October 8, 1927 WINNETKA TALK While Population Grows North Shore Business Property Retains Its Area Business houses flourish on the North Shore. There is a vast market to supply. That market is constantly growing, while the busi- 1 "og AN ness sections stay within well-defined boundaries. Do you see what that means to the investor in North Shore business property--in a region that will double its 1920 population before 1940, according to Re- gional Planning Association figures? North Shore towns are primarily residential. Business is merely an adjunct. Requests for zoning extensions receive careful consideration, and if granted, the extensions are highly conservative. Special Offering Quinlan 8 Tyson recommend North Shore property is the heart of one of as a paying investment. Their complete records of the most - | 1 : Most ative com the past trend of values, their knowledge of present > mercial sections is this 50 x 150 busi conditions, and the service of a close-coupled orgami- ness™ lot. attractive zation specializing on the North Shore, will help you either for improving \ develop an investment that should pay a good profit. or holding for the future. An old im- provement will help \ Let us give you further facts and figures on carry it. \ North Shore Business Property. 1 hey \ speak for themselves. Call phone or write. Hittin anna HR ] 13 [Li ath [y LIYNY/, x Iv ESTABLISHED 1884 CHICAGO OFFICE EVANSTON OFFICE WINNETKA OFFICE « 40 N. Dearborn St. Fountain Square 746 Elm St. Central 0227 University 2600 Winnetka 2199 For 43 years specialists in North Shore residential and business sales and rentals. First mortgage loans and investments--insurance of all types. ! Nore WEEN ST SE -- TIRE ot fl Hs \ = a et