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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 13 Feb 1926, p. 35

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February 13, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 35 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 20 AUTOMOBILES 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLY FUR-| WANTED -- HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO USED CARS FOR SALE -- PORTABLE REMING- nished, well heated room; in private assist with children for board and ton typewriter, slightly used. Phone family. Gentleman preferred. Phone room; must be reliable. Tel. Winn. Apperson 1924 Sedan ........ $1,250 Winn. 628-M. 21LTN20-1tc Winnetka 937. 4T49-1te 2096. 12T49-1te Lincoln Trg. Winter sides.... 1,100 | ---- m---- --- Stearns-Knight Six, 1924, sedan 1,400 | , " FOR RENT--LARGE ROOM NEAR % ALSO 24 LOST AND FOUND ansSbortati > 5 WANTED----MAID FOR COOKING AND : : 5 transportation. Phone Glen. 924. Locomobile limousine. . ' 4TN49-1tc first floor work; room and bath; Lincoln phaeton COLLIE LOST -- FEB. 4; CHILD'S white. Telephone Winn. 1713. Used fords--all models--$50 to $300 pet; tan and white; scar on nose; FOR RENT--ROOM, 928 LINDEN 12T49-1te : ge: ! male. Reward. Tel. Wilmette 2822. avenue. Phone Winn. 2322. Sk led M t C 24LTN20-1te 4TN49-1tc r rOM "| | Waren Se Ee wm | SAGES MONT MO I a ay Le FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; | afternoons. Tel. Winn. 2330. 712-716 Elm St, Winnetka with keys: | Rear. Horace' Main near transp. Call Glencoe 923. 12T49-1te Phone Winnetka 288 School. Reward. Phone 24T49-1tp 4TN49-11C | pe ---- ( AUthorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers | ---- 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 3VLTNZ0-11c UATION D--MALE 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT -- STORES, SHOPS AND Telephone Winnetka 62. S5LTN17-tfe 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES apartments, WANTED TO RENT--8 OR 9-ROOM house; 4 major bed rooms, 1 mafd's room; 3 baths; 2 or 3 year lease; responsible party. Also 5-room bun- galow. Call Winn. 1669. 17LT20-1te WANTED TO RENT--UNFURNISHED 6 or 7-room house; possession May 1; garage. Address Wil. Life A-783. TLTN20-1te WANTED TO RENT--APRIL 1--5 OR 6 room house in Winnetka. Moder- ate price. Address Winn. Talk A-787. 7T49-1tp WANTED TO RENT--MAY 1; TUN- furnished 6 or 7 room house; with garage. State rent. Address Winn. Talk A-784. 7T49-1te ® WANTED TO RENT--APARTMENTS WANTED--FOR ONE MONTH--FUR- nished 1st apt. or small house with bdrm. and toi. and lav. on 1st fir; or 2 rms. with kitch. privileges. 1 bdrm. with toi. and lav. on 1st flr. On North Shore. Tel. Winn. 490. 9TN49-1te 11 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- REAL ESTATE SALES- man by old established concern; one familiar with, Wilmette property; position affords a good opportunity. 'Heinsen&Kroll, Inc. 421 4th St. Wilmette 2760 11LTN20-1tc WANTED -- REAL ESTATE SALES- man. Can make a splendid proposi- tion to a good man familiar with North Shore property. Kroll & Smith. 419 4th St. Phone Wil. 500. 11LTN20-1tc WANTED--AN EXPERIENCED GAR- dener for the summer. Address Win- netka Talk A-785. 11T49-1tp 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WINNETKA REAL ESTATE OFFICE wants active woman to solicit list- ings of houses for sale in Winnetka and Glencoe. This will require house to house canvass. Prefer local resi- dent. Experience not necessary. All or spare time. Good chance to learn all about values and the real estate _business. Liberal compensation. Ad- dress Post office box 12, Hubbard Woods, Ill. 12LTN20-1te SALESWOMEN WANTED --CAPABLE saleswomen to work here on Dollar day, Wednesday, Feb. 17; congenial and pleasant surroundings. Apply superintendent, 3d Floor. Rosenberg's EVANSTON 12LTN20-1te WANTED -- AN EXPERIENCED white girl or woman for cooking and general housework; ref. req. Tel. Wil- mette 1031. 