May 1, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 47 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS OFFICES -- - FOR RENT --IN GLENCOE 8-ROOM WANTED -- RELIABLE GIRL TO HOUSEHOLD Soons Port i SALE house; near transportation; large | FOR RENT -- OFFICE, SPACIOUS, care for children afternoons 655 bi sg beaut ec niture 1500.00 tiees; garden; hot water heat; 2 well lighted, running water, best lo- Garland Ave. Phone Winn. 2648. 2pL Boos ths he Pie Silke baths; reasonable. Tel. Univ. 8518 cation. Winnetka 2350. bHLTN31-1te 12T8-1te nga es Geen ht or Winn. 2551, 2LTN31-1te ne nr TI aL BB i RB FOR RENT--STORE. APPLY 601:| WANTED WHITE MAID, GEN.| bedrm. set) A ala qming Main St, Wilmette. 5LTN30-tfc hswk ; 2 adults; good home; no ob- room set; x v on r ES F FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE; jection iv newcomer. Glencoe 1152. lamps; small rugs; oil pain ngs; 088 : 32 p Te -1te mirrors; library table; silverware; Poss. June 19; 21% or 3 months; 4 ¥ a : " 12TNS8-1te ! : bedrooms; 1 bath; screened porch; | % FOR RENT--GARAGE kitchen set; will separate; will ar- garage; Phone WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- range for delivery. 832 Leland ave., $125.00 per month. Winnetka 624 2LTN28-tfc 7-RM. FURN. HOUSH FOR RENT -- with sleeping porch and garage; south Glencoe; from June 20 to Sept. 10. Glencoe 519. 2LTN31-1tc FOR RENT --6-ROOM FURN. HOUSE; 1 bath; 1-car garage; excellent transportation. Call Glencoe 804. 2LTN31-1te FOR RENT -- 7-ROOM HOUSE AND garage. Phone Wilmette 919-M. 2LTN31-1te 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT---MAY 1; THREE PLEAS- ant rooms for light housekeeping; 2d floor. Phone Wilmette 776-M. 3LTN31-1tp FOR RENT--2-ROOM KITCHENETTE apartments; steam heat and janitor service; near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 3LTN31-1te FOR RENT -- PLXASANT APART- ment; suitable for 2; young couple preferred. $65.00. Phone Winn. 690. 3LN31-1te FOR RENT --4-ROOM KITCHEN- ette apt. with porch and 1-car ga- rage. Phone Kenilworth 826-W. 3LT31-1te FOR RENT APARTMENT -- 627 11th St.; 4 rooms and bath; heated. Phone Wilmette 2399. 3LTN26-tfc FOR RENT --APT. OF 6 ROOMS; could be used for business; near transp. Call Winn. 1405. 3T8-1tp FOR RENT -- FOUR ROOM APART- ment; May 1, Phone Winn. 409. 3TNT7-tfc MAY 1 3LTN31-tfc FOR RENT -- 4-RM. APT. Phone Winnetka 409. ---- 4 FOR RENT -- ROOMS FOR RENT -- NICE FRONT ROOM in new house; adjacent bath; break- fast optional: 4 blocks from transp.; near Skokie and Glen. golf courses. Call Glen. 1224. 4LTN31-1tp FOR RENT -- LARGE, LIGHT, WELL furnished room; priv. bath; near lake and transp. Call Winn. 1543. 4LTN31-1te CENTRAL HOTEL --LIGHT OUTSIDE "noms; for transients and residents. £29 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4LT50-tfe FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room: suitable for 2; kitch. priv. if desired; Protestant. Glencoe 9786. 4LTN31-1te FOR RENT--COMFORTABLE FURN. FOR RENT--GARAGE, St., 220 MYRTLE Winn. 606-W. 6T1-tfc Indian Hill. Tel, 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT -- IN WINNET- ka; furn. house June 1 to Sept 15; convenient to transportation; 4 bed- rooms; 2 baths; maid's rooms; mod- erate rent. R. Hartman, 559 Surf St, Chicago. Phone Graceland 6373. TT7-tfe 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS SUMMER HOME WANTED MARRIED COUPLE, MIDDLE AGE, desire one or two rooms in private home in Winnetka, Glencoe or High- land Park for four summer months. Must be in refined gentile family. Give and require best of references. Having lived constantly obect is good home table, Member of Exmoor Country Club. Reply to Home Seeker, ¢/o Winnetka Talk. 10TNS-1te ROOM AND POSSIBLY board by an elderly lady in a pri- vate family; preferably Win.; ref. Address Winn. Talk A- WANTED 10T8-1te 1) HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- YOUNG MAN TO WAIT on trade and take charge of stock- room; steady employment and chance for promotion. Wersted Mo- tor Co., 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. 