Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 25 Mar 1897, p. 6

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1". Mt an In an block con! uln- mle [- the Brazil. Incl. district .151th The miners chin: It Is Im- lo to nuke . living there at tho ' mm N. Brown. treasurer of Cal- County town, In dead He served II. Sixty-filth Illinois Infnntry. 1mm 81m. residing near Wanto- 1a.. (filo. In: Maxed to John Rie- hr-m. Aunts. $3.000; liabilities, the W homage he had lost bl- Imuuol hy dismissal and muting .10: m accuntlon of a lady school halter, Villlnm F. Mom. aged (2 ”an, mlknnd morphine, u Elan, Ill. He lo“. I hm family. ‘l‘hm Stevens was convicted It Calm. Kiel. of murder In the first decree. Stuns. with June: Lam. Ind a Detroit negro youth. named Eula], unfit-took to rob the hm- Iomo of June- Brown. Brown rum- al Ind '11 that and killed. Htwley cola-II Ill gut In the crime and km W cunvlctod of murder yu- The cruiser Montgomery I. now keeping close watch on the entrance to Pet-acol- harbor. Pl... Several fill- huerlng expeditions ere believed to It” left here without detection. The overdue German ate-nor Ar» Deli: 0! the Humburx-Amencnn line, which left Hamburg for Boston eight- 0. day- ago. has arrived utter a ten- pcduan voyage. Paul Bechtner, president of the Abandpmt Pnbushins Company. bu Ilsa Mn npplk‘atlon rm appointment as master of Mllwlukeé, wu The tuner-l of Willlam Milton Glenn of the Ascot-med puma. who wu found load In his bed IR Springfiold, 1",, in Ink! Mondny. Mr. nlenn Win a on 0! Juan, men of Springfield and m born there thirty- five years ago. ; and” Aitm-nmmr You boon [Amend by nov. Dan at lava. He w the Inn-pr of Setter: h We". who owned a large lumber yard It Illa". m. shortage unwanted to be.- hou 000,000 and 860.000. The heav- 1m Sou" were Selfert Welt. flm II- We: In It. 8m VIII “Ian. M. not. add. the vIII of -Ily J. [Mm nd award- Ihe «(Ire am: In ell-Inn anm. the only child. Th «In. Involved IMIII Io ho- t'un 8.150.000 and $600,000. 'III". I We Jndn But" at Omb- In no )nd‘u' decision .- announmd III II. Wisconsin am: lulu-Norma «(Mal content In been nvemd. Mm India 0! mnmu' Point In QM winner. II": 3 mm 0! firm!- a“ 51m. uni-u um 0! w. n. y, Whmwuor. 0m Innounced u Wudoo lrclnughry bu appointed Jol- l). llllfld 0! Janet pnrrhulng mat for the mil-mun. He held “a position (out your: :10. York Monday. ‘ In mpomo lu myth-m1 from Amul- m Impede". Ion-rat of they Toronto ‘Ioueu “’0 running through lo the Unliod sum all the wool they have for the Amricu (mile. Thin I- do” In ammo-(Ion of (he proposed duty of I: cut- . pound. - Dal Mn knocked out Charla: m. la the (mmh round at .N'mr Col. John Hogland of 81. Louis Ion, mum the amaze of a curfew otdinnce. It prohibits persons young‘ ya than 15 year- !rom loitering on the gun“ nfter O o'rlovk In summer and 1 o'clock In wlnler. ‘ mu Ollie Mash, who was accident- 1": shot by her brokhcr Walter at Georgetown. OhIo, ls dead. The young Inn ll now a hopeless molar, and .‘VIII be an! to the Insane asylum. At Dayton, 0., Roy Kurlz, aged 18 mm. refused to obey his lather and plot him. B] My shoes have been ex- tracted from flesh of the wounded pun. H. w"! recover. audio. used :0 mm, ”no It an home of hu- ‘pnmnl at Pal- MM was burned to death. Bushnell has nmlnud Ray 3. Id’ Alliance Ohio commissioner mm Menu»: Kulor h Frank Atwell of Hammond. 1nd,, Ind Frank Sullivan 0‘ Jollet. 