Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 8 Apr 1897, p. 1

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One of the points of weakness with all climbers has been where the hole is punched for the «pure Various ntâ€" tempts have been made. and claims put forth that a «'limlver could he forged from one piece, spur amt all, but thin. to a practical man. ls obvious- lyenerrnrmshy such a method the proper temper and quality or steel: could not he glven the spur, nnelon‘ this. oftentimes. depends the life of the llnemn. The Dicke 'l'ool mmpnny'g method ls such that the steel of thehnr at this point In reinforced so that after the hole is punched. there is as much weight and strength of metal remnin~ lngnsat any other part of the Ivar. The spur is forged from the finest qual- ity of tool steel and tempered to I point which gives h snfl'clent pene- trating strength, without liability of lyre-ting under severe stnio. Out of thoueunde o! palm sold. It In said that no report hm ever been received that a. spur been-Io looee.-Electrlcel am", There would seem to he llltle room I'm Improvement in a tool an appunmh ly simple ln «nmtrm’tlnn m the rllmher sued by all telegraph and telephone linemen. The same patterns have been In Inc for a munher of years. Vnflom nation have at llmea claimed some superior“, in the nine of material for their particular ( llmher. but It has I'c‘ mutual [or C. II. Dicks of the Dirk. Tool mmmng. Downers "rave. to malts n nuliml dep1rture in the meth- «d of making vlimhen, "ting" a prove.” by means at which he obtain: grant uniformity In shape and quality of the tool. Believing that it was an unnec- essarily expensive method to forge these out by lmml. he [vertex-ted a machine at the rest. of several hundred dollars. which forges the bar and com- plete: the climber.- with the exception of the spur. The strap staples an the bl: are. at the same time. forged out of the solld metal and shaped up 1 Tho «nun or Impmvmx lap“ Ave. "a Immghl up. and he" was when not u-«mkmlnm Inga" « m. Nurflu‘dc I'm-lea "hp: Nu; to Hue mmlmpllhd lmpmwnwu'. A warm allv'mntml Inl- lawnl and a mum!» In "I" matter to gun! Ami afloy rnmmmn In ”vault. Ibo mat 0! Huh- Ompmnmul and n- 31»! ml nut mating. in la-l. A notion In murmur was aha Ind. Twain Rang! llwn unwed that the mailer he I.“ with nlmt mu! nlloy coo-mm” In reg-mt cum. arm-"newl- atkm and «than ligmw at atljtmnnd meeting. In I» hold Apr" 1‘3”». ".11 «,1er . Upon motion lmnl mljonmnl 0n and. Monday are-Mom. Apr" ml: That «not and ulky mmmmw m pan-d hmmMy on tho lruuam fur a wall on the noun: I”. a! flu". “not. bane-n lulu aim! and mm had Mom". Thu upon murmpud. The impmwmu-ul ran-mun" "port- «I Iluu Ibo gwlmuu u! A. J. “cone-ll. {or lighting North um. talcum-on. In no! gun-19d. VIM awn-ted. A mum“ at W. J. llerrlnu on helm" at John uldlhld, to ma )3 («t o! Curlin- Mml. luv the placing a! mater II. ft" the new building to in «mud n! the mm" 0' Malta and Cur“- “mu, ww- "(c-mu! (0 «rant am! alley mun-mm. , Tho following elvcllun omvem wen Appoints-I tn non-o at Hue 'Vlluge elec- tion ‘0‘!” lwhl Mmuluy. April 20m: Judged. Clmrhm ('urllm. l-‘nmk Blun- rlmnl Mu] J. W. Hagan: claim. Thou. Hanan-I. u. x. "ml. and Allan Harn- A potilhm for u uhlewdk on the north side of Prairie avenue WM re- ferred