Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 3 Jun 1897, p. 2

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V 1‘.- ulâ€" W the none-n and if“?! Blah Dunn And (pupil-e Bolen “who decided mum them. I. the of 82 m M In each me for Sunday Whitak' Md hu accepted the post of Ire“! unbuaador It the queen Immee Commissioner Kerr!!! has haunted proceeding :1 Boston to put the Franklin Inhnl rm Insurance col-puny into the hands at a receiver. 1‘ has £1,881,154 Immune In Iowa. The comm: m organs“! In 1829. TI. Hickman peppermint crop [an I». seriously damaged by mere frost. Mm animate the Injury to tho old the It sumo localitie- to be over oneâ€" A din-uh to the London Then from Rome an that the cute Nanette which tho abbot has ohulned from the ell-her mm the ultimate abandon- Icnt of mm A dlmmh to the [Aldon “fine- from Dunno. Ann an that the war In- M In amazed with a more «is» A. owing to overproduction. The ex- onâ€" at 11“].le export for the current in: I- not. thin 100.000 tom. The fetch-ht hu panned thn but inâ€" troduced on In! 11 hr the Mlclla, mxm, gnu-Benita tlld Poles. pro- filing that: "Gem-Ln mod-um of It: kind my mhm with each oth- a, m :13 Inn to the contrary an n- h" been 3t work repairing u. da- Ind RIM-u. of Oshkosh. WM. 00 humor of the mbmrino but. You told it to (be a. P. Am- Company. MIL ink... «livery to be made June It Benn] mace-tn] mm have recently been made. Jud;- Inger oi the United Sum mama court at Ounln mule an outer that the divorce decreed by Justice Enter of tin Water: Union and Un- is»! mine Telegraph conning nut to convict. by not. i. A "one, wire crossed A win of the Bone Telephone Comp-n1 n Fort Wayne .34 dlubied i.“ telephoto. non of the. being burned out. A Ml ”aluminum-remain» Domains anon. : 11'.“on HISTORY OF AWWEEK‘ at the lack um am In- llto the I". m "why (all he caught III. ”am and mm all the clothing from m “body. Inn!- "why in mmly. though not mm”, Injured lay . viciou- nume- It Columbus. Wk. he bone and In: with No teeth by the buck 'ln “lulu, mar bacon!“ nearly “In!“ II II: "mum to an M1 mk- 1m. pr} omuh B Selby. one or the old- at p or III-tutu. via r.- Wty W by falling down II elo- nu ma :3 Q0 I'll-unto- mil-c- ” "O M In no mm ha.- flhl hit a low slur a. canal. t-h-Iur 11a no" In conâ€" M (o In" his {out no- cu- m in the county loll. um. W. In I!“ at ”7'“ I'm In led out: of 04.”. Ir. have M- Incl In- lulled II m pillar hum-nu u the Jud will b. (In: it: liberty will- 1 my Mum In J. P. 0009.:- In around at W mm. "on” all. from mu- hoym. WI... by no taming o! a George Storm. 3 voter-n o! (be cut! '3', and an old midi-n! o! lucouuh. "1.. ”manna In will unlm, «a war Ml mum body In loam! lawn. II (ho vooduhed, W. E 14-1., tony-two years of us, I mum of Vlrglnla. and (or the In! twelve your: my ntomy and oduol' ol the Puma (My, Ill. Herald. ll dead. Re Glad «:1 consumption. The residence on (he Cum (arm, thirteen mile. mutbvut of l-‘Ih'bury, 111., occupied by C. Wordy, burned to the (round, And In. Wordy was to- riomly burned before rescued. In. Robert Tunic. of Pglo, Iowa. VII thrown from n wagon by . runn- ny team. and the wheels passed over lot head, culling Injuries which result- ed In her dentin. William Carr, aged twenty-throo, and Frank Curtln, aged thirty-one, miners In the Norman tunnel at Crlpple Creek, 001.. were Instantly killed by a prema- tnn explollon of dynamite. George Repshire and his son Herbert, used forty-three and fifteen respective~ ly, were drowned at Shady Bend, Kan, in the Saline River. Jamal Francis. From Reading. Pa. was found dying by the roudslde at. South Bend, XML. from eating wild paranlps, grass, em, to appease hun- (er. Too many green gooseberrles caused the death of Claude Lay. eleven years old. at anklin, Ind. Death was due to locate appendicitis. F. D. Frey, a tuner, died on the bank of mu Greek, near Primgbar, Iowa, 1mm cold and exposure. finned. mun. loom Ind Crlmlunl W at tn Whol- Wofla Carefully 00-69-104 for 0-:- Ioudouâ€"I‘ho Ac- cident m THE NEWO OP SEVEN DAYS UP 1'0 DATE. pull lodge of mm 3' ml: ad- I n Indhnapollu nfu‘r electlng m": maniacal, l‘. 