March 24. 1928 WINNETKA "TALK 69 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED CAPABLE WHITE WOM- an for cleaning and housework 1 or 2 days every week. Exceptional place. Ph. Winnetka 187. 56TN3-1tc EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR COOKING and 1st floor work. Refs. Ph. Glencoe 1152. 56TN3-1te WANTED YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR mother's helper. Ph. Winnetka 2193. 56 TN3-1tc WANTED WHITE GIRL. FOR GEN. work. Ph. Kenilworth 1212. 56 LTN26-1te WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO assist with housework in small family. Ph. Winnetka 1057. 56LT26-1tc WANTED WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hsewk. Fond of children. Ph. Glen- coe. 1233. 56LTN25-1tc GIRL FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK. Must do typing; no shorthand required. Write Wilmette Life B-644. 56LTN26-1tp WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. PH. Wilmette 3561. 56 LTN25-1tc 57 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED MAN TO WORK AROUND garden, lawn and house 2 or 3 days a week all summer. Must have best refs. Ph. Winnetka 187 after 7 P. M. 57TTN3-1tc WINDOW WASHING BY EXPERI- enced white man. Ph. Wilmette 892Y4. 57TLT25-3tp 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL NURSE middle-aged, would like permanent po- sition taking care of children. Doctors ref. Write Mrs. Loise Evans, 1240 Grove Ave. Racine, Wis. 60T3-1tp DAY WORK--COOKING AND SERV- ing by day or hour. Also plain white curtains laundered. Call after 5. Ph. Wilmette 1606. 60T3-1tp HOUSEKEEPER. COMPETENT, EX- cellent cook. White woman with daugh- ter 10 yrs. N. S. references. Tel. Winn. 2967. 60T3-1tc NEAT, RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN. Experienced. Day work, laundry or cleaning. Refs. Englewood 9840, re- verse charges. 60TN3-1tp YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN WISHES to take care of children by hour. Call 'Winn. 2783. 60TN3-1tc WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING. Will call for and deliver. Ph. Wil- mette 210. 60LTN25-3tc SIT. WTD--SECOND AND NURSING by refined neat white girl. Best refs. Ph. Wilmette 2054. 60LTN26-1tc 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 67 FOR RENT--APTS. 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN., ete. Drive, wash cars, garden work. Winn. 1552. 61T48-tfe CHAUFFEUR, COLORED, FAMILIAR with all cars. Refs. Tel. Univ. 3273-M or Greenleaf 1495. 61T2-2tp 62 SIT. WI'D.--MALE & FEMALE MRS. FAUST WISHES TO PLACE A. first-class colored couple--best refer- ences--do not demand exorbitant sal- ary. Man is house man, woman is fine cook. Three gardeners with years of experi- ence--working on some of the finest estates in the country. Four white chauffeurs -- one colored chauffeur. Good mechanics, careful drivers, and thoroughly familiar with all parts of Chicago and North Shore. White houseman--neat appearing--very capable. Can assume full charge of household. Will serve dinner etc. Good references. FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU 845 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 4417-5055 62LLTN26-1tc ARE YOU IN NEED OF A SKILLED gardener, reliable couple, or good nurse, etec.? Call Elite Employment service, Superior 7481. 