Gentlemen only. Tel. rug; practically new, $35; victrola, plaited georgette dress; black crepe Winn. 404. SLTN52-1te 110 size and records, $50. Tel. dress; black accordion-plaited dress; Glencoe 1066. 16LTN52-1te black lace dress; black and white 11 HELP WANTED--FEMALE coat. Tel. Glencoe 1050 or address FOR + SALE--FOUR BURNER AND 461 Woodlawn Ave. Glencoe. WANTED -- COMPETENT GENERAL oven, General Electric range in 1st 19TN29-1te housework girl; white; small fam- class condition for sale. Call Winn. ily: no laundry; good wages; room 366. 16T29-1tc | FOR SALE -- BLACK DIRT AND with bath. Tel. Glen. 802 or call manure, $2.50 a yard. Tel. Glencoe at 200 Maple Hill Road. FOR SALE--WROUGHT IRON BRIDGE 885. 19TN29-1te 11LTN52-1te lamp and table lamp, silk shades; desk lamp: also cut glass, cheap. | FOR SALE -- CARNARIES, EXCEP- WANTED--AN EXP. WHITE MAID Tel. Wil. 922-7. 16TL52-1te tionally good singers; beautiful for general housework; no laundry; birds. Tel. Winn. 803. 19LTN52-1tc own room and bath; $18 a week.| ONE BUFFET, LIGHT GRAY, WITH Tel. Winnetka 1619. Address 142. blue trimming; suitable for break-| LYON AND HEALY C-MELODY SAXA- Church Rd., Winnetka. 11TN29-1tc fast room. Tel. Winn. 1575. phone and care; perfect condition; bargain. Tel. Wil. 1909. 19LTN52-1te FOR SALE--KITCHEN small laundry niture.. 'Tel. GAS RANGE; gas stove; other *fur- Winn. 2230. 16TN29-1tc FOR SALE -- MODERN EVENING dress and other almost new; size 36. Tel. Kenilworth 2820. 19LTN52-1te