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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 3 Nov 1928, p. 79

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WINNETKA TALK November 3, 1928 78 ee ---- | gy a -- -- ---- SIT. WID. FEMALE ELDERLY ; COL. AS MOTHER'S HELP- er; will do any sort of hswk.; no cook- ing; strong and reliable. Rm. $8; call Pearle, Winnetka 1426. 60LT6-1tp INTERIOR DECORATING 60 HOME SERVICE, ALLOW ME TO REARRANGE YOUR furniture, giving the charming and balanced effect you have often wished for. Fee most moderate. Ph. Glen- view 203. Myrtle Warren. 27LTN3-4tc ref. Write Wilmette Life A-190. F. S. BRASOR ART STORE " Picture Framing SOLTNG-1%0 1312_ Chi ve. g ; Size Micago Ave. EVANS ON tray | HIGHEST CLASS COL. COOK; ALSO 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General N otice to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIF, NNETKA TALK or GLEW{COE NEWS. is x B, = WE GENERAL HOUSEWORK, GOOD COOK, fond of children. No washing, best of Tn Rates 15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. do catering for any afternoon tea, so- i 30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. 30 LOANS cial or dinner parties. ~~ Ph. Sunday i Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount after 8:30 Kenwood 8067. 60TN35-1tp i on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. ; ; Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions-- Cass SR a BL Thursday 5 o'clock for the WHITE COOK WANTS POSITION IN : priv. family. $20. N. S. Refs. Tel. Winn. 2950. 60T35-1tc MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. PLAIN SEWING, LAUNDRESS, HSE. TONNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. [[|MCKENDRY REALTY CO.|"deaning. Tel, Winn 1264 © G0TNSo 1th | elephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Univ. 8383 30LTN6-4tp | INFANT'S NURSE, CAPABLE OF filling pos. of responsibility ; wants per- 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS SPECIAL Fall Clearance Dependable Cars Sale 1928 Hupmobile Roadster. Sport equip- PRICED RIGHT 1928 Master Six sedan, only run 5,500 miles, $425 down payment. Gold Seal. 1927 Nash Six, 4 dr. sedan, very clean, 250 down payment. 1927 5 pass. Buick Sedan. $370 down. 1926 5 pass. Master Buick Sedan, Gold Seal Guarantees... .. . . . ci... .. $775 WILL ACCEPT OLD CAR AS CASH TOWARD DOWN PAYMENT North Shore Buick Co. 1027 Davis St. Univ. 5961-2 4LTNG6-1te GOOD USED CARS Chandler Sedan .................. 65.0 Buick Sedan. -....c.ot wien... 3 75.00 Ford Touring -- . ovo. vive oc 95.00 Dodge Sedan ....<... i. 0... 375. Oldsmobile Roadster ............. 395.00 Piulebaker Roadster... ...00.... 400.00 eC oupe oT I teen 450.00 Packard Sedan... ....... ... ... 600. e Be er er re ay 795.00 Buick Roadster"... 7 "1 835.00 ALL USED CARS SOLD ON 3-DA TRIAL. YOU MUST BE SATISFIED! C. M. McDONALD Dodge Motor Cars 1019 Davis St. Evanston Univ, 224 4LTNG6-1tc 28 USED CARS ment. Priced to sell, only...... $1,445 1925 Peerless § cylinder Victoria.. 550 NE Ford Cotupe: ......... .ccvusan 195 1926 Ford Sedan. .....\iu.... ik d 225 Gould C. Davis, Inc. 548 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3090 4LTN6-1tc FOR SALE--VARIOUS REPOSSESSED automobiles at prices 25% less than elsewhere; down payment $25 to $50, balance in semi-monthly payments, Mo- tor Acceptance Co., Ph. University 1204. 4LTN4-tfc DETROIT ELECTRIC CAR DOUBLE drive, almost new, good batteries and tires, alse charging outfit. 