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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 4 Aug 1928, p. 59

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Join aE Pi WINNETKA TALK August 4, 1928 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice -- {lassified advertisements will residents Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates--1° cents a line in one paper. 30 cents a line in all three papers. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 4 4 Classified advertisements will D. eadline f or Insertions--ga:5) up to Ei aod Xd 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. be charged only of the district from Evanston to 25 cents a line in any two papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. 10% discount be ac- o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 30 LOANS 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES confidential service. McKENDRY REALTY CO. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston Univ. 8383 30LTN44-4tp LADY WITH PRIVATE FUNDS WISH- es to make good first and second mortgages. Second mortgages 4% com- mission. Quick service. Phone Wil. 2108. 30LTN45-1tp 39 PETS FOR SALE--18 MONTH OLD RED Chow dog; fine cond., well mannered, $75. H. G. Gleason, 910 Chestnut ave. Tel. Wilmette 2357. 39LTN45-1tc FOR SALE -- HARLEQUIN DANE, male, 18 mo. old, housebroken, child's pet, pedigreed. Reas. Ph. Northbrook 233-R. 39TNL22-1tc -- , 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS Stop Look Bargains in Used Cars Dodge Sedans, guar. ......... $450 to $600 ° Dodge Touring, BUAL. . ..vcocerer in. $375 Listen Dodge "Truck, gual.. ......; ussin- $350 Nash Roadster, guar. .............. $250 BARGAINS! Chevrolet. Coupe, Bar. .......% cou $425 A USED WERSTED MOTOR CO. BUICK IS THE NEXT GREATEST VALUE TO A NEW BUICK Very latest Buick Model 47 Master Six 4 door Sedan... asc rspernaes $1,350.00 1926 Master Six 4 door Sedan, like new. Gold Seal guarantee. New res. Sra ish wee Seis eine $ 98 If you will leave your name and phone number and what style car vou prefer, we will be glad to notify you when we get one in. LIBERAL TERMS North Shore Buick Company 1030 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON Phone Wilmette 3750 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 4L.TN45-1tc GOOD USED CARS Chevrolet Sedan... :.vvicesrervrrve $ 65 Willys Knight Sedan ................ 75 Buick Sean. ........coisvrs. veins 200 Chandler Beda .....-ccccrc cv 38 Dodge Coupe Dodge Sedan Buiclk Sedan... -..... 00000 750 Reo Dump Truck... oiivinisn 345 Dodge 3% Ton Truck ......«.-Sivsiv.. 175 Dodge 3; Ton Truek ................. 235 Podge 3; Ton Truck: .......<..c2.5:.. 345 C. M. McDONALD DODGE MOTOR CARS 1019 Davis St. Phone Wil, 224 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 165 4TN22-1te 42 RADIOS RADIO SPECIALIST DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. REPAIR, service and construction. 962 Pine St. Winn. 1892, 42T22-3tp at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR general housework, no washing or cooking. Ref. $15. Ph. Wilmette 3405. 56 LTN45-1tc -- WHITE GIRL, MOTHER'S HELPER, stay nights, experience unnecessary. $8 per week. Ph. Winnetka 3213. 56LTN45-1te WANTED--COMP. WHITE MAID FOR general housework, excellent cook, good wages, 2 in family. Ph. Winnetka 1859. 56 LTN45-1tc GIRL, WHITE, PROTESTANT, GEN. hswk. Like children; family of 4. Tel. Winn. 492. 56 LTN45-1tc NEAT, WHITE GIRL, GEN. HSWK. Hofeld. Ph. Winnetka 2149. 56 LTN45-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL, GENERAL housework or a mother's helper. Write Wilmette Life A-88. 56 LTN45-1tc 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--POSITION AS PRACTICAL nurse, or general housework in small family. Mrs. Viola Dawson. Ph. Kenil. 2289. 60LTN45-1tc RADIO SPECIALIST DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. REPAIR, service and construction. 962 Pine St. Winn. 1892 42T22-3tp -- -------------- 43 REPAIRING AND REFINISHING Specials 2 MARMON DEMONSTRATORS, MOD- els 68 and 78. Like new. Big dis- count. Will take trades. North Shore Marmon Co. 1035 Davis St. University 6800 4LTN45-1te Oakland Landau Sedan, purchased new 8 MORNE BBO ..c vi. i «ir $785 Chevrolet Coupe, late '27 ........... 375 FALCON MOTORS 519 Davis St. University 2127 4LT45-1tc SACRIFICE IMMEDIATELY--7 PASS. closed Cadillac, model 61. $450. Ph. Winnetka 1284. 4LTN45-1tc FOR SALE--1926 FORD COUPE. NEW motor and tires, $150. Write Wilmette Life A-87. 4L.TN45-1tp 11 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING CARPENTER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR F. J. Hacker Screens--Storm Sash Garages--Porches--Additions Expert Cabinet Work. 1752 Highland Ave., Wil Ph. Wil. 1176 11 24-tfc 4LTN45-1tc | 99 GARDENING MONTH EXD SPECIALS, Trees 26 Oakland Sedan .............e.-=- 525 '24 Hupmobile Sedan ................ 204 Nash Sedan ...... Ju; -nvsartrses 295 335 Basex Coach ...... .v. oefN.une 225 125 For@ Truck... ... oooiaweia 125 '24 Studebaker Sedan ................ 