16 WINNETKA TALK October 20, 1928 The Marian Keeney School of the Dance CLASSES Monday-- 9:00 A. M.--Women Wednesday-- 3:30 P. M.--Wee folks T hursday-- 3:00 P. M.--Wee folks 4:00 P. M.--Children 5:00 P. M.--Tap (Clog) Saturday-- 9:00 A. M.--Children 10:00 A. M.--Children rr:00 A. M.--Children STUDIO: Community House "Assembly Room" Res. Phone Winn. 1698 ve CHARMING FALL FROCKS that express the spirit of youth in their trim-tailored lines, flaring skirts, pleats, shoulder capes, and other animated details. THE FABRICS INCLUDE Pin Striped Silks, Satins, Flat Crepes, Transparent Velvets, Georgettes, and Novelty Woolens in new Fall colors. $15 SMART FALL HATS You'll be intrigued by the smart, ex- pensive looking lines of these effective Hats in Velvet, Felt, Soleil, Gold, Silver and combinations--all trimmed beautifully. $5 <i ¥ -- Aint lpi Che Band Hox ALMA S. COE 2004 Central St., Univ. 2058 * "Hit and Run" Motorist Causes Crash on Hibbard Grant Harper, 241 Essex road, Win- netka, was painfully injured last Sat- urday when his car, struck by another automobile, turned completely over in a ditch at the side of Hibbard road, about 400 feet south of Winnetka ave- nue. The accident occurred at 12:30 in the morning, according to Officers Ralph Rayburn, L. Barker and Ser- geant Ed. Cummings. The car strik- ing the Harper car, apparently was not much damaged, as the driver has- tened away, not stopping to determine the extent of the injury to the occu- pants of the other car. Mr. Harper was removed to his home, where a physician was summoned. Mrs. Harp- er, who accompanied her husband, escaped injury. XMAS CARDS \ Personal, Business, and Box Assortments Phone Winnetka 3159 and let me | show vou my beautiful line of cards, including etchings and hand colored cards. MRs. IDA DETLOFF CLARK T. NORTHROP Automobile, Fire, Theft and Liability, and General Fire Insurance Adjustments and Collections a Specialty R. 4, Franklin Bldg., Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1467 WINNETKA, ILL, - ~(OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the condition of Winnetka Trust & Savings Bank located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 3rd day of October 1928, as. made to the Audi- tor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES Cash, Other Cash Re- sources and Due from Banks (1-2-3) ........ev. $ 327,524.51 U. S. Government Invest- ments (4) ....5....... 25,000.00 Other Bonds and Securi-, ties 65). om. $1,033,209.22 Loans on Collateral Se- curity (6a)... $ 275,383.34 Other Loans (6b). ...... $ 157,727.78 Loans on Real Estate (6c) $ 102,625.00 Overdrafts (7) $ 1,130.49 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (9) ....... $ 20,576.00 Total Resources ........ $1,943,176.34 LIABILITIES Capital Stock (1) ........ $ 75,000.00 Surplus: 32) Til. ih0a 50,000.00 Undivided Profits (Net) (SY Sorina aes 23,637.06 Reserve Accounts (4) ....$ 4,598 88 Demand Deposits (5a) ...$ 888,914.80 Time Deposits (5b) ...... $ 900,637.60 Dividends Unpaid (7) ....$ Total Liabilities ........ $1,943,176.34 I, Allen T. Weinstock, Cashier of the Winnetka Trust and Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above state- ment is true to the best of my knowl- edge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. ALLEN T. WEINSTOCK, Cashier. State of Ifois £5. County of Cook Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of October, 1928. E. DUDLEY BRADSTREET, re Notary Public. (Seal) ; Announce Subjects for Guide-Lecture Jaunts Field Museum of Natural History announces "Trees" and "The Chinese" at 11 and 3 o'clock respectively, Mon- day, October 22, as the subjects of the first of next week's guide-lecture tours. Other days at the same hours the subjects will be: Tuesday, "Na- tives of Africa" and "Skeletal Struc- ture"; Wednesday, "Iron, Copper and Tin" and "The Philippines"; Thurs- day, two general tours, and Friday, "Fish" and California Indians." The tours are conducted by staff lecturers and are free. Parties assemble inside the north entrance. ENTERTAIN GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. George A. Fletcher, 147 Chestnut street, have been enter- taining Mrs. Fletcher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Prewitt who stopped here on their way back from New York, where they had been visit- ing, to their home in Kansas City. Mrs. Fletcher's sister-in-law and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Weith of Montclair, N. J, have also spent the past week at the Fletcher home. They left for the East last Sunday. 4 Helen B. Lawrence PIANIST COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC Academic and Collegiate Pupils Only Phone Winnetka 974 YOU WILL be pleasantly surprised when you learn how little it costs to enjoy clean, healthful, care- free heat with the Preferred-Hart Auto- matic Fuel Oil Burn- er. Just ask us about the fair price to own, low cost to use and easy way to buy. A) ------- keeps tuel oil under constant control with this Hart vacuum chamber BEFORE YOU INVEST IN HEAT INVESTIGATE A factory representative is now in Hubbard Woods--2t your service-- to advise on your heating problems. Phone for Appointment WINNETKA 2985 J. E. HOFFMAN CO. Sales and Service 956 LINDEN AVE. HUBBARD WOODS Political Leader of India to Speak at Orchestra Hall Mrs. William G. Hibbard of 840 Wil- low road, vice-president of the Illinois I.eague of Women Voters, has an- nounced that the League is sponsoring the appearance of Sarojini Naidu of India at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, October 28, at Orchestra hall. Mme. Naidu was the first woman mayor of Bombay and the first woman president of the Indian National con- gress in the 1925-26 session, being elected by popular ballot. For the last quarter century this descendent of an ancient Brahmin family has been a leader in student, feminist, and political movements in her country. She speaks perfect English and is the author of much English prose and poetry. Among the patronesses and holders for the afternoon are Mr. Mrs. Charles Barnett Goodspeed, and Mrs. Chauncey H. Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus A. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Hixon, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Leidy Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Shortall, Mrs. Frederic W. Upham, Mrs. William P. Conger, Mrs. Levy Mayer, Mrs. William Vaughn Moody, Mrs. Alfred D. Kohn, Mrs. Sidney Stein, Mrs. Samuel Bauchy, Horace G. Oakly, Mrs. Clyde Carr, Mrs. George Packard, Miss Nettie Baunmann, and Mrs. Charles Hamill. Hasty Driver Costs Village Perfectly Good Light Post In order to avoid a head-on collision with a car coming at an excessive rate of speed into Elm street from the driveway west of the Chicago and North Western railway,, Mrs. E. A. Johnson, residing on Ammer road, Glenview, who was driving north on Linden, swerved her car to the side- walk, crashing into a metal light post at the corner, snapping the standard from its concrete moorings. The accident occurred Monday eve- ning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Johnson was not injured though her car was dam- aged. The driver of the car responsible for the accident, who executed a swift right turn and dashed east on Elm street, has not been identified. box and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kruse, 897 Spruce street, will move into the new home they have built at 175 Church road, on November 1. Automobile Storage A safe, economical place to keep your car in dead storage the months you are not driving. MOVING - PACKING - SHIPPING LONG DISTANCE HAULING Chairs and Tables to Rent PAUL A. RENSCH, President RENSCH FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE STORAGE 521 MAIN STREET WILMETTE, ILL. Wilmette 32 University 7317