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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 19 Feb 1927, p. 44

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NAY February 19, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 45 GLENCOE NEWS. CHARGE 50 cents. used. the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will General Notice to residents of the district from Evansten to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or _15 cents a line in one paper. Rates papers. 30 cents a line Average of five words to the line. 109 discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. : 4 Classified advertis ts will b - Deadline for Insertions cepted up to ap 5 rele for Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. be charged only 25 cents a line in any two three papers. MINIMUM No black face type in all papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 6 LOANS 13 HELP WANTED--FEMALE PROPERTY OWNERS YOU CAN BORROW $100 to $5,000 FOR PAYING TAXES, SPECIAL AS- sessments, Interest on Mortgages and for Remodeling and Decorating. 12, 18 or 24 MONTHS TO PAY No Extra Signers Confidential Service. E. H. DAVIS & COMPANY 634 Davis St. Univ. 7927 6LT21-1tc 7 PAINTING AND DECORATING Painting and Decorating ESTIMATE FURNISHED ON OLD work, new building and remodeling jobs. Floor refinishing. Old floors made like new. Wilmette 3104. CARL FRANKELL 1506 Wilmette Ave. TLTN20-4tp YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get estimate. I save you money. Brandt. Glencoe 971. TTN50-tfe 8 PETS BEAUTIFUL GERMAN POLICE, MALE dog, pedigreed, 1 year old. watch dog. Has had distemper. Perfect condition. Reasonable. Phone Winn. SLTNZ21-1te FOR SALE -- POLICE PUPPIES. Champion stock. Pedigreed. Eligible A. K. C. 10 weeks old. Very reason- able to good home. Tel. Winn. 1516. 8T50-1te 10A SCHOOLS & TUTORING TEACHER OF PIANO THEORY & HARMONY EDITH RAY YOUNG STUDIO: 630 PARK AVE. TEL. WIL. 3651 10ALT21-1tp REMEDIAL TUTORING BY EXPERIENCED TEACHER ELEMENTARY AND HIGH SCHOOL pupils brought up to grade. Phone Wil. 248. 10ALTN19-4tp 12 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- OUT oF AUTOMOBILE, beaded velvet purse, containing money and child's silver watch. Watch of sentimental value to owner. Finder please return or communicate with Mrs. L. Howe, 175 Chestnut St. Tel. Winn. 779. 12TN50-1te LOST -- GRAY HAND BAG ON 5:35 p. m. train from Chicago, Feb. 5th, between Kenilworth and Winnetka. Re- ward. Kenilworth 1121. 12T50-1te LOST -- TUESDAY, FEB. 8, AIRDALE dog, 5 month old, answers to name of "Wag." Reward. Tel. Winn. 2496. 12T50-1te LOST -- TAN CHANGE PURSE, BET. P. O. and Gift shop, Winn. Cont. $5 & $1 bill. Tel. Glencoe 1381. 12T50-1te LOST -- PAIR OF GLASSES, DBE- tween Linden and Merrill St., Hubbard Woods. Feb. 15th. Call Glencoe 800. 12T50-1tc 13 HELP WANTED--FEMALE HELP WTD. -- WHITE MAID OF MA- ture years, for general housework. Family of 3. No children. Every comf. & conv. Phone Winn. 1675. 13LTN21-1te MAID WHITE, BETWEEN 20 AND 30, for general housework, in family of 5. Must like children. References. Good home for right person. Kenil. 3460. 13LTN21-1te Splendid | HELP WTD. -- EXP. PROTESTANT, Swedish or German maid for general housework. 4 in family. Tel. Winn. 2574. 13LTN21-1tp WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with housework and care of children. 1010 Cherry St. Winn. 245. 13LTN21-1tc WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR CARE of child, Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 2 until 5 p. m. Phone Win- netka 2083. 13TN50-1te WANTED -- WOMAN, NEAT, RE- sponsible, white, general housework. J. 'W. Jackson, 933 Tower Road. Winn. 1394. 13TN50-1te HELP WTD. -- EXP. MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Small house. 3 in fam- ily. , Good wages. References re- quired. Tel. Winn. 1179. 13T50-1te 16 SITUATION WTD.~FEMALE -- 21 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR CLEAN CUT COMPETENT HELP call Mich. 2516. Day work a specialty. Let us do your Spring cleaning. We have an organized force of day work- ers. Wilhite's Employment Agency. 16T50-1te SIT. WTD. -- EXP. LAUNDRESS wants work first part of week. Winn. refs. Call evenings. Tel. Atlantic 3695. 