Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 17 Mar 1904, p. 3

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Aden cablemm: Gen. Manning. commnnding the Brmjx expedition In Somalnand. has famed the Mad Hul- mn’n Moos and mum! 150 men and upturn! nu, camels. Harflslmrg. Pm. dispatch: Pour nilmnd employes were incinerated In a box car containing gasoline, ten miles west of here. The man were asleep when n spark Ignited one of five barrels of gasoline in the our. mate passed a numher nf Mlts HI- mm; to Alaska. but failed to not on the measure authorizing the Marion of .1 delegate in crmgrm (tom that hrrltm‘y Mr. Plat (Cami) opnnwod (he hm and man In marl and mum w- disc-owrwl Sir. He mm said no mnmhor or tru- razne ot rvpresmuallvrs vlrslrpd m mnn In" one. Mr, \VIInarns, the nu- nomy leader. said Pm wanted 1hr cor- ruption h the postnmvfl dPI-arlmrnt In- vennuted. not hy Ihc friends or the men whose gum was mnperu-d, but by a committee amlnlM hy tho nrmket flr. (mnireet kn fnr an ham um tho Hay resolution. In mid :Mre wan In no In- ummy any vlolatlon n! "1th that ever by any membor of confines In mak- In! recommendnuon enhrr rnr clerk hire or Mche or renlnl or 90!:on hund- mgs, Another commune would rnach the nine conclusions "In the previou- mmmnteelgad rgaortgg. When the hon" mot Rourka Focknn «as sworn "I. Mr, Oven-[run mum"! lpcnomont or ram-Momma! of (no my restitution homing-mm the "den...- ropnrt. I". May ohrru-d Mr. Hemmrn .1! Iowa mid an Invnugmlnn mm“ min: out no 'nelg rm! brought to "am by the rowan-m». "port. to which WIIL lam Aldon 8m") rpynrteg Huff-Ms had awed. I! was "Io i'hmwlne nMppO-m Em. Remnor Quay lntrmlnr-ul n MEI np‘ vruprlalln' ”.550 M In divided among nut-ml 'echniell «1.00M “winding 1'1"- «100 shivers-"y. (a? "1- punmse t-f dr-lrr‘ mhlng «urinating pmmnmn In tannin-- "on run the mmnh-rhalam in lovnrmh llw- drfilng wheels. 9mm" .‘Iul’ an In- zrndmd I MM m-Inuun ("rt-r! n. "M mhmlln anal rommmssum m "ammo- tM. practknblllly n! rallnmd lrnnspnfln- "an a! "ml: and Ilwlr cargoes “may lhe isthmus of human mm M Iummn- um "pm-1 'h‘tm tum-er "Nation In nor-dad to strlll‘fl the ”(In 0! perms who complain :hal their amm'onn‘ In :nurfnml wuh unj‘nfly, Consideration M 'h. an“)- up- gny‘fltuon bill was "mined, and m am“ [flaky-la! I slnsl "w nl‘rcphlnm- .f I”! name at 'rv-Jrvisk m- Orv-m. towarrgdA hy_Ew_mr_rqr WI Inn. on "1-: mm! "m Prodnh-k m ”mu mu not a sympathy with Ann-rim" Insmmmns. r Stews" "pun! "ml My "mun only mllnmownu-d uuo charm-In u! rmlork‘l, The dhnnxsmu was dnn‘lwd uul the army “romp «my M" «M at the :6 mum general': onIL-e wlth the record tn pension office. Both were ac- coptsd. The hm was amended no In to ‘provldo for In lucrmuo In the engineer corps. Tho discusslon of the bill was not completeg. Tlgq Ml! of My. Nywland; to preserve he vista (mm the dome of the netionnl capitol to Washington mon~ ument b restrictini the erection or pub- lic build an to e ine 400 feet. on either side or A central line between the [nu named wnl referred to tho commit «3 on District of Columbia. The fortifications bill was reported