May 1, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 37 PLAN GREAT PAGEAN1 Event on June 14 and 15 Represents Twenty-fifth Anniversary of New Trier High School BY BH. E.D. Twenty-five years ago the shore was, comparatively, a wilderness, considering it as it is known today. At north that time, there were men of vision, just as every generation has its men who look into the future, and dream dreams of the good things which shall come to their heirs. Out of their dream, finally came reality, and there was founded the nucleus of the present New Trier Township High school. It was small, of course, but it had the courage and the strength and the vis- ion of its founders supporting it. Rapidly ft grew both in size and in character, until now, a quarter of a century later, it is ranked as one of thé very finest secondary schools in the United States. Nor is its fame con- fined to the States alone, but many and many a time, in some far place of the world, one traveler has come upon an- other who proudly owns to have been a student at New Trier at some time or other also. Love for their school, pride in her growth, development in many lines, service, and above all, in the fine character of its faculty and of its student population from year to year, creates a strong bond of sym- pathy, friendship and loyalty in the hearts of each and every one of her sons and daughters. C. Russell Small, Librettist In order to fittingly celebrate so great an occasion as the twenty-fifth birthday of New Trier High school, yarious members of the present faculty have worked hard and long to lay the basis for the preparations now in pro- gress to present on June 14 and 15, a huge pageant showing the birth and growth of New Trier from 1901 to 1926. The manuscript itself was written by Mr. C. Russell Small, of the high school faculty, and is called "Enlightenment," and is in the form of an allegory per- sonifying all that has gone toward mak- ing New Trier the wonderful school it is today. The cast includes not only boys and girls who are at present stu- dents at the high school, but also alum- ni, faculty, members of the Board of Education, comprising a cast of ap- proximately two hundred characters, representing not only the school as it is today, but as it was last year, and the year before, and so on, way back to its very first year. In other words, the pageant is a stupendous enterprise dramatically, musically, esthetically, scholastically, which undertakes to represent the entire township in a celebration commemorating its twenty- fifth birthday. Produced at School The cast will include characters such as kings and queens, students and teachers, as well as much abstract fig- ures as Enlightenment, Vision, Ignor- ance, Thought, Ideas; then too, even the waves of the lake, the trees, and the animals which were all conquered by man in his endeavors to found for his descendants an institution of edu- cation and enlightenment, will be whim- sically represented. There will be Telenhone Wilmette 3347 DR. FRANK B. ERWIN VETERINARIAN Specializing in the treatment of your best friends the "Dog and Cat" All calls receive my personal attention 724 Prairie Ave. Wilmette, Ill. dancing, music, and drama in its most beautiful form, --pageantry,--for two hours, into which brief time will be crowded the telling of the almost un- believable growth of the beloved school. Part of the music which will be heard throughout the production is to be composed by members of the music de- partment at New Trier: the coaching | of the pageant dramatically, lies in the capable hands of the dramatic coaches: the art department is taking care of the huge responsibility of supplying set- tings and costumes. Just so, is every department giving of its best for the success and splendor of this production, which is of, for, and by the community, Miss Isabelle Rohrig of Ludington, left for her home last Thursday after spending 10 days with the Misses Rohrigs at 1069 Chatfield road. the township of New Trier. Everyone | Mich. is to have the privilege of contribut- : ing his bit in any way he can towards the perfection of this enterprise. Hardwood Floors Plain and fancy -- thick and thin-- E.B.MOORE & CO. Laid--Scraped--Cleaned--Finished| g30.220 s.state St. ESTIMATES FREE Tel. Harrison 7581 Shop you prefer. surface, dust Complete Our Enlarged Automobile Paint Inspection Invited Fully equipped to furnish Duco, Lac- quer or Varnish Finishes, which ever Any kind of job you may want from a one coat revarnish, to the finest perfect Prices in accordance with the job. Estimates Gladly Given. A Representative will call if desired. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Is Now Ready x free coach job. Tel. Winnetka 165