8. > u- In: vlwfluflmt, 3; mm: a wxnnmm Wlmm Carroll. a mechanic of Jack nonville, m, attempted to kill his wife. HI: Ion rcmonstrutod._ and Carroll rusted :1 king. threatening Ms Site. The boy nailed : gun and shot an mn- ér. the land mm Ill Inter), from which I. «It ‘ ‘ , June: Manspy. once a pmperous broker of Heflngton. Ram. and promi- nent In lute politics, has been wen- tenced to nine years In the penitentiary tor hum-y. He II aid to have realized 310,000 on forged notes. At Hammond, lnd., Frank Kltchel, a contractor and builder, commuted sul- chic. Jlsepr McDermott, wanted at. Om- wn. 111.. charged with burglary, aur- rendered to the police at Huntington. had. He had gone without food (or forty-eight hours. Earl Dimud, aged 19, and James Mil- ler, aged 20, were found guilty or the murder of Richard Steven: at East St. Louis last December. Dim-rd was giv- en thirty-five years and Miller twenty- five yarn in the penitentiary. Burglm entered the general store 0! J. N. Purdue 11 Kell, "L. chloroformed two night watchmen. secured several hundred dollars' worth of goods and es- caped. leaving no claw. >18. Rev. John Mick. a Chlcago huthemn eerymln. committed suicide by hang- lng Must!!! It the Wauwatona sanitar- ium at Milwaukee. During I quarrel over button: at- mn at Springfield. “0.. John Cotter of Ever-ton shot and killed Newt Mc- Crocky. Cotter. who is a restaurant keeper. mu arrested. In. Martin antler. an extremely bubonic woman of 24, '1: found an- conscious on the street It Juliet. Ill, and taken to the hospital. where she died. Her husband Ind con to the police station to and her when in- formed there she was. Morphine had been taken. John Hill". I cnrpenter, who has I hilly In 84. Louis, Jumped tram the steel bruise In the Knlkukia river at No. Athens, m. Desmdenvy, due to Inability to and work, caused the deed. Eugene Pane", a nembet o! the Wis- mnlll national guard, In been arrest- ed In New Orient on (M charge of stealing $300 worth of diamonds from Zebulon Plan of lulu-lune last win- let. Wlm-m Howard, I well known hr- ner o! the town of 8m. wu, com- nmed Ink-Me by mum; his throat (mm at: to ear. Jacob lumen, and :1, 0! 3mm. Bend. lull. Dale lam Maureen-ml st- lonpu at «Mile owing to despondenry over he!“ nae-played. Ilium-r Tom" at Constantinoplo bu "stoned m can down-nun um the (no Ind-nu at haunt. the man killed while mum-nun; Ann-flan te- lld III“ III! mun. Tori". hue bull mined Io Inna mn' Imprin- nmefl u hard um. Hull-d 3mm Consul Iohnn at Zan- ubar In Inlet-0d nu nun depart- ment that Ibo 8m“. Ila-mull“: I!» hmmnm,oaApnl1luth-Md a truck-um abolhhlu “I. Ion! sum at ”not: In It. Island. of Zn- nlhur ud (huh. In the nun-a house at common. lb: proud-n! or (M board 0! "Ida. l‘. I'. "HOMO. iota-Adm a bill to hum. the me be union 0! wolghu and mu- mm. I) dun"- Ion than. Marquis Ito. formrly pnmler 0! Japan and the no“ alumni-bra o! Jamnm statesmen, armed II New Yuri. Thur-day. on his tray to En;- lnd lo "mm! the umpire u "u qunn‘n jubilee. An Important and tar-reaching new Russian luv {orblda the carry"); at trade by an In foreign vent-II Ind un- der any but Ibo nuns-Inn an: bemoan all Ru-Ian mm a! the Balm and the mm: m and the Funk man The law wlll out 30 law operation unul Albert Helzel and