to the street and alloy vom~ mince. The pluluyer's bond of Frank chard was upon motion accepted. The deed of the; property. through which Curtis: xtreet was extended, was upon motion accepted and "led with the clerk. with Instructions to have the some reconlenl Upon motion the new stmt was named Muukio Home. The minutes of the last. .sugulur and adjourned muetinga were read and ap- proved. The reports 9f Village Col- lector Simonson. Treasurer Rogers and Superintendent of Water \\'0i'ks Fowler wen read and ordered placed on lilb. Claim ordinuuve providing for the payment. 0! variant} claims was gassed. Trustees Hung», \Veuml. Schultz, Moclwl. Chilvers and Hughes, respondâ€" ecllu the rail of the rail when Presi- dvnt Carpenter called the regular monthly meeting of Um village board to order Monday night. \ IRAIGLE NEH STREET IIPROVEIEI'I' Nnnll 8M0 'l‘run‘u/o-nuhjwl lo tlw Ion.» «wuâ€" Iul-nl ul' 31ml!- Shh! Stu-ohmâ€" Inlmr “using-u. VILLAGE BOARD CONSIDERS IM- PORTANT BUSINESS MONDAY. HAVE A WAR! SESSION. DICKE MAKE. THE BEST. FOU RTEENTH YEAR. DOWNEBS GROVE REPORTER; lllxul- An illustrated pamphlet. has recently been published by the Chicago. Burling- ton A Quincy R. R, glving complete in- formation about the farm lands of Na brash. Ooplu may be had without chug: upon application to P. 3.3mm, General My“ Agent, Chicago. "I. Pb! flu bakery goods lave your or for m In, 8. Dimer. All shareholders are requested to be present. GUY L. BUSH, Recreuwy. The ninth annual Inc-ting of the storkholdern or the Downers Grove Lmn and Homestead association for the elecuon of three directors for ”um years. and the transaction of and: owe: bush-en an may be properly pn- mnud before the meeting. will be held in the director‘s mom or the bank building on the 13th day of April. A. [1.1307, Int 8 o‘clock p. m. The film» uliatrivi (‘iirisilun limb-arm ruurenliuu will meet in Aurora. April In. 17 and ii. A plowing prvvgmm inn 1 heeu prepared at wliirli the following in a part: l'roi. E. 0. Hui-ell will have rlmrge u! the singing throughout the entire convention. Nov. ll. A. Lonny ‘ will deliver the convention sermon Pri- ' tiny. .\n open parliament on inlnmiitee I work will he minim-ted It! 0. C. John- «m. .‘lniunlny loreunnn. The junior rally will he held .‘latunlny niternoon and tire little "new will receive an Illneâ€" trated mlnlress from Mia llzlliel "all, of Chicago. 'uniur'w lmur will he held finiurdny afternoon. llev. llnrris ll. Urogg. 0' "Mann. will deliver an adâ€" drenn on bible study. l'myer meetings will be "Old Hoiunlny and Sunday mornings. The annual missionary ad: drama will he delivered Sunday after- noon. President C. .-\. Blanchard. of Wham College, and President John Ii. Holey, of Knox College. willdeiiver eddreenes Sunday evening. Dr. S. A. Wilson. of Chicago, vive~preeident of the Illinois C. E. Union. will conduct one of the consecration services Sun- dny evening. The social Saturday evening will be an ideal for all societies and the opportunity will there be given to make new acquaintances and renew old onee. WI m'knowlulm- our grunt immuni- um In "w «ales Minn-y. when" mu] .3..."qu l‘ur nmflula drawn and m» ddnmv fimkml during our lulfnn. N. to In at tho dhpoml n! the “nuts “War; {or «on unly m pawn-mt by Mm M Mm lu-nwm. n! actual r:- pcmon M WNW while In nun-"lane. upon the gram] jury. m- In o'rlmiuul run while- in Mun-clamp In umrt. daomod “my. not Inc-«flu: 01m.