December 18, 1926 WINNETKA TALK Purple Basketmen to Meet Bulldogs in Tough Argument Another assignment faces Northwestern university's tough | | evening's work for any basketball player. Injuries Slow Fisher Fisher was slowed up a bit because of an injured knee but is expected to be going full tilt within several weeks. basketball | He and Rusch worked together in fine team Saturday night when the strong |style against the Hoosiers, and with a quintet from Drake university of Des |feéw more games under their belts will Moines, Iowa, invades Patten gym in the second game of the season for the Purple. The showing of the Purple in the |ience. be ready to take on any of the con- ference outfits. The Northwestern guards were a bit shaky, due probably to their inexper- Sachse and Owen, both new I 1 ~T cArnenie REcirTy | IN EVANSTON THRE § The distinctive Christmas Gift that distinguishes the giver to be a person pos- sessing rare taste, awaits your immediate selection at Te opening game last Saturday against |men, played a fairly steady game which Wabash rather surprised followers of | should improve as the season advances. | Foster and Heideman were also used the team as it was expected that the Hoosiers would have an easy time in gaining a However, Maury Kent's boys rose to the occasion and victory. played a strong offensive game that | 0 to the Purple defense, which was kept them threatening the Hoosier's small lead. Drake will prove a formidable foe, as the Bulldogs bring an experienced aggregation which last season won the | Missouri Valley championship. Nearly every member of the team is a season- ed veteran, and their ability on the basketball court is little short of un- canny. Nevertheless the Wildcats enter the contest with full intentions of sending the boys from Iowa back on the small end of the score. Experience gained in the opening encounter has helped the Purple boys, several of whom were at the back court positions and per- formed in an able manner. "Moon" Baker is back on the squad again and will be used at the running guard position. "Moon" should add a somewhat weaker than the offensive strength in the Wabash game. Nearly 4,000 persons attended the opener last Saturday which is 1,000 more than ever attended a basketball game in Patten gym before. The new bleachers, which will ultimately seat 6,000, are expected to be filled to ca- pacity in the coming games. Miss Betty Schwartz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwartz of 187 Ridge avenue, spent the last week- end at a houseparty at Beloit, Wis., where she attended a fraternity dance. participating in their first big time | Miss Marion Fulton of Winnetka, and engagement. Miss Louise Schriver of Evanston, ac- Waldo Fisher and Bobby Rusch, |companied Miss Schwartz, who is a both veterans, together with Herold [Student at Northwestern university. Gleichmann, sophomore forward, car- ried the brunt of the Purple attack against Wabash and proved that they will be the stellar performers during the forthcoming season. Gleichmann, who hails from Rockford, Ill., was the sensation of the Purple team in last Saturday's game. He tossed in 5 bas- --_0-- The engagement of Miss Edith Runnfeldt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Runnfeldt of 1037 Spruce street, Winnetka to Franklin Hohlfelder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hohlfelder of Northbrook, Ill, was announced Sat- urday, December 4. No date has been kets and 4 free throws, which is a big |set for the wedding. SS _ YAN EDMOOR CALF 2 l06~-- $8°° 67.10 84900 Alfred - RUBYme ORRINGTON HOTEL EDGEWATER BEACH EVANSTON HOTEL 60 EAST WASHINGTON SHOES sor YOUNG MEN. SMART, MANLY LOOKING SHOES FOR. THE_YOUTH. THAT ARE BUILT TO TAKE A LOT OF PUNISHMENT, AND LOOK LIKE DAD'S ~~ r= - Pp WATERPROOF HIGH CUT-11%%13%-$7 1c -- $0 50 $&: Catherine Reckitt's House and Garden - ~ AT Shop, Inc. OVSE © GARDEN-SHOP- 1720 Orrington Ave. Orrington Hotel PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Pride of Possession Buy skates that are worthy of the kind of skating you want todo. Skates that you'll be proud of. There is no finer skate made than Alfred's famous tubular skate and shoe outfit. See the improved racing and hockey models at your best dealer. ALFRED JOHNSON SKATE CO., CHICAGO NOT CONNECTED WITH NESTOR JOHNSON MFG. CO., OR ANY FIRM OF A SIMILAR NAME Patented Lock-Strap for ankle support. Instantly attached orde- tached on all Alfred Racing and Hockey outfits. Straps extra. This Book Is Free 36 pages of photos and information about Ice Skating. hampion of the World For Beginners-ALFRED'S FLASH-Lower Priced