11LTN31-1te WANTED -- SALESMAN TO SELL Wilmette property. Subdivision near Glen Ayre station on new line. Whole or part time. Liberal com- mission. Address Wilmette Life A-873. 11LT31-1tp WANTED -- COMPETENT AND trustworthy chauffeur; in private family. Address stating salary and experience, Drawer B, Post Office, Winnetka. 11LTN31-1te WANTED -- MAN FOR PART TIME; gardening; window washing, etc., in exchange for excellent living quar- ters over garage Tel. Wil. 3548. 11TS8-1te WANTED -- BOY FOR DELIVERY and work in market; must be over 16 yrs. White Cash Market. Wil- mette 2538. 11TS-1te WANTED -- MAN FOR PART TIME; gardening; window washing, ete., in exchange for excellent living quar- ters over garage. Tel. Wil. 3548. 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE maid for gen. hswk.; 2 adults; help with care of small child; private rm. rm.: convenient to transportation. and bath. ref. 379 Ridge Ave, Call Winn. 1769. 4TNS8-1te Winnetka 1379. 12LT31-1te FOR RENT -- HUBBARD WOODS-- | WANTED -- COMPETENT MAID FOR room and garage: woman; $50; Ad- general housework; living near dress Winn Talk A-855. 4TN5-4tp FOR RENT--3 FURN. RMS.; PRIVATE bath; nicely located home; 2 peo- nle. Winnetka 729. 4T8-1te FOR RENT -- 2 SINGLE FURN. RMS, near lake and transportation. Tel. (Glencoe 219. 4LTN31-1te Winnetka and willing to go home nights. Tel. Winn. 45. 12LTN31-1tc in hotels, family; no 12TNS-1tc eral housework; small washing. Call Winn. 2495. Chicago, Ill 17LTN28-4tp near Sheridan Rd. Phone Sunnyside 6190. WANTED--YOUNG WEITE GIRL TO assist with hswk.; 'small family; Winnetka 1057. 12TNS8-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN for gen. hswk.; 5 in family. Tel. Winn, 1741, 12TNS8-1tc GIRLS WANTED AT NORTH SHORE Laundry. netka. 566 Chestnut St.,, Win- 12TNS§-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; small house; near transp. Call Winn. 904. 12LTN31-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Call Winnetka 2226. 12 TN31-1tc WANTED HELP IN KITCHEN. Caravel Tea Room. Call Winn. 1820. 12LTN31-1tp NTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED--COUPLE TO LIVE IN GA- 13 HELP WA rage; woman to do gen. hswk.; man to take care of lawn, etc. May do outside work. Phone Wil. 1068. 13LTN31-1tc WANTED--EXPERIENCED COLORED couple for housework; private fam- ae references. Phone Winnetka 2343. 13LTN31-1tp 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED -- HOUSE- cleaning or garden work; experi- enced man; reference. Call Univ. 7162 evenings. 14L'TN31-1tp SITUATION WTD -- HOUSEMAN AND garden work; exp.; steady position; room on place. Walter Meyer, 88 Weston Ave, T.ake Forest. 14TS8-1tp WTD--HOUSECLEANING day; experienced colored references. Phone Glencoe 898. 14TNS8-2tp SITUATION by the man; SITUATION WTD -- EXP. CHAUF- feur and gardener; ref. Call Univ. 7162 eves, 14LTN31-1tp Ee ------. WANTED--FEMALE NTED--WOULD LIKE in physician or dental of- experienced. Phone Winn. 642-J. 15TNS8-1te SITUATION WTD--1ST CLASS LAUN- dress; colored; work 3 days each week. Phone Univ. 5045. 15LTN31-1tp SITUATION WTD--BY YOUNG LADY as nurse to one or two children. Address Wil. Life A-874. 15LTN31-1tp 15 SITUATION SITUATION WA position fice; WANTED -- WASHING TO TAKE home; rough dry or ironed. Glen- coe 171, 15TN7-2te SITUATION WANTED -- AS NURSE girl; Swedish; experienced Call Winn, 1878. 15T8-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE woman for laundry, chamber work and mending, where 2 other girls are kept. Phone Winnetka 728. 12T8-1te FOR RENT --2 LARGE WELL FURN. front rms.: convenient location. Tel. Wilmette 1940. 4LT31-1tec FOR RENT --LARGE FURNISHED room; call Winnetka 1333. 4LTN31-1te FOR RENT -- PLEASANT FURN. RM. near station; Phone Winn. 415. 4LTN31-1tc FOR RENT-- 5 LARGE ROOMS AND board. Phone Wil. 1183. 4LTN31-1tp FOR RENT -- ROOM. TELEPHONE Winnetka 870. 4LT31-1tc ---------- 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT -- STORES AND SHOPS. 'Telephone Winnetka 62. 5L.TN28-tfc WANTED--EXPERIENCED AND RE- fined waitress (white). Apply Car- dinal Tea House, 841 Spruce St. Tel. Winn, 2536. 