- \W minimum! um Um lamml n! I|II~IVMON "mm-[Mule fiIw mm M ”(humor uurh other mm an ‘hnll In We vixited the «minty farm and mu‘ speak with entire approval of the man- ner In which it is «mam-ted by the mp- eriutemlent. and es'm'iully do we up. prove oi the care of the hmme and the Inmhtm. nhuwn as being tnlum uy the sup‘ntendent and his wife. We ex- nmiflod the account and lit"! the insti- tution we" supporting. We would recommend (or the pmnl, that the oil lamps for the uué of inuum he at/ “vital to the building so tinny nimll not he tum-cubic. mu! tlmt vuuilm he [mos-Med for partuble use. We “ml the sanitary 3nd [in npplhuwm “nod and water nupply adequate. Wu wuuhl «command that (M u hrlu! period. :dnily luntruutlom M to the um 0! lim- Ium and inltflu‘limw u: tn'tiw mist- nm-q of hoipieu hmmtou he ginm to nuvh tumult-n ua mmld lu- nhh- tn shah-t II in“. 0' tin, and that hvnsuflcr hr ntrurtiom be given at nuulurintunain In “I. and thnt nu hm M Mr in mm“ at "n may m-rur. Whereas. the present board of super- visors lnu-e acted wisely and with dis- cretion in the hullding at the court house, they are entitled to rereive the Lapprovzsl aml‘lmnks of the people of Dul’uge cuuuty. and while each mem~ ber of the bum-d is entitled to the fullest commendation, We feel we shall fail to do justice to d fnithl‘ul public servant if we do not make special mention of the member of the board who has been‘ nmdstnnt muperlnlendem ul’ construo tlon, Charles ll. lllodgett. and of the1 skillful. vigilant. and conscientious manner in which he has regarded the county's lntemts in every detail. Wehm’e given mumidumliun to all matters and things brought to our notice and have returned to your honor- able ('(mrl twelve prenel'utnlenls null twonuvpresentuwnm. We have visit- ed the county jail. and “mi ||Ie same well and cleanly kept. The grand jury fur the Murrh term of thw-irruitrmm. make the follow- ing repurt: Makl- Recommendations and Speak in Praise of Supervisor Blodgeu. ALL AmUT NEBRASKA. V. P. 8. C, It. CONVENTION REPORT OF GRAND jURV. Nl "I‘ICB. DOWNERS GROVE, DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, from Albany. WM. when he has a gonad merchandise neon. If. Burn- hart has no Inmflon of leaving Down- »: Grove, but will Main his residence hound devou Mn attention to Ms W. H. Bnrnhtrt hm disposed of his grocery bushes to Arthur W. Woods, a former resident end bushes me o! Downers Grove. Ir. Woods Is well known in the village having lived here for a number of yea-s. He cones here A district school caucus will be held at 8 p. m‘ Tucilday. April 13th, It the lupin avenue school building, for the pnrposc of pining in nomination can- didnlses for president (or one your, and two members of the bond of education for three years, in (“Met No. 2, town- ship 38. rungs 11. Alumni school elecâ€" tion occur! Guard-y, April 17th. The new judicial apportionment bill, iucmiug and rearranging the judicinl district. outside of Cook county, will come up in the house this week. It has gland, passed the sent“, when it originated, uni tho hon” will probobly pun it immediately. The Odd Fellows initiated ans new member at their muting lat Hominy night. The installation