24 WINNETKA TALK May 26, 1928 PHONE Elite Employment Service for Your Domestic Help Male ¥ Female Dept. WOMAN'S ATHLETIC CLUB 111 E. Pearson St. Phone Superior 7481-2 IREDALE PACKING and SHIPPING of HOUSEHOLD GOODS Winnetka 1332 STORAGE WINS SILVER MEDAL Fernlee Weinreb, a pupil of Miss Kathleen Air of Winnetka, won a sil- ver medal in the Chicago Herald and Examiner piano contest. Fernlee will compete with many other children for a gold medal in a similar contest to be held in June. University 5524 Free Estimates Edward H. Munson Mason Contractor Garden Aquariums, Curb Walks, ete. 2514 Grant Street Evanston, Ill. RADIO -- VICTROLA EXPERT NORTH SERVICE PIANO TUNING BECKER'S MUSIC SHOP '""Home of Harmony' y a 801 Dempster St. University 1640 TY | Von db bb bb bb A ob bo OO ob ob bo oo Oo ob bo & & & Oo OO OO SA A A A oo Sb A bo bbb A bo An Orrington home not only commands respect, but is home- like, warm, and in- viting as well YY YY YY YY The children--grown away, now, from the happy circle? . . . the old home--too big, expensive and lonely at times? . . . house- hold cares--a little irksome and tedious? . . . then try a new fresh environment where you can rest and relax to your heart's content-- at The try a happy home Orrington! A few beautiful 1 to 4 room suites now available--some furnished and with kitchen- ettes. Why not make reservations, Now, for a glorious Orrington Summer? University 8700 Evanston's Largest and Finest Hotel Classroom Out in Forest This is a classroom. The birds and trees and flowers are the studies and all learning is done by direct observation. In a new experiment last weekend nature lovers from north shore communities went to Camp Reinberg in the forest preserve northwest of here and learned of the out- doors first hand. The project, which was sponsored by the Izaak Walton League, Evanston chapter, was so successful that plans are considered for holding the Nature Lore institute, as they called their school, a longer time next year. David Burnham has returned to Kenilworth from Princeton university sented at the Court of St. James, and who is in England now with her and is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Burnham nf Roslyn road. Miss Marion Dixon father, spent a recent week-end at Balliol college, Oxford university, Lon- don, as the guest of James Burnham, »f Chicago, who has just been pre-!who is a student there. i Sp oster-Jboes | ) and Jlosie €or Women and Children "There is a distinctive Foster Shoe for every occasion" Sma AY Weddle EBL." A Offective Color oon Clout OL The Pump--illustrated $1550 Opera Slipper $15.00 Color Harmony --in the Costume--the Shoes-- the Hosiery and even the Shopping Bag--is effectively evidenced in the beautiful lacquer like finishes of the new Foszer productions in Glace Kid. JE Joster & Company 175 North Wabash Avenue Community Shops The Drake Hotel + 519 Diversey Parkway Orrington and Church, EVANSTON 7050 South Shore Drive rey --~ 0) NL