Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 4 Feb 1904, p. 2

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Kb. Victor Emnunuel has signed I M Wang Signor Fun [than to Peru Signor Bin v3.1 ’ 8 one tine con-n] 33ml 011m! It" York Ind Inter be 1m mum . Thur u est-m. Venezuela. He " Wan m mumm- during the tran- gin Venezuel- and Germany, inf-Inn. n mim- ot can- at u» North mm regiment, V wu- lhot um killed at P!- fi, “Mumlmm ‘ m d I!" 1m mote: ‘ Man to an u um fl round by sun-or Prlnettl, the and [huh-tn" up In the Philippians with (he “I“ "JO-31.5fm w "I ”I II- ltl-l‘h "I m ol the com Inn. at end!!- mmtmmm-mifln ' “to liq-unla- ad on Incl-ha till it not by Amt ll. villa pm» «mum. in! "can run- lo 0-!- cl the dollar. 3! AIM] Mn. waldo-l. at (be M L helm company. tucks-la V, in pool- m at rum-an. 19d $0. in M's voluntary petition in W. with liabilities of 3122,- . mill Paint and Varnish Com " K Giovanna. The company has or 810,000. ' . v present and former city V out!" 01101518 and two outsiders ' the municipal court It Mil- , -- I d plowed not guilty to in- " out: returned on 3rd: charges. val-nut bu been issued for Con- H i Sidney Mudd of mryhnd. «« him with unuit. The war ' flu morn out by G. W. Floyd, 1 - elevator conductor, who say: the WWW keepers ire _ I Capt to adv-nee nua- N by It per cent. beginning - nun cursed him to: retain; - hive his post. und do In err-Ind, you he told Mr. fludd he was gâ€"Uunn and Ira mulled. >m Woodbury of the den-I1- ot “mun lltentun. Colum- I Unruly. bu resigned. [35,.“ The New York, New Haven 1 Hart- 3"." mlmd bu duchuxed 1.000 ”' to reduce expenses. 4:‘ The "port of the expert- who but» “plated their eunlnulon of the loch ol the mun. built at cm i; m. 0.. no“ 01M!“ Hour! 3‘ W u) have been “H.000 BM". “ m J. labour, pro-Mont. ny- than 3' ill I. no prune-um: no [but the x mun-thinned when unsung Wad. bur-ha both of the- II- mt m s crisp. ' M Sal Jone. GIL. D. A Pohlmnn. M0? at the Rodents! Trade: ”all of 8mm Chm man. was Wu“mbbodo($2fllndngold Ind ma man shot. penny. Mathew-ad Mano! Mmmmwmumuâ€" “column. Theme-maid hhnder-ndllnea 1m Clement- nd lode loser! you than: me! u 0mg 11cm mimic-.mwdmw" can-cam mum-sol- -mhumamuvem Madden. nhmumuecumh m the noun-ms latte" “unannoun- heme comm mutant) “damn-1m ‘MQ (run It's centered their II. Norma: Ih-dddnh m namflMM‘l“ m m”. (m “II-n“, Mumnbflndmfiw" Ch de within.“ Pen II- “ W (minim-Mm “mm-2mm. mu: m mwflnm'" tho u pro-Inn! Gunilla d be 0‘. lick. did In [hm WA! hi I nun vocal mum in nu.- “but. Hovuhfium 'uMns-I‘whmvm www.mmw m noun: an Wlluun lu- W. has Inland on the Caulk! mule- Vu mudum than“ «n «a- who mum in we. hue. v.- uuamxa, m h unaduiocrodunnwlumlou soul. Wows-unanmum [new taking, 1 Baltimore unan- lll Nu nppolnted by Pope Pius m, commander ot the Order fl“! WILD and Expo-Mun 'commnkot the United flutes. of which IL”. In to enable a credit-hie exposltlm: at the June.- town exposition, and tan.” for haunt!” Ind arrears due amused negro soldiers In the clvfl w": h Mr. loch"! 011nm). nppr Inun mm) for I statue of Abn am ncoin In Wuhl - ton. At 5:02 p; m. the house Idonm . Friday. Jan. :9. The Senate “opted the resolution In- troduced by Hr. Culhemn for the Dun- oenuc mucus. which cum on the Presi- dent to state whether the Santa has been supplied all facts henrlng on the mtrovem of Panama. The vote wn unmimon but than “a I roll cull on the am meat Ir. Cul- lom. calling for the Mom: on out, In one the President should conquer it 110! Incompatible with the nubile intent! to it. Thu nnemt was adopted by to u. I" the Rmbllmn ‘lenntors mt voting for the .mndunnt um! In tho Democrats erupt In. Helium (who void with the 30mm") cutlng thdr "to: lulu! It, Bacon mola- do. loohlnc to the mun-fluent of our u urnâ€"mu ., .