1",, were litany burned by an exploding Mac: at the Illlnols Steel company's 'Ilill. Near Wonewoc, Wls., Dr. C. z. Gold- on’n bum was overturned into a creek which had overflowed Its banks. He was thrown Into the water, but manâ€" aged wescape. lira. L. N. Winchell or Dowagiac. ma... committed suicide by cutting her throat. She was 63 years of use. . Horton A. Pelton was killed in the ”per mill at Watervllet. Mich. He vu caught In a shaft. The realms of the elections held Sunday in Italy. so far as known, that that 297 Ministerial. 70 members 01 the constitutional opposition, 17 Judie-ls, and 16 Socialists have been ”turned. Signor Imbrlani, the So- cialist leader, was xivâ€"elected. THE NEWS OF SEVEN DAYS UP TO DATE. l'olluul. Religion. lock! and crl-llul Doug. ol‘ the Whole World Catalan, Gouda-ca tor Our llendcu~1ho Ac- HISTORY OF A WEEK. DOWNERS (move. swam 61mm 521mm. a, warm 4: WILLIAMS. ‘anefl by n m- l.» an in- ILLINOIS. In. William Sempor, while mane, jumped Into the Wapslptnlcon river. at Clinton. town. The body has not ban D. Tinch. I resident of Helicon, 1“,, awn found dead under circumstances that ermine suspicions of murder. though no motive can be mined nor ciew found. Until recently he m e hmxemm on the mural. Central Railroad. John Hull. aged 30. of Sol-via, lnd.. married nn old sweetheart. Izod 42. She and been twice widowed. Alter a violent quarrel he shot her And killed Mule". She will recover. At C‘recton, Ion. William Benne- mnn cut his throat with l razor. The body (cum! In tho Will-menu river. Portland. Ore., has been Menu- fled u that of Wlltel' Méflaughum. who conduct a nursery In Providence. R. l. Whether the min committed sul- fide or was the victim of foul play is not lnown. The San Francisco police have been notified that Janet E. Blather, who murdered In. thpplne languid: Int lay and than mysteriously dimp- poued, in In lull In Austin. Texas. Orul "charm. who killed John Finley n! Homing Sun. Ion. but been («mud guilty. The Jury recommended Illa antenna. At Cairo. Ill, Henry Han. colored, hook I pocket knife, and. holding the blade taint M: breast. with t stick of wood drove It into In: heart. Kalle Danny. the second victim of Porter Ross. died 0! her wound: a the Beaulleu place, nun“, Wig. when line was shot A verdict has been found at Decatur. Ill. mum County Treasurer Bold: in a suit brought by the county commis- sioners to recover $3,000 township funds. which it was chimed Bold: nu- iavfniiy secured by mixing township orders. The Judge returned I verdict early this morning. Judge Dick. It Port Waahinmon, Wig. sentenced Ferdinand Wagem Inn!“ for murder in the second dr~ flee to serVe twenty-one yearn In the state‘s prison at Wnupnn at bud la- bor; one any etch your, the 26th oi December, to he solitary confinement. It In and m: :- 'Amfleu In anon than. urn-ted during the to- am “MCI nut. (in bunch a: ll.- bull. By no con-pa a! pan of tho old nil- o! the Mn 0! Fa. Hm IN wgfkpen have been mm. A mind "all “In. In the Ctlnu, "pom um I annular! «mu-lot In late- phe- uen In- uun nuan- and Twin In: IND. wen denounce. A numb" ol the wounded m have been "mud. 'I'Ic honorary dune o! doctor at em! but m Mkrl’fll at 0mm. Enz- hnd. upon Dr. Nauru, no Nona!“ union-r, who Ill rewind with U“! (MM-tum by on “can“. The llama Nnxional Zola“; lulu m: Adi-Int Von Hellman but u- flllml the portfolio ol the nu. an "mt coma wooll- no on (ch-tam o! mmtcmm' of (nut fund. In M- custody. Tbo Turn-h mlulslu Inn declared "all the 0!!