from the committee on Appro rhtlona. with a net increase of over the bill pnneemby the house. uniting the tom 3137.192. The time of the house was devoted to the consideration 0! claim him. and thirty-two were passed. One relating to the granting of en American register In the ship Beaumont. formerly 11 British craft. wmked oil the coast of Nova Doom. and inter rebuilt b an Ameri- cen. (eve III. to considers!) a dpbeie, but 'u tempted. Speaker Cannon. in rui- lnf on the conference report on the legis- le In. executive and judlciei epnro ria- tlon hill. stood b A former prece ent. holdin- thet con era‘s mum not Insert new matter. end the hilt I‘ll eenl. but-t u ooflerence. Wedneeday, March 0. he run .60le .x remluuon by Mr. "our all-ecu" the commllleo un pou- Tuesday. March a. The senate a t most at Its Ilmo dil- cmln comm! o amundmvm- lo the armx. Ill concernlng provisional troop- In !_ P‘h-lllpplpe. andntha _I_.~unsol‘ld_allpn apeclal Correspondent. Toll of the lumen Transacted by Senator! and Reprzumatlven in Sec-Ion It ”I. Capital. OUTUNE 0F DAILY ROUTINE Review of fine Legislation Be- fore Both Hquses of Congress. ENABTINE [AWS FUH THE NATIUN Gatollne Km.‘ Four. Rout: Mad Mullah. 'fiiiiriiii; Fir-eh 10. Lumber Mill Burnt. Wolverine. Inch, dispatch: Th0 Hank Lumber Company's mill 1 Hnakwood. a few miles from here, has been destroyed by are. Loos. $160; 000; unmet. 1100.000. Die. to Save Child. Portland, 0m, dispatch: In an at, tempt to rescue a lime giri wfm had fallen from a steamer. Sumner Smith. son of one of the most prominent mn- itaUstn of ihls city, sacrificed his own life. The little girl was saved. In the house the conference "part on "m lpgflslatlvr, exornuve and Judlwml ap- proprln'lun bill was smell to, A fax-"rah“ rqmrl on "w anmy bm prohibiting m. :m-lulkm In paring" of mnul‘mrtnrwl mhncrn 0! coupon. no... um onion-d 'n the full hnusn mmmltll‘e on way! rm] man: by thn subcommittee having ":0 matter In charge. Thn samur- mmhkrv-d mo (Minn-"nun apprnpflmhm Ml! All tho omnmiuv-v amrmimmfl! bun-m on», far "to pur- h.»- ol n snhmarlno Impala hm for up” menial purlvoyu-v and lhnl vol-ling In [In purvhasr or film for tic-IMHO in ”\4- "u waflan 99mm!» Ion nm-rvlwi. Tho {m lhr-r anshlrfullnn M lhaw- nmrmlm.-m! was puslpflnm until Monday. A mltnh- ‘ ur MHx won [\Tlsz‘rdv Orr or vhc-m ha! for In var r” (h? prM'c-nUon of mo firs wratlnn o the Ann-titan flag hy h! u». lot ndv‘rll-lng purpusn. The ("flowing nnmfnalhns '9‘" confirmed: I‘a 1min Georg! A. Pom-one m be chi»! n mo- huroau at nrdnnnm In Ihp dopnrum-m nl thn navy with the rank n! roar admlrah (‘nmaln Hour x, Mnnn‘y. to he «Mo! of mo burnau 0 million"!!! In the (Io-purl- manl of mo navv. with (he rank of r adm'ral. The "Mowing nominations w rv rewlvpd from the mkkm: Antwan! al‘ (ornry fm-rnl. Charla:- H. Rohh, \vr- mgm, mmanon: ladlnnnâ€"Wllbur n Dgsln._\\ "Mn". _ m” an In “an!” "an "no m‘nn M "sv- Irv-Mow "mu" In tar as ll rum-nun- mum-".1 M "n hmmu TM" trw mlv own manure 7.1-.