of the new officers. which mu «0 have occurred on the sun. evening. in: postponed until be“ Monday evening. A. J. Cooper. who Injured his hand two weeks ago. and who wu senonsly “stealer-ed with blood poisoning, is re- ported out of danger and will prob-My pull through without. sufl’erlng the km or his hand an wan at first expected. A Matilda sparinl sullen (inventor Tanner hm "Felted a Mm from the authorities 1» "ulna, whaling that they haul arrested lmmn Cour-ll, who Monte-used m murdering Edward nu. I Whenton. [human Palmer are now pregnant In supply lhelr vnslnm with nloé‘ fresh gunk at the OM mpnlnr prices. New goods are all" nrrlvlng and the flock is now an maple“ u ever. with new and fnnry goods. A number-1f young people tandem-l n «Irwin party In I!“ K". Kin-km last Raina!“ owning. II the home 0' her [man near the village. In nkrlalnlag Hmp um: enjnynl hy a" Timon-non ha- nh'mal "w “ml "no at lmlkn' shots um "gr mum. to the villain. the "a dainty "3th In Mark, ha and (DI-hm. ~ I!» very Inl- nl Men: In l‘oohnar. lnvocmlon at Hughes 5 Hall-alf- lor Muuu‘ trunks. [Mun-ad apt-.- Ing. They will in "nanny um In. J. l). low“. The Int-Ml Imp at “a A. (I. U. W. hull In! 11mm“, Mam mu nnrh-j complain mum that Nut nvmmflhc hm clwlolod‘ln duplimh it mu: month It pin-thin In Vurmm. n! lm-n "analog than Almufluo-r. MN. I". (I. homo-d homo. Now In the lime to now lawn gnu- ml. You mu gel «an». In uuv mum- Iin M. wnuumhla when M Ilorlx I lla- lwl‘n. llouu (or ml. or nnl. on North Hall final. two Moria from the depot (Iv-ml bum. Enquire o! W. ll. Baum-rt. Mr. um] Mn. lhmlmrl. with John ()ldlleld and ”rs. Walker. niwnl fluuo day at Donut-'4 l'mk. L. H. Janm will mum this week Into Nu! huwm cm [male «that. Iluly vnrnbd by IL Himmler. C. H. Dicke i4 «Manning and placing A variant! of murhlnery fur mm in ”in factory this. week. IlhmJ. “mule Dernulgh. or Urbnnu. “L. was the guest 0! Mr. sun! In. A. W. "rode, Hntunlny. The [real coal to me in grams or "re- places In Binlneye Cantu-l. Sold by Hertz a Ilm-le. J. M. “arr has been kept at home the past week with the prevailing «lineasé â€"~!.I|e grip.’ A few choice hurguim in damaged goods can still be (mum at. Balemnu Palmer's. Money In I0:In,from $30" up. on good real estate securily. Eu-lmnge "(fix-e. xEngineer Dlrksnu nun-ml in the Deboy house on the Nurth aside, Wednes- day. Mrs. A. ll Cole and daughters; went home to Ottawa, “L. lust Saturday. W. S. Alden was. here unending his real estate inlemsls last week. Finest lwenl in town, I'mll ovary morning. at. Mary H. Diener‘s. Additional Inna-ll news on lll'th page. Lennox sumpâ€"3 rem): per bar, at Timmy-sun's. John Nash \\ .m on the sick list the fore part (if (Le work. Uluwu, who hm wlnur wllh Our I‘m-tor. Inn 70- Episcopal church. St. Andrews His elon: Bible clue on Friday at l p. m. Evening prayer with lecture et 8 p. In. On Pelln Sunday. April ll. service at 390 p. "never-lag prayer with sermon by the rector: Sunday school at 2-3:) p. In. All are welcome. The usual mum, celebntlon of the Holy (tom munlon ls postponed until Easter morning. A goodjoke it told on Cheek. Blodgett by the judges and clerks at thetownehlp election held last Tues» dey. Ilr. BIodgett, it eppean, hen el- weye been considered en euthority on Inerlrlegthe Anetrellen ballot and in feet in one of the strongest supporters of thieeyntemoi' voting end Tueedey hedglmrom instructional-Item proper method of preperlng their bel- lote. Shortly eftereo doing he went in the South eide product to cent his own vote. He wee given e ballot and without more edo, folded it up and headed it to the bellot clerk, who de- poelted it In the box. Shortly el‘ter- wenl,he mum um h. harm. gottee to meet the mdldete’sneme for who. he hell intended to vote. 