621 TN25-3tc 63 BOARD AND ROOM FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD FOR employed couple or 2 gentlemen. Ex- ceptionally fine board. Large front room. Convenient to transpor. Reason- able. Winn. 2795. 63T3-1tc 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS ROOMS IN THE NORTH SHORE Montessori School, 761 Cherry St., Win- netka. Suitable for classes or eve- ning entertainments. Apply to Miss Dorothy Sears. Tel. Kenil. 163. 66T46-tfc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. % block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN46-tfc LARGE ROOM WITH TWIN BEDS. Suitable for 2 people. Convenient to Hubbard Woods or Winnetka station. Winn. 1582. 66T3-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 66LT8-tfc PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM, 3 blocks west of station. Phone Winn. 415. 66LTN26-1tc LARGE LIGHT WELL FURN. RM. near lake and transp. Priv. bath, gar. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 66LLTN26-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS BY week or month. Phone Wilmette 2399 or 3345. 66LTN20-tfc EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK TO take home. Will call for and deliver. Wilmette 834-M. 60TN3-1tp FOR RENT--RM., JUST DECORATED, for 1 or 2. Private entrance. Cheap. Ph. Winnetka 2889. 66T3-1tc LAUNDRY WORK. WHITE. REFS. $4 a day. Mrs. Clark, Victory 5162. g 60L/TN26-1tp NEWLY DECORATED FRONT ROOM with private bath. Phone Winn, 315 -1te SIT. WANTED TO TAKE CARE OF children in the afternoon. Call Winn. 920 between 8 and 12. 60LTN26-1tc COMFORTABLE BEDROOM, SUITABLE for 2. $7 a week for both. Garage available. Phone Winn. 1468. 66TN3-1tc W ANTE D--WASHING TO TAKE home. Call and deliver. Ph. Wil. 1351. 60TN3-3tp LARGE, LIGHT ROOM, SUITABLE for 1 or 2 persons. 458 Ridge ave., tel. Winn. 2973. 66T3-1tp COL. MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. OR day work. Ph. Glencoe 758. 60TN3-1tc LIGHT, PLEASANT ROOM, SUITABLE for 2. Phone Winn. 621. 66T3-1tc 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE GARDENER, 26 YEARS OLD, SINGLE, 11 years' exper. in greenhouses, hot- beds, and general gardening, wants po- sition as private gardener or second man. Good refers. Ludwig Schroder, 854 Spruce, Winnetka. 61LTN26-1tp YOUNG MAN, SINGLE, WANTS steady job as gardener. 8 yrs. experi- ence. Can drive car and do general housework. Tel. Lake Forest 448. 61TN3-1tc EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR AND gardener. Fine references. Swedish. Single. Carlson, 1640 Summerdale, Chicago. Ravenswood 0419. 61LTN26-1tp GARDENER, HANDY AROUND THE house. Contract or day work. Call F. Kares, Wilmette 891Y1. 61LT25-3tp EXP. CHAUFFEUR WISHES PERMAN- ent pos. refs. furn. Call after 4:30 P. M. Ph. Greenleaf 3661. 61LTN26-1tp CARPETS BEATEN ON RACKS. Housecleaning and odd jobs. Ph. Wil- mette 911-J. 61L.T26-1tp 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 1519 HINMAN AVENUE Evanston (Just South of Davis) Beautiful 5, 6 and 7 room apartments in 7 story fireproof building, in the heart of Evanston. Appointed with marble wood-burning fire- places, incinerators, electric refrigera- tors, Otis elevators with uniformed operators. Doorman in attendance. Ga- rage in connection. Ready for Occupancy April 1st INSPECTION INVITED Rental office on premises Greenleaf 4250 67L.TN26-1tp IN THE MOST EXCLUSIVE SECTION of Evanston, surrounded by palatial homes, overlooking a beautifully ter- raced garden, there is a 6 rm. apt. offered for sublease at great sacrifice. Need of more space makes this action necessary. New building, near lake, close to excellent transportation, with or without heated garage, gas and mechanical refrigeration included. 