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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 29 Sep 1928, p. 71

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hana Classified Advertisements (Continued from page 69) 68 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FURN. OR unfurnished, by the week or month. Ph. Wilmette 2399 or 3345, 68LTN50-tfc 3 FURN. RMS, PRIV. BATH, KIT- chenette, for p) people ; nicely located home. Tel. Winn. 729. 68T30-1tc FURNISHED 3 ROOM APARTMENT. Call Winn. 112. 68TL30-2tc 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES Stop--ILook A COMPLETE LISTING OF NORTH Shore homes for rent ranging in price from $100 to $400 per month. All at- tractive houses and desirably located. Your inspection is invited. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 69LTNI1-1tc FOR RENT IN GLENCOE, 7 ROOM Lloyd Wright house, oil heat, 2 car gar.; large lot, trees and shrubbery, near the elec. express service and school. Furn. $150 per mo. unfurn. "$125. Owner leaving city. a Glen- coe 1318, LTN1-1tc GLENCOE, 8 RM. STUCCO HSE.; 4 bedrms., '2 baths; H. W. heat with' oil burner; 1 car gar.; beaut. lot; conv. to school & station. Poss. Nov. Ist. Tel. Glencoe 561. 69LTN1-1tc FOR RENT--5 ROOM BUNGALOW, stove heat, furn. or unfurn., on County Line Rd., Highland Park. Ph. High- land Pk. 3324. 69LTN1-1tp 7 ROOM HOUSE, CONVENIENT LOCA- tion nr. priv. & public schools, transp. For information call Winn. 1930. 69LTN1-1te FOR RENT--NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE, 4 bedrms., 2 baths, sun parlor; large lot. 903 Willow Rd., Winnetka. Ph. Kenil- worth 1955. 69LTN48-tfc 1730 WALNUT AVE. WIL. NR. ELM- wood Sta. 6 rms. $55. Furn. ht.; Hg schools and trans. Ph. Edgewater 4279. 69LTN1-1tp VERY CHEAP TO RIGHT PARTY without children. Dec. 1st to May 1st. Well located commodious 9 rm. house. Ph. Glencoe 623. 69TN30-1tc 6 RM. BRICK HOUSE, SUNPARLOR, water heat, 2 car heated gar. Very reas. Ph. Wilmette 1759. GITNL30-1tc FURN. 7 ROOM HOUSE, UNTIL APRIL 1st. Tel. Glencoe 472. 69TN30-1te -- -- 70 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES ATTRAC. FURN. 6 RM. BUNG. WITH gar.; fine loc. nr. transp. Tel. Glen- coe 1181. T0LTN1-1te 7 RM. HOUSE, BEAUTIFULLY FURN.,, low price. Ph. Briargate 6335. T0TN30-1te A 78 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES STORE OR OFFICE IN LINDEN CREST Building. Suitable for small shop or professional man. Low rental. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Linden Ave. Wilmette 4 460 T3LTN52-4tc CHOICE OFFICE SPACE The best location in Winnetka is avail- able for professional or business offices, the southwest corner of Elm and Cen- FRD! 743 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 2850 T3LTNI-1tp | LARGE SECOND FLOOR CORNER office, suitable for real estate, doctor o dentist. Will divide, Franiiin Blas: Elm & Center Sts.,, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 382. 73LTN51-tfe FOR RENT--STORE IN HUMPHREY Building. Possession October 1, 1928. Call Winnetka 98, 73LTN50-tfc WINNETKA TALK 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES September 29, 1928 78 FOR SALE--VACANT For Sale If unusually fine construc- tion, highly restricted loca- tion, quiet refinement com- bined with convenient dis- tance to schools and trans- portation, and property which cannot help but en- hance in value signify qualities desirable in a home, please investigate this real opportunity to buy a new 10-room English brick house at 199 Birch St., Winnetka. Dudley Bradstreet Excl. Agent 522 Center St. Winnetka 806-875 77T30-1tc Northbrook Offers You Exceptional Values BEAUTIFUL NEW 6 RM. BRICK ENG- lish type home. Real wood-burning fireplace, 3 bedrnis.; tile bath with built-in tub, att. garage, large lot 556x135. A wonderful little home at