12TNS8-1tc WANTED---WREITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk.; pleasant surroundings; good wages for right girl. Winnetka 2657. 12LTN31-1te WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO assist with hswk.; home nights if preferred. Call Wil. 3561. 12LTN31-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED MAID for cooking and downstalrs work; best wages. Call Winn. 1133. 12TNS8-1tc WANTED -- TWO COMPETENT white maids; Protestants; refer- nces required. Tel. Winnetka 1105. 12TS8-1tc WANTED--TO CARE FOR CHILDREN at my home. Call Winn. 546-M. ; 15T8-1te FOR SALE--TOBEY MADE HALL- wardrobe; gray porch swinging couch; wood porch table, $2 00, chair to match, $2; Field gymnasium ap- paratus, $6; child's outdoor play- house, $7; bath tub, $10; lavatory, $3; "Book of Knowledge," latest edi- tion; girl's bicycle, $15; roller skates. 560 Elm St. Winnetka 1158. 17T8-1te FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE, GEN- uine reed, black and ivory, reversi- tle; high chair; both especially well- built and in excellent condition. 124 Woodland ave. Telephone Winn. 1685, 17TNS8-1tp FOR SALE--60 IN. ROUND SOLID mahogany dining rm. table; 6 straight chairs; 2 arm chairs; one serving table; tion, $150. all in good condi- Call Lake Forest 10. 17LTN31-1te FOR SALE--2 MAHOGANY ROCKERS; 2 mahogany tables; 1 muffin stand; 1 single white bed and mattress and other small articles, Call Winn. 206. 17TNS-1te FOR SALE--2 RUGS, VERY HIGH grade imported Scotch wool, 10x13 and 11x18, like new. 637 Garland Ave. Winn. 1372. 17TNS8-1te FOR SALE--LIVING RM. FURNI- ture; also electric light fixtures; Bric-a-brac and used rugs. 765 Bluff St., Glencoe 292. 17TN3-1te FOR SALE -- LAUNDERETTE WASH- ing machine and 48 inch Simplex mangle, A-1 condition; less than % cost. Fhone Wil. 1174. 17TLTN31-1te FOR SALE --- VERY CHEAP; SOLID brown mahogany davenport table like new. Call Wil. 1511. 17LTN31-1te FOR SALE--FINE GAS STOVE IN good condition, cheap. 941 Forest Ave. Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 149. 17LTN31-1te FOR SALE--GAS STOVE; LAUNDRY stove; 100 lb. ice-box and other fur- niture. Call Glen. 1193. 17LTN31-1te FOR SALE--MAHOGANY ROLL TOP . desk; 55 inch. 1 yr. old, Wilmette 913-W. 17TNS8-1te FOR SALE--SINGLE BED; OFFICE desk. 105 Dupee Place, Wilmette. 17LTN31-1tp FOR SALE--USED COLONIAL HALL clock; antique. Call Winn. 1878. 17TNS-1te 183 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-8 Emerson St, Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 18LTN11-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--Sell--Exchange---New--Used Open daily, Tues.,, Thurs. Sat.,-8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212. 18LTN26-tfc WANTED--CLEANING BY THE DAY. Call Wil. 893 1/3. 15LTN31-1te 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE (COLORED) DAY WORK--HOUSE- cleaning; yard work; rugs cleaned; laundry, done at home. Cooking; serving parties; actual service on any occasion. Colored couple wants position as cook; chauffear and house man. Willing to leave city through summer. Reference. J. E. Steens. Phone Kenil. 1088. 16LTN31-1te 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD S00Ds HAVING SOLD OUR HOUSE, WE wish to dispose of some of our fur- niture; including a handsome ma- hogany sideboard; porch furniture; chairs, tables and kitchen things. 435 Sheridan Rd.,, Winnetka. 17LTN31-1tp N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave. Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN3-tfc ER ------ 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS S. GOLDMAN, JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. 19LTN31-1tp 1009, VALUE PAID ON MEN'S clothing and shoes. Call Smith, Wil. 1351 or Univ. 3250-W. 19LTN30-2tp WANTED TO BUY--ONE-CAR PORT- able garage. Call Winn. 2226. 19LTN31-1te 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- DETROIT ELECTRIC with Testifer;, Food condition. In- quire Winn. 9. 20LTN31-1te MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 4¢