535 Long- wood, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 129. 4LTN6-1tp 1925-1% TON REO SPEEDWAGON. Bargain. Call Wilmette 2480 after 6:30 P.M 4LTN6-1tc LATE '25 5 PASS. LASALLE. Tel. Glencoe 1034. $1,800. 4TN35-1te ee 11 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING WM. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. New and repair work. Get our estimate. Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTNG6-tfc 7 DRESSMAKING I MONEY TO LOAN oN FIRST MORTGAGES; NO COMMIS- sion, WINNETKA BLDG. & LOAN ASSN. 716 Elm St.,, Winnetka Tel. Winn. 1387 30LTN6-1te AUTOMOBILE LOANS, REASONABLE rates, immediate service. Motor Accep- tance Co., State Bank & Trust Co. Bldg., Evanston. Ph. University 1204. 30LTN4-tfc MONEY TO LOAN ON NORTH SHORE VACANT. IMMEDIATE APPRAISAL. LOW RATES. WRITE WILMETTE LIFE A-188. 30LTN6-2tp 39 PETS XMAS RESERVATIONS; Peke, Chow, Schnauzer pups. Exp. fancier. Prices reasonable. Tel. Winn. 3085. 688 Center St., Winnetka. 39TNLTN35-1tc CH. REG. 44 SERVICE BUREAU GREENLEAF 6130 We furnish male and female help The most reliable and oldest employ- ment agency on the North Shore. PROMPT SERVICE N. S. Employment Agency 1618 Sherman Ave., Evanston 44LTN6-1tc a 55 LOST AND FOUND LOST--RED LEATHER BELT BE- longing to red leather coat, in Kenil- worth, Wed. night. Tel. Glencoe 1159. 556T35-1tc SEAMSTRESS FOR ALL KINDS OF LOST--LARGE HUSKY POLICE DOG; manent pos.; no objection to children of walking age. Tel. Winn, 2411. 60TN35-1tc WANTED BY EXPERIENCED WHITE woman, washing, ironing and cleaning by the day. Ph. Wilmette 2430. 60T35-1tp LAUNDRY WORK FOR WEDS. OR 3 mornings' work. Tel. Univ. 8146, 60TN35-1tp CAPABLE WOMAN FOR DAY WORK. Mrs. Johnson. Ph. University 5151. 60T35-1tp GRADUATE NURSE WILL DO HOUR- ly nursing or give massage in your home. Ph. Greenleaf 2446. 60T35-1tp WTD. WASHING AND IRONING, WILL call for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette £599. 60LTNG6-1tc A YOUNG GIRL WISHES A POSITION for general housework. Ref. furn. Ph. Wilmette 1080. 60LT6-1tp A YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES CLERI- cal position or as bookkeeper. Write Wilmette Life A-187. 60LTN-1tp 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning woodwork or windows. Serv- ing & waiting table. Landscape work a specialty. Tel. Winn. 1657. 61LT6-1tp WTD.--YARDS TO RAKE, CLEAN furnaces, wash basements and make fires. Ph. University 4721, Mr. Walker. 61LT6-1tp YARD, HOUSE OR WINDOW WORK or extra work of any kind including chauffeuring. Ph. Wilmette 964. 61LT6-1tc . AS LOW AS $35 sewing and remodeling. Lamp shades| very friendly; children's pet; Reward. '25 Oakland Coach, new tires ...... 295 made and done over; will stay with Tel. Winn. 584. 55LTN6-1tc =8 Dodze Sedan, riven little "ede B38 children evenings. Call Glengos, he Tee -- ebaker Sedan, Rr - Dh > Oakland Sedan .. ... ul Fergal Bla 485 5 HELP WANTE FEMALE ND hake mew... 332 | DRESSMAKING, FURS REMODELED, | COMP. WHT. MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. *24 Nash Sedan, T pass. 935 | by day or shop. Exp. Ph. Wil. 3464.| no washing. must be good cook. Refs. 26 Ford Coupe oo... 311s 1TLT6-1te| Tel. Glencoe 19. SELANG-ltc Oldsmobile Demonstrator, big discount | = = Ford Credit, immediate delivery 20 GARDENING GIRL; EXP. WHT; PROT.; GEN. k Sh A S 1 hswk., like children; fam. 4. Winn. 492. Lake ore Auto Dales OVERHAULING FLOWER BEDS, 56LTN6-1tc 1010 Chi . A , Tel. Winn. 1582. cago Ave. Univ. 59| black dirt and shrubs. Tel Wi EM MOTHER'S HELPER AND MIDDLE 4LTN6-1tc aged woman, light housework, no wash- 1926 Hupmobile "6" $07 | 25 INSTRUCTION ing. Ph. Wilmette 3667. 