3 "J December 10, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 7 Wilmette Sunday Club Idea Spreads Rapidly (Continued from Page 44) union church. The ministers of these churches work with me in building the program for each year, and take turns at conducting the devotional part of the program, which precedes the ad- dress. They also announce the club's activities from Sunday to Sunday in their respective pulpits and church calendars. Young People Interested "The young people of today, in any community, however, offer the greatest opportunity for such a movement as the Sunday Evening club. They need the type of inspiration which comes from seeing and hearing the great men and women of our times. Such inspi- ration makes for leadership. "Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus, for more than a quarter century identified with metropolitan Chicago, once said to me the proudest moment in his life, as a young man, was when he helped Wen- dell Phillips to put on his overcoat. John T. McCutcheon, in a recent car- toon in The Chicago Tribune in con- nection with the passing of one of Chicago's great bankers, John T. Mitchell, emphasized the inspiration he would be to the younger generation. "As a boy in my teens in a small Ohio city, I had the privilege of at- tending a church the pastor of which was 25 years ahead of the times. Each Sunday night for years he brought to his church such men and women as T. De Witt Talmadge, Mary A. Liver- more, Anna Shaw, Henry Ward Beecher, and many others. Next to my own parents' influence, this Sunday night program was the greatest inspi- ration of my boyhood. "At the Wilmette Sunday Evening club, on many Sunday evenings in the last few years, I have witnessed scores of eager boys and girls gathered about the speaker at the close of the eve- ning's program, waiting for his auto- graph or to shake his hand. Promote Forum Idea "Still another need for such an or- ganization as the suburban Sunday Evening club is represented in the forum which constitutes a part of each program, relating to civic, national, or international problems. The people in communities such as Wilmette are of that substantial citizenship which must help to solve the problems of modern life. The discussion of these problems from widely different standpoints, en- ables the seeker after truth to view controversial subjects from all sides. Many times the questions and answers following an address at the Wilmette Sunday Evening club occupy half as much time as the address. "Music also has its rightful part in the year's program. The club crowds the church auditorium to hear the Apollo club, the Swedish chorus, the a cappella choir of Northwestern university, the Fisk jubilee singers, the Madrigal club, and other well known organizations. Prove Value of Advertising "The Wilmette Sunday Evening club for twelve years has been financed by means of subscriptions, mostly of $10 each, and the evening collections. The annual budget amounts to $4,500 to $5,000 for approximately thirty Sundays. This budget is chiefly apportioned for speakers, special music, and advertising. The average Sunday evening collection last season exceeded $70. Movement Spreads "The movement which I have described is spreading. In Evanston the Sunday Afternoon club, now six years old, fol- lows much the same program as Wil- mette., La Grange, Ill, has organized a club which meets in the local theater. Elgin, Ill, has inaugurated a Sunday Evening club this fall among the churches, the initial meeting of which was attended by a thousand people." Mrs. C. H. Barnard of 410 Cedar street entertained her bridge club for luncheon on last Thursday. In addition to our Evanston Telephone GREENLEAF 5000 and our Chicago Telephone BRIARGATE 5000 we have installed a Wilmette Telephone WILMETTE 3100 for the use and convenience of our North Shore Customers STATE BANK and TRUST COMPANY Orrington at Davis Evanston, Illinois rb bbb bdbibt tb tdioibid sh Announcement-- THE CLUB HOUSE of the Glencoe Golf Club is available for afternoon and evening enter- tainments, parties, dances, etc. for particulars, consult WM. S. EDWARDS, president Glencoe Golf Club Telephone Glencoe 951 LA REL RL XX EE XL EX XXX EXE ALE FPEPRRPRP PRR P RR FRR RRR RRR RRR a ORR RRR RRR ROR RRR RRR RRR RRR R RRR RE rN Cd 3, Announcing --- The New Automatic Electrola-Radiola "There is no other musical instrument like this!" R THOSE discriminating people whom Fortune has endowed with exquisite exact- ing tastes, this instrument has been created. In it is embodied the amaz- ing Electrola, developed and re- fined to a degree of perfection that is almost beyond belief. The Automatic enables you to choose your program, touch a button, and forget everything but the music itself. The Radiola brings the events of the moment to you--with a perfection that will delight you. May we play it for you? Victrola With Radiola CONVENIENT TERMS North Shore Talking Machine Co. 712 Church Street wih University 4523 Open Evenings th