Housewarming Edition WINNETKA TALK March 3, 1928 BEST WISHES The officers and directors of the First National Bank are glad of this opportunity to extend their best wishes to Lloyd Hollister Inc. upon the occasion of the formal opening of their new printing and publish- ing plant. May you continue to enjoy success and prosperity. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WILMETTE - OFFICERS Dan G. Stiles, Vice-Pres., Cashier N. A. Schwall, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS E. B. Knudtson, President C. D. Masters, Vice-President / E. B. KNUDTSON C. D. MASTERS DAN. G. STILES _ SANGER BROWN, M.D. AXEL LONNQUIST DAVID NELSON CHARLES F. REINBOTH ROBERT STODDARD A. C. WOLFF FRANK W. KETCHAM Ludlows--Formidable in Composing Room Bindery Where Pages Go into Magazines It's No Secret The Advertisers in the WILMETTE LIFE WINNETKA TALK GLENCOE NEWS are served with illustrations by the Bonnet & Brown Corporation 155 E. Superior Street Chicago, Ill Commercial Work Makes Chester Ambler Busy Man Chester Ambler is the "first hand" when commercial job printing arrives in the office. Mr. Ambler gives esti- mates on all work and closes the con- tracts. As Lloyd Hollister Inc. pub- lishes much of this type of work, in- cluding other publications which run into hundreds of pages a week it can be seen that Mr. Ambler is kept busy in this department. Harold Rogerson and Frank Shantz handle the outside solicitation. DO YOU KNOW-- That there are 3,550 individual panes of glass in the new Lloyd Hollister Inc, building? The shops have the most approved factory type windows while the office sections of the building have the attractive casement windows. DO YOU KNOW-- That a Wilmette man, Arthur C. Hammond of 500 Gregory avenue is vice-president of the Dexter company, which provides the Dexter automatic press feeders used in the Lloyd Hol- lister Inc., press room? Standard Metal Is Used to Feed Pots of the Linotypes ILLING the metal pot of a lino- type machine is like filling the gasoline tank of the motor car. It is necessary to guarantee performance and in the case of the linotype a stand- ard type of metal must be used in or- der that perfect lines be turned out for Newspaper-Magazines of the type of WiLMeE™E Lire, WINNETKA TALK and GLENCOE NEws. This metal is a composition. It is a tin, lead and an- timony alloy. The metal used by Lloyd Hollister Inc., is manufactured by the Imperial Type Metal company of Cicero. They manufacture much metal and they furnish our north shore publications with thousands of pounds annually. The figures for last year show that Hollister Inc.,used 8,001 pounds of the standard linotype metal, and in addi- tion to this we also used 1,851 pounds of linotype plus, this being a special metal designed to replace the ele- ments lost in drossing. That's a lot of metal to feed to the linotype machines, me ---------- _--