“V_ 5’3"” "m‘ an“ Ion nan; " oh I nee ‘ “ Manon. were givâ€" dued u. tom"; 1"» 14mm; pen-u" .. “mm... "mm“. .- "4,..-7 V new I to the cow-minute» by Mr. 11ch m. J.) pammm the h- emflon by «(Alps of munch: Io Slur In business outside 0! (he lute: by r. mm (Wit). a resolution ex- unllng "no thanks 0! congres- to the We of WWle {or the statue of "file In mm»; hall In the capl- tol: v Ir. um IVA.) n but a apriâ€" “In: 01.1“.” to the New Dove meat and» mum; 'cogp‘g‘nLot the flute: "mm... The W for In hour in. met- uhel (3 (In mam arch at 1. Adam Bed- m. III-0.). r. Van Dunn ("01.) was rum the consideration 0! - relolmlon culling on up. mu of Inl- (all Information as m 'lun an .Ues mmfuzlund (or the :l um! are unfit M mm hum. , Mane ”m In. the can mac of the mum.- and reâ€" alm-d .. “9." “.m,‘!!!?!'! .33: TM unw- of the man. In: tin-mad I. not.” on "In mum. IN IN l‘nned But-n tat-M nâ€" Pun!»- mm. and (to M! of the t h with- hoid "010th "I (or by (M pn- ato. nun-n Cnihernon. German I“ moon upon an "to Dunn-u: fll’e Ind loo-rt mallow. "Id lane on "I. lit-”Nina. nm '3" ecum- M (mm ”M birds 0! In“ Pilla- dlelphh Ind Rmnml. 0... for the any; mum-um at the Plum Ire-u. m Mallow mam. :3: M II NM no 'u kink. ”in II mum. III II I “I. at. £2: wide "I: M": p. Inf-no n Emma laws I ‘ runmtmmu In the senate Mr. Simmons (N. C.) spelt. in favor of the Panama mnnl treaty. being the first Democratic sena- tor to favor the measure on tho floor. A bill granting to the citizens at Porto Rico and the Philippines the ri ht to take advantage 0! the natural ution laws or this country was passed. but Mr. 8 oner moved to reconsider the vote. he rawintion fiving authority to the committee on priv lens and elections to proceed with the investigation of the charges against Mr. Smool was mined A resolution authorizing the secretary of state to open negotiations with Great Britain (or I revision of the joint retu- iationa (or the fur souls oi Alaska wail ado ted. The following bills were passed: Ant orlzing tho secretary of the inte- rior to restore to public entry lands cm- brnced in Be regatlons for reservoirs: authorizing tie "1'6th of u murbin bust of Gen. 1.- nyclte: authorixin the erecflon o! I bronze statue oi lcnry wad-worth Longfellow on government lull! In Washington: giving the procl- dent authority to have derelict: des- troyed and Ipproprlutin: "mono tor the ' grunting moon nun-n or public in} a'ch In the mu. a! mum on. e Wyoming [or the maintenance of lob alert home-t The amounts went Into ex- soothe ago-ton ll 3:55 p. In. and at '50 in the ham-o [ennui dvbala on "as urgent doth-lent)! hm dlgrcued lo I au- ruulon of pulmml (mum. lhe rum amâ€" Ikm Ind uni-l nnngullon. Mr. Sullo~ n7 (N, H ). vhlflmwn "f lhl- commune on tnv-lu pen-Iona, Introduced In u. and service "union Mll nllowln‘ OI n no.“ lo “ch mom who octwd ninety Review of the Legislation 80- foro Both Houses of Congress. OUTLINE OF DAILY ROUTINE a audio. at W any" "er om W In: on a! 1M melon "mun. "I. cm mu to .0 Indian mom. 8min! Correspondent: Toll at cm Imlmu Tran-acted by Senator- and Repreuntatlvu In Sea-Ion at tho Clpltal. Tum-y, 1m. 11 Wednesday, Jan. 27. Chum-m WHEN THE INDIAN IENATOR TAKE! NIB SEAT. 0M Mlle... cm. Washington dispatch: Renew-te- tlve Littlelleld (Rep, He.) joined with me Southern Democrats In on- posing the extra mileage to men:- benofeangreee.becemofthe ex- tre and regular sellout The unend- ment Ind been proposed to the urgent deflelney Ml]. Mr. Littleflelgl nun- tel-ed M the specie] merged late no recent m at «can. there- he the W Immune we. man. no and the new. be. ‘ a he! Wm. ' Wldawa Aaeaflant Sheath” Dagger After He Wounds Her Thrice. Mlahawlka. Ind, special: "Klan me and I‘ll apare your life.