c WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1924 ; 23 © WANT-ADS SAVE 50 TO 75 PER CENT i. - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS "Fh Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS, Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three MINIMUM CHARGE 350¢. the line. No black face type used. Rates for papers. { : Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline f or I nsecrtions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 Average of five words to Display type on application. Thursday 12 o'clock for the for 'he GLENCOE NEWS. or WINNETKA 2000-2001. 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK'S LIST possibly contains SOMETHING FOR YOU WINNETKA New English brick and stucco home; 7 rooms, 2 baths, glazed and heated sun porch; heated garage attch. N. E. location only 3 blks. to sta. Good offer on your own terms will be considered. Call at 364 Lincoln Ave., Winn. 314. GLENCOE Sacrifice sale of 7 rooms, 2 baths, glazed and htd. sun porch. Wooded lot 107 x 217 to ravine. Any reasonable offer considered. Call at 352 Park Ave. 971. Glencoe HIGHLAND PARK 100x330--wooded lot Tamble Ave. with all ments in and paid for. Will di- vide. $75.00 per ft. $10.00 per ft. under prices already obtained. Call at 382 Central Ave. High- land Park 268. on De- improve- DEERFIELD For quick sale $6500 will buy a 3 room bungalow, located 3 blocks from Deerfield Station, on a lot 150x241. Targe 30 ft. glazed and screened porch. Only 2 vears old. Off. Deerfield Ave. Deerfield 270. Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. Exclusive Agents Main Office 110 S. Dearborn St. Randolph 0112 1LTNS-1tc NORTH SUBURBAN N. E. WINNETKA Splendid 6-rm. tapestry brick hse. on 75: ft. lot; tile bath; lge. rms. Good buy at $20,000. : KENILWORTH Eight rm. clapboard, Colonial style, practically new; 3 baths; very lge. liv. rm.; Colonial design thru- out. Well landscaped lot, 100x170. 2-car garage. $35,000. VACANT--WINNETKA N. W. 100x225, heavily $90 per ft. S. E .100x200, beach rights, wood- ed, splen .value, $15,000. VACANT--INDIAN HILL wooded, S. E. 103x105. Price includes two way drive, $100 per ft. S. W. 50x190. Two blks. from Indian Hill sta. $80 per ft. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Oak St. at R. R. and just west of Indian Hill station Tel. Winnetka 1226 and 1800 1LTN5-1te WILMETTE HERE IS THE BEST BUY IN WIL- mette. An unusually high grade, well built stucco house with 7 lge., light, airy rooms; glazed slp. porch; large open screened porch; water heat. Beau. landscaped lot in one of the best east sections; abundant shrubs and several fine trees; conv. to "L" and steam. Exceptional value at $18,500. 806 Oakwood Ave. or Tel. Wilmette 2066. 1LTN5-1te WANTED TO BUY KENILWORTH VACANT I HAVE PLANS FOR A $25,000 HOUSE and want a lot on the east side of Kenilworth, not over 75 feet of frontage. Will not pay over $110.00 per foot, all cash. Address Wil- mette Life, 354. 1LT5-1te CHOICE VACANT IN WILMETTE ON Lake Avenue, west of 6th St. Large wooded lot 50x195; south frontage; with garage. Price $160 per foot. MITCHELL BROS. 2546 W. Railroad Ave. Tel. Evanston 961 1LTN5-1te FOR SALE--TAILOR-MADE XELLO- stone pebble-dash, new 5 rm. bunga- low. All interior appointments of latest design. Lot 50x150. All im- provements. One block from C. & N. W. station; 30 min. to loop. Price $7,500. Moderate down payment, balance some as rent. Address Wil- mette Life, 353. 1LTN5-1tp OWNER WILL SACRIFICE BUNGA- low, 5-rooms, sleeping porch, built- in bath, harq floor and base, shower connection; two-car garage just fin- ished. Lot worth $4,500. Price $9,975. Terms. Call Winn. 755 or write B. Gotaas, 1096 Ash St., Winn. 1TN34-1te FOR SALE--196 FT. VACANT IN Winnetka, suitable for three houses; east side, convenient to transporta- tion. Owners want property im- proved and will sell entire piece at $65 per foot. Phone Winnetka 1609. 