“ u! mm"! of the 0(- Ionnn mum at nouon‘. ”nu. bald by 1”. him. who mu plum! un- King 0mm) of Gmcc and M- «M- In! bl" mind "103mm: (mm Crew mum-{nu them Ibnt mu whole Chrmmu population a! the Inland reject- nu- louo‘uy and demand. “cannot. II. II n‘portrd that the Khlma Ab- dullnh. ludcr at tho don't-h horde- In the 80mph. ll wins {or pom. Reports have boon rec-ohm! of very notion! dlsorderu at Total. In the SI- vu district of Asia ”her. It In said that many Armenians and Turk! have bean killed. A. yet there are no dc- tall» as (o the exact came at the out- bru ll. John Riddulph Martin, who married Mrs. \‘lclorla Claflln Woodhull, died on Saturday at La Pnlum, In the Ca- nary Islands. Agnes Rogers was drowned In I. well a Clinton. .‘dlch. --_- .. um... nun, wayw- Brodie Williams, the high diver. Jumped In a ball or the tram a seventy- flve-loot towar into Lake Worth at Palm Beach, Pm. struck the bottom. and broke his neck. He died within a few hours. Charlle Winters, aged 10. and Wil- lle Babbitt, about the same age, llvips near Linton, lnd., were playing WI“ Ham Tell. and In lieu of an apple Bab- bm, placed a eorncob upon his head- Wlnters, using a revolver, shot at the Icorneal), and the ball struck the Bulk but boy in the forehead, killing him Instantly. Termite Jenulngs was killed at Cad-i mac, Mich. by falling under a moving train. The grist mm of Gamble l: MacKln- no". at La Fonlaine. lnd., burned with 30,300 Nunds of flour, 4,000 bushels 0! when, 2.000 bushels of corn and ten tons of bran. Loss, $15,000. In bed. Ash wan injured. Lightning struck the home of Stone Duvyer at Columbia. Mo.. and complete- ly demolished the part occupled by the {man 15nd hm wife and child, who Were Dannie West, aged 8 years, 0! Smith- ; shire. had been pointing a 22ccallber ' rme at dlu’erent members of the IamIIY. Finally. cocking It, he pointed toward ' his mother and pulled the trigger. the ball striking his mother above the right eye. causing alums: instant death. Two daughter: 0: John Ellenbocl ot' At Marinate, Wis" - piece 01 bean Holstein, Win, wen-q; {sully burned steak lodged in John Kelly‘s windpipo’ while playing lurq‘me'xhrret. Ono died and he exipred in a iew minutes. a few hours after the accident and the William M. Glenn was found dead in mint cannot survive, Md at Springfield, in. For several Charles C. Eppie was crushed a: sessions or the legislature Mr. Glenn death at Little Rack. Ark, while coupi. had been in charge of the Associated "'8 cars. 'preaa bureau M the capltai. "nu-.1» up“; ,7.) n . n.,,..., L Aaide from the shock no one CRIME. FOREIGN. CASUALTIES. mm, No. l vhf“. Can. No. 2 mixed . m No. 1 white... “No. f......... om; No. 2 white.... Barley, No. 2.... ..... M)“: 2 spring” duvet-seed. pflme an. _ IILWAUKEE. when, Na. 2 can. Corn. No. 2 mixed. (nu. No. 2 mixed. 0am. No. 2 white Out-Jul. Rye, No. 1 Cattle. 31] 93403 ....... Hogs. 3119343... Sienna lambs ....... NEW YORK. What. No. 1 hard ...... W. P. Wilkins. a farmer of Monlcon lawnsmp. Ohln, has mule an assign- ment (at the hem-fit of Ms «minors. Assets, 391700; lilbllmm. ”0.000. As- S'KMG. J. H. Gael". Came. doprecla. Hon In on lunch. HI: wife. Lydia, c330 mined. Afler n debate 0! two days. the mom Interesting of the mien. the Iowa senate. by a "no 0! 15 to 29. refund to adapt the Chasm": amendment W vldlng for "up taxation of ulna-vi. telephone. sleeping car and express companies. according to «In Ohio md Indiana plan. Chums Scott. the American. III Eu- tehn \‘cnnro. a naturalized America. have he» owned not H liberty. by (In Spanish nmhoflun In Cuba. Ignacio Fraud-co In Cm GIN“. who in: laid to be lhc olden! In W the mum! sum, died .1 Lou Ann-l“- (‘al. and "7. Nu- wu n mun 0! Blu- alon. Mateo. hm mm m vim ‘0 was about :5 run of use. ml use in been questioned. bu! be had document. which «mulled M. clam. W. E. mayhem 00.. llmoxrnpmn. of 8!. Mali. have autumn! {or the harm a! rmillon. There I“! no pre- terrain". The property I. mmd om to Autm lane 1. Orr to be “numb" M and divided nmrdln‘ to the clam Tho lhbllllla In about “.000. And the unn- Ire cult-mud at “5.000. A.