“ said Dannie D. film-key to Lydia Phillips as the woman. thrice wounded by the dagger In his hand. lay pleading at the man‘s feet. She obeyed and the knife was sheathed. The blade had entered the man'a body, face and hand. and the mnda are serious. Sharkey had been living at lira. thipa' home over In yen-I. Ho '3: mated after the u- uult. but refund to tell the «use of the stack. Hrs. Phillipa Is I young widow. Wl‘ll‘ll 'mln‘nnun " nu“, u- .......... m art. and m‘lng It the duty of district nttomoys to Instuute melt [into- :â€" seating: In equity. Remnmtlve Dermot! of Now ”my Introduced a bill to author!» the appointment by the president of boards or! "west atlon nntl arbitration to investigate an ”Mu-ate disputes hour-pan employtn and ell- ptoyn._ At 4'56 1). m. the house ad- PROTECTS HER LIFE WITH KISS ms, mum Bum" mm . mu m a warm. ms... far "a: lawn 1M Ch! ”podium at What. am. In ”a. Reunion Pram "unload a M" npmhuna M.“ 'M I dun! M Abraham [m In Wummovu. A ”In! Motion [hint In the nine of Wm- fin "to chants of 1-0“ng tor "Iv unm- ol Pore In no I Och has I)” m- lnhnod Io tau-cry hall was Jam At Szfl o'ciock the pn-h 'Elfl "do or ecuke ream Incl at no 9. ll. ad- mud. m” “I a nplmad Mann-Ian of flu Pun-m melon In "to W. Inch 0“!an Columbia buslmsn was Mr pond of. m "in dlolmuc and con» I'll-r gamut-m M" was wading when "- homâ€" ndmmrd, The folkt- In Mll- wm pant-r]: Pym-Minn . nan! «if In "re dlntflrt at PM" and In the (mun-(km dlsirkl M U ml and Illinois: in nmond In art to «clonal»! the m of "on linked sung Mrmm uni (lurid «mus for (he suntan cm- Me! of Wlmsln; to "my and amend l treaty with the Manx Indians an the Rot-chm! mrvntlon. Representative Caldwell Introduced a hm appropriating U.” M anxnblk‘ hniklln fl Cnnln- vllk. [IL I Emma! 9 Hanna; I M“ 3mm»; MID for n m "c bundlnfi at ammnk, Ind. Rem-clen- huh-e at“ Intrudncod a hill giving Mr- cuu courts lad-diction to prevent and flair-In '10th of!!! yum-(Lg com; "VONHM. A um mums: "a NM- IM 0! a «an arm- tho Ilaâ€"lump. m n'. Dank mu“. In"! . n, planâ€"fl. < uar I‘m-or lam-loud n hm “In". authority In "we "an“?! a! l MY! In mum to the uni academy In mm mianm Amway! yethfi VII 'oonmem. out no: news: aw 4 tot For-kel- Introduced a mu provli “1.! nothing In the Act to regulate commerce. u proved Fab. 4. 1887, or in the not to who trade md mmmerce mlnll unllw I restraints and monopolies. Ir». raved July 2. l8”. shall hereatter I y. a turning commerce or shall pro blt‘ my act or contact In rum-Int of truth and commerce among (he leverul sates, ”ifll‘ g- uuch copy-ac! I‘Lrenlonabla. m- wlm 0010mm: ”inn Wow, but_ natty-cud u; "7‘, - LII! ‘.... The House passed the urgent deficiency bill. The clause providing double mile- use for members at Cungress was strick- t-n out by I vote of hi? to 0. Representa- tive Shalroth 0! Colorado introduced a reaoiution reciting the work that has been done by the commission on inter- national Exchange and authorizing the commission "to 1”;er subject to the ap- proval 0t (‘mmrvsm with other nations upon uniform laws, whk'h will ti-nd to prrserve as much at the gold product at tha world for ruiuugo and monetary