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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 3 Apr 1926, p. 49

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ey WINNETKA TALK 50 April 3, 1926 C SSIFIED ADVERTISEM TS 1 REAL ESTATE 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES GLENAYRE FO a Tr NAL {ce -- Classified advertisements will be charged only General N otice to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line in one paper. Rates 35 cents a line in all Average of five words to the line. 109, discount on all cash with order advertisements when papers. CHARGE, 50 cents. type used. 25 cents a line in any two three papers. MINIMUM No black face brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. { H Ss Classified advertisements will be aec- Deadline for Insertion cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'elock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE COZY LITTLE 6 RM. HOUSE IN UN- usual and attractive landscaped wooded lot 300x140 feet; large ga- rage with chauffeur"s room above. All or part of land. HUBBARD WOODS 6 Room Stucco newly redecorated; 3 bed rms.; sleeping porch and sun room; heated; oil burner; garage; lot 50x160 So. front; 3 blks to station and schools. Price $19,500. VACANT N. W . Winnetka--100x110 heavily wooded. $9,500. 8S. E. Winnetka--250x150 or 100x150, 1 blk to station and sch.; make offer. S. W. Winnetka--50x200 on Winnetka Ave. $100 per ft. 7 Acres--Winnetka Ave. station. $4,000 per acre. 35 Acres Winnetka Ave. $3,500 per A. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 1LTN27-1tc near new Bargains in Acre Tracts 80 ACRES-- WHEELING TOWNSHIP, near Dundee Road, $10,000.00 cash, $450.00 per acre. $36,000.00. 20 ACRES -- NORTHFIELD TOWN- ship, 1,320 ft. front on Glenview Road. TERMS $40,000.00. 120 ACRES -- WHEELING TOWN- ship, State Highway, will divide in- to 20-40-60 or 80 Acre Tracts, at $450.00 per acre. TERMS $54,000.00 20 ACRES -- WHEELING TOWN- ship, near Arlington (Heights, on Rand road across from Golf &lub, $500.00 per acre. TERMS $10,000.00. 10 ACRES --NEW TRIER TOWN- ship, very good location. PRICE $30,000.00. J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Phone Wil. 364 Wilmette, Illinois. 1LTN27-1te EAST WINNETKA BRICK BARGAINS WE RECOMMEND THIS SUBSTAN. dwelling; choice east sec.; beaut. wooded, shrubbed lot. Only $23,000. Owner leaving town. Make offer. Solid brick; redwood shingle roof; casement windows; 7 rooms and 2 baths; sunroom opening onto large yard and garden; h. w. heat; at- tached gar. $32,000. Five charming bedrooms; sunroom; spacious liv. and din. rooms; com- modious kitchen; butler's pantry; h. w. heat; finely wooded lot in choic- est east sec.; 2 -car gar.; gutters, downspouts, decks, etc. all copper; all ceilings metal lathed; all walls and ceilings painted; steel constr. House not built for sale--a house built to last. $35,000, Heinsen & Kroll, Inc. OWNER'S EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 720 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 254 1LTN27-1te FOR SALE -- 7 ROOM BRICK HOME in choice location; breakfast room; porches; toil. and lav. on 1st floor; 2 baths; water heat. $26,500. Good buy--In an attractive brick Col- onial; 7 rooms; 3 baths; sun and sleeping porches; water heat; best location for $32,000. Furnished and unfurnished homes for ren Fred'k B. Thomas & Co. Elm and Linden Tel. Winn. 2350 JLTN27-1te For Sale Home FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL HOME AT Lake Geneva, Wis.; fine location on north short restricted district, mid- way between the towns of Williams Bay and Lake Geneva; ten minutes by auto to either one; 14 rooms; 3 full baths, extra tub in maid's room, and lavatory on 1st floor; living room and library genuine mahog- any; hall and dining room quarter sawed oak; second floor finish, white; and third floor brown stain; hardwood floors throughout; electric lights; 253.6 feet of frontage; 38 acres of land go with this place; en- trance to private road is just off the new cement highway 50. Must be sold to settle an estate. Some furniture will be left if desired, but not complete. Value §50,000. Mrs. F. L. Chapman, owner. Phone Win- netka 1797. 