} | January 16, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 5 CIVIC OPERA ENTERS LAST WEEK OF SEASON Management Promises Gala Fes- tival of Song as Finale to Brilliant Season Now dawns the last week of the cur- rent season of the Chicago Civic Opera company. Eleven weeks, the most bril- liant in the history of grand opera in Chicago, have passed into musical his- tory, and the final week will be dis- tinguished by exceptionally fine pro- grams. The public has extended cordial pa- tronage and co-operation, and the Ci- vic Opera management especially ap- preciates this, particularly in those in- stances where illness of stars compelled sudden changes in program. In each case a misfortune was turned into tri- umph, for the substitute presentations were in every case magnificent. Now the gale has been weathered and the closing week will be a gala music festival. Sunday's matinee, Jan- vary 17, will be the second presenta- tion of Richard Wagner's majestic "Lohengrin," in German, with a cast embracing Forrai, Van Gordon, La- mont, Baklanoff, and Kipnis; conduc- tor, Weber. "Barber of Seville" Monday night will be graced by the merry, tuneful "Barber of Seville" with its atmosphere of old Spain ; its flowers and mantillas; its caballeros and seno- ritas. The cast--Macbeth, Claessens, Rimini, Trevisan, Lazzari, and the great Tito Schipa; conductor, Moran: zoni. Tuesday night will witness the third presentation of Tolstoi's dramatic "Re- surrection," music by Alfane, with the star cast headed by Mary Garden that made its American premiere New Year's Eve an epoch-making artistic triumph. Ansseau and Baklanoff will support, and Moranzoni will conduct. Wednesday night will feature the re- turn of Titta Ruffo singing opposite Charles Marshall in the tragic "Otello," nis. Marshall's triumphant - introduc- tion to the United States was in this great opera, of love and intrigue; con- ductor, Moranzoni. "La Traviata" Thursday night will be distinguished by the beautiful, lilting, ever-popular "I.a Traviata," with Muzio, Schipa, Bo- nelli, and Ballet divertissement; con- ductor, Moranzoni. Saturday's matinee, January 23, will attest the tremendous reception al- ready given "Resurrection," with a fourth presentation of this great work, for the special benefit of the subscri- bers for that day. The cast as before-- Carden, Ansseau, Baklanoff, with Mo- ranzoni conducting. Then, on Saturday night, January 23, will come the finale of a wonderful season in a revival of the beautiful and romantic "Lucia di Lammermoor" with Macbeth, Schipa, Monica, Bonelli, Laz- zari, and Corps de Ballet. St. Leger will conduct. Panorama Painting of Winnetka Scenes May Grace New Hall The "large, panoramic picture of Winnetka which was used . by the Chamber of Commerce as an exhibit at the Illinois Products exposition, held in the American Exposition Palace at Chicago last fall may hang in the new Village hall if favorable action is taken by the Village council. In a letter re- ceived by the council at its meeting Thursday evening of this week, the Chamber of Commerce offered the painting, which is approximately 20 feet long by seven feet high, to the Village to hang in the upper gallery of the new building. The picture was painted by Allen E. Philbrick, Winnetka artist, and took several months to complete. All build- ings in Winnetka are depicted, as well as historical scenes and present-day scenes of beauty. The matter was re- ferred to the committee on public buildings and grounds and it is thought to be the sentiment of the council that the picture be accepted and hung in with Anna Fritziu and Alexander Kip- the new Village hall. 563 Lincoln Ave. lS ny COMMUNITY FRUIT MARKET SPECIAL SALE ON ROMAN BEAUTY APPLES, New Phone Winn. 2613 dL peed ed SER Er ERG SL gl .95 BLUE GOOSE FRUITS ety rasa 20¢ Pineapples, extra ran, fancy, 'each 5... 45¢ Kalamazoo Celery crisp Lemont. 'ber Mibz 35¢ and tender. .10 and 25¢ 5 a Liens, BEETS, CARROTS, RADISHES, CUCUMBERS, TOMATOES, FRESH GREEN PEAS AND BEANS AND RHUBARB EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES Greening and Roman Beauty Apples, Pineapple Fla. Oranges, per doz. ..35c, 45¢, 59¢ BUY HERE . ~~ [4 ¥ - Vn 2A a RT 8 i 40bs. ... een. d 25¢ ; Grapefruit, 3 for. .... 25¢ Tangerine, large, Extra large, 2 for. : .25¢ doz. wansuiese s Saige at a 45¢ "STRICTLY FRESH EGGS ........................ 63c SAVE MONEY NEN NAN SU SASNNINEOSENANINANN NaN A NN ISN NIN SN NN NN NN NN NN NNN NN NN AN NN NNN NNN NNN NN NNN \ pg k, ha Ankle-Fashioned -- Ww = You will never regret wearing NUNN BUSH Shoes. Your only regret will be that you have not bought them before. Shoes of Quality and Style. WINNETKA SHOE STORE H. LUENSMAN, Proprietor Shoe Repairing a Specialty 804 ELM STREET PHONE 694 Blewaib-llammeo Matched~Unit Radio INSTRUMENT + TUBES + REPRODUCER + ACCESSORIES J VAY J | Hit § Hil 1 --=1N FREE--Entertainment = a ih iN i = = } for a whole evening! a --- | Merely step to your phone, call our number, i | Rt and tell us which evening you prefer. : Without any obligation on your we will oun home demonstratinof the Stewart: Warner Matched-Unit Radio. A delightful radio revelation awaits you, due to the Stewart-Warner triumph of MATCH- ING their Instrument with their Reproducer, Tubes and Accessories. The pleasure is all yours. When will it be? | Remember, we give 100% service on this mer- { chandise, at all times. | | THE Brunswick SHOP PHONOGRAPHS -- RECORDS -- RADIOLAS 568 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka, Illinois = Phone 2129 ;