12LTN20-1te UANTED --EXPERIENCED, INFANT nurse; 25 years, or older; references required. Phone Winn. 429. 12LTN20-1tc WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; will consider newcomer. Tel. Winnetka 1245. 12LTN20-1te SITUATION WTD. -- HANDY MAN; from country; single; can give best of ref, Address Wil. Life A-782. 14LTN20-1tp SITUATION WANTED--HOUSEWORK or odd jobs by reliable man who will work by the hour; ref. Phone Winn. 1603. 14T49-1te 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED -- housework; experienced cook; col; fond of children. References. Phone Oakland 6353. 15LTN20-1tp REFINED MID- trustworthy, care or helper, good seamstress. GENERAL SITUATION WTD.-- dle-aged woman, of child, Wil. Life A-781. 15LTN20-1tp SITUATION WTD -- EXPERIENCED dressmaker; plain sewing by the day. Call Univ. 243 after 6 p. m. Col. 15LT20-1tp SITUATION WTD -- COOKING AND serving meals; care of children; weekly cleaning. Phone Winn. 1909. 15T49-1te WANTED -- CARE OF CHILDREN by hour, day or night. Reasonable. Call Glen. 1161. 15T49-1te SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED 6229. 15LTN20-1tp cook; col. Phone Univ. 17 FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE --EARLY AMERICAN, pine and walnut furniture including cupboards, chests and chairs; a se- lection of old hooked rugs; milk white glass and Staffordshire; many Currier and Ives mezzotints and aquatints; fine French cabinets and many other articles. Priced vers reasonably. S08 Washington Evanston. 17LTN20- I FOR SALE-- FOLDING ENGLANDER cot and pad, $5; 2 very large, en- ameled, canary breeding cages, ori- ginally $8.50 each, will sell both for $8; 2 pairs, perfect Brandes Superior radio headphones (cost $8.50 each) and Carter plugs, $8. 618 Fifth St. Wilmette. 17TLTN20-1te FOR SALE -- LARGE GRINDSTONE; ash sifter with large box; sideboard; child's high chair; buffet; two, % size, enamel beds and spring. Tel. Winnetka 1236. - 17LTN20-1te FOR SALE -- $40 RADIO CABINET, $12; 6-tube BT Nameless radio, $35; 2 rockers; dining rm. table and buf- fet. Tel. Wilmette 1482. 17LTN20-1te FOR SALE--GRAND PIANO, WELL- known instrument, small size, Span- "ish design; used six months; bargain for cash. Fhone Glen. 945. 17TTN49- ite FOR SALE--48 IN, GOLDEN OAK buffet; ivory finish, reed baby-cab; black leather, roll-top couch. Tel. Winn. 501-W. 17TN49-1te ey 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189, . 18LTN11-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--=Sell--Exchange--New---Used Open daily, Tues., Thurs, Sat., 8 p.m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel .Winn. 1212 18T42-tfe WANTED--RELIABLE WHITE GIRL or woman to assist with housework; 5 in family; no washing. Phone Winn. 1741. 12TN49-1te N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 1SLTM3-tfe Guaranteed Used Cars Cc. M.. McDONALD DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR VEHICLES 1019 Davis St. Univ. 224 20LTN20-tfe For Sale--Used Cars Purchased here are good invest- ments. We want you as a perma- nent customer. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Prices $125 to $650. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 1LTN20-1te Rent-A-Car, U Drive Wersted Motor Co. Tel. Winn. 165 20LTN20-1te 562 Lincoln Ave. FOR SALE--MOON TOURING, SIX; good condition; a bargain for quick sale. Phone Winn. 556-R. 20L/TN20-1tc FOR SALE--WILL SACRIFICE MY 1924 Buick touring; A-1 condition; mileage 12,500; like new. Call Winn. 2190 after 6 P. M. ZUTN49-1te WANTED--OLD AUTOS AND ELEC- tries; any condition. Univ. 1986 or Univ. 4125. 20LTN10-tfc FOR SALE--FORD TUDOR, 1924. M. A. Stockley, owner. At Hanson Motor Co., Winn. 330. 20LTN20-1tp FOR SALE--MODEL 50, 5 PASS. OPEN Haynes, extras, $100. Phone Wil. 2357 evenings. 