1LN27-1tc Don't Fail to See This 6-ROOM BUNGALOW; LIVING ROOM 16x24 with big fireplace; tile bath with Kohler fixtures; water heat; porch; garage. This bungalow is very roomy, conveniently arranged, only 3 blocks to steam or electric and is easily the best buy in Wil- mette today. $12,500. F. Coleman Burroughs 1157 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 640 1LTN27-1te bl DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS ATTRACTIVE BRICK BUNGA- low; h. w. heat; finest extreme east location; close to "L' transp.; beau- tifully landscaped grounds. A real bargain at $16,000. Terms. E.E.StultsRealty Co 424 Linden Ave. * End of "L" Phones Wilmette 3450 and 3451 1LTN27-1te FOR SALE -- WELL BUILT 6-ROOM stucco; large attractive rooms; 3 bedrooms and large sleeping porch on 2nd floor; east side location near "IL" and schools; fine large land- scaped lot; good value. $14,700. Terms. o Heinsen& Kroll, Inc. 421 4th St. End of "L" Phones Wilmette 2760 and 460 1LTN27-1tec FOR SALE -- WINNETKA HOMES and vacant. Select listings in and around Indian Hill section. Other new and attractive offerings in every section of Winnetka. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5 P. M. P. W. Bradstreet & Co. Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 788 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 162 1T4-1te WEST WILMETTE WILL FURNISH LOT 50x168 WITH sewer and wates service, paved street; a new 6-room modern house. $2,000 cash. $100 monthly. F. H. GATHERCOAL 607 Main St. Tel. Wil. 225 1LTN27-1te Bargains in Acreage 700 Acres at McHenry--price very low. 600 Acres adjoining Paul Rader Park, 'Wauconda. 20 Acres near trans. in Deerfield. 65 Acres on Kotz Rd.,, W. of Winnetka. 1% Acres on Hill Rd, Winnetka. Other building lots in Indian Hill dis- trict. Télephone F. H. Ward, Wilmette 3041. 1LTN23-tfc For Sale--Winnetka 5-ROOM STUCCO; CONVENIENT TO schools and transp. Bargain $9,500. See Hill & Stone Telephone Winnetka 1544 1LTN27-1te FOR SALE--NEW BRICK COLONIAL, 6 rms. and sun parlor; extra lav.; large living room with natural fire- place. 2 car brick gar.; lot 50x171; plenty of trees and shrubbery; a genuine bargain; $17,500; terms. KROLL & SMITH End of "L" Phone Wilmette 500 1LTN27-1te SOUTHEAST GLENCOE A VERY UNUSUAL VALUE IN A fine 9 room brick home; 5 bed rms.; 3 baths; very large sleeping porch; charming 1st floor plan including large sun room with tiled floor; garage; wooded lot 100x200. $35,- 000. Call Winn. 828. 1LTN27-1te 419 4th St. FOR SALE -- IN GLENCOE, 544 Woodlawn ave. New Colonial; 6 rooms and large porch; living room and master bedroom 15x24; bath and shower; extra lavatory on 1st floor; hot water heat; insulated and weather stripped; garage. Call owner, Winnetka 1637. 1LTN27-1tc $2,500 DOWN. PRICE $18,000. 1- room house; 4 bedrooms; fine east side location. Call Wilmette 3451. Ask for Mrs. McDowell. - 1LTN27-1te FOR SALE -- HIGH CLASS, BRICK residence; 12 ronms; 2-car garage; h. w. heat; lot 75x196; 3 blks. north- east of "IL" terminal. $55,000. Owner. Tel. Wilmette 652. 1LTN24-tfc NORTHWEST GLENCOE SPANISH STUCCO; TILE ROOF; 14 bed rms.; 2 baths; attached heated garage. $22,600. Winn, 1226. 1LTN27-1te FOR SALE--WINNETKA, 139 BERT- ling Lane, 7-room Col.; 4 bedrooms; tile bath; encl. slp. porch; lge. attic; lot 64x150. Exch. small house or Tel. Winn. 1805. 1T48-tfe WANTED -- A HOME. HAVE $2,500 in cash. What have you? No agents. Address Winn. Talk A-841. 1T3-tfe vacant. FOR SALE--7 ROOM HOUSE; SUN and sleeping porch; $16,000.00. 415 Maple ave.,, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 1560. 1T4-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--7 RM. STUCCO residence; sleeping and living porch; 2-car garage. Phone Winn. 1492. 