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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 14 May 1927, p. 48

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rE "Y. May 14, 1927 ee 47 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- GARAGE WITH CON- crete drive and wide turn around. 426 Maple Ave. Phone Winn. 2021. 47T10-1tc FOR RENT -- GARAGE, 564 PROVI- dent, Winn. 1219. 47T10-1te GARAGE FOR RENT. WINN 502-J. 47T10-1tc GARAGE FOR RENT. PINE & ROSE- wood. $ Winn. 752. 47T10-1tc rn, 45 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT -- VERY DESIRABLE OF- fice space, about 10x10 ft. Excellent ground floor location, at 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142 48LTN33-tfe FOR RENT -- LARGE WORK SHOP, 28x38. Tel. Wil. 969-W, 48LT33-tfe 51 ~~ FOR SALE--GARAGES $180. HARRIS GARAGE, 12X18 FOR $40.00 if taken away at once. Phone Kenil. 347. 51LT33-1te a2 FOR SALE--HOUSES = Special SUBSTANTIAL 11 ROOM HOME, DEST North East section of Highland Park; 4 master bedrooms, 2 baths on second floor. Algo 3 rooms and bath on third. Large living room, library. Excellent condition; 3 car garage. One of the fine older homes, Exceptional land- scaping and beautiful lot 100x215, more frontage available if desired. Located near grade and high schools; 3 Llocks to depot. Wonderful value nt $32,500. R.M.Johnston& Co. 340 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 68 52LTN33-1te RAVINIA 5 ROOM ENGLISH TYPE, STUCCO home very deep lot. Wonderful buy Very smart Spanish bungalow, attractive- ly arranged, $18,000. Beautiful 8 room home, designed hy not- ed architect, $38,500. VACANT EAST SIDE 65x155, near depot $3,200. 132x338, beautifully wooded, ful buy $90.00 ft. 100 ft. lot in Deere Park, $100.00 ft. HENRY F. UHE & CO. 546 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 83 52LTN33-1te FOR SALE WINNETKA: 6 ROOM frame house on 100 foot corner lot, close in, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, oil burner, 2 car garage, $12,750. Nearly new 6 room white frame Dutch Colonial, H. W. ht., sun room, attached and heated garage. $15,500. 7 room Spanish Stucco, tile roof, 4 bed- rooms, 2 baths, 2 porches, gar. N. E. location, $20,000. Beautiful new English brick house, large wooded lot, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 car gar. attached. All large rooms; $38,000. Smith and Brown, Inc. 736 Elm St.,, Winnetka Phone 142 52T10-1te BUNGALOW SMALL ARTISTIC SHINGLE BUNGA- low in Highland Park, splendidly lo- cated, convenient to transportation and school. Consisting of 5 rooms, 2 bed- rooms, bath, furnace heat, garage; on a beautifully wooded lot 66x180. Price $12,600. Terms. Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 52LTN33-1te WINNETKA BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH TYPE SIX RM. home, brick and stucco with timber ef- fect, 2 baths, and lav. breakfst. nook, Frigidaire, hot water heat, 2 car heated garage, lot 75x187, beautifully land- scaped. $28,000. HENRY F. UHE & CO. 546 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 83 52LTN33-1te HIGHLAND PARK THREE NEW SPANISH STUCCO ON tile houses. 3 chambers, hot water heat, tile roof; lot 50x150. Reasonable down payment, balance like rent. 22 Oak Lane, 4 blks. So. west of Briar- gate electric sta. J. H. McCortney & Co. 77 W. Washington St. Dearborn 3138 52LTN33-1tc wonder- WINNETKA TALK 47 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES RR B------ 8 FOR SALE--~VACANT i ANTIQUES aN Tr: A For Sale--Winnetka Special 9 RM. BRICK DWLG., LIV. RM. 19X33', 5 bedrms., 3 baths, H. W. heat, large open porch, attached garage. Lot 931. x 143. Just north Indian Hill Club grounds, in choicest S. W. section-- $45,000. Strictly modern house, in A-1 condition, designed by a leading archi- tect. See your broker or, P. W. Bradstreet & Co., Sole Agents Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 788 Elm St. Phone 162 52T10-1te BRAND NEW HOUSE 3 BLOCKS TO INDIAN HILL STA- tion ; brick and stucco ; attractive house. 6 rooms, spacious bath. H. W. heat. At- tached garage. Price $17,600. Easy terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St., Winnetka Winn. 2199 52LT33-1tc New Iinglish Colonial BEAUTIFUL DESIGN, 7 LARGE RMS, 3 tile baths, breakfast nook, fireplace, sunny porch. Spacious wooded lot. Double garage. Price $23,500, terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St., Winnetka Winn. 2199 52T10-1te EAST WINNETKA VACANT, 64 FT. FRONTAGE NEAR transportation and schools. $125 per ft. FE. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave, Winn. 1800 531. TN33-1te LOT FOR SALE CHEAP. SEE OWNER. 50x151. Corner Bellview and Pleasant, tavinia. Phone Glencoe 491, 53TN10-1tp ONE-HALF ACRE LOT ON THE ridge. Big oak trees. Street paved, etc. Talk B-297. 53L/TN33-1tp FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL 50 FT. south front lot on Wilmette Ave. near FOR SALE -- A NUMBER OF INTER- esting pieces of antique furniture. Ph. Winn. 462. T0LTN33-1tc 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD., GOODS 1 MAHOG. HALL CONSOLE. GENTLE- man's large-size mahog. dress. case, detached mirror. 1 day bed, 1 couch. Odd mahog. chairs. Din. room suite, table, buffet, chairs, handsome carved sideboard. Large carved library table. Smaller mahog. library table. Other furn. Winn. 414, 735 Sheridan Road. 71TN10-1tc LIV. DIN, AND KIT. FURNI. PIANO, secre., Windsor chairs, Victrola, gate- leg table, tea-cart, gas range, kit. eab., 18th St. Phone Wil. 1829. 53LTN33-1tc| porce. top kit. table, tele. stand and chair and many other articles. Winn. 4 FOR SALE--ACREAGE 2712. T1TN10-1tp CHILD'S IVORY BED. COLONIAL Jargain for Investment 5 ACRES, HIGH LAND, WEST OF HIB- bard Rd. 247 ft. frontage on Winn. Ave., north side. 10 min. walk from Wau Bun station. Winn. 176. 54T10-1te a ---------------------- 55 FOR SALE--CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE -- TWO 8 GRAVE LOTS IN Memorial Park. Must sell at once. Owner leaving town. Price reasonable, Call Glencoe 923. 55TN10-1tc -- ---- 5A SUMMER RESORTS FOR SALE--7 RM. coe; 4 blks. R. R. and school. Will trade for less expensive home--Glen- coe or Winnetka preferred. 126 Euclid Ave. Phone Glencoe 1375. 52T10-1te FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL FIVE RM. corner brick bungalow. Tile roof, bath, shower, oil heat, garage to match building. All improvements in and paid for. Terms. Price $18,000 re- duced from $25,000. Freters, 2608 Lawrence Ave. Chicago. 52LTN233-tfp GLENCOE. 5 ROOM FRAME BUNGA. Glazed porch. Newly built garage. Love- ly shrubbery and flowers. Large trees. Reasonable price. Leaving for Cali- fornia. Near schools and transportation. Glencoe 332-J. 52LLTN33-1te For Sale--By Owner BUNGALOW, 1124 MERRILL ST. HUB- bard Woods, Ill. Lot 50x200. Conveni- ently located and very pleasant out- look. Call Winn. 8. 52T10-1te FOR SALE -- 9 ROOM RESIDENCE with 2 car garage, oil burner, Frigid- aire, 3 baths, extra lavatory, close to schools, lake and transportation. $35,000. Moving to California. Owner. Address Talk B-314. 52T10-4te NORTH EVANSTON, 6 ROOM STUCCO house ; hot water heat; oil burner. Ex. transp. Large lot. Bargain, owner. Greenleaf 2174. 52LTN30-4tc FOR SALE -- 1719 ELMWOOD AVE. 'Wilmette, 8 room frame ; hot water ht. ; terms. Owner Phone Wil. 2399. 52LTN33-tfc SUMMER HOME IN ESTES PARK, Col. Beautifully located, completely fur- nished. Equipped with electricity, run- ning water, bath and garage. George Carman. Univ. 175. 55ATN10-1te mahog. dresser and chiffonier. Laun- dry and gas stoves, Lorain regulator. Queen Anne mahog. din. table and chairs. Winn. 1823. T1TN10-1te LARGE MEN'S WARDROBE, $75.00. Large hand carved mahogany library table, $150.00. Large hand carved side- board, $150.00. Iredale Warehouse, Win- netka. T1TN10-1te FOR SALE -- ROLLED TOP DESK, size 48x26 inches, golden oak, suitable for office or home. Phone Wil. 1678. T1LT33-1te FOR SALE -- A GENUINE OLD striped rag carpet 12x15. Good condi- Phone Winn. 46 tion. $75. 2. TOLTN33-1te fm --_. 56 REAL ESTATE GLENCOE THREE BLOCKS FROM TRANSPOR- tation and school, a white frame home, very attractively landscaped, 100 by 200 ft. lot, This house contains 9 rooms, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, sleeping porch, 1 car garage. Offered for immediate sale at $25,000, Terms. VACANT In North East Glencoe, we are offering a very choice 104x190 ft. lot at $135 per ft. Also, 118x221, at $125 per ft. Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 56LLTN33-1tc rr -------------------------------------------------- 57 WTD. TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED BY BUSINESS WOMAN, RM. or small apt. screened porch, furnished or unfurnished. Ardmore 2560. S5TLTN33-1tp 61 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HOUSES WANTED TO RENT TO OCT. 1, OR will lease yearly. In Wilmette, Win- netka or Glencoe, furnished home. Must have three master bedrooms, two or more baths, and also servants quarters and bath. Phone Winnetka 83. 