- unu Or.- nyn creditors will be paid In mu. llrn‘h‘er Dom will pn)‘ (hr. creditor- n! the First National Bank of lhwnh. loIl. the am dividend of 20 per cont. Tho "Mannie. to «hmlwm are $225.. Adjutant General mem- has unpalat- od Moutenanl l-‘red non-r o! Chic-go custodian a! (he ntntn nrscml o! the llllnuzn National gum-d here. via.- Col. John 0. Panama, ruined. LATEST M A RKET REPORTS. ’I‘hrouzh thr umratlon a! (In: “Mum whit-h places a mural omu-r upon me Ntlrfll HM “he" the ago 01 62 is nae-Md Admin: Walker's aczlve ser- vice tutu-(l Salurduy. Alter mnshlerauon of him til)? it? fm‘nnua mu was mused by Iho Iowa u'nutn Friday morning-«36 to 7. l-‘rnnk w. runner or Chmgo wm b." ‘ appoinlml put-tic prlnwr lu snowed 1 Tholmu H. “rm-dict. The salary kl. um. I Active work on the Trans-Miuiflppi exposition grounds was begun Friday. Dion Geraldine and a corps of en- gineers are making the surveys, and will place the location 01 the various buildings. Arrangements are made to turn the first earth on Arbor day. April 22. with a great demonstration. The 300 strikers oi the Enterprise silk mm, Paterson, N. 1.. have returned to work. The old scale of wage: {or whirl) (ht-y struck will be paid them. Their virmry is the first gained by strikers in Pntmmn. [ “Billy" Bin-h, the old-time mlnstrel. was stricken with paralysis while at- tending a meeting 0! an Elks lodge at, New York. He was removed to his home. It Is officially announced that the government Iorces have defeated the insurgents In a battle near Mela. Uru~ guay, killing Chief Chiquita Saralva. It Is announced that the luxurgenta lost 600 killed and wounded. C. D. Nash, the retired capitalist and banker. died at Milwaukee as a result of a surgical operation. John Fest. is lumbermnu. was found dead about forty miles from Hayward. W]s.. on the headwaters of the Chip- pewa river. He apparently got lost In the heavy snow storm and perished within forty rods of a farm house. The first bee! sugar refinery in Win- consin has begun operations at Me- nominee Fans. The new plan! ”We“ seals an outlay of $210,000 actual cap!- !nl, and 849,000 for labor and mater- ials. KANSAS CITY. DETROIT. TOLEDO. PEORIA. MISCELLANEOUS. 2. 10 .mgo .15 a 04.40 03.80 0415 [15 .1334 32 .235 .135 .31 .21 u .195 It I: reported thnt n syndicate with a capital of 100,000,000 mulls has un- , ‘dofllken to muddy Krupp, the great 3 nut-tier. to build the first)!" this! an mum. return. ”no [not hiring Hull-tori. vlolem axles, accompanled by lull- atormn, prevailed all “I‘ll-nan! night om the greater part of Germany. do- lng great amaze. several persons lost their llvea dnrlng the storms, and my others were injured. » “Got guns, neuron! Got ms. and may God give you good nlm when you chant," no the closing words of his madam! article In the Vote. of MI:- sions, published at Atlanta. Ga. Negroes througigout the United Butc- are excited by the rndleal centi- menu contained in an article written by Bishop Henry at Turner of the Afrian lethodilt Episcopal church. 