'l‘hejodgee end clerh heeeme even of thefecteed lied ell motion oheleglr. W upon his our The Fonnlng, club will hold It: nut reguln meeting loads, evening, April 130:, at the home of I. Sinner. The topic for ll). evmlng will he “Scot- tlsh Llunture." Quotation from Scotch mthon will be In nchr «luring roll all. Pol 8AM“ (In lustâ€"One of Um be“ new In Summe's willow. with lot 50x“. the former mldom of C. c. Mall-n. Wlll sell to reliable party on monthly payments and very small amount down. I". ll. Rim. Workman am his, (luring up the Oilfield My at the corner a! lain “(I Curtis struts. prop-rum, lo M- muting for the WI. of the now lhmtnry “mime lit. 1 ildllehl h In erect an that corner. John "ans is “Metal with poor 0.3-9- mm‘ The other day. WIM- mu lmnl- lug. In "fled several "to stump- Ml nf duck-shot in Um might-own um he in nlaug‘hleflng 3 Mn- "ml: at 3:"th "an jmt ”Iv-Incl A lot of gum":- wun 7mm Inc-wry. which no an w"- ngc my aha-p. Don‘t an m all 3‘ a“ Man. In“ A Ionlnl. 1100 m ldhn‘ Md with In "an “M people In noon! {on than mmmun mounting. of that! fair. um! n’m'lnfly "a mn‘hnnln and I’m-wk for "wit don-“mus. x u. u. Courmgm and "my mum.“ dmn one to Win-Inn Ind. Tunic-y. and [mu than min! by Iain lo "yuan". when tho-y will ugh-ml a: flock \‘hfllnl will. (”each In Hm! via-I Inlty. High-chu- lmun' Ind mlmq' alum: It “tong-ooh. Al Inn-rim ”km. le lulu! IMI'I mu! Inca in um {mum-Mo human. In I". A. ”coda. who in. boon ate tending her mother at Normal. "1., for ”to put month. "turned Imago flatm- any. In. Bum sum: was called to the city In! wank by the noun Ill-om of hot daughter. In. Elbert. [Mum-laud. [mt-410M locket, Baumlay after- noon. Finder return m poo-Immune: Ind «coin luv-rd. avocados that we (reach and clean u. want“ by «rayon. Colvme's flock will novor disappoint you. F. A. Brodo and family maved inln their new roaltlenrv. on Nam. lluiu ntml, yuurdny. "Land In. Annimw Auden-mm Inn. Tummy alleruoon fur Nn-Ir lmuw in (Jolumhua. Nell. D. ‘K. Craig's chllulren have been havâ€" Inguflxht Mku‘k of the measles the pan! week. Mrs. E. 0. Stanley is recovering from her meant nil-km us rant as mm he Unlock“. Nash Bros. [nuke low prices on cakes and crackers in their new ad this week. Read it. L. l). Bmle, of Janesvillo. \\'is., spent neveruldnysin town laul week. W. H. Denim moved into the J. I’. Davenport Imus» ml the North side this week. Mm. D. 11. Nnmmore, 11f (er her ll‘llp: siege with pain, is nearly we". Ill-n.0uy L. Bush. who was quite nick Inst week, is better. Col ville for groceries. Crockery given away at ’l‘hompmn‘s. Mrs. Lyman Cole went Mummy to Geneva. (”IIO. lam Mason returned from his smith- em trip Saturday. Her fun-rt! was hugdy amid-l, and Mr body has be. carom", I“ at math our little ”4 spot of oath undo nerd“ ’ ' final rating pluc- ol air ~ Ear am will I!” h. .u who ku’w _ ‘ H d I!