pur- poses as possihiv. A cont-urn-nt resolu- tion accepting the stntute ut Jnmes Mur- quette. missionary and explorer. and m- \'idink that it remain in thttlary mil in the capital. and extending the thanks of Congress to the [X'Oli'e 0! Wisconsin. was must-d. At 3M7 ihu Hmim adjunrned. There was no session of the Senate. Monday. Feb. 1. Senator Dietrich at Nebraska made a request (or an tnvcntlwtinn Into charges on which he was tried recently by n {90‘ em] court in in: own state. and the sen- nte granted the requent. tho president m tern nppninting u committee multist- n: o! Stanton liunr. Matt 0! t‘nnnucii- rut. Spoon". (.‘ouitreli and Penn: to make the inquiflr. The remninder of the tiny Ivan devol to un nunmnt by Mr. Morlnn in «u port or the renolutlun in- troduced b ' r. [“01th dire-fling the new no commtteo on tun-Ian relations to auto an invuuttzlliun into the Panama Lama The House considered whether mem< ber- ot Con res: are entitled to two pay- ments or m leafs on account of the ex- tra maion. rub on merged into the regu- lar session. An adjournment was taium before a conclusion was reached. Cun- lidomtion of the amendment Increasing the nppmpriutiou tor the OXpQDSQl o! the district land oflices precipitated a. dis- cunaion on the subject of allegad land traudl. Representative l-‘Ituerald of New York introduced I bill mulling it uniawtui to use the pictures or names 01 living nous for purposes at trade without t a consent of such persons. Representative Maddox of Gem-gm intro- duced a bill providing (or the prr capita distribution at not to ext-Nut 825,000,000 annually of the surplus in the treasury among the states and territories for tho conutructlon and maintenance of no“! roads. Representative Prince ot-lllinoin introduced a bill grunting to each soldier who enlisted prior to July 22,1861. and who served continuously for two years or until the regiment was mustered out. a bounty at 31-3]. Saturday, Jan. 30. Down nus Ghovn momma. M Harmon’- coed mod. Benjamin Harrison recently visit the reform school for boys In Plain em, Ind.. and new int-rested h meow lad “med Mandol- ,wlondboumuhcn-n John A. Bunting. ihiie a brake- mnn on the Southern Pnemc n few yell-a ago, bought some but! in the Km river district of Texas. When the oil excitement erase In that nee- lionbesecnredoptionlonsomemon lend, which he belt! until it beame me center 6! nth-action Then be old at In own price. retaining some at the nimble. He is new be- noved to I millionaire. pastor. Rev. Herbert 3. Johnson. has donated every cent of his salary-â€" 83,500 a yearâ€"townrd detnylng the current expenses of the church and carrying on its benevolent work. Pastor Give. Up am. A mild sensation wu mused In Warren Avenue Buntlst church, Mll- nuheo. by the announcement that for three years past. and entirely un- known to the greater part of those who hnhitmfly nttend the church. the h: by the ”Mien in Logan's con- Iand m the ho" upon chII the ante vm erect the «menu-Isl. ”Will u":- lovm no.0, cm. MU toward all," words I'm u.- no!“ second Inaugural. will I. a. mud Irmnd on ude M m «mm or of the dome. On the other m. 'm M (In Int phrase from (In. Ornt'n tune" «ram In the my. "lg! I! In". pace." 0:: the much than the temple will be Ioatpd um I. “guy um whor- to design-u the points where nflrlve Illnniry refiner-(o. mm hum 01 art“- Ion ma lea troops at can)" :4 «and m (be Irorh. The not is one of the most com animus 'qun the limits of the ml!