Alexander Kahn Were working In the cellar o! a brew- ery at Indianapolis when one at the large vntn used {or lermentlng beer ex- ploded. Hetu'l was killed. Kuhn ea- caped uuhurL While returning home from fishing up the Cumberland river. near Suma- land, Ky., James. Edward and Park unenes were drowned. Mrs. Martha Buchanan of Allegan. Mich” aged 63 years. was lulled by (all- lng down-slurs. In a shooting display by the expert. Kruger. at Berlin, while he was iii-ins backward and with the aid of 0 minor attempting the William Tell shot, be son: the bullet through the head of his sister who was asninting him. She died In a few minutes. Cuswell's mllla at Lowellton, Maine. wen-e blown up by a boiler explnslon. Four men were killed and several in- Juted. The mill Is a total wreck, and the loss wlll be heavy. By the explosion of a boiler In a saw mm of Joseph Haney. at Glen Ha~ zel, Elk county, Pa., William Johnson, the fireman, and a man named Schafler, both of Reynoldsvlllo, were kiiled, and Joseph Haney, the proprietor, and two other men were injured. Fred Kellogg. in Hollaxid. men. drunk eight. ounces of wood alcohol and has completely lost his sight. 'l‘hcodla Webb, an aged physician of Carroll, Tenn, while walking on the track, was Instantly killed by a. train. A woman was killed by a Rock Island train at East 16th and Vine streets, Des Molnea, Iowa. Her Identity ls un- knnwn. News has reached Sioux City from Storm lake at the drowning there at Miss Shirley Maxwell while plenlclng with friends. She was a teacher at Storm lake. Her family “was at Lanox, lown. CRIME. FOREIGN. CASUALTIES m1“. '1 ........ .... MILWAUKEE. wheat. No. 2 Iprlng..,. Corn. No. 3 ............ . 0:15. No. 2 white ...... Barley. No. 2 .......... . What, No. 1 white. can, No. 1 mixed... Onto. N9. 2 white ..... Wheat, cash and May. Corn. No. 2 mixed ...... cap, No. 3 mint...“ Rye. No. 2 cash ........ (novel-need. prime cub. CHICAGO. Cattle. common to prim.81,75 Hop. .1! grades ........ 2.00 Sheep md lambs ...... 2.50 Corn, No. 2 .......... . .24 What, No. 2 rod ...... 03m, No. 3 ............ When, No. 2 red May.. Corn. No. 2 ........... Oats, No. 2... Sheep ........ 150 0500 When! No fired....... :1 Oats. No. 2 cash ..... .., 191,5 Comp)“. 2 all ..... .. .11“ KANSAS CITY. ' Came. all grad“. . . . . . . .. 1. .0 05,00 Hop, I“ grade: .. . . . 2.50 03.57“ ‘2.“ 08.00 “09.... ............... Sheep ........ When! No fired....... Oats. So. 2 cuh.,....., CormJlo. 2 an ..... . . 31'. news. cum. m grades ....... Rye. No. 1 ...... Can. No. 2 ...... can. No. 2 white Andrews Brothers 3 Co. at thelr mills ln Hazleton. P... posted notices that. uklng cam Mny 30. Inge: 0! all employ” not governed by the nulâ€" nlnted schedule would he reduced no ”I cant. The arrangements (or “Mn. are of the Knight. of Pythlu Supreme [page and the enrampmcnl of the Cnlltmned Rank. which are to be held In lndlnâ€" ”polls In 139:, In promoting. An elm will be made to nine 850.000 for expenses. This will cover the prize drllla. which will requlre $10,000. Chicago rum-Hats have lost nboul ”0.000 In the Mexico. 110.. F‘ln Buck min. M I: one of tha large-l In brick factories in the west Gov. Ronald ol Wham-In Ins ID‘ ”Mud u Ihe lore-(rt count-ton H. 0. Pun-I of En: Chln. (born 8. Burrow: of Madison and In“: Brunch: at nut-ulna. The roam.- uon nu "and by an act 0! the In! legmuure. A "I'D! animals “not 'Il felt throughout Vetmonl Thursday. Build. Inn tumbled percvpubly. M Bellow. hill and Burlington ”no work cu loll like. No damn In done. [run Golda. 