718 Noyes, Greenleaf 4523. 67LTN26-1tp Baird & Warner, Inc. 528 DAVIS ST. AN INTERESTING LISTING OF THE MORE DESIRABLE EVANSTON APARTMENTS. 2 ROOMS 2541 Prairie Ave. 3 Prairie Ave. .i.: .:0cines 2535 ' sine 4 ROOMS 2539 Prairie Ave. ............ 70.00 & 72.50 724 Hinman Ave. IA ....85.00 128 Main. St... .....- 600 Sheridan Rd. 1138 Maple Ave. _. 613 Sheridan Rd. 820 Judson Ave. 560 Sheridan Sq. V454 OAK AVE. wits nihimirernot vs Site £35 00. 822% Forest ANC. cies ss teens 105.00 1518 Oak Ave, ,...........u" RUPE 115.00 5 ROOMS 2539 Prairie Ave. ....85.00 719 Hinman Ave. ..105.00 & 110.00 1002 Crain St. 120.00 746 Hinman Ave. 20.00 600 Sheridan Rd. 135.00 570 Sheridan Sq. 40.00 1100 'Grove Sg, »ELGh a 140.00 1466.08) AVE, vine ss « vsisienisaes 2 150.00 Abbey-Garth Apts. 175.00 6 ROOMS 820, JUASON. AVE.i art, rive visinemition 150.00 723 HInman Ave. .. ve: evs orn 150.00 824 Forest Ave. 5 1107 Lake St. a a 1456 Oak Ave. ... ; 602 Sheridan Sq. . 540 Sheridan Rd. . 925 Michigan Ave, ..... one scans 200.00 911 Sheridan RA... L000 000 i004 250.00 7 ROOMS 1635 Hinman Ave, 0. 000 0.08.00 185.00 1641" Hinman "Ave, [S000 MRL RA 190.00 927 Hinman Ave. [Lo 00 000 225.00 OFFICES 1718 Sherman Ave. ,..... + ..:.- 45.00 up STORES 2535 and 25411 Prairie Ave. ........ 50.00 WE INVITE YOUR INQUIRY Baird & Warner, Inc. 528 DAVIS ST. GREENLEAF BRIARGATE 1855 67TLTN26-1tc Evanston Apartments 914 Sherman Ave, 1 rm. ........ $ 52.50 1320 Chicago Ave., 2 rms. ........ 65.00 945 Chicago Ave, 2 rms. ........ 60.00 2110 Sherman Ave.,, 3 rms. ........ 70.00 803: Simpson. St.,; 3+rms. .... cio 70.00 906 Elmwood Ave., 3 rms. ........ 70.00 2251 'Ridge Ave. -3 rms. .........s 72.50 1125: Doyvis. St.,.3.rms. i... cio mmo ivie 75.00 2208 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. 75.00 1116 Maple St., 3 rms. 85.00 802 Seward St., 4 rms. . 70.00 1315 Oak Ave, 4 rms. ........... . 75.00 1031 Dempster St., 4 rms. ......... 80.00 1621 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. .......... 95.00 2020 Sherman Ave., 5 rm. ........ 80.00 814 Mulford St., 5 rms. ...... Seer 9500 727 Seward St., 5 rms. «vivian 90.00 1016.-Main St... 5 TMS. ...... eine 105.00 1125. Davis. St, Balmuiceee vives 110.00 1311 Oak Ave, 5 rms. .. 115.00 1202 Maple Ave., 5 rms. .. 150.00 1812 Sherman Ave., 6 rms. ...... 125.00 1009 ..Grove: St.. 10 | TM. fave. ue. 110.00 845 Ridge Ave, 6 rms. .......... 125.00 1605 Ridge Ave, 6 rms. .......... 150.00 1603 Ridge Ave.,, 7 rms. .......... 5 Smart & Golee, Inc. University 285 67LTN25-1tc 1564 Sherman Avenue New Apartments Concessions to April 1st 2 ROOMS--LIVING ROOM WITH ROLL- away bed, kitchenette, bedroom and bath with shower, $77.50. 3 rooms--living rooms with roll-away bed, dinette and kitchenette, bedroom and bath, $87.50 and $90.00. rooms--$125.00. All have large, light rooms, good closet space; elec. refrig- eration furnished. SMITH & BROWN 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142 67T18-tfe FOR RENT OR SALE--2 APT. BUILD- ing, near school and trans. Each apt. 6 rms., large liv. rm., with wood-burn. firepl. 