| le October 8, 1927 WINNETKA TALK ¥ ¥ I I | a ¥ THE THRIFT BASEMENT Telephones : | University 1024 Rogers Park 1122 Wilmette 3700 Telephone orders receive careful 4 attention | ] FOVNIAIN SQVARE.- EVANSTON Dudcliff Champion Shoe Boy Champions George Mestjian North Shore wrestling champion; champion eight contestant; gym leader--a few of many titles. "Chuck" Franklin Captain, Cody Baseball: camp tennis champion; lead- ing scorer in Pioneer Basket- ball League----countless posi- rions'! Francis Spencer Y. M. C. A. Editor Junior Review; AEE i pe smi debating team; ex-chief guide Boone al lib , Pioneers--other innumerable honors. | Here they are -- the Champions of Evanston! That these aces, these winners of laurels, wear DUDCLIFF SHOES is a real endorsement, we'd - say. They know that Dudcliff"s unrivaled strength, their wear and tear-resist- ing soles, make for success. That's why they're winners -- these Boy Champions and these Champion shoes! Only the finest leathers, only superior workmanship, for Dudcliff's! Just try a pair for your boy now. i Sizes 1 to 6 $4.45 Sizes 10 to 13% $3.98 ASK FOR DUDCLIFF BY NAME i Lord's-- Basement "> High shoes -- so rugged, so dependable, the Snappy blucher oxfords in pebble-grained "regular fellow" claims them for his own. or smooth calfskin. Tan or black. eat SI ai os