“ Q. She has lefl four We chlldrnn and n husband. hn-ld- whole community In tears for her Inn; for her I". van one o! gentle Ilndnnns to all. She w- on. of those bran, loving mu. moul- on who did her work ln an [111ka of her own home. One of the many who loll from nsplru of love for Mr ol- sprlng no! the well being or In via came around her. doling such work m the world hardly neon only by ll- fruits. Her Ions lulu-empiric, yet ch. lnlnm. she started in her home dfl'l. wul‘ never can to ho loll. The Inllnwlng nbltuary at mm. Prim-e refine]. ulster M A. U. and E. II. Prime 0! tMs village. hoopla! "on the Federal Point mrmpondanm M the Palatlm. Florida, Tina-"mid: . In the early morning of Hatch l7"! the spirit of ”auto Prim Tunney tool its departure from her MM] body and went to join the throng II the realms or that mysterlom land W the gravel She did not Run II hâ€"j mus: she walnut! to go. but. Colt Il‘ Mswer’w the and.“ 0! III. ”I. masengor. who culled hot in M to the grant law that any: “It I Ip- pointod nnto man once to ‘0." “I was horn in Randolph. Von-an. in years ago, when the llnd and! aim years ago. when she aunt-d Frank F. §Tenney of thin plm, and «as here to share his home. “he was thud-ugh“! or I. l-'. Prince. of Randolph. Vermont. nnd losing her math" In her My days. who left unreal ymgncllldm, nhe bnnly took chum o! M and brought them I, to honord law-Ht}. Tin- mnlt M Hoe cia'lhn In 00. ”our day who"! was M («flown liar unpar- mlemleni. ”than: Import-Wat. awn-u", nml mil-er. "Wu. chor- hlcr, nrmnial. Manual «mum. won clan-led mwthdy: (I. 3. Hunt. Jon. "all. Ruin "ear“. John My". F. W. Wlnhnu. Louie ”“th ind Clan Hmnfl. TM raga lur during "It for m rmgn hm ouemlul lnln not. ”an Hm: moo. We mam-nae that ”IO all umulln am an nnmynmv. llnv. Idmhlln pm“ Monday. Then- ln mmn tall: n! his playing an yunrmal. A null “mo 01 nporhd II. "no nodal mm at W. H. Nmnrt'n In! wool. NI ulnuun mm "In nlmmnl fund. Hymn won In 'kmnml. When Joseph lldml. a clerk. wont ; 1.0 open tlmulllm M. 1 o'clock In found the mfullnur whloe upon and um um- tcnlu mining. 'nw mint-flaunt wtwm llw nlumlu wum Inn-l hml boon taken I‘mm the vault um! Human Into a rumor. Hn the flavor mu m quuuty‘ u! mmwy of mull doumflnnuou. nod uvuml shock In! nun-Inn Inul dam in... uvufltmtul by “an humlun, vim avl dually In". In a hurry. Mon at M m a. M II J. I". “man's. Nnturdly ovnnlux. “Expert sure-blowem onbrod the post- uIlh-e ul [4-an early Hawaii] morn- ; Eng uml wok $350 worth of slumps nod #20" In money. making tlulr ”capo without lwvlng u dew. Per-om. who live in the sot-om! and (Mn! flooru 0' (he [umlollll'o building won not “mk- euml hy the noun“ 0f the uporflhm. the burgh" having evidently confluul‘ their work In “men when train: [In hm NM war at the building, drown“ the now: of the drill and the report 0! the “plum". 1001‘ THE LEMON? POBTOPP’ICE. The pastors. Revs. ll. H. Rood, T. R. Green and (ieo. U. Moor, are mulling earnest cll‘ortu to make these meetings lmueflciai and extend a conflnl 'lnvlu- tlon to all to attend. The meetings are to beconunued lu- deflmnaly. This week the services are beingheldovury evening in the Conâ€" gregational ('lmi'ch. and consist 0f prayer service all 7:30 p. 11).. song serv- ice at 7:45, and preaching service at. 8 o'clock. H. M. 