3 bedrms., 1 with 10 windows. Porch. H. W. heat. Automatic water heater. Gar. Wooded corner lot. Winn. 1921. 67TLTN26-1tp wo FOR RENT--3 AND 5 RM. MODERN apts. Genuine Frigidaire, best location, reas. rent. Inquire at FRANKLIN BLDG. 526 Center St. Ph. Winnetka 382 67TLTN26-1tc COZY 5 RM. FLAT, 1ST FLOOR. Heated. Ice-box, gas range. Fire- place. Best neighborhood. Reasonable to right party. Winn. 604-M. 67T3-1tp FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67TLTN2-tfc 3 ROOM KITCHENETTE APT. 1 BLK. from Winnetka stations. Phone Winn. 2558. 671 TN24-3tc 68 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM WITH kitchenette. Winn. 2424. 68T3-1tc 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES Winnetka WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO HAS JUST purchased a house and must sublease his Winnetka home by May 1st. Conv. location, 7 rms. slpg. pch., 2 car garage, In excell. condition, and rea- sonable rental. Hokanson & Jenks 513 Davis St, Evanston Greenleaf 1617 69LT26-1tc FOR RENT -- HIGHLAND PARK. Choice east side location. Furn. or un- furn. attractive 4 rm. house on large wooded lot. Living room has 5 French windows and fieplace. Coal, janitor service and gas as well as draperies furnished. 1 yr. lease only. Only those with best of references need apply. 275 Cedar St.. or call Mr. Nay at State 3900. 69LTN26-1tc FOR RENT--GLENCOE Eight room house, corner Bluff and Haze. Ave. Four sleeping rooms, living room 24x16, H. 'W. Heat. Big shade trees, south front facing park, block to school, same to Skokie Club. Call Glencoe 119 for appointment. Rent $135 per mo. Possession May 1st. 69LTN26-1tc FOR RENT--WILMETTE, WINNETKA or Glencoe. Splendid homes from $150 to $350 per month. PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. 418 Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 698 69LTN26-1tc FOR RENT EAST SIDE, 4 BLOCKS NORTH OF Hubbard Woods depot, near schools. 7 room house, sun porch, garage, large lot. $135 per month. Frank A. Reid. 954 Linden Ave. Phone Winnetka 1300. 69TN3-1tc GLENCOE, 690 GREENWOOD AVE, 8 rms.,, 2 baths, H. W. heat, oil burner, gar., large lot, fine hedge and trees, 2 blocks to sta. and school. 2 yr. lease, $150 per mo. Call Glencoe 561 for ap- pointment. 69LTN26-1tc S. W. WINNETKA, 5 BEDROOMS, 3 baths, extra lavatory, sleeping porch, large lot. $175 per month. Frank A. Reid. 954 Linden Ave. Phone Win- netka 1300. 69TN3-1tc FOR RENT--8 RM. STUCCO HOUSE, sleeping and dining porches. Att. gar. Hot water heat--oil burner. Conv. to transp. and school. Ph. Wilmette 1468. 69LTN26-1tp FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE LOG CAB- in, 6 rms., 3 glazed and screened porch- es, 2 baths double garage. Ht. water ht. Ph. Winn. 146. 69LTN26-1tc SIX ROOM HOUSE, WINNETKA. GAR- age, sleeping porch, vapor heat, con- venient trans., schools. $135. 'Winn. 1174. 69L.T26-1tp ATT. 6 RM. HOUSE, S. W. WINNETKA. 2 baths, sleeping and sun porches, gar. Call at 270 Mary St., Glencoe. 69LTN26-1tp 7 ROOM STUCCO, 2 BATHS. HOT water heat with oil burner, large lot, convenient to transp. and school. 1 or 2 yr. lease. Glencoe 561. 6ILTN26-1tc 6 RM. BUNGALOW WITH GAR. $100. 3 blocks to steam and elec. sta. Owner, Briargate 6951. 69L.T26-1tc 5 R.,, GAR. NR. LAKE, TRANSP.,, TO refined adults. Winn. 1630 eves. and Mr. Pierce. 69LTN26-1tc MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 70 Suns.