- - WINN NEW TRIER DAY EDITION ETKA WEEKLY TALK A Clean Newspaper for a Clean Community VOL. XII, NO. 23 WINNETKA, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1923 PRICE FIVE CENTS ALL IS PARADE IS BIG MORNING EVENT Huge Street Procession To Be Greatest Demonstration In Township History HEADED BY "L" BAND Many Beautiful Floats and Cars Promised The morning of New Trier Day each year is given over completely to the mammoth street procession which starts at the Wilmette Village green at 10 o'clock, and weaves its way through the township rover a route that comprises all the principal highways in New Trier, including the leading business thoroughfares in each village, and passing a central review- ing stand at Elm street and Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, where municipal officials and judges decide upon the most attractively festooned auto- mobiles and floats. This year's parade promises to out- distance any other procession ever as- sembled on the north shore, both in respect to the variety of units in the line of march and the effectiveness of decorations. Occupy Entire Section The Winnetka Chamber of Com- merce is preparing to enter an entire section in the parade and that organ- ization may be counted upon to pro- vide an eyeful for the spectators. Likewise, many business firms will be represented in the procession with beautifully ornamented floats and automobiles. g The individual car owner, also, will be in evidence, with the "Lizzie" or Rolls-Royce, as the case may be, gay- ly and appropriately festooned for the occasion. There will be awards for the best decorated floats and the most effec- tively bedecked automobile. Anticipating a procession of many blocks in length, the Parade com- mittee has arranged to have the Chi- cago Elevated band,--secured to pro- vide the New Trier Day music,-- divided into two sections, one to lead the parade and the second to be sta- tioned mid-way in the line of march. Every resident of the township is invited to enter the parade and com- pete for the honors of the day. The Commercial association has expressed the hope that every car in the town- ship might be entered in the proces- sion. Remember, assembly is at the Wil- mette Village green, Wilmette and Central avenues. Grand Marshal Wolff will sound the starting whistle promptly at 10 o'clock. Earl L. Weinstock Boosts That New Trier Day Parade Earl L. Weinstock, president of the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce, in mddition to insuring the active co- operation of that organization in the New Trier Day outing, is taking time away from his business to "help the use along." 7 stock is identified with the Parade committee, which has one of the biggest jobs falling to any group of workers. He has been re- sponsible, with other business leaders of the north shore, in making New Trier Day the popular institution it has become in the past decade. He is a born executive and his services each year have been of incalculable value to the sponsors of the splendid community outing. Mr. Weinstock is the general man- ager of the Winnetka Coal-Lumber Company. Illness Prevents Judge From Helping This Year Strange as it may appear, our mutual friend Otto Falk, secretary of the New Trier Commercial association will be missing from the festivities New Trier Day. : ; Judge Falk, who is at his home re- covering from a serious illness, has expressed keen interest in the plans for the big festival, in which he had always taken such an active part mn previous summers. : 2 The boys are counting on his active help next year and are hoping he'll soon regain complete health. rand Procession Route Announced By Marshal Wolff Grand marshal A. C. Wolff, who has directed several New Trier Day parades, is ready for the big moment at 10 o'clock next Thursday morning when the annual procession gets un- der way at the Wilmette Village green. He arranged the parade route this week as follows: PARADE ROUTE On Central avenue east to Eighth street, Eighth street south to Linden avenue, Linden avenue east to Fourth street, Fourth street north to Central avenue, Central avenue west to Sev- enth street, Seventh street north to Elmwood avenue, Elmwood avenue west to Twelfth street, Twelfth street north to Chestnut avenue, Chestnut avenue west to Cumnor road (Kenil- worth), Cumnor road north to Ken- ilworth avenue, Kenilworth avenue east to Abbottsford road, Abbottsford road north to Winnetka avenue, Win- netka avenue west to Wilson street (Winnetka), north to Poplar street, north to Elm street, west to Lincoln avenue (Reviewing Stand) north to North avenue, west to Green Bay road, north to Park avenue, Glencoe, west to Vernon avenue, south to Scott avenue, east to Linden avenue, south to North avenue; «cco Center street, south to Elm street, south to Oak on Linden street, east to Ridge avenue, south to Hill road, east to Ridge avenue, south to Lake and Ridge avenues where cars will dis- band. Field Events Promise Some Novelty Features The New Trier Day field events are a feature of the annual holiday that always create universal interest-among the picniekers. This year the committee on races and contests has planned events for every member