1LTN5-tfp FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6-RM. houses; new; big lots; close to trans. lake, golf cousee; $10,000 to $21,000. Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. County Line Rd. 2 blocks west of Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Park 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc WANTED--530 FT. LOT PREFER East Winnetka or near Hubbard Woods school. Nothing over $4,000. No agent. Tel. Rogers Park 2262. 1T33-2tc GREATEST BARGAIN IN WIL- mette. Bungalow at $7,500, part cash. Large lot. Call 1332 Forest Ave., Wilmette. 1LTN5-1te FOR SALE--10 ACRES, COR. WIN- netka and Kotz Road; very fine, wooded. Tel. Wil. 3041 1LTN2-tfe BUY 5 ACRES IN SUNSET RIDGE estates on Kotz Road. Tel. Wil. 3041. 1LTN2-tfe FOR SALE--280 ACRES NEAR LAKE Forest on state road; fine for sub- division. Tel. Wil. 3041. 1LTN2-tfc 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT SIN ROOM BRICK RESIDENCE, MOD- ern, just completed, h. w. heat, $100 Five room brick bungalow, mod- ern, h. w. heat; 2-car garage, $75 Four room apartment........ $30 J. H. Schaefer & Co. 909 Ridge Wilmette Tel. 364 2LTN5-1tc 6-ROOM furnished; h. w. heat; 3 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and bath; newly decorated. Large 2-car garage. In fine neighborhood. Nov. 15-June 1 or 15. Tel. Winn. 1471. 2TN34-2tc FOR RENT--WINNETKA. SEVEN room house with oil burner; for win- ter months; at reduced price. Tel. Winnetka 851. 2LTN5-1tc tt ----------------_------ ET 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--UNFURNISHED APT.; 2 rooms and kitchenette; janitor serv- Ave, FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE bungalow; ice, steam heat; immediate occu- pancy. Tel. Mr. Walter Nelson, Wil- mette 1800. 3LTN5-1tc FOR RENT--625-11TH ST. 4-ROOM apartment; steam heat; in-a-dor bed in dining room. Janitor service. Tel. Wilmette 2399. 3LTN2-tfc FOR RENT--FOUR RM. APT. FURN. or unfurn.; stove heat. Garage if desired. 716 Ridge Ave., near Wash- ington, Wilmette. 3LT5-1tp FOR RENT--SIX RM, STEAM HEAT- ed apt. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Win- netka 62. 3LTN5-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND OF- fice rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Winnetka 62. 3LTN43-tfc 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- ROOM ADJOINING bath; board optional; in modern east side home. No other roomers. Garage on premises. Best references necessary. Tel. Highland Park 1612. 4LTN5-1tp FOR RENT--ROOM IN DESIRABLE location, east of tracks and near transportation. Tel. Winnetka 2144. 4LTN5-1tc FOR RENT--VERY DESIRABLE RM. in private house. Nominal price to congenial person. Write particulars to Wilmette Life, 355. 4LTN5-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. 4LT4-tfe re y . Winnetka's Best Bargain OWNER LEAVING VILLAGE MUST sell cozy 6-rm. frame and shingle house in S. E. Winnetka. Splendid cond. Lot 46x187; large trees; 1- car garage. A snap at $14,000. Call Winnetka 1226 now. 1LTN5-1te FOR RENT--LARGE ROOMS ON SIEC- ond floor; electric light; $25 per month 1% miles west of Winnetka. Tel. Wilmette 894-Y-2. 4T34-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR $3.50 per week. Address Winnetka Talk 361. 4TN34-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR $4 AND $5. Men only. 903 Ash St, Winnetka, 41'31-1tp 11 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- AUTOMOBILE SALES- man. Splendid opportunity for a man who has proven his ability to sell. We have the best-selling med- ium priced car on the market. This 15LTN5-1te WANTED--TO MAKE SWITCHES and puffs from cut hair and comb- ings. Tel. Winn. 1306. 15LTN5-1te BOOKKEEPER DESIRES EXTRA work. Employed at 566 Center St. Tel. Winn. 131. 