1.:an you-"um no“ go- ntmuu put tuna: m in Wiscon- nlu nun ull were about Hoe. lama mowed by mlvnulu 3min dukn Iron aver-l counties hung the n n um lumen Inn can no u- h com era-III; non; loam they! In. Jun. W-rd Hon aha-nod not nanny-clam bmhdu Thursday. Thu "ambition llllln; Company w ulna] u Koolmk. Ion. Liabilities, 330.000: Mun. ”0.000. Colonel ('bnrltl Gordon, I have Ind 43331103 Amorlcnn who cut hll lot with the Cuban panic". has met bl: dull: II the new. Another new bridge In to span Nint- art's gorge. ll I‘I" lake the place of 0:0 aunt-r lumen-Ion Imago, and II to be fluluhvd April I. 1898. The bridge. defined to "place the upper suspen- llon Imago. will be built on the pum- bollc principle. and R will undoubted- ly be one or the arc-ten engineering (can of the your. LATEST MARKET REPOfiTS. PEORIA. l-‘red lleesou. an employe o! the ranch 0! Harry Morse. nl Sunel, Cal. used ar- senic luau-ad a! baking powder In mak- lng n ban-h of bread. lk-ewn In dead. another man In dying. and several other: are dangrmuuly Ill. An applk‘auon has been made to Judge Clenrwmer, at Kingston. N. Y.. to commit. James Myer to an Insane uylum. Myer’s delusion Is (In! he Is the homeliest man in the world and he threatens sulrlde In consequence. Although aimont constant search has been in prom-ens since last Saturday, the!) a-wnr- -old son of John Sjobers. of West Superior. Wls” who wandered from home Into the woods on that day. has not been recovered. Mayor Chambers, of Arcoia, 111., has issued a proclamation enforcing the curfew law. All children under 16 are prohibited from appearing on the street after 9 o'clock. R. B. Kirkpatrick. a prominent cm- zen. dropped dead on Main street. El- dora. Iowa. Heart trouble was the cause. A semi-official denial is given of the published statement that President Mcâ€" Kinley has made overtures to Spain on the subject of Cuba, and it is reiterated that it is impossible for the Spanish government to accept mediation in a quesion “which concerns Spain alone." The boards or control for nine Indiana benevolent and retormatory institu- tions met the governor by invitation, and at his suggestion decided to reduce the cost of administration. It is esti. mated that the total reductions will amount to about $40,000 a. year. Schutt Brothers, dealers In crockery and nation, at Ashland. Wis“ made an assignment to D. T. Wiggins. Liabili- ties, $6,000: assets, 88.000. Judge Hetroln appointed 1. ll. Rich- ie of Indianapolis waiver for the wat- erworks plant at Washington, Ind., which is owned by New York capital- ists. Frank 8. Foster. trustee. sues to foreclose a mortgage 01 $16,000 on the plum. NEW YORK. DETROIT. IIBCELLANBOUS TOLEDO. DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. :32 2.25 05.00 . 3.30 03.70 . 1.50 05.00 .3: 1m .2195 .22 05.35 03.75 .26“ .12“ .24 .24 .14 78% .20 (Irma 3. Novel Pull-lent. The Wisconsin Society. Sons of the Izmerimn Revolution, hem its annual meeting n Milwaukee Saturdly, and elected George H. Noyes president. Unit-Illa ”eating at locum. The anniversary meetings of the Unitarian denomination were held at Posion Thursday. it was voted that a delegate be sent from this union to the national convention of the Univerul- {st body to Detroit. The Rev. Thomns Van Ness was elected president {or the ensuing your. Richard M. Scruggs, the millionaire dry goods merchant who was arrested in New York the other day for 5min;- . sling jewelry and tine lave: is one of the most prominent and reaper-ted cit- izens o t. Louis. He has been a lead- er. dn 3 the past quarter of n cen- er. in every movement that has gone forward (or the improvement of the city. He is a very religions man and deeply Interested in church work. To him, almost alone. is given the credit for the magnificent Cook Ave‘ nue Church, which he raised from a humble mission to