ey 14 WINNETKA TALK October 8, 1927 Kenilworth Football Team Schedules Evanston Games Several football games have been scheduled under the auspices of the North Shore Grammar School league between Kenilworth teams and elevens from Boltwood and Haven schools in Evanston. The schedule is as follows: October 13, Haven vs Kenilworth, 85 pound team and under 100 pound team; October 18, Haven vs Kenil- worth, over 100 pound team; October 20, Boltwood vs Kenilworth, 85 and under 100 pound team; and October 21, Boltwood vs Kenilworth, over 100 pound team. | CALLED HOME BY DEATH | Miss Mona Graham, a teacher in the Hubbard Woods school, was called to her home in Glenwood, Iowa, Tuesday afternoon, by the sudden illness of her father. The next day, her friends in Winnetka received a telegram telling them that he had died before she reached Glenwood. The cause of his illness is not known here. spending the month of October with their son, Brownell Bradstreet, of 259 Church road. They will go to the Or- rington hotel the first of November for the remainder of the winter months. ab dd dd dds Grace 563 Lincoln Avenue 109 REQ 00eR0LNNLLLLLLLLVLLYY Gifts--Interior Decorations Sea New and Fascinating XMAS GREETING CARDS Discount On All Orders Received Before November Ist HHOO0050500050000800000000000008 i Herbst Winnetka a SOHO66006060606006060 25 3 Tongregational Church MORNING-- School. 9:30 Men's Class. EVENING-- supper. SUNDAY, OCTOBER ¢TH 9:30 All departments of the 9:45 Women's Class. 10:00 Young Men's Class. 11:00 Morning Worship. Sermon, '"'Labora- tory of Religion." Mr. Goodwin. 6:00 Young People's Club meeting and 8:00 Evening Worship. Sermon, '"Tenting Toward Sodom." Mr. Richards. Church TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURS- DAY EVENINGS at 8:00 in Camp Fire Room, Bible Study course, led by Mr. Good- win, on '""The Best Known Disciple." Every- one in the parish is invited to enroll in this course which will last nights a week. for three weeks, three Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Bradstreet are| Excessive Heat Wave Fatal - . . to Aged Winnetka Visitor Mrs. William H. Conger died Mon- day, October 3, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. O. Wilcox, 429 Lin- den street. She was taken ill during the heat wave last month, and this in- disposition, combined with her ad- vanced age, hastened her death. She had reached the advanced age of 81 years. Mrs. Conger came to Winnetka five weeks ago for a visit with her daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox took the re- mains to Mrs. Conger's old home at Plymouth, Ind., Tuesday. The funeral was held there on Thursday. Besides Mrs. Wilcox, two sons survive Mrs. Conger. FORM NEW CIRCLE The Fuller Lane circle, a new link in Winnetka's chain of neighborhood groups, was formed Monday at the home of Mrs. Earl Green, 159 Fuller lane, to fill a long felt need in the life of that neighborhood. The fifteen members who were present elected Mrs. Green as chairman and Mrs. Wil- liam White as treasurer of their group. The afternoon was spent in organizing the circle, electing its officers, and dis- cussing plans for the future. The next meeting is to be the first Monday in November at the home of Mrs. Herbert Hedman. | Lilies Bloom in Fall? Why, Its Natural Time Roy Zertsel of Chicago has an East- er lily blooming in his garden, which fact, he thinks, indicates confusion in the calendar, since the season is so far removed from Eastertide. It's not the calendar, but Roy, who is confused, according to one "P.A.H." who writes in the name oi the Wil- mette Garden club, and here are the facts: Some varieties of lilies are forced to bloom in April for the "trade." At their earliest opportunity they will re turn to their natural habit of blooming in late summer. And a suggestion: Put your Easter lilies in the ground when they are through blooming and they will come up in the fall and bloom again. With a very little protection they will live through the winter like any perennial. Mrs. C. Fay Roberts entertained on Friday of last week at luncheon and bridge at her home, 126 Chestnut ave nue, Winnetka, in honor of Mrs. Park Michener of Pasadena, Cal., who is the guest of Mrs. W. Gordon Bird of 730 Elmwood avenue. There were sixteen guests. and Golf 'Designer of Ladies' and Gentlemen's (Clothes Fall and Winter Materials Now on Display! ALL MY WOOLENS ARE OF THE FINEST QUALITY Tuxedos--Full Dress--Riding Habits Costumes a GORDON High Class Tailor 569 LINCOLN AVENUE - - WINNETKA Phone Winnetka 1909 Specialty Late of Fifth Avenue, New York, London and "Paris 545 Lincoln Ave. Main School: A School for: 509 8S. OLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUS IC WINNETKA BRANCH Teachers in charge: Kathleen Air, Valona Brewer, Katherine Hedglin, Laura Coupland, Phyllis Kellogg White, Mary Esther Winslow. WALTER SPRY distinguished Artist and Pedagogue will accept a limited number of advanced and intermediate students. 27TH YEAR NOW OPEN Private and class lessons. Piano, Keyboard Harmony, Sight Reading, Violin, Ensemble Playing, Ear Training. 'Wabash Avenue, Chicago The Mature Musician, Ambitious Amateur, The Young Artist, The Public School Teacher, The Talented Child. EVERY BRANCH OF MUSIC Send for complete catalog. COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC 509 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Phone Winn. 974 The Teacher of Music, The