8 WINNETKA TALK December 29, 1928 7 mg Sy = re ENGLISH TOEFELE p CRF English Toffee, with its de- lightful tang, is the perfect confection for the holiday parties. English Toffee is made by The Dutch Mill as only The Dutch Mill can make candy. Be sure to place your order for this favorite early, so that there will be no chance of your being disappointed. NUTS for the Holidays--selected Salted Almonds, Salted Pecans, Salted Pistachios and Cashew Nuts. ( ( AND ONE THEE > Lake Forest Shop 284 E. Deerpath Ave. Lake Forest Wilmette Shop 1187 Wilmette Ave. Opposite Village Hall OTHER SHOPS ALL OVER CHICAGO Foreign Affairs Schools to Open Thursday, Jan. 3 Thursday, January 3, the first ses- sions of the 1929 Schools of Foreign Affairs will open with a discussion of "Our Relations with Latin America." Prof. Charles S. Braden will lead the round table discussion in the after- noon. He is assistant professor in the department of the History and Litera- ture of Religions at Northwestern uni- versity conducting a course in South American religions. As a missionary he spent ten years in South America, (three years in Bolivia and seven in Chili). He was president of the Theo- logical Seminary in Santiago. He lec- tured in various sections of the United States on "Christianity and Interna- tional Relations." Prof. Braden will direct the thought of the afternoon school along the lines of the following question-outline: "What changes in the attitudes of Latin American peoples may be ex- pected from the visit of President- Elect Hoover?" What is the Coolidge Doctrine? To what extent shall the United States allow the Monroe Doc- trine to affect her participation in $7.50, $10.00, $15.00 and up Overnight Cases $5.00, $7.50, $12.00 and up Fitted Suit Cases Hand Bags and Bill Folds 8E DOLPH ST. NEW YORK EST 1859 CHICAGO other far-reaching internationally agreements? Did the Havana Con- ference materially advance the cause of inter-American friendship and un- derstanding? Is it desirable that re- sponsibility for the maintenance of the Monroe Doctrine be shared with the larger and more advanced Latin Amer- ican republics? Do the results of America's policy in Nicaragua justify any further extension of the policy?" This meeting is at 4:30 o'clock. Mrs. Augusta McDonald is to preside. At 6:15 a dinner will be served to those making reservations by Wednesday noon through Mrs. A. B. Culley, Univ. 4203. Invited guests and speakers for the dinner hour are: Mr. F. L. Rob- erts, district manager of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce for United States Department of Com- merce, Chicago, and Mr. Carl G. Nor- melli. In the evening at 8 o'clock Prof. Chester Lloyd Jones of the Depart- ment of Economics, University of Wis- consin, will deliver an address on "Po- litical and Economic Outlook in the Caribbean." Professor Jones has been a member of the educational commission of the Pan-American Association for Inter- national Conciliation, and has visited the universities of South America. In 1918 he was a director of the Bureau of Foreign Agents of the War Trade Board in Washington. He has been a commercial attache of the American embassy in Madrid, of the American Legation in Havana, and of the Amer- ican Embassy in Paris. He is the au- thor of a number of books on political science. Mrs. James L. Lardner, president of the Evanston League of Women Vot- ers' will preside at the evening session. This is the first day's program of the fifth series of Schools of Foreign Af- fairs sponsored by the Evanston Wo- man's club, the International Relations Department of the League of Women Voters, the W. C. T. U. and the Ev- anston Business and Professional Wo- men's club, and, for one day, the Ey- anston Rotary club. A course ticket may be purchased at the Evanston Woman's club or the Congregational Church House. Single admissions may be paid at the door. A course ticket admits to each session or several admissions may be used at once. The dinner charge is extra. Mrs. Gero. H. Tomlinson is general chairman of the schools. During picture. 518 Davis Street this season, no doubt your whole family is gathered together for a few days. May we suggest that you allow us to take a group Phone University 2178 for appointment Joseph D. Toloff-- Our Photographs Live Forever Holiday Phone Univ. 2178 bool 7}