- lury urk. and m the point upon whlcl «the MchMter Mary was stationed during the siege. It is with- “ tiny rods of tint run one o! the strongest {mm o! (be Confeder- ate “mastoid. which was designated by non of the sum soldiers u for! Long's “vision of the Seventeen“: my corps was strung lions this mutton. ad the my)“ fnmom up jwuoo will be ncniptumd . um». IBM. 'Ith III-m of rule Ind VII- or. will mint "may record!" the «can at It. mum. noldlen u they put. OI a human “bk-t II the law will he I burn“!!! mm!- m ”and Yul... ”to war mvnnor at num. mun lo 0. 8. 0m! NI communion .- calm-9| ol the ‘l'volty-lnl "lillflt on" “his“ rm "ml the cumu- "no“ I). bottom. a Vk‘klbfilm on III! II." at April 1!. 1m. no In up mm at \‘khbnru by On. Num- The manual will be In the flaps of u rotunda at clrculnr temple. con- stncmd 0! white MING or mite. with bronze art-mutation. Bur- nounuu the null portion. which Ill] be (crumb! {art In Minn-tor. in) Do . Nahum-rial dome. Ibo mo! which will to May «in: not b night. In an podium! at my Comma-Ion to Pm on Plum m Vicksburg Monument. Plus (or I 0150.000 monument to be mud by the auto at Illinois In the national nlllury park at Vicks- bun. In... In honor or the 35,000 not aim sud unor- who participated In tho niece of that city {mm mm 29 to July 4. 18“, law bm'n completed and mud (or nun uppmnl to the ma communion. MEMORIAL FOR IOLDIER DEAC. Brahman Becomes MiMonalv-e. Memorial Tcmplt to 35,1!» Illlml- Bowlers to Be Erect“ in the National Military Park at Vicksburg. party. The other: no driven down to I hotel. where a print. dinner I: Ion-II to than, at vile] I In, though Pam? u a "at M’. Ptderewskl Is the possessor of an estate near the little town of Horses. nt which he churning a u- flety of nuts. ranging from royluy to more or lent brok’n down mull- cluu. who. u it were. mks his home their home. Asked by an Incl-erect Mend how he disposed at tho latter on much occasions :- am of a dinner party at which royalty vu mt. he replied: "Those of lily 0M board- erl who hue dress mm Join the era by saying: "I regret thu women has ever entered this hard race for min; money. I am sure that some- thing of the fineness of her nature I! lost when she enters the bartering world of commercialism. Her finer nature is submerged in the suite for money and personal odvancement.” This was poflicuhrly nnplensant doc- trine for Dr. Delk‘a audience, as one of the association’s chief objects In to look after and protect "Rapport- lng women. Minbflcr Dqflom E0147 0! Women Into Commercial VIM-M. Dr. Edwin H. Delk. pastor 0! 8t. Mnthew's Lutheran church. ”undel- phin. addressed the Young Women’s Chflstlan association at that city this week Ind rather astonished his heur- Hm “naught". '00 L00." Ind:- lyn WI: In... "on Nth-"gill". the vmmble Brooklyn dvmrnlk‘ lender. has me to rm for M: nnnnfl um. 0n not mention: In kit-er your: 1 no“ cm'd M retainer: accompanied bin to the hunt. in there 'ns no not «moan-lion [Mn your. The old man in: last Mn annual grip IM now "new up [an "no poor to do MI- rum." 1'", at "um of Ms oldest Mend: went along. "e um not return until about Avril l, nnd Democrats who mum: the nncient lender‘s movement: with some Ima- est took the (out 0! Mn absence nnul me mne an In Indication that he in: no Intention ol portldpnung In the spring wit-mes or convention: to elect deleptes to the nationnl con- vention‘ hr man man! "on: "n ma. or now. Mel mun: In 00 mln “0...!!00000 Truly-loot mum. of IN: "mount In. obllnuool. Im ha and met to the a“ county. which had opal u the "no of m mun”- mfly "30.000000. lonely In mo- "no. Tho Mun nu'u. Inclmflu mm «mm Work done by the old I“ the no- rmal: companion. with In mingled "non! at thou! “H.000 tubu- nrdl o! aunts! u a to“ at I lull. no" than ”3.600,.000 Inn- and «In-Ion. and ":0 mar anther“ by IM Franck comma. mm at "£00,000. AI ham-o amecuoa of drain". my. “flat. «wanton. can. Docomo mm. Ind other nuchluety Ind appli- uca. not considered at unmet panel“ "In. 1.