be one of the wealthiest and foremost churches in Missouri. Sunday school work has been hie hobby. Mr. Scruggs has been president and trustee of the Mercan‘ tile Library, tntstee of the Missouri Blina Asylum, president of the Provi- dent Association. and has filled other ofliees connected with charitnhie and Thl‘l't' In n strong movement lowlrd route-rm: cJMrnI o! the Ihoolnllcnl lemlmrln In the aucmhly, and they won dlrorml by romlmlnn to make propor «hnnxu In Ihrir rlmnrr look- In. Iowan) :hln rmnll m- won a: ll A rommmondatlon that «very churnh try to rnlu- 5 per cent more than the Ive-rage of ”1" lmu ulx Hunt, for lhe work a! ma benevolent board next year “as adapts". A mrmorlnl was mlumnll making that a commltlm- a! mnurux» be appoinu-d to m: lu- mu lnvcsllgnlton u! the “aunt nroblom, In report all (an: and run‘ dltlunn m oungn-n and (hr pruIdu-m. A! Saulrtlay‘u session the Presbyter- ian general assembly declinml l0 lake any m-tlon on [he famuue l'rlnc-lon banquct to (hr unqulwmennlnl or last (all. a! which wlm‘s were served and much sensa'l-m rahml thereby. The report of the board or church erection showed a inrgciy diminished invomc, but notwithstanding UK: shrinkage the board was able to make 1’16 appropriations m 122 churches to the aggroxate amount of 860.323. The committee on nld for colleges. reported the total receipts for the year 1696-1897 were $77,960, and (he expen- ditures 371.126. the bulanct- on hand April 1 being 324,624. Gov. James A. Mount of Indiana. chairman of the rommiuoe on the cele- bration of the 25011: anniversary of the adoption or the catechism and West- minster standards. reported a recom- mendation that \he second Thursdfy o! the next year general assembly be chosen for the day of celebration. Dr. Withrow presented the report of the committee on bills and overtures. Four presbyteries overlured the assem- bly to initiate action looking toward the union of the Presbyterian churches north and south. Answer was made that the church stands ready to ad- vance union whenever the way shall seem to be opened. By a large majority the invitations 01’ Minneapolis and Philadelphia for the next session of the Presbyterian General Assembly were declined, and that o! Winona accepted, Ihuon ol anl Importance In (In In- tercu- 01 um Church Acton! (Inâ€"Nan SEC-[OI Also to no llcld at Wlnonl. Ind. FINISHED ITS WORK. PRESBYTERIAN GENERAL A3â€" SEMBLY ADJOURNS. A MILLIONAIRB ARRESTED FOR SMUCGLINW1 Inna! Ion In (inference. The fiftieth annual meeting of the American Medlml association opened Tuesday in the Academy at Music. Phihdelphh - rm u AIM-ml. Win. A destructive fire visited Ashlnud. WIL. at an early hour Thursday. I! is estimated that the loss will amount to $150,000. The Northern Graln Mercanâ€" tlle Company's flour mill is in ruins as a result, as are the residences and ban: houses adsolnlng. philanthropir work, notabiy trustee at the celebrated .‘iullanphy emi- grant fund. the value oi whose estates is enormous. He is a native of Virginia, and rame to St. Louis in 1850. The dry goods house of which he is president is one. of the largest in the country. Mr. Sornggn‘ runners and friends were amazed When they heard of his arrest. The wire-president o! the company~ said that Mr. Scruggs had paid millions of dol- tars to the United State.- in duties on his imports. and that. the smuggling of n more hagatelte was too contemp- tible a matter to even mention in (“on- m‘ction with his name. The rirh mer- chant la the president of the Ameri- mn Arithmometer Company, with .7. factar) here. which manufacture: :L lightning calculator. E. G. Lankhome, ”rested with Mr. Scrngfi. is the secreâ€" tary of the concern. llam- (‘uuuml Iluld “lire. Thr [unlulflvr m-lmrxnu m unnunnn ~ that mlunru u H in- ul ‘IIMl‘ml {rum chlc'f c-lavrkslmu and Ilc'pzlu‘ panama- urnhlm run-v: m .1 hm 4»! 