131m Turner. who in the senior him of the wealthiest nnd largest cola-ed denomination in the United Satanâ€"n denomination whose mem- bership exceed: memo personsâ€"tells the colored people at the south tn am them-elven and be prepared for white GROVE REPORTER. The outrage- In the south fit the "I. To prove that all «manual: {or thnllon omen-d mm by lhr nom- tlva branch of film uowrnmrm with tho 0mm. .ovemmonl uhall ho snub- ]oct to the ratmcnuon o! ":0 M‘Dllt‘. Mr. Bailey (Tex) presented to the house at night the minority report on lthe tarm bill. The report ridiculed the supposition that the polity of pro~ tectiou benefited the country. and claimed that the passage of the hill would encourage extravaxaum‘ and profile!" the formation 01 (many. The , import concluded: Tho Anglo-Amrlmn nrbflrutlon lmly wan alum-red by m- non-Iv "outlay. and all tho ammdmenu "commando-d by tho commlxm- an (or. clan relations Iren- nun-ed to "mom dlvMon. Thoma unwndmrnm In: “We are unable to om-r a snbuluue for the pending blll, Devan“- m- have no: been allowed a flammable (mm to prepare one. We are unwilling to propose a mmsure- that has not been carefully matured. and We 1mm Khan'- tore column: cum-1w: rm. pron-Ming anlnn the pump» of the commluev‘s blll." 'Illhn I” an Big In”. Mr. Ben (pom. ColoJ, took the floor as the spokesman of his party asso- ciates. He denied that the turn! was the cauae of our difficulties, and for the populist party advm-azed (be 1m- poaluon of the Income tau. Mr. Hopkins (rep.. 11L), saidvt'h‘e pra‘ posed hm would meet alike the wants at the government and the people. The first day‘ of the tarii! debate in the house was Monday. Only tour speeches were made at the day ses- sion. Mr. Dinghy, the chairman of the ways and means committee, opened in an hour's apeeeh for the majority. "In revising the win," he said, "the committee has endeavored to discard mere theories and frame 33 practical remedy, at least in part, for ‘the ills which have {or so many months overshadowed the country." During his speech he said: "No eco- nomic policy will prove a success un- less it shall in some manner contribute to opening up employment to the masses 0! our people at good wages." Gen. Wheeler 0! Alabama opened {or the opposition. He claimed the bill had been framed in the interests of the monopolies or the country. neuronal-tire Dinghy. tho Author a! "lo "mun. Sun-III. Ill Objecll~4 Donner-ll I’M-en! ”Morn, Rzmnfi Work a! the Sena". DINOLSY TARIFF BILL UNDER DISCUSSION. THE DEBATE BEGUN. THOO NEOflO WOULD BSO!" A RACE WAR mnohml In 1p Princflon. Ex-President Cleveland arrived I: Princotan. N. 1.. Thursday. There was no danmatndou on the part of m Menu. :- his arrival was unexpectcd. m I'll-c It Pearls. m. Shortly before 3 o'clock Sunday morning fire broke out on the second floor 0! the Conlglnky block. in North Adams street. Peon-u, III. From tha Conlgloky building the flames spread to the Murphy Mock. The total Ion amounts to about $100,000. hand: to! moon of white men have long “dated the neg-neg of the north. some of the leaders of whom have become mitten: through their denunciation of these things iron the rontrmn and in the wen. Very few of the race. however. ngrev- in (nil 'Ith the nenth neat; expressed by Bishop Turner. While apprecittins the full extent to which the nturdy nature of their learned brother has hem unused. through the seeming futility of all ap- peals to juttice and the like to check mob violence the connenm of opinion man the colored leaders of the north is that putting into elect the bishop's suggestions would bring untold injury to the colored race. Mn .0 "nuts. I. II. Fnrouls‘ Human“! tlu’mrb' «um; nl prop-ray In! dwlmyml by “w a; Huron. s. It. Mumm- mommu. ma-Imi‘ Sn: 1M MHnm-w Lulmmg, \aluml n1 l'nllul ll llvrlln. The oonmnnto-i oltrmll..-: :.'.I- ‘t'lh [nation 0! (hr wuxrnury u! ”H" mnh o! Emperm- William I. man u: lu-rzm Monday. Tho mnnumonl w:.- un-erl at ":30 n. m .