56LTN6-lte ordan Coupe, New Paint....... 625 WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.; NO Jozi Chevrolet Sellan = rah 378 TUTORING laundry; German pref. Glencoe 32. 1 1925 Hupmobile : Touring 0.1 1% JANE TRIGGS, B. A. WELLESLEY, eile ckenbacker ARE. ss 75 utoring in grammar an 3 WK ; 1925 Chevrolet Touring, with winter =f subjects Ph Wilmette 3568. JSLT6-1te RD TE A CR . 1926 Ford Roadster SEE HESEU ARE %0| PIANO TEACHER, EXPERIENCED 56TN35-1te ewe loupe'... call at your home. rst class ref. 5 4 cyl. pe 75| Ph. Irving 6305. 25LTN6-4tp Bran. (WHITE. GENERAL BOUIE 1924 Ford Coupe. .... 7% Winnetka 58. 56TN35-1te Dodge Toning 3 HANSON MOTOR CO. 555 Chestnut St. Phone Winnetka 330 4LTN6-1tc A Used Dodge Sedan WILL RENDER THOUSANDS OF miles of economical transportation. We have a few in excellent condition. WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. 'Winnetka 4LTN6-1tc 27 INTERIOR DECORATING PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL AL- ways react to the appeal of beauty. A room is attractive when its lamps and shades are in perfect harmony. We study your home and carefully analyze YOUR lighting needs. Vases wired. . GOODRICH STUDIO 632 Church St. Greenleaf 816 27LTN6-1te Run your Want Ad in Evanston, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 fami- lies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000... COMPETENT WHITE WOMAN FOR gen. hswk. 2 in family; ref. required. Glencoe 706. 56TN35-1tp WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK, good wages; no washing. Tel. Glencoe 573. 56TN35-1te 58 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE EXP. GARDENER, HSEMAN, WANTS steady place or day work. Hseclng.; wash windows and cars, Tel. Winn. 2638. . 61TN35-1tp CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN,, wash cars; gardener work. Tel. Winn. 1552. 61T35-1tp REL. MAN WANTS FURNACES TO to take care of. Tel. Winn. 1549. 61T35-1tc FLOOR WAXING, WINDOW WASHING, cleaning basements and odd jobs. Wil- mette 2088. 61TNLT35-1tc GARDENER, EXPERIENCED, SINGLE, Scotch. Ph. Winnetka 1580. 61LTN6-1tp SIT. WTD.--EXPERIENCED CHAUF- feur. Ref. Wm. Whitmore. Ph. Greenleaf 5523. 61LTN6-1tp p-- 62 SIT. WID.---MALE & FEMALE HONEST COUPLE WILL TAKE CARE of house during winter in exchange for living quarters. 739 Lincoln Ave. 62T35-1tp RELIABLE COUPLE, HOUSEMAN, chauffeur, cook or maid. Ph. Univer- sity 5061. 62LTN6-1t: WANTED--SALESMEN AND SALES- women, salary and commission, Glen- view Rd., west of Glenayre Station. All improvements in. Open every day and evening. Jules Dixon & Co., Ph. Glenview 76. 58LTN-16tc 60 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE WANTED PRIVATE FAMILY WASH- es, work guaran . we call for and deliver, references furnished, call Greenleaf 692. 60LTNG6-1te POSITION AS DIET vali OR PRACTICAL nurse for invalid or e home-- 63 BOARD AND ROOM IST CLASSS RM. & BOARD FOR 2, conv. to transp.; gar. if desired. Sur- prisingly low rates. Talk A-191. ' 63T35-1t 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS ROOM FOR RENT AT 879 OAK ST. Tel. Winn. 652. 66T35-1te A NICE ROOM FOR A BUSINESS lady half a block from transportation. Ph. Winnetka 2176. 66T35-1tc LGE. PLEAS. FRONT RM. FOR RENT" | for 1 or 2; conv, to transp. Tel. Winn. . 1769. Ra 66T35-1tc

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