February 20, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS North Evanston EASTWOOD APARTMENTS -- ON EASTWOOD AT CENTRAL ST. CORNER, NOT COURT APTS. AC- CLAIMED BEST OF NEW APTS. in Evanston. 4's and 5's with extra peds, closets. Reasonable rents; 1% blks. to C. & N. W.; 18 min. down town. Sound-proof, large rooms; playrooms for children. No rear apts. near public golf course. Owner on premises. Phone Greenleaf 1919. 3LTN6-tfc FOR RENT -- COSY APARTMENT; kitchenette; breakfast nook; private bath; dressing and living room; heated; conveniently located. Fred'k. B. Thomas & Co. Elm and Linden Winnetka 2350 3LTN-21-1te FOR RENT -- HEATED, 5 ROOM, 1ST floor apt.; owner leaving town has lease to May 1; will make conces- sion. Phone Wilmette 3407. 3LTN21-1tp 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED TO RENT -- ATTRACTIVE, furnished room; location between Oak and Willow streets west of Birch st.; Young business man. Ad- dress Winn. Talk A-802. 10T50-1tp WANTED -- CLEAN, FURN. ROOM, with kitch.,, bath and phone; March 1; Married couple. Address Wil. Life A-790. 10LTN21-1tp WANTED -- SEWING. CHILDREN'S frocks and smocking. Phone Winn. 1181. 15T50-1te LUNCIEEON AND DINNERS PRE- pared; serving done. I'none Wil- mette 2973. 15TN50-2te WANTED -- WASHING AND IRON- ing, hand mangle. Will call and deliver. Tel. Glen. 796. 15TN50-1te WANTED TO RENT--SINGLE ROOM; SITUATION WTD.--RELIABLE COL. comfortable; in good location. Tel. maid; 3 days; best refs. 535 E. 41st Winn. 990. 10T50-1te st. Phone Oakland 0293. 15LT21-1tp Fre " " " SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED 1 LP NTED-- 1 HELP WANTE MALE cook; col. Phone Univ. 6229. 15LTN21- WANTED -- OLD ESTABLISHED | == SL INS Jo real estate firm wants salesman; | y¢ SITUATION WANTED--MALE familiar with North Shore property. Fine opportunity for ambitious man. Address Wil. Life A-793. 11LTN21-1tc WANTED -- PLAYERS ON ALL IN- struments except banjo and piano for orchestra now being organized. Address Wil. Life A-797. 11LTN21-1te FOR RENT -- 5-ROOM FLAT. 928 Elm St.,, Winnetka. Mrs. Woolsieffer. 3LTN20-4tc FOR RENT -- ROOM, KITCH. AND bath. Phone Wil. 3082. 3LTN21-1tp FOR RENT--FLAT, bath; h. w. heat. 5 ROOMS AND Tel. Glen. 343-R. 3T50-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral hswk.; small family; good wages; must be good cook; ref. 515 Central Ave. Wilmette 1016. 12TN50-1te r 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- LARGE LIGHT WELL furnished room; priv. bath. Near -transp. Tel. Winn. 1543. 4LTN21-1te Castle Towers--Glencoe HAS ROOMS TO RENT. IDEAL LO- WANTED --NEAT WHITE GIRL OR woman to assist with light house- work; $8 per week; very good home, Address Winn. Talk A-801. 12TN50-1tc WANTED -- AN EXP. WHITE GIRL or woman for cooking and general housework; ref. req. Tel. Wil. 1031. 12TN50-1te WANTED -- WOMAN FOR ALTERA- AND FEMALE SITUATION WTD.--COOK AND BUT- ler; exp. col. couple; man will drive. Phone Gencoe 1044. 16LTN21-1tp 17 FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Furniture at a Bargain LIVING, DINING, BED AND SUN room furniture, including rugs, dishes, mirrors, lamps, in fact all furnishings of 9 rooms; Marshall Field rug 11.4x20 with small rugs to match: must vacate and dispose of everything at once. Shown from 10 to 4 or by appointment. 1226 Ash- land Ave., Wilmette. Phone 334. : 17LTN21-1tp ANTIQUES -- PAIR INTERESTING mahogany chests; Hardley Clock; 6 cherry mahogany chairs; small ta- bles; lamps; unusual English glass. Phone Glen. 518. No Sunday calls. 17T50-1te | FOR SALE -- TAUPE VELOUR Davenport and fireside wing chair, perfect condition; $75.00 for both. 20 AUTOMOBILES Guaranteed Used Cars C. M. McDONALD DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR VEHICLES 1019 Davis St. Univ. 224 20LTN20-tfc wd Purchased here are good invest- ments We want you as a perma- nent customer. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Prices $75 to $550. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 20TN50-1te Rent-A-Car, U Drive Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 20TN50-1te FOR SALE -- CHEVEROLET BUSI- ness Coupe in good condition, $150.00. Can be seen between 4 and 7 p. m. at 1210 Washington avenue, Wilmette. For information Phone ~ Glencoe 1149. 20TNG0-1te FOR SALE -- 1925 HUDSON COACH; latest model, never been run. Will sell at sustantial saving over new cation for business men and women. tion work in ready-to-wear depart- Ph price. Will finance if desired. Tel. 5 : ment. Call Miss Hutchinson Univ. one Winn. 2618. Wilmette 171 20LTN21-1tp 750 Glencoe road. Tel. A de 1024. 12LTN21-1te 17LTN21-1te e . FOR SALE -- CHILD'S, ENAMELED | FOR SALE -- MERCER, SERIES 5, CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE | WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR bed with mattress, perfect condi- Sport with Badger winter encl: rooms; for transients and residents. general housework; family of 4; tion: oak dining table; combination mechanically perf.; more speed than 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080 ref. req.; good home. Tel. Kenil desk and sideboard. Winn. 1684. you will ever use. For app't call 4LT50-tfe | 2190. 12LTN21-1te 17LTN21-1tc | Wilmette 2732. 20LTN21-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; | ywANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL|FOR SALE CHEAP -- DOMESTIC | por SALE--1925 ESSEX COACH; RUN near transp. Call Glencoe 923. for general housework; no washing Science Fireless cooker in excellent 3,500 miles; first class condition; full 4TN50-1tc nor ironing; family of adults. Phone condition. Phone Glencoe 890. equip. incl. snubbers. Phone Wil- Winn. 431 12LT21-1tc 17TN50-1te mette 171. 20LTN21-1tp FOR RENT--LARGE, COMFORTABLE room; near transp. Tel. Winn. 898. : 4T50-1te FOR RENT--2 ROOMS; WITH LIGHT housekeeping privileges. Call 969 Spruce street. 4T50-1te FOR RENT--ROOM AT 893 OAK street. Phone Winn. 2052. 4T50-1te FOR RENT--LARGE ROOM NEAR transportation. Phone Glen. 924. : 4TN50-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, 928 Linden ave. Phone Winn. 2322. 4TN50-1te _ 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT -- STORES, SHOPS AND apartments. Telephone Winnetka 62. 5LTN17-tfe A NUMBER OF POSITIONS ARE open for competent girls or women. Apply at the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce office, Wilmette. 12LLTN21-1tp WANTED--GENERAL MAID, WHITE; family 3 adults. 874 Bluff St. Tel. Glencoe 11. 12LTN21-1te FOR SALE -- WOOL, WILTON RUG, 9x12; Chinese pattern; good condi- tion. Call 566 Center street, 2d floor. 17T50- 1p FOR SALE--6 SOLID WALNUT, DIN- ing chairs and table, excellent con- dition; reasonable. Phone Winn. 2251. 17TLTN21-1tp FOR SALE--MOON TOURING, SIX; good condition; a bargain for quick sale. Phone Winn. 556-R. 20LTN21-1te FOR SALE--MODEL 50, 5 PASS. OPEN Haynes, extras, $100. Phone Wil. 2357 evenings. 20I.TN15-tfe WANTED -- GIRL; HALF DAYS; washinz and general house work. Tel. Wil. 3522. 12LTN21-1te WANTED -- NURSE FOR CONVA- lescent boy, 11 years old. Address Winn. Talk A-804. 12T50-1te WANTED -- WHITE NURSE GIRL; half or all day. Phone Kenil. 2930. 12LTN21-1te EE -------------------------------------------------- 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE eT 44 rar TAT TH I---------- 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WITH SITUATION WANTED -- GARDENER: Swedish; at liberty after March 1: preferably as head gardener's as- 4 bedrooms. Not over $100 per sistant on large estate. Address month. Address Wil. Life A-792. Wil. Life A-791. TLTN21-1te a 14L.TN21-1tp WANTED TO RENT -- MAY 1; UN- | 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE furnishd 6 or 7 room house; with garage. State rent. Address Winn. | SITUATION WTD. -- INTELLIGENT, Talk A-784. 