\ u-nml lm’nnn; mm glwn by tho Emperor In :M- “rump. Ben-hot”- Old Church Io lu- natal. lmllunupulls Is m 1030 I15 mm: unl- oua landmark. Ilt'nry Ward Beuvlu-r‘u Orttzlunl Su'mul l’wxhytrrlazx vhurth. which mm {mm umh-r his din-«mm 1;; £540. I: m be In"! dnwn w nuke way [or n mom-m lmflvllng. llry-n'. um to: Silver. W. J. Bryan will givp one-half the royalm-s rm-eh'ml from we saw 0! his hook to the cans.- of bimetallipm and has appointed ;: mmmmo-o whusr duty will be to rxpend lhl' funds nvoru-«l {or that pumme. Blown lip on Rani. Englne No. 566. attached to me Chi- cago. New York and Boston special on the Lake Shore ant! Michigan 3mm» ern railway exploded at Chicago Sun- day. The enginver and fireman were lngmntly killed. but no damage wai done to the train, or the crew and pas angers. Plasréo Win No! Resign. Gov. Pinsree will not resign the govâ€" ernorship of Michigan, and will not be a candidate for mayor of Detroit at the special election April 5. Cam. Al- bert E. Stewart, a. Detroit vessel~own~ er and member 0! the legislature, will be nominated to succeed ”agree as mayor. (rim Ania-I Railroads. The United States Supreme court has decided 1110 case 0! the United States versus the 'i‘rans~lllssoun'i Frieght as- melatlon against. the railroads. The opinion reverses the decision of the court below and holds the nullâ€"trust law of 1890 to be applicable to railroad transportation and the (mine agree- ment of the pool illegal. “3. Eliminating the provision for an umpire, and therefore striking out the provision agreeing upon King Oscar of Sweden and Norway for this omce.” "a. Sinking out the provision consti- tuting members of the United States Supreme Court permanent members or the proposed tribunal of arbitration. and, In every 1,000 men In the British grpgpnly eighteen are over 31: {at}. enemas Maul“. um him have): Never lichen wanton on Last year there were about 800.000 wagon loads of dirt taken from Philo- delphla streets. An Inscrlptlon ll old to have been me on flaunt Blane reading: "Notice ~11“; hm In dangerous for cyclists." 0 mm Bruno Quinn-Va 7mm Al N mmmuuumwmnu Oven“, mm. WI, not ht Nc’l'o-Bm mute or remove your duke for tobacco. Ewen money, make: henn- 3nd mhood. Cnr’emnnteed ”and CI an. mamas. At just about the (Inc the Centnl park ostrich ma m five-pound egg 3 Kentucky in at Levi-burg mm a In» inch egg tinned like 1 pipe bowl. Kemp’s Balsam I"! no, [M can It once. Go to your (nut-u toâ€"uy sad (at a III-pl. bottle free. lam inhuman! 50mm 00¢ an“: delays an antenna. A Mnu- flint. When I fire has to be kept up all night in the rum oi In invalid. an old bows glove should be kept handy. with u long wooden stick. With m- glove on. a piece oi coll CI! be picked up with the fingers and put on the In without uni-g n mud. white. when the are mums poking, thin can be done with the stick with in less loin than with an ordinary poker. For pnhlimuom and other informa- Uon addrm Max Bass. General lulu- mtlon Anni. 2:0 8 mark 81.. Chl- ago. In. .Icao to sum. ”atom. Nan-h son: and April 6"! Hm Great Northern lull“)- will run mm ox- em‘uon train {mm the Grund Central 009m. (Tim-ago. to fit Paul. thence wflhmn change to Rod Rher Valley. Devlin [Alto and Turtle Monnuln minis. This Io arrommmlme person- nho Inland going than». m Make an (m homestead; 310.50 (or single trip. Low round "in rams. | Punk-ht PM ’ Primers. It has Mn um. nun Incl of the rank 0! than who all. mcnw u! dvltl upon the. and the shaman-r or hymn dun mm that Ms doo- would amt-«d "on m. up of I (~th mum. Lord Can't-ll lance. . can when a mu on. “M on the ()xlonl «In-nu II Mac. 0! lie Man “In suddenly Ill and 0 Inn in ramt-lly murknd. Mn and. as usual. whom" he had any- lhln. in say. he repllnl: "Vt-s. I will u- any (but I burg hem mm brim I humerus. ludge."