of the family. In ad- dition to the customary running num- bers on the program, there will be several novelty events that promise to produce nothing short of a sensation. The committee is most reticent con- cerning the exact nature of these features. At any rate, there'll be something for every member of the family. "Van" Is Busy Lining Up The Chicago Wholesalers Each year many wholesalers deal- ing with New Trier retail firms con- tribute liberally to the New Trier Day picnic. It is the business of A. S. Van Deusen, well known Wilmette grocer, to "line up" these wholesalers. Through his efforts many have already signified their intention of helping out at the picnic grove, and expressed the de- sire to enter beautifully decorated floats in the grand procession. "Van" is an old-timer at the busi- ness and knows all the wholesalers by their first names. He is a former general chairman of New Trier Day. i YOU ARE INSURED! The New Trier Commer- cial association has secured insurance against accident to any individual parti- cipating in the New Trier Day activities next Thurs- day. While previous New Trier Days have been singularly free from accidents, even of a minor character, due, largely, to the excellent protection afforded by po- "lice of the various villages, the association has de- cided to put no one at the risk of suffering loss through injury. Every person taking part in the festivities is "cov- ered" by the insurance se- cured by the association. The danger is remote but the association is prepared for any unforeseen eventual- ity. FREE BUS RIDES NEW TRIER DAY Transportation to and from Picnic Grounds Provided by Large Motor Busses NO CHARGE FOR RIDES Commercial Association to Stand Expense In the effort to make it as convenient as possible for residents of New Trier township to attend the New Trier Day festivities at Gross Point on Thursday, August 23, the New Trier Commercial association has left no stone unturned. One of the vexing problems that the committee in charge has had to face was the matter of transportation, and this has been happily solved by the renting of several North Shore line motor coaches to provide accommodation for the host of fun-seekers. The coaches will be used by the asso- ciation to furnish free transportation from Wilmette, Winnetka and Glencoe to the picnic grounds. The busses will run at regular and frequent intervals from 1 o'clock in the afternoon to 11 o'clock in the evening. Announce Starting Point From Wilmette the coaches will run from the Wilmette avenue station of the North Shore line. At Winnetka the stopping places for the big busses will be the corner of Elm and Linden streets, while the corner of Park and Vernon avenues will serve a similar pur- pose in Glencoe. According to an- nouncement late this week, the busses will leave every hour. Both transportation to and from the Gross Point grounds will be furnished absolutely free. Through the courtesy of the North Shore line these coaches, of the same type that the company utilizes on its Wilmette--Highland Park Motor Coach route, were made available to the New Trier Commercial association at a nomi- nal rental charge, thus making it pos- sible for the executive committee to guarantee free transportation to the public on New Trier Day. FANS EXPECT REAL GAME NEW TRIER DAY Two of the best baseball teams in New Trier township will meet on the diamond at Lake and Ridge avenues, Gross Point, Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock when the Ouilmette Knights of Columbus nine crosses bats with the hard hitting Glen- coe A. C. outfit. Although it has been known for some time that township baseball fans would have an opportunity to see some good ball played on New Trier Day, no an- nouncement as to what teams would play was made until last week. When the committee let it be known that the K. C. and A. C. teams had been selected, followers of the sport in all parts of the township expressed confidence that a real game was in store. The Ouilmette nine is a well-balanced team that has shown its mettle before some of Chicago's crack outfits. Many are picking it to win the game on New Trier Day. At the same time there are a goodly number of wise acres who say that the Glencoe boys are going to cop the day's prize. Both teams are putting in some hard licks in preparation for the event and should be prepared to give the fans a real treat on Thursday. Fireworks Display To Be Spectacular Feature Those who have witnessed the an- nual Fourth of July Fireworks dis- plays given each year under auspices of the North Evanston Business Men's association, will know something of what may be expected Thursday eve- ning when the fireworks experts set the torch to the array of novel- ties in the fireworks display at the New Trier picnic grove. The fireworks feature is entirely new in connection with New Trier Day activities and should prove a genuine treat to the thousands of people who will congregate at the grove in the evening hours. Members of the committee promise one of the most spectacular displays of pyrotechnics ever witnessed in this vicinity. The children, especially, will be delighted with this number on the day's program. 