7T50-1te well-educated German lady fond of WANTED TO RENT--6 OR 7 RM. furnished house with porches; for July and August; Winnetka or Glen- coe. Address Winn. Talk A-805. TTN50-1te WANTED TO RENT--A HOUSE; © $100 to $125 per month. Possession children desires position as govern- ess, housekeeper or charge of resi- dence in refined family. Address P. O. Box 784, Chicago. : 15TN50-1tp SITUATION WTD. --HOUSEKEEPER; prefer young people with children; good cook; know every detail good May 1st. Address Winn. Talk A-TS88. housekeeping; ref. Address Winn. 7T50-1te Talk A-803. 15TN50-1tp I WANT A 6 OR 7 ROOM FURNISHED ) SITUATION WTD.-- HOUSEKEEPER house May 1st to Oct. 1st at about $150.00 per mo. Write Box 45. Win- netka. 2T50-1te WANTED -- AN UNFURNISHED house for one or more years. Ad- dress Win.n Talk A-800. T7TN50-Ite : WANTED TO RENT--STORES AND OFFICES WANTED TO RENT -- BUSINESS Prope. Wilmette 3347. SLTN2- Ite w" in motherless home or companion to elderly woman; refs. Call Winn. 1231 between 1 and 9 p. m. : 15T50-1te SITUATION ,WTD. -- EXP. LAUN- dress white: washing done at home; will call and deliver. Univ. 8049. : 15T50-1te SITUATION WTD. -- LAUNDRESS (white) wants work for Wednes- YG and Thursday, Phone Winn. 205 FOR SALE--ANTIQUE SECRETARY, choice English piece; general line antiques. New shop. 1854 Sherman Ave., Evanston. 17LTN21-1te FOR SALE -- 3 PIECE, CARVED, brown mah., cane, velour upholstered living rm. Suite; excell. cend. Phone Winn. 599-J. 17LTN21-1te FOR SALE -- PARLOR GRAND, Stark piano, brown mah. case; ex- cell. cond. Tel Winn. 1420. 17LTN21-1te FOR SALE--3 PIECE BEDRM. SUITE, mah. finish; $50; 9x12, green, Wilton, seamless rug, $25. Tel. Glen. 10686. 17LTN21-1te FOR SALE -- PLAYER PIANO, GOOD condition. Price $200. Tel. Win- netka 1061. 17T50-1te FOR SALE -- MAH. 4-POSTER BED, full-size, and box springs, $25, com- 15T50-1tp : plete. Tel. Winn. 1179. 17T50-1te FOR SALE -- DINING RM. TABLE 6 chairs; leather rocker; sanitary couch. Fhone Glen. 49. 17TN50-1te FOR SALE -- FORD TOURING CAR, 1925 model. Tel Wilmette 623. 20LTN21-1te -------------------------------- 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS A. 8S. WEBBE & CO. STAMPS Dealers in U. S. and foreign post- age stamps, price reasonable; try us. Phone Winn. 1939. 1171 Oakley Ave. Hubbard Woods. 21T49-2tc LOST--ROUND BLUE TIN LUNCH box containing white silk slip, cheese cloth dress, some valentines and small silk purse; on Elm street near Adam's Barber Shop. Phone Winnetka 1053. 21T50-1te FOR SALE -- STRICTLY FRESH eggs. 1 can deliver to a few more regular customers. Fresh Eggs weekly. References given fom many satisfied users. Money back if not more than satisfid. Phone Winn. 961. 21T50-1te FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE EVENING, afternoon and street dresses. Phone Winnetka 2039. 21TN50-1tp i ---- 18S WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 139. 1SLTN11-tfe N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103 18 LTHS- the FOR SALE -- GEOGRAPHIC MAGA- zine (unbound) from 1913 to 1925 inclusive; in perfect condition, Phone Winn. 500-J. 21LTN21-1te FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY, ROLL-TOP ; excellent condition. Phone mette 171. 21LTN21-1tp FOR SALE--SIMPLEX MANGLE, $25; also nickel-plated, boy scout bugle. Phone Wilmette 67. 21LTN21-1te FOR SALE -- LATE MODEL EDEN washing machine. Phone B00 397. : ILTN21-1tc FOR SALE -- BABY CARRIAGE IN good condition. "Pel Glen. or 1 4 "HETN21-1t0 ol