350 '28 Oakland Coach Demonstrator, run 1,200 miles. Big discount. ALL CARS RECONDITIONED Lake Shore Auto Sales 1010 Chicago Ave. University 59 4LTN45-1tc 1927 BABY RENAULT SPORT PHAE- ton. Complete equipment inclu. 6 disk wheels; car painted canary yellow. This car brought over from France 6 mos. ago. Wonderful car for boy or girl attending school. Gould C. Davis & Co. 548 Lincoln St. Tel. Winn. 3090 4LTN45-1tc 20 ARE YOUR BIG TREES doing as well as they should? This is the time to give them special atten- tion, such as watering by tile and fertilization under the sod. We are in a po- sition to do all such work. Gage & Jordan LANDSCAPE COUNSELORS AND CONTRACTORS 2016 Central St. Ph. Gr. 2930 20LTN45-1tc Run your Want Ad in Evanston, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 fami- lies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 PEOPLE WHO KNOW AND AP- PRECIATE EXPERT CRAFTS- MANSHIP, SEND THEIR FURNI- TURE TO US TO BE REPAIRED AND REFINISHED BY OUR EX- PERTS. CALL US AT UNIVER- SITY 6300. 43LTN28-tfc A ---- 51 WINDOW SHADES TRAINED INFANTS' NURSE, M. D.'S & priv. refs, wants perm. pos. as in- fants' nurse. Address Talk A-84. 60T22-1tp EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS DAY work. Ph. Winn. 2764. 60T22-1te LIGHT CATERING OR WILL STAY with children by hr.,, afternoons or evenings. Mrs. Sprague. Tel. Winn. 2420. 60TN22-1tc WHITE MAID DESIRES PERMANENT position in private home. Ph. Win- netka 2331. 60T22-1tc Garden & Beach Umbrellas Drapery Hardware Canopies Rented Awnings & Window Shad HIGH SCHOOL GIRL DESIRES WORK either as mother's helper or will take care of children by hour. Phone Winn. 533-W. 60T22-1tc HaroldN.BlasiusCo. 26 Prouty Annex Winnetka 1125 3028. 4 Waukegan 2087 51LTN29-tfc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. 3% block to all transportation and stores. Phone lencoe 770. 60TN46-tfc WANTED -- BLANKETS, CURTAINS & other laundry work to do. Will call and del. 886 Willow Rd. Ph. Winn. 1924. . 60LTN34-tfc 55 LOST AND FOUND LOST--WEDNESDAY--BRINDLE BULL pup, white markings on head. Name Buddy. Tel. Winn. 1509--715 Sheridan Rd. Reward. 55T22-1te LOST--GRAY POLICE DOG. OWNER'S name on collar. Ph. Lake Forest 169. 55T22-1tc LOST--RED CHOW DOG--SUNDAY afternoon. Liberal reward. Tel. Winn. 1789. 55LT45-1tc 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE HELP! COOKS, GENERAL AND NURSE maids, mothers' helpers, A-1 white couples, chauffeurs. These situations represent the North Shore's finest homes. IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT guaranteed by oldest and most reliable agency on the North Shore. NO REGISTRATION FEE N. S. Employment Club 1618 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 6130 EVANSTON 58LTN45-1tc GOOD LAUNDRESS FOR STEADY places, 3 days a week. Machine. Ref. Ph. University 3002. 60LTN45-1tp EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS laundering or cleaning by day. Phone Univ. 8679. 60LTN45-1tp WASHING, TRONING AND CLEANING bv the day. Good ref. Ph. University 2851. 60L.T45-1tc 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE EXPERIENCED MAN FOR GARDEN and landscape work, also plant planting and pruning. Work guaranteed. 75¢ per hour. Winn. 2764. 61T22-1te WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning woodwork or windows. Serv- ing & waiting table. Landscape work a specialty. Tel. Winn. 1657. 61TN19-2te CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN.,, etc. Drive, wash cars, garden work. Winn. 1552. 61T48-tfe RELIABLE MAN DESIRES POSITION as chauffeur and gardener. Best ref- erences. Call Wil. 1759. 61LTN45-1tc WHITE GIRL TO HELP WITH HOUSE- work and child. Ph. Winnetka 1347. 56T22-1tc A YOUNG LADY OF EDUCATION can obtain an assignment for some interesting summer work in Winn. No personal soliciting. Address Talk A-92 for personal interview. 56T22-1tp CAPABLE MAID FOR DOWNSTAIRS work. Must be good cook. Tel. High- land Park 1689. 56TN22-1tp EXP. WHITE GIRL, GEN. HSWK, Prot. Good cook. Tel. Glencoe 266 or call at 1025 Forest Ave. 56TN22-1tc WHITE MAID, GEN. HSWK. FAMILY of 3, small hse., good cook, no laundry: best wages, ref. req. Tel. Winn. 176. 56T22-1tc WANTED--TEMPORARY GIRL, GEN. hswk. White, for 4 weeks begin. about Aug. 15. 47 Indian Hill rd.. Winn. Tel. Winn. 2965. 56TN22-1te A Sr -- 63 BOARD AND ROOM EXCELLENT BOARD & ROOM AT 554 Center St. Tel. Winn. 3218. 63TN22-1tp 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS FURNISHED ROOM. PRIV. BATH, gar., near lake and transp. Ph. Win- netka 1543. 66LL.TN45-1tc 2 FURN. CORNER RMS. HOUSEKEEP- ing if desired; gar. Tel. Winn. 914. 66L.TN45-1tp FOR RENT--PLEASANT FRONT ROOM with single bed. 731 10th St.. Wil. 661. T45-2tp TWO DESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS IN east side home. Single or suite. Ph. Wil. 1940. 66T.T45-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. 3 blocks to transp. Reas. Ph. Winnetka 31. 66T22-1te ON (rn

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