16LTN21-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- FIRST CLASS colored maid, neat refined. A-1 cook, 3 years at last place, best references irom same. Phone Glen. 243. 16LTN21-1tp EXPERT LAUNDRESS WISHES FAM- ily washing or bundle work. Will call for and deliver. Highland Park 2822. IN WINNETKA, IN BEAUTIFUL SUR- roundings and most convenient locality, 2 lovely connecting rooms, hot water heat; private tiled bath and shower, large closet. Also, large beautiful room with 4 windows suitable for 2. Tel Winn. 2795. 21T50-1te FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE WELL- furnished room. Business man or wom- an preferred. Phone Winn. 589. 21T50-1te WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room 3 block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 21TNb0-tfe FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS and board. Call 1036 Oak St., or phone 16T48-4tp Winn. 2435. 21T48-3tp EXPERIENCED NURSE WOULD LIKE | FOR RENT -- FUR. ROOM. NEAR to care for child every Wednesday af- trans. 1109 Gage St., Hubbard Woods. ternoon. Call Winn. 2411, 21TN50-1tp 16T50-1te ROOM WITH RUNNING WATER. TEL. YOUNG SCOTCH GIRL WISHES POSI- Winn. 2399. 969 Elm St. 21T50-1te tion as upstairs girl or nursemaid in gentile family. Phone Wilmette 1043. 16T50-1te SITUATION WTD. DAY WORK, LAUN- dry or cleaning by exp. woman. pay own carfare. Tel. Drexel 4071. 16T50-1tp SIT. WI'D.--LAUNDRY WORK BY THE day, Tues., Wed. and Thurs. Tel. Ken- wood 9050. 16LTN21-1tp WANTED -- PLAIN SEWING, CHIL- dren's clothes especially. Call Wil 2093. 16LTN21-1tc SITUATION WTD. BY EXPERIENCED colored maid, by the week. Tel. Green- leaf 369. 16LTN21-1tp SIT. WTD. -- EXP. LAUNDRESS wants work at home. Tel. Univ. 3434-W. 16L21-1te WANTED -- DRESSMAKER, EXPERI- LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 PEOPLE; 1% BLKS. from Hubbard Woods Station. Phone Winn. 2053. 21TN50-1te FOR RENT -- 2 ROOMS, SLEEPING porch and bath. Garage. Tel. Kenil. 1865. 21TN50-1te FOR RENT -- FIRST CLASS FUR- nished room. Convenient. Tel. Winn. 2022. 21T50-1tp FOR RENT -- ROOM, 882 PINT ST. Phone Winn. 1549. 21T49-2tec 22 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT-- COZY 4 AND 5 ROOM Apartments; tile bath; near transpor- tation and stores. Possession May 1st. One Apartment available March 1st. Address The Franklin Bldg.,, Winnetka. 22LTN21-1te FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM FLAT, HEATED enced only. Also, apprentice. Glencoe.| dressmaking and remodeling. Phone | 2nd floor. 431 Madison St. Tel. Glen- 1421 13LTN21-1tc| Winnetka 2022. 16T50-tfc | coe 343-R. 22LTN21-1tp HELP WTD. -- MAID FOR COOKING | WANTED -- WASHING TO TAKE 24 FOR RENT--HOUSES and 1st floor work. Must be exp. cook. home, Xi call for and deliver, Hone Tel. Winn. 990. 13LTN21-1te| Wil. 1351. -4tp : FOR RENT HELP WANTED--MOTHER'S HELPER, white. No heavy work. Tel. Winn. 2207. 13LT21-1tp WANTED -- MAID, GENERAL HOUSE- work, 12 to 8 p. m. daily except Sun- day. Phone Winn. 2666. 13T50-1te WANTED -- HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO care for 2 children from 3 to 6. Win- netka 2583. 13T50-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL, EXPERI- enced for general work. A-1 Ref. Tel Kenilworth 1212. 5 13TN50-1tp S-- 14 " HELP WANTED--MALE BEST BROKERAGE OPPORTUNITY ON NORTH SHORE Within the next month, one of the larg- est Loop and North Shore real estate com- panies will open the only office directly on Sheridan Road between Chicago and Highland Park. It will have the exclusive sale of ap- proximately $1,000,000 of new residential construction in Evanston, Wilmette Winnetka and Kenilworth and will oper- ate as one of the largest brokerage clear- ing offices on the North Shore. Exceptional opportunity for three ex- perienced real estate brokers or for men who have close knowledge of North Shore residential situation. Our salesmen have been advised of this announcement. Address Wilmette Life B-184. 14L.TN20-3te SALESMAN WANTED TO SOLICIT orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or commission. Address The Harvey Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 14LTN21-1tp WANTED -- YOUNG MAN FOR FOUN- tain work, steady afternoons and eve- nings. Indian Hill Drugs & Gifts. Winn. 2626. 