15T34-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SWEDISH COUPLE WISH POSITION beginning November 1st; first class cook, gardener, houseman, chauffeur; 16 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS '15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE [21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT--TWO UNFURN. CON-|YOUNG WOMAN OF REFINEMENT |FOR SALE--BOY'S BLACK RAIN- necting rooms; lighthousekeeping and education will care for chil- coat and hat, size 10-12; girl's black privileges. Tel. Wilmette 969-M. dren by the hour or stay in evenings. beaver hat, 8 yr. size; double brass 4T34-1tc Tel. Glencoe 642 mornings. bed and springs, oak rocker with . 15TN34-1te upholstered seat, folding double sani- FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS NEAR tary cot. All in good condition. Tel. transportation; will consider em-| WHITE WOMAN WISHES COOKING Winn. 669-R. 21T34-1tc ploved couple. Apply 688 Ash St. or and serving. Will care for children tel. Winn. 533-R. 4TN34-1tc or do cleaning. Tel. Wilmette 3129.| FOR SALE--ONE EVENING, ONE 15LT5-1tp street and 4 afternoon dresses, win- FOR RENT--ONE OR 2 FURNISHED ter coat and cape, size 38; man's rooms for lighthousekeeping. (eu-|SITUATION WANTED BY NURSERY tuxedo coat and vest, overcoat, tleman preferred. 969 Spruce St. governess; French, needlework, sweater, 2 business suits, large size; 4T34-1tc trained nurse. Write Wilmette Life boy's suit and overcoat. Tel. Wil- 359. 15LTN5-1tp mette 2888. 21LT5-1te FOR RENT -- TWO ROOMS AND porch; unfurnished; private en-| REFINED GIRL DESIRES POSITION| FOR SALE -- BOYNTON FURNACE trance; immediate possession. Tel. taking care of children by day or used 2 winters; perfect condition. Wilmette 2919 . 4T34-1tc week. Tel. Glencoe 104. Furnace too small for my twelve room house, but ample for a 7-room house. Tel. Winnetka 674-R or call 858 Elm street, Winnetka. 217T34-1tp FOR SALE--THOROUGHBRED, MALE, white Russian wolf hound; 15 mos. old, 33 in. high, 6 ft., 4 in. from tip of nose to end of tail. Can be seen at 6602 Parnell Ave, Chicago. 21LTN5-1tp FOR SALE--LARGE CHEST OF OLD coins; rare picture of Abraham Lin- coln and family; old firearms and Indian relics; collection of old Ger- WANTED--GENERAL HOUSEWORK maid 30-45 years of age; work light, family of three adults, surroundings pleasant. Tel. Winn. 3. . 12T34-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. housework; no laundry; large wages; small family; references. Tel. Winn. 324. 12T34-1te WANTED--EXP. GIRL FOR GEN. housework; no washing; family of 3 adults. Tel. Kenilworth 468. 12TN34-1tc WANTED--MOTHER"S HELPER. GO home nights. References. Tel. Wil- mette 753-WX before 10 a. m. 12LT5-1tp WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cook; no washing; home nights. Tel. Winnetka 345. 12LTNJ-1te WANTED--WHITE LAUNDRESS FOR Mondays and Tuesdays. Tel. Winn. 4. 12T54-1te WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO assist with housework. Tel, Winn. 1428. 12TN34-1tc table and six chairs upholstered in camels hair. This set never too large for our apartment. used; Sacri- is a chance for a live man to make| no children; A-1 references. Tel. |,an steins. Call 1332 Forest Ave. some money. North Shore proposi- Winnetka 1709. 16TN34-1tp Wilmette. 21LTN5-1te tion. Address Winnetka Talk $60. 11T354-1tc; 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS |OUR CHRYSANTHEMUMS ARE NOW in. Pompoms and large flowers in WANTED -- CAPABLE ENERGETIC|FOR SALE--COLLECTOR"S ATTEN- all colors. Edwards, Florist, 917 young man as assistant to office tion. Two rosewood chairs, cherry Willow St, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. manager. Apply Mr. Noe, Village buffet, black walnut hatrack, hickory 885. 21LT5-3te Hall; Winnetka. 11TN34-1tc wagon chair, Seth Thomas black walnut clock, old silver plate, samp-| FOR SALE--THREE GAITED SAD- WANTED--YOUNG MAN TO HELP ler, Llama lace shawl, Paisley shawl, dle horse; bay, gelding, 15% hands in paint shop on Saturdays. Call silk crepe shawl, old hand-made high, fine manners. Woman can 1155 Chatfield Rd., Hubbard Woods. laces, black lace carriage parasol ride or drive. Tel. University 635. 