'prominently "John J."" Wears Perpetual Smile Despite Worries Perhaps few of us pause to consider, while we are in the midst of the New Trier Day festivities, that back of all the good times are hours, days and weeks of arduous labor performed by a compara- tively few men in the township. And, speaking of arduous labor, consid- er for a moment, if you will, the duties A To ------ General Chairman Moran of one John J. Moran, otherwise known as the general chairman of New Trier Day. ; Mr. Moran is a very busy man in his own chosen field of activity. Being idertified with the traffic department of an up-to-the-minute elec- tric railway like the North Shore line, demands just about all the time a man can afford to give outside of his appor- tioned hours of slumber. Yet, Mr. Moran has found time from his leisure hours to devote himself to the big task of su- pervising the myriad details necessary to insure the complete success of the an- nual township holiday. And, you will note on the day of the picnic that Mr. Moran's contagious smile has not become strained in the slightest degree. The bigger the job, the better he likes it! "Tommy" Lynch Is Always Doing More Than His Share Thomas Lynch, well known Win- netka tree surgery expert, is taking time away frem his arduous duties these days, in helping to get things in shape for New Trier Day. Mr. Lynch is a member of the gen- eral committee and will be found in the foreground of activity on Thurs- day when it comes to making awards to winners in the New Trier Day field events. He has helped "put over" numerous successful New Trier Days. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DAY 10 A. M.--Parade, starting at Wilmette Village Green. 2 P. M.--Races and Con- tests for all ages. 3 P. M.-- Children's Par- ade. 4 P. M. Baseball Game. 9:30 P. M.--Fireworks Display. Band Concerts and Danc- ing, afternoon and evening. Picnic Grove, Lake and Ridge avenues, Gross Point. Free Transportation throughout afternoon and evening. ADY FOR NEW TRIER DAY HALT BUSINESS ON BIG HOLIDAY Field Events, Baseball, Chil- dren's Parade, Concerts and Dance Program FUN FOR EVERBODY Events At Picnic Grove Be- gin At Noon All places of business will be closed on Thursday, August 23, when residents of the five vil- lages of New Trier township par- ticipate in the celebration of an- nual New Trier Day sponsored by the New Trier Commercial as- sociation and endorsed by the Winnetka Chamber of Com- merce. Literally, thousands of citizens will attend a great com- munity outing that is to be town- ship-wide in its scope of activ- ties. While the actual picnic events at Gross Point Grove start for- mally at noon, the entire day will be given over to festivities be- ginning in the early hours of the morning when the many units of a grand street procession will as- semble at the Wilmette Village green where the parade, which will traverse the entire township, is scheduled to get in motion promptly at 10 o'clock. hi For several weeks scores of business men affiliated with the two commercial organizations in the township have been laboring diligently to provide the people of New Trier with an occasion for staging the most pretentious community recreation event ever witnessed in this vicinity. No de- tail has been overlooked. The workers have been planning day and night to give New Trier exactly what its citizens like best in enter- tainment. It is their desire to afford everybody an opportunity to meet with neighbors and friends on the basis of genuine good fellowship for the enjoyment of an interval of plain good fun. They mean to emphasize the spirit of the old-fashioned coun- try picnic, such as most people have attended in the years gone by back on the farm. They are interested, prim- arily, in getting people out-of-doors for one big day of wholesome pleas- ure. Fun for All Ages With that in mind these men have devised a variety of entertainment that will awaken the active interest alike of young and old. Things will begin to hum immediately the great street procession loses itself and melts away in the confusion of activity at the picnic grove on west Lake avenue. Promptly at 2 o'clock will be staged the numerous competitive field events, with races and contests for every member of the family and attractive awards for the most skilfull and fleet of foot. Children's Flag Parade At 3 o'clock the beautiful Children's Flag parade will get under way. It will be one of the big features on the day's program in which each of the hundreds of little tots as they pass the "reviewing stand" will be literally showered with gifts of candies and special picnic favors. The parade will usher in an afternoon of wonders fer the small folks. Arrangements have been made to provide numerous fea- tures designed for their special enter- tainment. The men in charge realize that, after all, if the children are not happy, the day will have been a dis- mal failure. "The entire afternoon will be given over to fun for the little ones. No picnic is complete without a ball game, so the Entertainment com- mittee has secured a treat for the diamond fans. It will be the strong Ouilmette Knights of Columbus nine pitted against the crack Glencoe A. C. (Continued on page 2) id