vm oy. ; 1 3 +f 4 3 May 28, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 43 Baseball Prospects Brighten as Local Nine Is Reenforced The Winnetka baseball t e a m achieved its first win of the season last Sunday by a score of 11 to 6. The score gives a fair indication of the type of baseball that was played. Er- ror after error and blunder after blun- der was committed by both teams, and after the final out had been made, exactly two hours and fifty minutes had elapsed since the first ball was pitched. Immediately after the game Man- ager Flynn gathered the players to- gether and a consultation was held. Tt was decided that to eliminate the in- cessant wrangling caused by dissatis- fied decisions made by pick-up um- pires, that an association umpire will be hired. This agreement will bring the first association umpire to Skokie Playfield in seven years. With the new uniforms which the boys will have next Sunday, due to the kindness of the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce, the Winnetka baseball team will look like an organized ball team for the first time since the Triangle club had charge of baseball affairs in this town baek in 1920. With the reorganization of the Win- netka club there is every reason to believe that a first class game will be witnessed every Sunday. Manager Flynn reports that, now that the prac- tice games are over and all the stiff muscles 'have been ironed out, the strongest amateur teams in Chicago and on the north shore will be en- gaged. With the addition of Heinsen and Miller to the local hurling staff, which at present is comprised of "Pete" Luchessi, and with the coming of Farl Smith after Decoration day, Winnetka will have a pitching assort- ment second to no amateur team in Local Musicians to Give Musicale Sunday, June 5 Miss Kathleen Air, of Winnetka, who is in charge of the Winnetka Branch of the Columbia School of Mu- sic, and Miss Pearl Barker, have is- sued cards for a musicale to be given at The Cordon, Fine Arts building, Chicago, Sunday aftérnoon, June 5, at 4 o'clock. Miss Air is presenting Betty Craig, pianist as one of the artists, and Miss Barker is presenting Sylvia Ganansky, pianist, Miss Helen Protheroe, so- prano and the Aeolian Trio, composed of Elaine Rich, pianist, Dorothy Tot- man, violinist, and Robert Lewis, vio- loncellist, will assist the artists. Miss Mary Esther Winslow will be at the piano. INJURED BY FALL Mrs. George B. Massey of 705 Sheridan road, was seriously injured a week ago while riding horseback. She is in the Evanston hospital recovering from her injuries which were very severe. It is thought that her mount stepped into a hole filled with water from the recent heavy rains. Mrs. Guy Stuart Bailey entertained ten guests at luncheon and bridge at her home, 747 Lincoln avenue, Wed- nesday, in honor of Miss Lillian Bow- man of Wichita, Kas. Miss Bowman, a sister of Mrs. William McAdams of 734 Lincoln avenue, has been a guest of Mrs. McAdams for about two weeks, the country. Twilight games twice a week are being considered by Man- ager Flynn and Assistant Manager Martin Thorsen. If this meets with their approval a seven-inning game on Tuesday and Thursday evening of each week will be played. / Do you know that it is economical to give the family laundry to Bill the Washington Laundry Man? He returns everything, sweet and clean, and on time at a figure in keeping with the household budget-- cheaper than it could be done at home. 3,000 housewives give the weekly wash to Bill. The Washington Laundry "Wilmette 145 brings Bill" Reduced Taxicab Rates University Cab Company extends its field of operation to include Winnetka, Wilmette and Kenilworth. Other Taxicab Companies charge twenty cents additional for ex- tra passengers, but in University Cabs FIVE CAN RIDE FOR THE PRICE OF ONE There is no charge for additional passengers. This enables several parties to divide the cost and makes taxicab service almost as cheap as street car fare. University Cab Company Devon Avenue, Chicago to Winnetka