1T4-1te FOR SALE -- AT HIGHLAND PARK. 7-Room brick veneer Colonial res- idence, 2-car garage; 2 tile baths with showers; sun room and sleep- ing porch; lot 82x231, nicely wooded; beautiful location, 2 blocks from electric express station; all im- provements in and paid for. Call Mr. Johnson. Deerfield 254. 1LTN27-1te HUBBARD WOODS -- NEW ENGLISH brick stucco, timber home; 3 bed- rooms; 2 tile baths; sun-room or auxiliary bedroom; garage attached. Best material and construction Wooded lot 50x150. Price $21,000. Inquire owner, Winnetka 1394. 1TN4-1tp FOR SALE OR RENT -- 8 ROOM house; 2 baths. Terms. Provident ave. Phone Winnetka 1212. 1LTN27-1te FOR SALE -- IN GLENCOE -- 7-RM. house; lot 132x210; near transp; modern conveniences. Tel. Shel- drake 7852. 1LTN27-1tp 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT -- JUNE 15 TO SEPT. 1. 2nd 'Duplex flat, corner; five rooms and large enclosed sleeping porch: furnished; reproducing grand piano; large garage; three blocks from Elm street station. Winnetka 1853. 2LTN27-4tc 625 Temple Court, Kenilworth. Tel. Kenil. 1307. 2LTN26-1te FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM HOUSE; furn. or unfurn; south Glencoe; for 1 year; available immediately. Ph. Winnetka 2162. 2LTN27-1tc FOR RENT -- NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE; furnished; for summer. 1314 Isa- bella St. Call Wilmette 701-R. 2LT24-tfc FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLE, FUR- nished home; convenient to trans- portation. Phone Winn. 1769. 2T4-1tp FOR RENT--WINN.,; 6 RM. COL. house; furn.; summer; slp. pch.; gar. Tel. Winn. 1781. 2T4-1tc FOR RENT--5 ROOM BUNGALOW. For information call Winn. 535-J. 2T4-1tp -- _-- a 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms; newly decorated; kitchenette; small porch; private entrance; heat; bath; hot water in room; % block from C. & N. W. 1230 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. 3156. SLT27-1tp FOR RENT --FLAT. MAY 1. 5-ROOM and bath; 2 glazed porches; half block from depot; suitable for dress- making or light business. Phone Wilmette 1724. 3LTN27-1te FOR RENT -- 5-ROOM APARTMENT; 2nd floor; hot water heat; large liv- ing room. See Owner, 1st floor, 1169 Scott ave., or phone Winn. 1552. 3TN4-1tc FOR RENT -- 5-ROOM APARTMENT; hot water heat; 2nd floor. $60.00 per month. Phone Winn. 1637. 3TN4-1te H... WwW. Central FOR RENT -- 6-RM APT. heat; with garage. 1625 Ave. Phone Wilmette 1468. 3LTN26-1tc FOR RENT -- 2 ROOM FURN. OR UN- furn. apt. with private bath; garage if desired. Phone Wil. 3082. 3LTN27-1te FOR RENT -- FIVE CHEERFUL rooms; bath; sunporch; lower apt. Phone Wilmette 866-M.- 3LTN27-1te FOR RENT -- 2-ROOM KITCHETTE apartments; steam heat and janitor service; ear transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 3LTN27-1te WILMETTE INN UNDER NEW MAN- agement. Unfurn. and completely furnished apartments for rent. Tel. Wilmette 1868. 3LT27-1te FOR RENT -- 4 ROOM FLAT; HEAT furnished; garage space. Tel. Win- netka 2359. 3LTN27-1tp FOR RENT -- 5-ROOM FLAT; May 1. 932 Elm St, Winnetka. Mrs. Wolsieffer. 3TN4-2te FOR RENT -- APARTMENT --627 11th St.: 4 rooms and bath: heated. Phone Wilmette 2399. 3LTN26-tfc ---- re ----------, 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone' Wil. 1080. 4LT50-tfe FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM. Telephone Winnetka 1333. : 4LTN27-1te FOR RENT -- 2 COM. ROOMS; SLPG. pch.; priv. bath. Kenilworth 1865. 4LTN27-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM; NEAR ALL transp. Telephone Wilmette 2706. 4LTN27-1te FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLE ROOM in private home: east side; near all transp. Phone Wilmette 2098. 4LT27-1te FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED front room. Phone Winnetka 502-7. -1te FOR RENT--COMFORTABLY FURN- ished room. Phone Winn. 593-R. 4T4-1tp FOR RENT -- ROOM SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen. 858 Elm street. Ph. Winetka 674-R. 4T4-1tp heated: . We A 3 E 2 - oh 5

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