61LTN33-1tc WTD. FURN. HOUSE FOR MONTH OF June for family of 5. Phone Winn. 1158 after Sunday noon. 61T10-1tp 68 FOR SALE--TUSED CARS rr re---- 53 FOR SALE--VACANT VERY CHOICE, HIGHLY RESTRICTED lots or acres, Gas, Electricity, Tempor- ary water, Hard Roads. BEAUTIFUL GLEN OAK ACRES, on the North Shore at $50.00 per foot. Terms to suit. FOX RIVER BLUFFS, along the Fox River, at from $6.00 to $35.00 per foot. erms. J. H. SCHAEFER & CO. 831 Ridge Ave. Ph. Wilmette 364 Wilmette, Illinois. [e) G. H. JACOBSEN & CO. 3615 Irving Park Blvd. Ph. Irving 0869 Chicago, Illinois. Or see your Broker. CENTRAL EVANSTON PROPERTIES have always proven safe and profitable investments and are usually hard to obtain. We have two exceptional of- ferings at the present time. One a small piece in the best block on Davis Street, the other a new apartment building. Smaller vacant or improved might be considered as part payment. Full de- tails can be had at our office. HOKANSON & JENKS, Inc. 513 Davis Street Greenleaf 1617 53LTN33-1te FOR SALE--HIGHLAND PARK LOT, 50x150, two blocks to transportation, $40.00 per foot. Wilmette Life B-305. 53LTN32-4tp USED CARS ON EASY TERMS Buy with confidence from Wersted. We guarantee satisfaction. 26 Overland Light Delivery ........ $225 '22 Dodge Sedan, new paint ........ $150 32 Dodge Touring ..... ci vi caiish $125 '26 Dodge Special Sedan . 3650 Haynes Roadster, new paint .$250 WERSTED MOTOR CO. ~~ 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 68TN10-1te FORD COUPE, 1925. FULLY equipped, good tires. In very good cond. $175. Call Winn. 520-J. 68T10-1tp DODGE OPEN TOURING CAR. $150, Phone evenings. Winn. 891. 6SLTN33-1tp 0 ANTIQUES Antiques SALE Antiques 30 EARLY AM. BEDS--SPOOL, POST- er. Many tables, desks, chairs and chests in Pine, Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Maple. 25 Hooked Rugs. 20 Quilts & Coverlets. 2,000 pieces Early Am. Glass--Sandwich, Steigle, Colored, Milk, ete. Prints of all kinds. Lustre, Pewter, Brasses. Rare books, engrav- ings, documents and many other things; all to be sold without reserve at prices to suit everybody. GENUINE SALE! Open evenings and Sundays. 808 WASHINGTON ST. EVANSTON 1% BL Main St. "L" 1% Bl. E. Ridge Av. TOLTN33-1tc RELIABLE GAS RANGE. WOODEN porch swing. Girl's dresses, spring coat, size 12. Phone 1577. 672 Lincoin Ave. 71T10-1te FOR JUNE BRIDES, BEAUTIFUL hand quilted taffeta bedspread. Also lingette applique quilts, not second hand. Wil. 3596. 71TN10-1tc CHERRY HIGHBOY, 6 UNUSUALLY large drawers. Also fine cherry dresser with large mirror. Winn. 151. T1TN10-1to FOR SALE -- A LARGE STOCK OF old maple post and school beds. Phone Winn. 462. TOLTN33-1te FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT PIANO, EX- cellent condition, $100. 2 springs for twin beds. Winn. 1967. 7T1ILTN33-1te FOR SALE -- FIELD'S SPECIAL BABY buggy. Good cord. Glencoe 1035. TILTN33-1te BABY CARRIAGE, LATEST DESIGN, used only 6 mos. Half price. 942 Tower Rd. Winnetka 1208. 71LTN33-1te FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL STEINWAY Piano, Ebony hand carved upright. $75. Call Glencoe 1282. T1ILT33-1te FOR SALE -- 4 PIECE FRENCH EN- amel wicker porch set. Winn. 1528. T1TN10-1te CONTINENTAL BABY SCALE, PERF. cond., $8. Georgette lamp shade, $5. Winn. 2114. T1TN10-1te 8 BROWN MAHOG. FINISHED WIND- sor chairs. 1 blue painted side table. Winn. 1508. 71T10-1te FOR SALE -- PRACTICALLY NEW Simmons day bed, full size, cretonne covered. Phone Winn. 2398, 71TN10-1te i? WTD. TO BUY--HSHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. T2LTN33-tfe i? FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Attractive Offerings INVESTIGATE AND INSPECT GLEN Acres Golf Course and club facilities at Glen View, Ill, before making your decision to buy a membership in any North Shore Club. The price of lease certificate is $150.00. Each application is thoroughly checked by the club di- rectors thus assuring the calibre of Ingmbershin this club is desirous of aving. J. J. Rink, Pres. 518 Davis St. Greenleaf 1678 T3LTN30-4te BLACK LEATHER REGU. SIZE BANJO case. Original price $12. Sell for $6. Also Mandolin-banjo. Price $5. Winn. 1667. T3TN10-1te MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 48

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