14LT21-1te i -- rr-- 16 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE DRESSMAKING DONE AT HOME, special prices school dresses, also coats. Work guaranteed, for further informa- tion phone Wil. 3206. 16LTN21-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- YOUNG WHITE SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED typist wants work to do at home. Tel Winn. 1013. 16T50-1te GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY. ALL hand work. Call for and deliver. Tel. Glencoe 106. 16T50-2tp WANTED WASHING TO DO AT HOME. Will call for and deliver. Wil. 3687. 16T50-1te EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS DAY work. Tel. Winn. 2794. 16TN40-1tc 8 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, HOT WATER heat, $125.00. J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, Ill Wilmette 364 24LTN21-1te FOR RENT -- 7 RM. COTTAGE; HOT water heat; garage ; near trans., schools and golf club. Tel. Glen. 235. 24LTN21-1te AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS day work. Call Wil. 1058. 16LTN21-1te 17 SITUATION WTD.--MALE SIT. WTD. -- CHAUFFEUR, COMP. ON any make car; 20 yrs. exp. white, mar- ried. 27 yrs. age. Desires emp. on N. 8S. Pref. living quarter, 4 years last place. Furn. best of ref. Wilmette Life B-192. 17TLTN21-1te CHAUFFEUR WANTS POSITION, will do housework and garden work. Tel. Wil. 3687. 17T50-1te FIRST CLASS CHAUFFEUR AND ME- chanic. A-1 references. Years of ex- perience. Call Winn. 1560. 17LTN21-1tp FOR RENT -- 7 ROOM HOUSE, 2 blocks from trans. Modérn and new. Phone Winn. 1305. 24LTN21-1te FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM HOUSE IN very good condition. Call Wil. 515. 24L.T21-dte = eee 25 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES TO RENT--FOR ONE YEAR OR MORE, new 8- room furnished residence on the lake in Glencoe; large lot, wide beach, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 car garage, sleep- ing porch. Possession any time. MURRAY & TERRY 40 N. Dearborn St. Chicago 25LTN20-2tc A ---------------------------------- 18 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE SIT. WTD. -- EXP. COL. COUPLE AS chauffeur and maid with ref. Phone Highland Park 1584. 18LT21-1tp SIT. WTD. -- MARRIED COUPLE, MAN first class chauffeur, wife for house- work. Call Wil. 2764. 18LTN21-1tp 21 FOR RENT--ROOMS CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 21LT21-tfc FOR RENT -- 3 OR 4 LIGHT HOUSE- keeping rooms. Tel. Wil. 969-W. 21LT21-tfe FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT BY the week or month. Phone Wil. 2399. 21LTN21-tfe woman wishes day work. Tuesday or Wednesday. German. Call Wil. 1463. 16LTN21-1tp SIT. WTD. -- COL. MAID, NEAT, comp., gen., work in small home. Adult FOR RENT -- LARGE, PLEASANT, south front bedroom. Near station. Phone Winn. 415. 21LTN21-1tp FOR RENT -- ROOM; 2 BLOCKS FOR RENT -- FURNISHED FOR THE summer, North Shore show place over- looking the lake, 6 bedrms., 3 baths, 2 car gar. beautiful gardens, fruit trees in bearing, also small fruits. Grounds completely fenced. $400.00 per month. WILMETTE REALTY CO. 513 4TH ST. END OF "L" PH. WIL. 192 25LTN21-1te 26 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- A NICE ROOMY GAR- age, with concrete floor and electric light. $6 per month. 518 Park Ave, Wilmette. Wil. 2919. 26LTN21-1tp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT -- DOUBLE STORE OP- posite Winnetka Trolley station. This space now occupied by Post Office which moves to larger quarters on May 1. Ayres Boal, 132 South Michi- "gan Ave, Chicago. 27T48-3te FOR RENT -- OFFICE SPACE, 2ND floor, suitable for doctor, lawyer or gen- eral office space. Rental from $20 to family. Good ref. Winn. 473. from all transportation. Tel. Winn. $50. Apply Rapp Bros. 522 Center St., 16LT21-1tp 2258. A 21T49-2tc| Winnetka. 27TLTN21-tfc EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS DAY WINN. | FOR RENT -- STORES AND SHOPS. work. Call Univ. 2667-R. 16LT21-1tp LARGE LIGHT ROOM FOR 2. 1920. 21LTN21-1te Telephone Winnetka 62. 27TLTN21-tfe

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