a bargain. Price $9,350. If you want a home and have $6560 for down payment it will pay you to investigate this offer. New 6 rm. Colonial home, fireplace, gar attached, tile bath, large lot only 3 blocks from stores and transp. A real buy at $9,850; only $850 down. Other att. homes and homesites at bar- gain prices. Office open Sundays. Northbrook Realty Company Shermer Ave. at Waukegan Rad. Northbrook, Ill. Northbrook 181; Northbrook 156 ; Glencoe 1486 TTTN30-1te AT KENILWORTH An atmosphere of quiet, comfort and dignity and beauty pervades this de- lightful home surrounded by beautiful trees and broad lawns. Two-fifths acre of ground afford ample seclusion, but no isolation, as this property is in the central northeast section of Kenilworth's most beautiful homes. This h provides seven bedrooms, 3 Phones : Charming English Brick Home ON DINSMORE RD. WINNETKA Heights. 1st. fl. tiled entrance hall, large liv. rm, dining rm., kitchen, brkfst. rm., also maid's room & bath. 2nd fl. 4 master bedrooms, (one with fireplace), 2 tiled baths, children's play- room on 3rd fl. HW. oil heat. 2-car garage 3 blks. to school. Rent $225 per month. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 714 Elm St. Winnetka 2198 77T30-1tc Opportunity Knocks but Once ARE YOU GOING TO BE THE ONE to recognize it--or pass it by? Some of the features of this home are --6 bedrooms, 3 baths, HW. heat. One of the best residential sections--Con- venient to everything. We can obtain this for you at $20,000 P. W. Bradstreet & Son Insurance and Loans 799 Elm St.,, Winnetka Ph. Winnetka 162 Meyers Bank Building 77T30-1te Winnetka EXCEP. ATTRAC. VINE-CLAD ENG- lish stucco residence of 9 rms., 3 baths on wooded 100 ft. East side corner. very convenient to stores and station. Lg. solarium and heated sleeping porch. Owner has built another home and wishes to sell at once. $32,500. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm Street WINNETKA Winn. 1617 TTLTN1-1te Glencoe's Best Buy NEAR SHERIDAN ROAD AND THE lake. 8 room Colonial, 2 baths, maid's suite and bath; sleeping porches, oil burner, 2-car garage; on % acre lot beautifully landscaped and wooded. 4 blocks to transportation and schools. Less than $35,000. A rare bargain. Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 TTLTN1-1te Among Huge Oak Trees ON QUIET STREET, NEAR SCHOOL and station. New English brick home of 7 large rooms, 4 fine bedrooms, 2 colored tile baths, att. garage. Frigid- aire. Price $30,000. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 714 Elm St Winn. 2198 77T30-1tc COLONIAL SHINGLED 6 RAL: HEAT- ed sun parlor & slp. Foe 2 baths Xd shower, large attic; gar, ed corner lot in Hubs Was. 2500. Tel. 'Winn. 2007. ; IN NORTHBROOK, 6 RM. AND BATH, water heat, lot 50x180. Take lot as part payment. 1937 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4424. TILTN1-1tp baths, spacious living room, music room, reception hall, dining room, and kitchen. There is a garage for two motors with c¢hauffeur's room and bath above. Just reduced in price from $65,000.00 to $50,000.00 sound value, terms if de- sired. Mr. Martin. Baird &W arner, Inc. 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 1855 TTLTN1-1te Best Buy on East Side BRICK COLONIAL WELL SET ON 100 foot wooded lot, complete in every de- tail. 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, lavatory on 1st floor. Living and sleeping porches, 2 car garage, oil burner; ideal location for transportation. Must sell this month. Cash talks. Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 TTILTNI1-1te Bargain $13,500 SIX ROOM STUCCO AND SHINGLE, Highland Avenue, Wilmette; prompt possession. Cash payment of about $3,000 will buy equity and permit tak- ing over contract $100 monthly includ- ing interest. Address P. E. Siggers, 918 F St. N. W,, Washington, D. C. TTLTN1-1tp $2,000 Cash Balance $60 per month 6 room house completely decorated. Wooded corner 50x187. 