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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 9 Jun 1928, p. 67

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WINNETKA TALK June 9, 1928 General Notice -- GLENCOE NEWS. Average of five words to the line. Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln { , Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline f or Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Rates 15 cents a line in one paper. 30 cents a line in all three papers. No black face type used. on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 be charged only TALK or 25 cents a line in any two papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. 109% discount Ave., Winnetka. Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 16 CLUB MEMBERSHIP 55 LOST AND FOUND MEMBERSHIP IN COUNTRY CLUB located between Wheeling and Glencoe at reduced price, terms if desired. F. S. Frost, Oak Park, Ill DOG FOUND--WHITE FEMALE ICE- land Spitz pup. Kenilworth Police Dept. 55LTN37-1tc 51 WINDOW SHADES 16LTNL37-1tp 17 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING GOWNS AND COATS A SPECIALTY. Remodeling. Curtains Children's clothes. and drapes. Also fur coats re- modeled. Tel. Winn. 1687. Mrs. Sig- rid Bengston. 385 Rosewood Ave. 17T9-tfe PLAIN SEWING AND CHILDREN'S clothes. 4 a day. Miss Seaberg, 1088 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette. Tel. 753-R. 17T14-2tc Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. as Tih LR or { mette 3464. 17TLTN37-1tp 20 GARDENING 4 FOR SALE--ATUTOS 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS aT Te eT A USED INVESTIGATE, Ha BM CO LE Buick IS THE NEXT GREATEST VALUE TO A NEW BUICK 1926 Master Six Buick Sedan, Gold Seal Guarantee'. . 27213 Joli ad 975 1926 Buick 2-Pass. Standard Coupe .. 1926 Two-door master Sedan 1925 Buick 7-passenger Sedan, big bar- gain, has 4 new General cord tires bene $500 1927 Master Six Country Club Coupe, Gold Soalis o. mums ion some susan is nr A LIBERAL TERMS North Shore Buick Company 1030 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5961 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 4LTN37-1tc PRICES SLASHED REGULAR PRE-SUMMER JUNE CLEARANCE SALE '27 Whinpet Coach". .... i... 325 '27 Pontiac Coupe (second series) .... 500 '25 Ford Tudor sedan 14 '25 Oldsmobile coupe '26 Hudson coach '25 '25 '25 Studebaker touring Dodge coupe Oakland coach '26 Oakland 4-door . '25 Nash 4-door sedan '25 Buick coupe '26 Chevrolet coach ALL: CARS RECONDITIONED Lake Shore Auto Sales 1016 CHICAGO AVE. Evanston 4LTN37-1tc Demonstrator WE CAN NOW OFFER AN EXCEP- tional buy in a Nash Advanced Six 2-passenger coupe. Painted black with ivory trim. A very smart and distinc- tive looking car. Equipment includes six wire wheels and trunk rack. This car sells delivered and fully equipped for $2,030. We have used this car a few weeks as a demonstrator and will sell for only $1,500. New car guaran- tee. Investigate this remarkable offer. Suburban Nash Co. 547 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winn. 2707 4LTN37-1tc GOOD USED CARS Packard Sport Phaeton .............. 595 Chrysler Sedan, priced right at ..... 425 Plint Sedan. ions sanisaiens 195 Ford (Coupe &..ocuil.co vend san Ve 75 *COULD C. DAVIS & CO, 806 Oak St. 'Winnetka 3090 4LTN37-1tc FOR SALE--ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILE, Rauch. Lang, in good condition. Ph. Lakeview 1769. 