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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 20 Mar 1926, p. 42

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March 20, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 41 Sr rs ns DA 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS RE FOR RENT -- 2 WELL FURNISHED front rooms; single or in suite; best location. Tel. Wil. 1940. 4LTN25-1tc FOR RENT -- NICE FRONT ROOM; private entrance; $5 for 1 or $7 for 9 2; men only. Tel. Wil. 3428. 4LTN25-1tec FOR RENT -- LARGE CHEERFUL bedrm., attractively furn.; private family; exc. transp. Tel. Wil. 2451. 4LTN25-1te FOR RENT -- LARGE, LIGHT, WELL furnished room; priv. bath. Near transp. Tel. Winn. 1543. 4LTN24-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM IN HUBBARD Woods; kitchen privileges if desired; near transp. Phone Winn, 2053. 4T2-1te FOR RENT -- LARGE SOUTHEAST room; for two adults; with board. 731 10th St., Wilmette. 4LT24-1tp FOR RENT -- FRONT, DOUBLE OR single room; hot water; near transp. Tel. Wil. 3206. 4LT25-1tc -- 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- WOMAN with a good voice over the phone to work a few hours in the morning in her own home. No exper. nec. Univ. 2714. 12LTN25-1te WANTED -- A MANAGER FOR THE Cardinal Tea House, 841 Spruce street, Winnetka, to take over the management on a profit sharing agreement. No investment required. Apply 701 Sheridan road, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 480. 12LTN25-1te WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL to assist with housework; 4 adults in family. Address 333 Sunset Rd., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1057. 12LTN25-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- WHITE GIRL for general housework. Phone Glencoe 314-J Sunday a.m. 12TN2-1tp SITUATION WTD--BY YOUNG GIRL as nurse-maid. Call Glencoe 1035. 15LTN25-1te ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS EXHIBITION AND SALE OF ANTIQUES Consisting of old pewter, copper lustre; old glasses colored and milk white; Currier and Ives prints; fur- niture in maple, walnut, mah. and pine; rare documents and books; sporting prints; clipper ships; rare old bottles; old Staffordshire orna- ments; brass and bronzes; hooked rugs; china and various other rare objects of art. Will be held at 808 Washington St., Evanston, on Tues, Wed., Thurs., Fri, Sat., the 23rd- 28th inclusive. An early attendance is suggested. 17LTN25-1te 'WANTED --WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; no laundry; 4 in family; exp. not necessary. 862 Prospect Ave. Phone Winn. 217. 12T2-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM NEAR TRANP.; all conveniences. 633 Park Ave. Wilmette 3566. 4LTN25-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM; DOUBLE OR single. 558 Provident avenue. Phone Winnetka 2134. 4T2-1te FOR RENT -- FURN. RMS.; WITH OR without board. 995 Linden Ave. H. Woods 8 4TN2-2tp FOR RENT -- 2 COR. ROOMS; «SLPG. pch.; priv. bath. Kenilworth 1865. 4LTN25-1te NEAR ALL 4LTN25-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM; transp. Tel. Wil. 2706. FOR RENT -- LARGE ROOM; SUIT- able for couple. Phone Winn. 524-J. 4T2-1tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM. Man preferred. Phone Winn. 657-R. ; 4T2-1tp FOR RENT -- ROOM, $893 OAK ST. Phone Winnetka 2052. 4T2-1te 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT -- STORES, SHOPS AND apartments. Telephone Winnetka 62, 5LTN17-tfe LJ] FOR RENT--GARAGES WANTED -- COMPETENT MAID FOR gen. housework; small house; 2 children; no laundry; references. Fhone Winn. 2028. 12TN2-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework; small house; references; $18-20 per week. Phone Winn. 680. 12LTN25-1te WANTED--RELIABLE YOUNG LADY to fill position as stenographer and do general office work. Phone Winn. 452. 12LTN25-1tc WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL for second work and assist with baby; good home; $10.00. Phone Winn. 1814. 12LTN25-1tc WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; go home nights. 