2-car garage. 4 blocks to main stations and school. Immediate possession. Smith & Brown, Inc. 736 Elm St. Winnetka 142 TTLTN1-1te For a Complete LIST OF VACANT AND IMPROVED property along the North Shore, get in touch with Smart & Golee, Inc. 1564 Sherman Ave. Rivers 285 LTN1-1te GLENCOE OPEN FOR INSPECTION --NEW 7 room res., artistic French design; in- sulated ; 4 bedrms., 3 baths, 2 colored tile; tiled solarium; brkfst nook; oil heat, automatic heater; wooded lot 75x140, located 470 Jackson Ave. Best buy on North Shore. Might trade Owner on premises. Niles Center 461-J TTLTN1-1tp SACRIFICING MODERN 6 RM. STUC- co home 5 years old. 3 blocks north of Indian Hil Sepet, East side corner Elder Lane & ilson. 77T27-tfe COUNTRY HOME NEAR SCHOOL AND transp. Reas. priced. Briargate 6335. TTTN30-1tc Kenilworth Lake Frontage Riparian Rights PRICED FAR BELOW CONSERV- ative valuation. One of the best vacant buys on the North Shore. Prompt action necessary. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm Street WINNETKA Winn, 1617 78LTN1-1tc Highland Park r al Vacant for Sale BEAUTIFUL LOT 125x200 ADJOINING riparian property and commanding fine view of the lake for sale at a sacrifice of $3,500 for prompt sale Dudley Bradstreet REALTOR Winnetka 806-875 78T30-1tc 522 Center St. 1 FOR SALE--CEMETERY LOTS THREE GRAVE LOT IN MEMORIAL Park Cemetery, Evanston. Fine loca- tion. Tel. Winn, 1467. 81T30-2tc EE ---------------------------------------------------- A WTD, TO BUY--USED CARS A USED ROADSTER oF NIX Sun der T Cash. rite nn By 98LTN1-1tp 99 ANTIQUES NEVER BEFORE HAVE I HAD SUCH a large collection of colored glass, fur- niture, rugs, pewter, etc. All choice pieces. 808 Washington St., Evanston. Phone University 9890. "99LTN1-1tc 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD GDS. LARGE KELVINATOR ; SIMPLEX ironing machine ; mahogany bed and dresser ; mahog, dining rm. set; beau- tiful antique dresser; also gold leaf pier mirror with marble base; rugs; garden tools, etc. Tel. Winn. 1027. 100LTN1-1te CARVED BLACK FLEMISH OAK DIN- ing room set, fine walnut liv. room set, mah. dresser, bookcase, gray tim- ber wolf robe, rare Irish frieze ulster, mise. articles. Ph. Highland Park 1130. 100LTN1-1tp PHONOGRAPH, AEOLIAN-VOCALIAN ; perf. cond.; many fine records of famous singers. $25. Large pastel pic- ture, woodland scene, with dark gold frame, $10. Tel. Winn. 2007. 100TN30-1tc CHARLES 2ND. DIN. RM. SET, DARK waxed oak, buffet, table & six chairs; cane inserts; perf. cond. ; very reas. 1108 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 983. 100LTN1-1te FOR SALE--FULL LENGTH BLACK Persian Lamb coat with skunk collar, size 36-38, Worn 6 times, $400. Seen at Okean Fur Shop, 567 Lincoln Ave, Winn. 100LTN1-1tp LARGE IVORY CRIB, BEST COND. $7; ladies' fur trimmed suit, never worn, size 38; paid $65; sell $15. Dresses size 36. Wilmette 2948. 100LTN1-1te COMBINATION GAS AND COAL range; also sewing machine in excel- lent cond. Reas. if taken at once. Ph. Highland Pk. 2316. 100TN30-1tp SOLID WALNUT DIN. RM. SET; 6 chairs & table; cheap. 1040 Pine St. Tel. Winn. 752. 100TN30-1te REFRIG. BOHN SANITOR ; 100 LB. capacity : perf. cond.; very reas. Tel Winn. 2205. 100LTN1-1te 9x12 WILTON RUG, $5.00; 54 IN. DARK oak din. rm. table, $5.00; leather uph. chair, $5.00. Call Winn. 472. 100LTN1-1te KIT. CAB.; TRIPLE MIRROR MAHOG. dressing table; porch rug 6x12. 345 Elder lane, Tel. Winn. 1133. 100LTN1-1tc OAK DIN. RM. TABLE & SIX CHAIRS. Good cond. 1039 Spruce St. 100T30-1tc 8 PIECE DINING ROOM SET, CHEAP. Tel. Winn. 1313. 100TN30-1tc BOHN REFRIG. LOST sist; for $45. Phone Winn. 2192, 00L.TN1 -1te

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