- h "p cm!" Th- dnmmav "I ma minor"; fur a "nu-hr: Invnlhmllmu a! (writ Dwmwh M "I. *wnflhu flop-"mm I'r' pm! gram.” )w lr-Q I"! "II! quv'sli-m rump m1 .2 \m: our :x pom of unit-r, «Mt-h "mun-n! m (a 121. u ”rm party \uln [landing on. drh‘nv- “‘"HIm AH"! Sm"?! l, :l-mv "Ir clflrulh‘r l'v‘ymflmml! 'nr "- If” (an! Il’l‘fll'VIl‘fll n! "w only hvnmh ..' 0h“ KINI‘HIHI'IV' In dirul lnmh with 1!.- pumh H! Um rnqury." uml nhunlc-«l mu lhv "7"".- m Fiu‘flhll’ l‘amum lur mm «km at Mo l‘nuwl Rem-w. 'hlrh w-u 7'- "Ned “I!!! gnu-v :awlann. Th» v n!- vm-mfnllmu uf Iho rmnmiflfl lhnr H- IL-ny p....lul|on "1- un 1M hhh- w.» ervl down unwrammlnufly. Hr. llmrtl (N. \‘i Immdnvorl n MII taming an In carvmu- rmmmr-v rm!". and mm rmw- m: Imam-nun mmmhrn- (111mm m v.- 9“ 'rflrm mun The house a. urnul f The senate passed a mlolulIon mm:- ‘Inc the Interstate commute commlaslon go furnish the senate with a term" or ‘chnngoe In the runway lerlfl run for each year- elnoe 1m. comparing the rev« enuea recelved from them with the gross and net revenue- that would have been received under the rules of 1399. A hlll fur the enlargement o! the federal hulk!- lnx In Nuhvllle. N. (2.. and appropriat- mg sumo for the purvose. was rassed. IIr. Hepburn nve hollee that on mxt Wedm-sda he would move to (elm up the pure ood hIll. nr. Carmeck'l reso- lullon calling on the secretary or the trensury for the per- bearln on (ho nnmlnatlon of . 8mm: Wooe , the Mormon bIshop. to be en tlnten an! at me nssa onlce In BoIse. daho was laid before I e eenete. and on Ilr. Hoer‘u nmtlou Ihe lmll. went InIo elecmlvo session at 12:!) v. m. to comm" the matter. Mr. Cu-mecll nude an alien t to have the matter dlecuued In nu Ic sea-slum but ill defeated. The club then was dropped. The namlnnlon of um. Wood was (then up. And Home. Scott and flinckbum mule speeches In orposlllon. The dln/‘Imuon in! not con- cydm when. at 6.6 v. m.. the senate Idx‘nurncd. {In nurly now-n hour- at ext-Inna- flon. accuullon and um ultra denun- mun-u. the house tank In lave-ugl- "an of pound unm- only so fu- u memheu of "lo house are concerned. by n "Ira commune or uneven member» In be lowland by the man". who like- bee-nee of hi- deem tor time for electe- elon It we: no green-d. The Mutan- bllle panel t In ad thou tor Improve- want 01' rel I. the matntenlnee of echooie, the appointment of an ndditionni‘ {bulge and the extenelon of coal laws to. he territoni'. A bill was pas-ed increase! In; to 8100 t pension: of ex-eoldlera andr sailors who have become tot-ii blind on' account or service. The ones on o: the: e polntmunt 0! ll. Smith Weolev. the ormon Mxhop. to he superintendent or the pay othce at Boise. iduho, was posh poned. end Mr. Hoar gave notice that he would move for an executive session when it came up. The senate went Into executive session at {:20 p. In. The doors were reopcnmi at 4:40 p. m., when an- nouncemcnt we: made oi’ the death of Representative Croft. The chair annnlnh ed Maura. Tl mun. Latlmer. Fulton. Clark (Ark) In McLaurln a committee to attend the funeral. and u a mark or respect the eenate adjourned. in the house Mr. Finlex (8. C.) an- nounced the death or is colleague, George William Croft. Resolution: of lym athy and regret were ndopted. The