“! buildings. Including "at“. gnu-(m. non hon-cu. show, hos-plain tad Cumin-l arm“. What has Uncle Sam actually bought. or contacted to buy at Pun: Lot m9 Into ucouul of mock Tb‘ are «m.- Items: 80.000 acre- 0! around I: let-unnu- and along the route. WHAT THE UNITED STATES HAS BOUGHT IN PANAMA 7. Tho Rnwbllv o! Pun-u la lo 70 THINKS IT A PAL“ STEP. MAI LOIT NI. MOLD I. Then L". In mm? A distinguished Hindoo sauna. ngmm Chunder Bone, m of science In the enema unlvcnlty. In asserted that the true tad. of Me In In object in m capacity to ml to menu! lflmukllâ€"h other woman. In Imubimy or anathema-u! It. Is chimed that. seem-lung to tilt. test, there in no man all...- between mind. and m m I motimfinhctnnmfl. sensitive u the lun- may It. cr,lnmnhr¢luu-_ _,,' a! H Citizen. 0' small 0M0 Town “and by Their "aim. Backed up In the citizens of CI”- don, t little 9mm neu Clank“. Thomas Howler, driver of an Inde- pendent oll wagon for two years, ha been carrying on wnr with fire Stand- ard on commny. M dlllerenl "no the mammoth concern bl! mt Hm wagons mm the town. oll'eflng to Dell considerably below any figure Ron-M could reach and make a living. Tho citizens stuck to the independent M er and in each case the Rockefeller octopus has been forced out of the mull field. Hmlor says mmv ly: "A mu who his lab neighbor! behind him can't be beaten By a old mllllomlre." salt! he was "Hula, Zip” and M "Belle would know." The In” removed three Incl-ell of all- In. his arm and one boy that fund from pain. while the Man rushed to Ms eyes; Then he tuned to the m- m and ma: "It It 'fl'l lei, Dell. you can (the another once 0! ‘0.” “Little Zip" Ins I brute ltd no" bend. There's me mil-g d A hero In that boy. Nailing of a ”no in moo-VON“ lunch Icy. "not": Is not «aim in m an IM Imam; K may not. am In cthron. Rm": I mu. (it! In Butch 'u so badly turned that lkmmrylomfluom he!” at akin on not body to an in Me. Many at her acted-nu. boys um! mm. mkmmed to I'm the cuticle run. their on m The int min-loot lo be Inke- Ilia the operating mm "a n boy 0 you. old. 'ho rinsed to give Ms lune. no a” I)!» helm: lid. lot A lot. fit “on out In In. Tho umue wobble loot... u pin-d u ohm 30.000110. tau. 0! III: Milan. meaty on «M cm «or am of cod. To win! "(at II. and VIII mm macaw than the out o! uni-mutton. and no. 50 «and. The ma mil. “M Im- an «mm. mm- m can "on In yam-Inn "WM! Wu An Duh. u Pun-n." by Mal N. Tutor. h D's-m", MM!" um. The lom urn-Non m 10 be m. I: «llama-d u about 05.000.000 enuc mm. mm lm-Iudln. the stock It tho Bonk: dun And the canal. oultwu. The wank-Hun at the can! to u 4.30 0! anruu [cm from ocean to can. u dlnltm at tony-ulna an“. I- a- varied to out about "ammo. Vow «In I"! nutulo m: than.“ u a nun. Iva-India: lockup. of [on .m- w hour. Ml mun cnfl um ho lot-«I not only through u.- can]. but celvo Immediately 810.000.0130. and Il- nu-lly, alter Mlle nuns. Ibo Inn 8250.000 The L'nucd Slates 1mm. ho- Pun-ml the gnu of a “rip a! land Mo mum n-Ido upon each I!“ 9! the can-L We are “no to m. woman (or the continuance ol good order throughout Ibo new republic. LITTLI FELLOH WA. IRAVC. DEFEAT FOR VAST TRUST. v.0 H

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