4LTN37-1tp THESE REAL USED CAR VALUES Jewett Sedan Studebaker Touring Ford Coupe Hupmobile 8 Demonstrator HANSON MOTOR CO. 555 Chestnut St. 'Winnetka 4LTN37-1tc USED CARS BOUGHT FROM US ARE SAFE IN- vestments. WERSTED MOTOR CO. DODGE MOTOR CARS 562 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winnetka 165 4TN12-tfc JOHNSON MOTOR-BIKE, 1 YR. OLD; exc. cond., used very little; sells for $40, if taken at once. Tel. Winn. 1367, 449 Sunset Rd. 4TN14-1te 4LTN38-1tc ONLY $135---STUDEBAKER SPECIAL 6 touring, new tires & paint; engine rebored & very powerful. Can be seen at Bell's Auto Service, 1013 Tower rd. nished. Driveways made or resurfaced. Ph. Winnetka 2864. 20LTN37-tfc BLACK SOIL FOR SALE, PROMPT delivery $7 per load. Johnson Bros. Ph. Glencoe 1227. 20LTN35-3tc Garden & Beach Umbrellas Drapery Hardware Canopies Rented Awnings & Window Bhades HaroldN.BlasiusCo. 26 Prouty Annex Winnetka 1125 'Waukegan Office 302 S. Genesse St. Waukegan 2087 51LTN29-tfc 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WOMAN for part time telephone solicitation work; mornings preferred; straight commission ; excellent opportunity for woman with ability. Phone Wilmette 4300. 56LTN37-1tp EXPERIENCED NURSE WITH REF- erences to take care of 6 mos. baby and 3 yr. old child, willing to go north this summer. Tel. between 9 & 11 o'clock. Winn. 2174. 56LTN37-1tc 27 INTERIOR DECORATING PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER TO HARMONIZE WITH YOUR draperies or decorative scheme. Our creative artists achieve perfect results; vases wired. ALAN-GOODRICH STUDIO 632 Church St. Carlson Bldg. 2TLTN37-3tc 30 LOANS MONEY TO LOAN _ ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. McKENDRY REALTY CO. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston Univ. 8383 WANTED -- NEAT, COMPETENT, white girl for general housework, small home, good pay. 2 children in family and nurse. Ph. Glencoe 1282. 56 LTN37-1tc WHITE WOMAN FOR GEN. HSWK. who wishes good home more than big wages. Could take man and wife if husband is employed. Only 2 in fam- ily. Tel. Winn. 2589. 56TN14-1te REFINED NURSE FOR 3 YR. OLD child, also to assist in hswk. in pleas. home on lake. Good opportunity for teacher. Tel. Winn. 1995. 56L/TN37-1tc NEAT, REL. WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk. Tel. Highland Park 3167. 56LTN37-1tc YOUNG GIRL: TO TAKE 2 SMALL children walking mornings and after- TWIN 6 PACKARD TOURING CAR, IN good cond. Tel. Winn. 565 or call 1173 Tower Rd., Hubbard Woods. 4T14-1tc Hotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for light housekeeping, $35 per mo. Swim- ming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis, dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. L. P. Stitzer, Mgr. 32LTN33-14tp WILL SACRIFICE 1927 CHEVROLET Coach. Ph. Winnetka 2263. 4LTN37-1tc 11 BUILDING & CONTRACTING DRIVEWAYS WE REBUILD AND RESURFACE OLD driveways or build new ones that will last. If you are contemplating a new driveway or to repair your old one, a call from you will bring our representa- tive to your door. B. W. BLOW Est. 1905 660 Center Street Phone Winn. 201-202 11LTN37-1te CARPENTER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR F. J. Hacker Screens--Storm Sash Garages--Porches--Additions Tel. Winn. 155. 4LTN37-1tc 30LTN35-7tp noons. Tel. Winn. 1439. 56T14-1tc FOR SALE--FORD SEDAN, GOOD |32 MASSAGE WANTED -- FIRST CLASS WHITE condition, fully equipped. Price $175. laundress to call for and deliver. Ref. W. E. Williams, 711 Linden Ave. Ph. WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS Ph. Glencoe 1051. 