'l'iiroe. a singing evangelist from Evanstonnium been secured and leads the sung service. Mr. Tiiroe in il music-hula! rare :ubiiitien and is con- lriimting largely to Um success of the Hen-irks. The. "wt of the series of the evangeli- cal "matings was inaugurated by the tombined Congregational, Baptist and Methodist churches, Sunday night. A lu'rge audience was present. and con- siderable innareut manifested in “I03 services. n The Churches Unite in Evangehcal Sew- icesâ€"-Awake Much lnletest. UNION REVIVAL MEETINGS. OBITUARV. RICO!“ 70 you“ looking m quire of ӎ: Thmngll low!” M Gallon-h Inn mi every Wain-“y Ch j Thou an In In emf chant-nth” h V. Xu. 9. (mm-me h- «up-J Inter-Ha about." “I... . M. M: pom. Ir. [-3 0m d duct the bod-cl 1350““ Ir. Gunfight In n y“ I!“ to Mt future comic. 5“ um ' ' ' _ 1' flamenco In QM filing. for ' ' “la-M. an M- nun! '_ In flow, but up to It. M "or, who “to, Into h “:1 ”nu-abo- Agatha... In. ». in: m mpflal- o! lump W «n alum. mil-g tho-cu 1M ; «Ind-g «a original ”an. M .3 mnymmmm-Nmm .- kdad "two! hurl-“Old up. j' "on um app-r mum color ’0! Ill-gun: hula. 80. mm .V 1 haflngnumw hat you. In ”4 the lug-M, they “kn-Ind I. mug-naming“, u ”n hood d drou- vmrM and to “oh God. um unlr form M has boon to lug-com. due. H II Guam). that II M h I” gammy hummus-fir «(merchant-cud. Hod,“ of acumen! and; Mn Ian -' and .m- “I 0". ”f throughout. Md la'hhly My with Ian I“ lowdl. In. tit .00! want-01ml. ll ml. n 0...- ol Inky-uh ugh-doc ad mum «4 who. the In II...- It... .4 an hug- Mp'uln-o m an m adulthunnry run- n' tho d!“ world. I We will to I'M a. m. of which Que-gun b. no" no. The "potato. M 0.0 I“ u, llama-WW dud-g foo-um h M such udk-tcflm-U Absalom, amt Ibo mm d - ;. ar‘éc rim!" ’I‘M mt Important cm! in tin Inna-rout nano- ln um.- l- I.- non-rod to! Apr" mu, o. which“ an. mull-g [home'- wotH'I M abom- am be". a two In.“ w nut u “than“. In“ It! Huh-M. A. I. Penna“. Chan. Pun. J. R. W (band Man; 'or [our math. J. W. Nichol-on. Jon. Duh-0M". N [ohm-02A. ll Gunfight: (or “In. commute-moo. Jn momma. huh Cram". J. W. m Prank lumen. Bert C. WM“ and A. I. Courtrlglnl: MIMI. (loo. 1'. Hugh“. Wm. Colwoll nud Jame» CMIvon olflcl- AW uclcrlm. The North um. 0'30"“ BI volu. ‘ _ l-‘nllnwlnx are the (INIMI'I elected: ‘Fur nu'nrvI-nr (or two yum, Junc- Ilt-Cllntot-m for tun-lulu! numbers for 1w" you". Prod Andean“; {or mm" J. ".11.": for town cloth, Punk I4. Ayn-t; for town oollootot. Frank .I. I’MMI; for highway co.- mIn-Iunor (or “I". you: fol . Dunno", 0m“ dink-let. 0. fl. Wylie-loin; for lourjmucuof “to post. for four you", . HWY cm m In the Downers Grove procinctu w. voting mm unusually light. The flouth Ildu precinct. wu pin-Mod over by J. I. Burr, Frank E. Bot-nor and Juno- Dixon as judges. and Thou. flollutd. H. I. Snyder and Hun-y Biotin“ u clerku. In this precinct. then won 78 votes cast. ”a the North HM. the judge! you The annual townshlp election Mid Tuemlny wuannlot nfl'nlr and dovofid of any «pm-1M Inumt to the voter: p! the bmvnnhlp, There wua but. 0,0. ticket in the “old and H, mm DIM without opposition. uuly ou- Ila-and a! nu- vm- out In an I". "It“: imam-.â€" no 01mm! to caucus mm, TUESDAYS lumen CALL: our BUT raw varnna. ’ ANNUAL rm Insults?“ ""00le In. CIRCUI. flu. 000ch "out”. NUMBER :4. .

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