~l.horpm! Mer- Eury. 10 ml LAM“)! ONE DAY- It". Lunl- lnrlhor mid "Heal Insured '02-! my remu-n In rullnh .Iuv lullwuk- h; 0! Dr. W Illi-Im' Huh I‘ All: In: rm vle.‘ Mn hxllrrnudlwrhmbumll-olh 0. Ike Icrvrunn-h nah-thunk“ n I'M Dr. W" inmu' l‘mk “Ill Ila-x but] an“ n, Lamb'- Mr. Dr. “'mtuum‘ I'ink PIIl-t-nnlnin. III-con- don-«I form. all Hu- olrmrm- awry Io ‘Iw new Mn and rlrhna- m Ilw Haul and mm" ulunurrod urn'r- 11:» no Ila-o . urn-Mr (unruumnwulurlo rural“. mi .- supper-mun. "mull-rub- and all (amu- ol Icahn-:- Thu lmlhl up IBM-Inna! and min" the; lmr uv’ Inc-uh m Inland-alto. ebul- lu‘ mm any can-«1 a mum! run taunt-warning (mm mmml wwrymnr- won at "me- ul that" n mumv I'Ink I’m. In mm In In"- cm" In Inn-o hulk II mm min I In: at I'I “an In: r: 50. be In! n! all am; 6.1-. or dine: by “I'm In. Willi-u «minimal-n}. hum-41.1 . . L Consul-g had- to "I told bfl'iht')‘ would pruhuhly do me no good. In 1 than m It w:|.~cmnunll|vtiofl. but “in H lwr huh and Would bring them home I'd lukrlhem. Mobmuuhuwulmzn, And I column-maul laklux t an. In on. Mk l M! much IK‘III‘I‘. Illl' unnr luluug lhroo bun- l Ir" mnruly vuml. and I!» now able lu do nlnm: n tum-h vr'vrlx m my d-u'hlrr. “'hy. Ibo other day when Ibo men uum- from Imus um: I "fly pun-ml mi 0( flvurmflw Infill“ l lunkud ll up «I carried ll In "a 1mm» 11- mu“) many- y mum " "w .vn” “N lulferiu. at time» was MVPI'O and II was I o genera opinion at m neighbon Ind uquninunces thatl oouh lust but a law weeks, some thought um moro'tlmn on. or two day. I told my daughter, Mn. Fuller that l mu mllrfled I had tho cou- lumpdon and that nothing vould be don. for". thuulylnuglmluudpuid: ‘Motper, It curt be [hat you have the ronsumpuon. -II mny be only a heavy mugh. You ro- memhar l was n-mlingo! mun-u! ourfrlc-nd. over in La Null» (Mum;- the mherdny who were grmlly bum-liu-d by tho use of Dr. Willinun~' l‘lnk mm {or l‘lh‘ l'wlnle Ind if you will try mom I u m han- Mr, r ulionmy n qquplgqt boy-n u Izcu 1p; in In «my loduy.’ lo-TO-m POI rum etm “I had always enjoyed good health during my "(a until (he yeur um Then I hgdn attack of the gnppe. During tho water of 1803'!“ l hall ‘I would much which left main a very much enfoeblod condition. My lungs and hm-h wore weak. and] had a very troublesome can I: which at times was so sewn-e that l c ought I Ibould untangle. I tried all the doc-tors ln thla neighborhood and some from other lawns, but none ~wemed to give me my It Hot or even slay the progress of lhudisefiso. To ascertain Illa {arts In the matter I representative of [his paper called It their country home lm-utcd one mile went all!!!) [let Bulimia afternoon. Mm. Fuller, I dun ter 0! rs. Lamb. met the Mt door and gave him a cord web come. At her age Mrs. Lamb qulto natur- ally feels much pleased Hun she is 01343» In: Inch and health as to be able to t upon her uslmnd, who is now 83 cars old Ingqlfllxgteeble. Mm: Lapr sei _: _ {um People and the sum. A land: That In! no Used. From the Ranublleun. Ptlncelon. Ill. Among the well-knownfumnen of Bun-cal County, Illinois. is William R. lamb, o! llllo, who with his wife. Mrs. Jane Lamb, are numbered among the pioneer actual. Tull hmlly, now well along In yum, l: “O contra at n lnr e relutionubip, and they ltlnd Well in 0 county. having always been pmperom and («Inservutlvo in buli- ueu matters. Mrs. Lamb, now 77 you. 0! ago, has experienced two mum-luv of “I. lppo, and her recovery in a compuratiwly I on time ban been the topic. of much air cussion amon mom-01119 ut’Bureuu County wherever Mlle a known. IT IS A MUCH MORE SERIOUS DISEASE WITH THEM THAN WITH THE YOUNG.

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