201. TN15-tfc FOR SALE -- 1924 TUDOR FORD; fine condition. Univ. 3728. 20LT20-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-- SECOND HAND, CHIF- fon evening dresses; day dresses, suits and sport clothes; sizes 36-3X: prices $10 and $15. Long Hudson seal coat; Hudson seal jacket with Kolinski 'collar, $100 each. Phone Winn. 2139 21LTN20-1tp IF YOU HAVE ANY PAINTING, CAL- cimining, canvassing or paper-hang- ing to be done now or in the spring, I can save you money. Good work. Best or refs. in Winnetka and Glen- coe for five years. Phone Brandt, Glencoe 971. 27TTN48-8te FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! HAVE MAC DRAFT, THE EXPERT chimney sweep, clean your chimney and furance. Save 20% on fuel; also prevent a serious fire loss. Leave orders at Winnetka Fire Station. 27T49-1tp ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRING and refinishing, upholstering, mat- tresses renewed. Fred Nitto, 1240 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 2430. 27LT19-tfc NORTH SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE CLEANING CO. 10 Prouty Annex Winnetka 1994 27T38-tfe -_ 28 PIANO TUNING HAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED FOR the New Year. Prices reduced for February. IL. W. Foster, 625 Park Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wil, 908-M. 28LTNI13-tfe -- 31 BUSINESS SERVICE DRESSMAKING--MME. LUSE EXPERIENCED MODISTE All kinds of dresses, tailored work and remodeling. Perfect style and easy fitting garments, One trial will convince you. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage solicited. Briargate 1908. 7600 No. Ashland, cor Howard, Chicago. 31LT20-1tp Dr. Elmer E. Lampert ORTHODONTIST Otfice--Lkield Annex Building Winnetka Office Winnetka Trust & Savings Bank Blug I'hone Winn, 1211 31LTNl4-tic Chicago TYPIST WILL DO TYPING AND copying at home. Wilmette 3267. 19LT9-tfe 32 KENNELS For Sale Irish Terrier Pups IRISH TERRIER PUPPIES, EXCEL- lent specimens; highly bred; subject to registration in A. K.°€C. Phone Wilmette 3035 32LTN20-1tp FOR SALE ANTIQUES -- SET OF 6 rush seat chairs; pair of Hitchcock chairs; several spool pattern wash stands; hooked rugs; old blue and white coverlet; beautiful old ap- plique quilt in perfect condition; old glass lamps; brass door knocker. Phone Winn. 462. 21TN49-1te F. WEBBE & CO. STAMPS Dealers in U. S. and foreign post- age stamps, price reasonable; try us. Fhone Winn. 1939. 1171 Oakley Ave. Hubbard Woods. 21T49-2te FOR SALE--ONE-TUBE RADIO COM- plete with 2 sets of headphones; ex- cell. cond. Price $15. Tel. Winn. 2114. 21T49-1te FOR SALE--4-TUBE RADIO SET, complete with loud speaker, bat- teries, tubes and cabinet. Phone Wil. 3153. 21 LTN20-1te FOR SALE--RUBBER PLANT ABOUT 6 ft. tall growing in box with fern. Tel. Winn, 1094. 21T49-1tc FOR SALE--RADIOLA 5 IN GOOD condition, $10. Phone Winn. 1704. 21T49-1te Announce Lenten Season Program at Local Church Wednesday, February 17 is the be- ginning of Lent and there is now be- ing put into the mails for delivery early next week to members of the parish of the Winnetka Congregational church, the entire schedule of services in the church during the Lenten season. In- closed in the same envelope will be a pamphlet, called "The Fellowship Pray- er," which is recommended to the par- ish as a guide to personal or family devotions. It contains for each day in Lent a scripture reference, a brief me- ditation and a short prayer. The theme of the whole booklet is, "God With Men," with smaller sub-topics for each day. This book is used by thousands of individuals and families in hundreds of churches of many denominations, it is explained. Similar booklets have been prepared and distributed widely for the past six or seven years.

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