13:0 Ihlnl- vlnu "m..." Murra- r :v lruhu‘.’ m urn lhvlr mum.” fluwu humor. Imrnm In "any. Theudure Durraul “‘Hl ham; Junc~ IL )m'. llmhl Sun-Ln lrhplmm-ul Hun mun-h In oflw In Wurdvu mm- M sun Qm'um. LII llh‘ um» liuw "rd-Mu? the demh “nu I‘LM-"l upon (he xrrkr- ou-r. slain by "in naught"- Frmlcrlck Holt. :1 rurum- in Warren township nine min-s from Mom-.1 Cit-m4 ens. .\lic',L, was shut and kiiimi Sun- (5 y Minnow: by his iluugh'rr. .\im- nio. 22 your! oldi Hull was drunk :mJ Mush-v, and lin- killing was in H-ib deft-use. The town of Numosp. province of North Trondhiem, near the mouth at the Namsen river, on the west coast of Norway, has been entirely destrnyâ€" ed by fire. The flamt‘s spread so rapid- ly that the 1,800 inhabitants were uuv 9110 to save even thoxr furniture. Train Kl". Four Children. At 8 o'clock Sunday night a spring wagon containing eight children rangâ€" ing in age from 3 to 9 years. wus struck by a spot-la] train on tlil‘ Denver Rio (lmmlo railroad at Denver. Four of the children an- ilvad and tho others are terribly injured, two so badly than they will die. The Sunday schools show a total membership of 1,045,678Han increase in the year of 39.289. The additions to church membership by confession of faith have been 56.804. and by certifi- cate 37.745. making the total member- ship now 960,795. The list at ministers who have died within the year includv ed 123 names. ' The assembly voted 9 rule that in the election of pastors all contributors to the congreg‘tlon of lull age. as well as communicanla. be permitted to vote. The elecfiou of elders and deacons is to be by communicants only. A resoiution was adopted that here- after candldatebv for license must be examined on the English Bible. seems wise and pracfical. The assembly than adjourned. Son-woman 'l'uwn l-‘Iro Sun-pt. The had covered by lirewrrboum In. London every year I: 1.16 mm Young Woman (hurriedly)â€"-l wnt I novelâ€"Mmethlng populnr. Book Clerk (bflnklyy-Yes, min. What tortâ€"- wicked or “punâ€"Nev York Weekly. struck Pay nm. The owners of a Colman new In!" muted a well to supply water {or their engine and at a depth of sixteen feet struck pay ore. and will hue e nine Instead of a we“. Take the Big Four Route tad pictur I. Chenpenke and Ohio Ry. 11:- hr! 0 to the monnnfin resorts In tho 3 no Ring! Ind Alleghanles and flu ”ashore; 0 Ocean Rome to New York and Boston Vt. Old Point Comfort Ind Fortress Honroo.‘ Semi for tourist ram and descrittlvo rmphlctn. U. L. Tact" 1W. P. .,0. 0,31; Fonr Route, 234 of": 3L,Chicago. nut: Din-I'- at (I. 'Ilb Ila-O. There in no opportunity for general convenntion. and the chef and your neighbor at table have your (at. In their hands. But there are many other dinners and luncheonn to which the elect nnd the coup-noun come; ad twenty such, seated nbont the round table in the private dining room. nuke n goodly and n henruome company. These are the dinner: that endure the Iupreme testâ€"yon think well of your host tad of the company when you wake up.â€"-Ex-Prenident Harrison in Ladiu' Home Journal. ‘tho tow-m In“ liver In“ no no Ermine- In I‘M: runny. Tho 1-31 mm in mmmmuion n! (In hundred! annitom ol the alum-don at Trump Into the Unmn In no! I lot-d n!