11LN5-1te with ivory handle, applique quilt, 21LTN5-1te patchwork quilt, hand-woven bed- 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE spread, bric-a-brac, etc. 835 Lyman | FOR SALE--NEARLY NEW UTENCO Ave, Oak Park. Tel. Euclid 4419-J. electric ironer. Owner has no furth- WANTED--NURSE GIRL TO HELP 17TN34-1te|] er use for same. Indispensable in take care of two small children and - ----| a home laundry. Tel. Winnetka 2273. do some light 2nd floor work. Full] FOR SALE -- WALNUT DINING RM. 21TN34-1te time or go home nights. Tel. Glen- set; 78 in. buffet, 45 in. server, 60 in. coe 147. 12LTN5-1te FOR SALE--A BARGAIN IN LARGE If you are thinking it will pay you to size victrola. of purchasing, oak china cabinet as good as new. Call 1115 Elmwood Ave. Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 956-R. 17TLTNb5-1tp FOR SALE--EARLY ENGLISH DIN- ing room furn.; table, chairs and serving table. Reas. Tel. Wil. 1484, 17LTN5-1te FOR SALE--KERMANSHAW RUG 11 x17 in pastel and medallion design: Tel. Edgewater 1300. 17L/TN5-1tp FOR SALE -- DROP-HEAD SINGER Sewing Machine, $15.00. Tel. Glen- coe [20. 17TN34-1tc "OR SALE--TWO LARGE LIBRARY chairs; table; combination bookcase anq desk. Tel. Winn. 1015. 17T34-1te 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE couple able to take care of home for man and wife. Man must be competent chauffeur and gardener; wife good cook. Steady employment and good home to couple willing to work. Address Wilmette Life, 334. 13LTN2-tfc WANTED--MALE RELIABLE YOUNG MAN WANTS PO- sition as private chauffeur; handy around house and yard. F. . De Groot, Elmwood and Ridge Aves, Wilmette. 14LTN5-1tp 14 SITUATION Dance Music For All Occasions E. E. BIGELOW Tel. Wil. 3035 14LTN4-tfp RELIABLE MAN WOULD LIKE TO take care of a few more furnaces; any kind of day work. Tel. Kenil- worth 2763. 14LTN5-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- FURNACE tender, housecleaning or serving parties. 1st class references. Tel. Glencoe 616. 14TN341-1te WANTED--SITUATION AS FURNACE 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS, WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS P. WEISS & CO. WILMETTE JUNK DEALERS; old clothes; papers, 50c per 100; magazines, 70c per 100; metal. Tel. Wil. 636. 19LTN3-tfc WANTED TO BUY -- MATTRESS for single bed. Must be in fine condition. Tel. Winn. 462. 19TN34-1te WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. 19LTN-tfc BUY fice for $400. Tel. Univ. 939 morn- see this instrument. 522 Davis St. ings or after 6:00 P. M. Evanston. 21LTN5-1te 17LTN33-1t z FOR SALE--ABSOLUTELY NEW FOR SALE--FULL AND 3, SIZE Grebe 4-tube radio set. Walnut beds, complete; large and small cabinet. Forty per cent discount. rugs; electric washer. Reasonable. Demonstrate. Tel. 1 Kenil. 3286. Tel. Wilmette 910-M. 17LTN5-1tp 21LT5-1tp FOR SALE--ARTISTIC OLD ENGLISH | FOR SALE--CHANDLER AND PRICE Printing Press, 8x12, with motor, $150; excellent condition; also type cases, racks, etc. Tel. Glencoe 214. 21LTN5-1te FOR SALE--SECOND HAND LUMBER and firewood at Wersted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln 'Ave. Winnetka. 21LTN5-1te FOR SALE--THREE FULL BLOODED Shepard Anconas cockerels. No rea- sonable offer refused. Tel. Winn. 2273. 21TN34-1te FOR SALE - - THREF min paintings. AplL. L 2. Linu Apts, 510 Fifth St, Wilmette 21LTN5-1tc FOR SALE--MAH., HAND CARVED, SU special console victrola. Beautiful model. Bargain. Tel. Kenil. 3286. 21LT5-1tp FOR SALE--GOOD WINTER COAT with fur collar, 3 dresses, siz2. 44, Tel. Kenilworth 598. 21LTN5-1te FOR SALE -- ANTIQUES, CHINA, pewter, glass, some new linens. Tel. Glencoe 636. 21LTN5-1tp FOR SALE--NUTRIA COAT SUIT- able for schoolgirl, $50. Tel. Wil- mette 2007. 21LTN5-1te FOR SALE -- FINE RHUBARB Call 839 Ash St, Winnetka. 21TN34-1tp FOR SALE--BLACK DIRT AND MAN- or tel. Glen. plants. ure. 338 Adams Ave. 885. 21TN31-1te FOR SALE--OAK MANTLE PIECE and gas grate. Make offer. 530 Cherry Street, Winnetka. 