PR a Re es ra 22 WINNETKA TALK December 15, 1928 ALADDIN'S LAMP p72 GIFT SHOP Lincoln Ave. Open Every Evening Until Xmas ITALIAN LUNCHEON SETS, RUNNERS, HoLLAND PRINT CRIB COVERS PEWTER--COSTUME JEWELRY | LINGERIE -- HOSIERY GIFTS -- Toys -- GAMES | REAL ONYX AND BRONZE FOUNTAIN PEN SETS The Snuggle Rug for comfort--Out of Doors Moderate Prices PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Women Voters News The December meeting of the Win- netka league was held last Monday at Community House. After reports from Mrs. R. C. McNamara and Mrs. E. P. Bartlett, two of the delegates to the state convention at Moline, were heard the meeting was turned over to Mrs. A. J. Boynton, chairman of the Committee on International Relations. Mrs. William Gold Hibbard, who serves as state chairman of the De- partment of International Co-opera- tion, described briefly the steps which have to be taken before any document becomes accepted as a treaty under the laws of our country. Professor David M. Maynard of the Department of Political Science of Lake Forest university explained in de- tail the steps already taken to make the Multilateral Treaty an accepted part of our international laws. This treaty, he pointed out, is the second peace plan the United States has of- fered Europe. The first one, which has found expression in the League of Nations, was accepted by Europe only oh -- yes) Wherever our Ice Cream is eaten People admit it cannot be beaten. Try our celebrated combination of cake and ice cream--dec- orated with Christ- mas effects. ICE NOT INC ICE CREAM for CHRISTMAS In purity and flavor it is simply delicious. EAM COMPANY PHONE ]737/ GLENCOE You should serve it often it's very nutritious. Snow Men -- Bells Snowballs --Santas (small and large) Sleighs--Stockings Poinsetta's Holly Wreaths Candlesticks We have Fancy Forms for Christmas in all shapes per $350 doz. Place all orders early! to be rejected after such acceptance abroad by our own Senate. After such an experience Kurope has learned her lesson and while the majority of na- tions have signified their willingness to make the treaty a law, this time they are all playing the game of watchful waiting until they find out what the United States Senate intends to do with it. Mr. Maynard stressed the point that the treaty has little legal value and de- pends for its worth on the moral in- terpretation put upon it by the peoples of the various nations including our own. Mrs. George Friestedt and her work- ers from the Seventh precinct were the hostesses at luncheon at the Monday meeting. By the audience of several hundred persons who heard Will Durant's lec- ture on, "Is Democracy a Failure?" last Friday at the Skokie school, the evening was called a great success. Dr. Durant talked for an hour and a half with such keen wit and entertaining a manner that his listeners were sorry indeed that there had to be an end to his brilliant discourse on what is wrong with our municipal and state governments. He advocated exten- sive and thorough theoretical and practical training and experience for the men who manage our public af- fairs before becoming eligible for pub- lic offices as the best solution for do- ing away with our crime ridden, cor- rupt departments of public affairs. Mrs. A. Montague Ferry, president of the local league," and Mrs. H. L. Raclin, its treasurer, attended a lunch- eon conference of local league presi- dents and treasurers in Chicago, Thursday, December 13, at which Mrs. Walter S. Benspn, of Winnetka, treas- urer of the State League, presided. The Chicago Forum of the Cook County leagues held a meeting Satur- day, December 8, in the Florentine room of the Congress hotel. Between three and four hundred people listened to the presentation of both sides of the problem of the conduct of public utilities and joined in the open dis- cussion after the speakers had finished. The State League Chairman on Living Costs, Mrs. W. Norman Graham, told the history of public utilities from the days of the Roman road and aqueduct building down to the present day prob- lems and conditions. W. S. Vivian, director of public re- lations of the Midwest Utilities cor- Christmas Radio Suggestions Crosley Gembox complete with tubes and speaker..... . .. $100.00 Crosley Gembox in Spanish Con- sole complete with built in speaker "7 in ATT $134.50 Sparton Console with Magnetic speaker... oie $229.50 Sparton Console with Dynamic Speaker"... a $375.00 Peerless speaker ..... ..... $29.00 Newcomb Hawley speaker. $28.00 Sparton Table speaker... $52.50 The Radio Service Shop 2 CARLTON BLDG. Phone 1840 & Ry en mend