56TN14-1tc Wilmette 1115. 4L/TN37-1tc GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, no cooking or washing. Ref. $15. Ph. Wilmette 3405. 56 TN37-1tc WHITE GIRL; GEN. HSWK.; 1 CHILD; tel. Glencoe 1343 Sat. P. .. or Sim. 38 PAINTING AND DECORATING 56LTN37-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE Wallpaper & Paint IMP. AND DOMESTIC WALLPAPERS. Call Decorating Dept. maid for general housework. Ref. req. Ph. Wilmette 288. 56 LTN37-1tc LORD"S--EVANSTON NEAT, WHITE GIRL, GENERAL Ph. Gr. 3972 Res. Ph., Univ. 3321-J housework. Hofeld. Ph. Winnetka 38LTN34-6tp 2149. 56LT37-1tc 39 PETS WANTED--GIRL FOR HALF DAY WILL GIVE AWAY MALE AIREDALE to good home where he can run out- doors, good dog for boys. Tel. Winn. 2030. 39T14-1tc PEDIGREED AIREDALE, 1 YR. OLD; wonderful with children. Reas. Tel 'Winn. 2099. 39TN14-1tc FOUR BEAUTIFUL, PURE BRED Chinchilla rabbits, 6 weeks old. $1.50 a piece. Tel. Winn. 383. 39T14-1tp WANTED--GOOD HOME FOR MALE, half grown kitten. Tel. Winn. 2236. Bird Baths -- Flower Vases Lawn Benches TO ORDER, IN WHITE CEMENT OR marble, samples on display. Flagstone walks--Cement contracting. E. Woodruff 906 Grove St. Tel. Univ. 3815 15LTN37-2tc 'Run your Want Ad in Evanston, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 fami- lies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesdays. Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 Expert Cabinet Work. 39T14-1tc 1752 Highland Ave, Wil. Ph. WIL 1198 | Ser meee LLTN24-tfe | fc Tel. Winn, 1110. 39TN14-1tc 15 CONCRETE AND CEMENT WORK | 12 ES iTos FOR SALE--ATWATER KENT RADIO, 5 tube, table model, with cone speaker and Philco eliminator. 798 Cherry St., Winn. 42TN14-1te RADIO SPECIALIST DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. RE- pair service and construction. 962 Pine St. Winn. 1892. 42T49-tfe 43 REPAIRING & REFINISHING PEOPLE WHO KNOW AND AP- PRECIATE EXPERT CRAFTS- MANSHIP, SEND THEIR FURNI- TURE TO US TO BE REPAIRED AND REFINISHED BY OUR EX- PERTS. CALL US AT UNIVER- STTY 6200. 437, TN28-tfe 55 LOST & FOUND housework and boy to sprinkle lawn. Ph. Kenilworth 3880. 56LTN37-1te WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL, NO washing, 3 in family. Ref. req. Ph. Wilmette 3010. 56 LTN37-1tc SOLICITOR WITH PLEASING VOICE for established studio on North Shore. Ph. University 2714. 56LTN37-1tc h7 HELP WANTED--MALE HIGH CALIBRE SALESMAN TO SELL Hupmobiles on North Shore. Good proposition to right man. Gould C. Davis & Co. Ph. Winnetka 3090. 57LT37-1te 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE AN EXP. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER would like care of small children for summer or any part of it. Mod. wages; best of ref. Tel. Winn. 1338. 60LTN37-1tp WANTED BY COMPETENT WOMAN, care of children, cook and serve meals or cleaning. Ph. Wilmette 3240. 60LT37-1tc WANTED--BLANKETS, CURTAINS & other laundry work to do. Will call and del. 886 Willow Rd. Ph. Winn. 1924. 60LTN34-tfc POSITION WANTED--OFFICE OR clerical work. Ph. Wilmette 969-W. 60LT37-1tc LAUNDRESS FOR Ph. Greenleaf 1142. 60L/TN37-1tc EXPERIENCED Mondays, good ref. LOST--PEARL AND DIAMOND RING; Hberal reward. Sherman, 213 Linden St., Winn. 55T14-1tc WISH TO PLACE MY COOK JUNE 18. Would do gen. work, 2 in family. Tel. Winn. 447. 60LTN37-1tc

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