465 Woodlawn Ave. Phone Glencoe 416. 12TN2-1tc WANTED -- A YOUNG GIRL FOR housework; no experience needed. Call Glencoe 1231. 12LTN25-1tc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE ---------- 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD -- HANDY MAN; American, single, middle-aged and active; house, garden, lawn. Some experience. Permanent; ref. Phone Delaware 6912. Mr. Smith. 14LTN25-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- EXP. GAR- FOR RENT -- GARAGE; ELECTRIC ner; married; no children; good refs.; looking for steady position; lights; one block North Indian Hill private place, gardener and house- station. Phone Winn. 1253. 6T2-1te man. Phone Glencoe 88. 1¥TN2-1tp FOR RENT -- 1 SPACE IN GARAGE. | SITUATION WTD. -- AS CHAUF- 610 Cherry st. Tel. Winn. 1432. feur; A-1 ref.; 10 years exp. Tel. 6T2-1te Glencoe 530. 14T2-1tp FOR RENT -- GARAGE, 220 MYRTLE | SITUATION WTD. -- BY EXP. GAR- St., Lndian Hill. Tel. Winn. 606-W. dener. Phone Glencoe. 676. 6Tr-tfe 14TN2-1tp 7 WANTED T0 RENT--HOUSES EE ------ 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED TO RENT -- 6 OR 7 ROOM furnished house from May to Oc- tober Responsible party; no chil- dren. Phone Winn. 1428 TT2-1te WANTED TO RENT -- 5 OR 6 RM. house or bungalow; April or May 1. Tel. Highland Park 858-W. TLTN25-1tp WANTED -- A FURNISHED HOUSE from April 15 to June 15. Phone Winn. 1531. TLTN25-1tc dt 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--REFINED COUPLE WANT large room with priv. bath; pref. with board; on or about May 1.; be- tween Evans. and Highland Park; near North Shore Line. Address Wil. Life A-826. 10LTN25-1tp 11 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--MAN TO SELL GREENE- baum Real Estate Bonds and Insur- ance in this territory; attractive proposition to the right man. Kroll & Smith 419 4th St. End of "L" Phone Wilmette 500 11LTN25-1tc 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE Going Abroad? REFINED TEACHER, LINGUIST, willing to travel, wishes position this summer as secretary, compan- ion or tutor. Address Wil. Life A828. 15LTN25-1tp AMERICAN DRESSMAKER SPE- cializes in working for young ladies and girls in their homes; also under- stands making new style drapery and curtains; best Winn. refs. P. O. Box 117, Evanston, Ill 15T2-1tc SITUATION WTD. --RELIABLE PER- son desires to take care of children Thurs. and Sundays; can furnish A-1 ref. Tel. Glencoe 1058. 15TN2-1te SIT. WTD. -- WHITE WOMAN; DAY work; serving; care of children or laundry work. Phone Winn. 558. 15T2-1te FOR SALE--ANTIQUE MAH. SECRE- tary brought over from England be- fore the Revolutionary war; been in family for four generations, few like it in America, $1,000. Empire bed and dresser, solid mah. $500; solid walnut wall table, spool legs, $100; parlor set of four pieces, solid walnut, Civil war period, $250. 829 Sherman Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 6964. 17LTN25-1te FOR SALE -- REED SUN PARLOR furniture; brass bed; Singer sewing machine; rugs; various household goods. Phone Winn. 1098 or 1205-- Call 315 Woodland ave., Winnetka. 17LTN25-1te FOR SALE--MANY PIECES OF DE- sirable furniture in excellent con- dition and reasonable. Am moving, must sell now. Call 495 Ash St, Winnetka. Phone 1417. 17LTN25-1te FOR SALE--SILVER FINISH CAN- delabra fixture for dining or living room; complete with 5 bulbs and silk shades, $8.00. Phone Winn. 1568. 17LTN25-1tp FOR SALE--MAH. DRESSING TABLE, $15; mah. dresser, $30; brass bed with covered box springs and mat- tress, $25. 601 Ash St. Winnetka 1523. : 17LTN25-1te FOR SALE--3 PIECE SET, LEATHER covered and mahogany furniture; suitable for office or living room. Phone Winnetka 1734. 17T2-1tc FOR SALE--HEAVILY CARVED, IM- ported Chinese, mah. chair; brown mah. teacart; electric fountain. Tel. Wil. 314. 17LTN25-1te FOR SALE--ALMOST NEW, WHITE enamel, Jewel gas stove with Lor- raine regulator. Call Glen. 433. 17LTN25-1te FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE, DOUBLE, walnut bed, box springs and mat- tress; reas. Phone Wil. 801. 