21TN34-14a 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--1922 FORD WITH SMALL truck box and winter top; engine in splendid condition; 4 new over-size cord tires; $195. P. J. O'Shea, Glen- view Rd. Wilmette. Tel, Wh. 1591. 20LTN5-1tp Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers home; finished work and rough dry; also wet wash. Will call for and deliver. 418 Prairie Ave. Tel. Wil 1351. 15LTN1-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- ELDERLY woman wishes situation as compan- ion or housekeeper for elderly or employed couple. Best of reference. Tel. Wilmette 2706. 15LTN5-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- COOKING, downstairs work or general house- work. Tel. Winnetka 717. 15LTN5-1te FOR XMAS Place orders now for fruit cakes and plum puddings for Christmas delivery. Cakes of all kinds baked to order on 24 hours notice. Former proprietor Quality Cake Shop. MRS. EMELIA JOHNSON Tel. Winn. 1333 1073% Gage St. 15LTNbG-9te EXP. COLORED WOMAN, GOOD cook, desires dinners and luncheons to cook and serve. Tel. Glencoe 1015. 15LTN5-1tc MENDING AND PLAIN SEWING DONE by the day at home. Address Wil- mette Life 357. 15LTN5-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. 928 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods. 4T34-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- LAUNDRY work on Thursdays and Fridays. Tel. Glencoe 616. 151/TN5 -1te man and general work. Tel. Winn. B® ton 140 1552. 11T43-2tp yans 20LTN24- tfc 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--WASHINGS TO TAKE | FOR SALE--DODGE TOURING CAR condition, driven only 9,000 miles, extra equipment. Tel. Kenilworth 182. 20TN34-1tc FOR SALE--HUDSON TRG. CAR, just overhauled, good paint, new tires and top. Tel. Winn. 4321. 20LTN5-1tp in splendid FOR SALE -- NEW BLACK SILK dress, size 36. Tel. Winnetka 1224. 21T34-1tc FOR SALE--OIL BURNER COMPLETE for small home, $75. Winnetka 1686. 21T24-tfc FOR SALE--ICE-BOX; GAS STOVE; woman's fur coat. 21TN34-1te 23 PERSONAL NORTH SHORE GOLF CLUB NOW forming will be glad to hear from responsible parties desiring mem- bership. Beautiful location; plans are being made for one of the finest clubs along the North Shore on ground very convenient to North- western and North Shore Electric, within 25 miles of Chicago. Mem- bership limited. This is a chance to get in on the ground floor of one of the best clubs. Address Wil. Life, 356. 23LTN5-1tc - re e------------ 24 LOST AND FOUND "LOST--$10 BILL IN POST OFFICE FOR SALE--RADIO; SUPER-HETER- odyne of exceptional excellence. Guaranteed coast to coast reception even while Chicago stations are in full blast. Fine musical tone. Bet- ter and cheaper than regular com- mercial models. Tel. Wil. 461, 21LTN5-1te FOR SALE--SILVER, BRASS AND mahogany candlesticks, some wired; old silver tea services; elec. perco- lators; chafing dish; rugs, chairs, tables; folding card table; reed fern- ery, reed lamp; cut glass. Call 1332 Forest Ave. Wilmette. 21LTN5-1te or between P. O. and McAllister's FOR SALE--GOOD DODGE TOURING| on Thurs. Oct. 23rd. Reward. 921 car, Cheap. Tel. Winnetka 2268. Greenwood Ave. Tel. Wil. 813-W. 20LTN5-1tc . 24L5-1te FOR SALE--1923 CHEVROLET SEDAN | [,0ST--GOLD LINK, DIAMOND AND in good condition. Cheap. Tel sapphire bracelet on the North Winnetka 2268. 20LTN5-1tc| Shore electric between Wimstie Ad E ton. Reward. Tel. Wil- FOR, SALE---VERY . CHEAP. Max-| 2nd xvanston 24LTN5-1te well sedan. Tel. Winnetka 2171. 20LTN5-1tc | ,OST--SHRINER'S EMBLEM, ABOUT 1% inch diameter, with diamond. 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS About Oct. 21st. A. L. Adams. Tel. Winnetka 2. 24LTN5-1tc LOST--SILVER WRISTWATCH BE- tween Community House and Locust St. Reward. Tel. Winn, 641, 24T34-1tc LOST--SMALL SABLE FUR NECK- piece probably on Center St. Tel. Winnetka 1195. 24TN34-1tp LOST--TORTOISE SHELL GLASSES on October 20th. Reward. Tel. Winn. 626. 24T34-1tc LOST--IRISH TERRIER; REGISTER- ed tag on collar. Phone Winn. 1775, 24T34-1te = -- --