- !nir by any menus. It hr mm in “tent of buildings. Manly of grounds», in- temflng exhibit: and number of both («reign and home alumina: any exhibi- tion over lucid in this country. with me iblo expo clan of the Colan-n 0! km [mt «It in m: the min lino of Loninlllo Nashville Rnilro-I n In the dire“ line of In"! berm the North ad knth. and can he visited at me. with loss of Mn liule time. The namely Dov rntn the have been ambushed nah It cheaper to [u u lmla out of your way. "on, to an in this gmt show. will. in own “tr-dim: will well repay a «pedal vim. Write Ir. C. P. All-on. Guard PW A_g¢n_r. Lonhvma. Ky., for mu- EJ'céi'ééiMi’g It. hub-Ina he A!" Mule-t manki- In mm 0! var la punish- able In all nmln by «mm. usually ll- lk-Ietl by shaming. In Hue 0! peace n In named by "noun governments wllh dlflemt drum: of twenty. ac- cording n m- nlllury union ls mlld or severe. In France. Oormny or Rm- sln, ammo». um In line of pram. la very lunhly pnnlahcd. but in the l‘nltod mam It I: pnnlnh'hle try . tom 0! Imprint-maul at him! labor. As a I'm-u" of (art (Mn penalty In rare- :y Infllclorl. The decorum” In out army nmnbcr frmn 1.000 In 1.200 annually and row of the runaway: are not naught. 1 Then ought to be today not In. than t quatlor at I nllllon of men mom In the employ o! the railways Run "1010 are. Thry ought to I» the-re not only (or Iht‘h' otn mum, but mn- ply tor the nah-u 0! mo :nnellns pub- llcl The nllwnn ol the counlry are counted today will: force: «null M0 hr below um "dunner lluvz” nml no lung n the publlr and the lam-lam"- mllnlnln lhclr prmwnl nullmlv. ll ll doubtful I! In] pmnlhlv l..rrmro ln buIIMu lrom I ru-mrn n! “mod ”an" wlll enable the.- mmpnnln lo tnploy ll" prnprr number of men and pay "new clean! I“Qt.-Rnll'u Alt There was 3 time when it was pos- ‘sible for the public and for the rail- way employee to he, or pretend to be, ignorant of the real condition at the railways. There was n time when it was possible to make the creduloue Relieve that the books at railway cum- paniee were kept in such a way that their true condition was not known. end that all profession: o! poverty on their part were untrue and mtuio tor political eiiect only. That time has paued. The condition of the railway properties of the countries is. in its xencrnl outlines at least. known to nnyhody who cam to know it. And the condition. it not desperate. ie I! icut uriouely critical (or the un- jority of the companion. i lulu-v an sat-nausea - slaw lethal 1, ol' scum no- mogul-non. ', That the employee at the railways nutter most and most directly by any diminution in railway revenues is a tact which the employee themselves in the mass have been very slow to iunderstand, but it seems as it they were awakening to the fact at last in earnest. At Intervals, during the last two years, the employee of certain states have banded together to make their political influence felt in opposiâ€" tion to unti- railway legislation in Minnesota, in Iowa and In Kansas among the western states, employer's clubs have done themselves and the railways good service in the past. Now, alter the bitter experience or the last iew years, the employers all over the country are rising in protest ‘ against the renewed bitterness ot the granger attacks In several states the railway men of all classes are fighting .vigorously the various legislative raids on railway revenues which are threatâ€" 'ened. Best 0! all has been the con- ciusion reached at the union meeting of the diflerent railway labor orders at Little Rock, Ark, when a resolution was adopted calling on members oi all orders to oppose legislation which would further reduce railway earnings. in Illinois. Kansas, Missouri. Ohio and other states employee are protesting with more or less unanimity against the passage of 2â€"cent-n-milo passenger rate lawn and similar enactments. all of which is very good. TENNESSEE CENTENNIAL ASKS EMPLOYEE T0 ACT. nee-n and Ron.

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