17LTN25-1te FOR SALE -- % BRASS BED, sniing and mattress complete, good condition, $15.00. Phone Winn. 519-J. 17T2-1te FOR SALE -- DAVENPORT TABLE; Italian desk; china cabinet, pair of twin lamps. Tel. Winnetka 2463. 17T2-1te FOR SALE--OVERSTUFFED DAVEN- wort, taupe, $35; dining set, $50. Wil. 2501. 17LTN25-1tp FOR SALE--CHILD'S BED; BUFFET; oak bed and dresser. Phone Winn. 1013. 17LTN25-1te J] OR SALE--GAS RANGE; DINING rm. table and dresser. Tel. Wil S13W, 17TLTN25-1te FOR SALE -- NEW BOOKSHELVES, $4.00 and $5.00 apiece. Phone Win- netka 524-J. 17T2-1tp FOR SALE -- DETROIT JEWEL GAS range, $10. Tel. Wilmette 1668. 17TN2-1te ry SITUATION WTD. --SEWING, PLAIN or children's dresses; by the day or will take home. Winn. 2017. 15T2-1tp FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten, Win- netka 1416. 15TN2-tfe WANTED --PART TIME HELP WITH housework and cooking; white. Phone Winn. 424. 12T2-1te SITUATION WTD. -- WASHING AND ironing. Will call and deliver same. Phone Glen. 856. 15TN2-1te IS WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--=Sell--Bxchange--New--Used Open daily, Tues, Thurs, Sat, 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212 18T42-tfe N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. Joss {apie Ave.,, Evanston. Phone Univ. SLING ite 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price for same. Crost Fur- niture Store 1004-6 Emerson St, Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 18LTN11-tfe 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS THE LOR ELLEN SHOP BUYS AND SELLS Ladies' Apparel Antiques, Bric-a-brac and Linen 1240 No. Clark St. Tel. Lincoln 1204 19LTN23-tfe WANTED--TRUNK FOR ABOUT $5, must be in good condition; also small ice-box for $5. Phone Wil. 2983. 19LTN25-1tp WANTED TO BUY --MEN'S CLOTH- ing and shoes. Tel. Wilmette 1351. 19LTN23-4tp 20 AUTOMOBILES Used Cars OVERLAND tr. repaint ......... $100 Apperson late mod. 7 pas. ....... 325 Chevrolet rdstr. 1924 ............ 200 Buick tour. late 23 Al ........... 500 Dabe & Son Auto Sales Hubbard Woods Winn. 296 20TN2-1te FOR SALE -- USED CARS Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices $75 to $550. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 20LTN25-1te FOR SALE--5 PASS. STAR TOURING car driven less than 5,000 miles; many accessories. Cost $595. A buy at $350. Phone Glencoe 112. 20TN2-1te FOR SALE--1925 STANDARD STUDE- baker coach; 6 months old, driven 7,000 miles; in excell. cond. Phone Winn. 2202. 20LTN25-1tc FOR SALE--MODEL 50, 5 PASS. OPEN Haynes, extras, $100. Phone Wil 2357 evenings. 20LTN15-tfe WANTED--OLD AUTOS AND ELEC- tries; any condition. Univ. 1986. 20LTN22-tfe 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--BROWN, REAL REED, hand woven, adjustable stroller, with top, perf. cond.; may be used for small baby, $15. Winnetka 1911. 21LTN25-1tc FOR SALE -- POWER BOILER -- Hawkes combination fire and water tube boiler, 190 H. P., 150 lbs. pres- sure. Chain grate stoker or Oil fir- ing equipment. Finest condition. May be seen in operation at New Trier High School, Kenilworth. 21LTN22-4tc FOR SALE -- HEATING BOILERS-- Two Brownell Fire Tube Boilers, 78 in. diameter by 18 ft. long, 170 Horse Power, 100 lbs. pressure. Chain grate stokers. Good condi- tion. 'May be seen in operation at New Trier High School, Kenilworth. 21LTN22-4te FOR SALE--SMALL, BOY'S BICYCLE; good condition. Tel. Wil. 1862. . 21LTN25-1te 22 FINANCIAL WE LOAN MONEY AT LOWEST rates on Evanston and North Shore properties. Hokanson & Jenks, Inc. 500 Davis St. Greenleaf 1617 22LTN25-tfc 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE 2 ANTIQUE FURNITURE - REPAIRING and refinishing, upholstering, mat- tresses renewed. Fred Nitto, 1240 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 2430. 27LT19-tfe 28 PIANO TUNING HAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED FOR the Spring time. Prices reduced for March. IL. W. Foster, 625 Park Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 908-M. 28LTN13-tfe More Want Ads on page 42, "

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