open or announced the following us the committee to represent the house It the funeral: Messrs. Finley. Aiken. John- son. negate Scarborou h, Lever. Lou- denalnyzer. i’nttersun. lchnrdson. Mc- ‘ Lain. Houston. Sibley, \Volnse and Jack- ‘ eon. As a further mark or respect the house adjourned. Saturday. “arch 12‘ Friday, March 11. Find anor'c Body. The body of Horace Becker. I well- mwn bncbelor hrmer or Bmghton townnhIp. who disappeared Int. No- vember. ha: been found from In a an of Ice In a am" creek which runs than Mn farm. Prisoner Take: Pohon. Charles McClellan, In in" at Harrin- burx. attempted suicide by mixing ntrychnlne. and would have succeeded but for the prompt action of the sher- m. McClellan took the poison nthat than serve a term In the penitemlnry. Band for Glass. H. l, Bowman of Alton In preparing to open what appears to he an Inex- hausuble supply of white sand for linking glass on his place near Delhi. A switch fill be built and work of taking out nlnd will be started shortly. lunch L. E. Union. Intel! Bmlnker. president of the “Mon county Christian Endeavor union, has organized n branch Iminty at Klnmundy with the following um- . R. H. Dowan. president: Mrs. lmle Simpson. vice :msidont: Miss Maud Dnvla. «mt-vary: Min Poarl Sexton. treasurer. Gamer Remain in Shovel; \n nnidommenl man was ka-II no" East Alton by a tug rum train. The fragments a! clothing lrfl, lmlientod mm ":0 man was not an ordinary tnmp. Borflnn hands gathered up "w rpmainn in slim-M9 and took it In ”in? Alton. «hero an haunt ‘1: held. Tho moon has been ndvanred that the- man Ins mnrvlprwl Ind his body plum-l on ohc- murk. H us dragged a half nliv. Proud of Large Runny. Mr. and Hrs. Mendrlokn a! that M- 10» no Ifl'rodflrd n-llh hnvlnc the prin- Inmlly nl‘ India-m umnu. Re- rmuy Mn. Hammon- can Mr": I" a non, her elxhu-rmh and "My {our of the rhlldren at "10- family hum died. and must of those living In! hays. Tlu- pal-0mg Ito mlmmely mm"! 0! "wk Inrgv family. The father I» : "nap-rung farmv-r 0! Wow! Rlvor IOWESDIDV wm (Mom!!! Anon-ohms“. mounting. an Ian-On: undo In M. m In nun-l- “: mm din-lou- M ulnmbllbu Ibo will In" No- Yolt. mm and Baltimore. July 25. for n marl-ml lrlp m we World'- fur. TM mmm will an". In muf- filo and ”mound and In 01me In lnlm In Anon Ang. I, VIII-n plum will he paraded fur I grind triumph- ul .mb w m. lmn une folh'llg lay. C. P. 8min M Minn In In any.» 0! the Alum Imuumonxs. “and" mm NW tact. Bchradrr. ltm 'dh‘hw hu-alor." who In "so luhjm'l of our» 0! manqu- nrr nolurlnly a Irv want It!" cm art com" o! ninth-u Duo in ullrm-d In haw Mormon through [mun-r uml laying on of hands, In in Arr-III u-mu'nurlng in organ!" I chMy 0! "us umlno "thou". M which ho In "an mm. "a run In“. loving rob". I lull ban! lid in. h-lr In luv-x “Illa: about Ill would"; I"- taco ban - um monbhm to the pointing» a! "mu. Mod that also: he hnnlud down the Alumni: am and moored the golden min, they ‘00” be no: on. And that tho Inc-ber- at his van! would aluo ho nude “men. During I storm I! Calm Capt. Haunt. It!" rescuing Mu luau, {mm the but. which Inn Ned mr laud, look "us 'hNI and drove "to hot! out tnln the um: um“ the norm Ill Met. Mh Hunt oi Allen I- Compellod to Roman American Plan. To uvo himself Ind family (mm Injury by tough- dutlng bl: dov rlvcr Mp. (1'an Fluent or Alton w obllgod to remove the golden eagle- mu; which he Md decorated M- M llno hunch. Roulle. durlng a trip to the Arm“. tlvor. Capt. fluent sud hull: arrived home alter halo; me our three months. Whlle la the Ar hum fiver. «o IDHOI {tom home. In I!» attached by I may a! renal:- whllo the hon! Inn “ed up. and la- ROUBHS ATTACK RIVER BOAT Sentence in Rotomtory. 1n the circuit court at Bellevillo Frank Gregory. the linear-old St. Innis boy who shot and killed his father. Clark Gregory, at the Advance elevator, East St. 14min. July 26. last, ; on trial for the murder, entered a plea o! guilty to the charge of manslaugh- ter and Judge Holder sentenced him to the state retormatory at Pontiac. In passing sentence, Judge Holder took occasion to administer some good advice to Gregory. Mrs. Mary Gregory, the mother or the lad. was in court when sentence was passed. and was visibly alrected by the court's admonition of her son. breaking comv pletely down and sobbing aloud. At the first trial 0! Gregory, in January. the Jury tailed to agree. The state at the second trial had two witnesses whom it was unable to obtain at me1 previous trial. Gregory sold at the‘ time of the shooting that he killed his (other because of his cruelty to his mother. Subsequently he stated to the police that he was glad he had killed his lather; and that he had made the trip to East St. Louis for that purpose. BOY ADMITS KILLING FATHER Fratuclde lo Given an Indeterminate nowmma GROVE ammu‘ Negro Barnum Conn-a. Three negmea under arrest It Fe orln have confessed to twenty-In hur- g‘lnrles of residences and aim with- In the put two month. The! declare the John were planted by I salm- Melon- ar-d Tomatoes. Nearly 400 acres have been nor mu] by the Salem fmii. grown-3' ”sock. tlon in be planted in molom find to- matoen this mason. Wlih a fawn-able smwn, this acreage will yield several cur loads each any. Km. Hlmufl More Son. flhnrles Gallagher. a prominent cmâ€" znn 0! Lincoln, in I M of dexmndency. 1mm Mame" In the head In plain sum of his "(He mm, Honor Anon Teacher. Mrs. Charles (‘nnnor Inn be": event- ml president of tho North Dakota W. C. T. U. She was formerly a teacher In the Alton schools, and Is a daughter- ln-law of S. F. Connor. ’ Pemion Forgery. w_ r, Rosa or Golconda was con- view! It. (Ian-n In tho Unned States (llama court at Calm of fmlng pn- pon tn nurture I pomlnn. Th:- jury found “In guilty In Harv-e umntl. Ack Heavy Danny... AM It (‘llrk and Mar":- l mu have and tmmght mu II Hlllshnm In "N rlrv-nu mum mint. the nnrmnn flro Insurnm‘o mint-any nl lndhnn Inf "H.000 dun-gm Im- false Imprison- mr-m. They rnnrm- Hm Ibo mmmny hurl mom amml on false charm- of nrmn (‘IlIfllfll Ihvm nn-aa ion arr! dia- “'nrM'! rnlr. A mmmlum- mmpumwl n' Mossrs. R. A. Smilh. Stump! Hut. lugs. \"I'lt‘f Wm". Sldnoy IL Mll- m. and ('npfi. W. M. Willlar“ has lwvn np;minhwl In haw: OM.- muuvr In pharzw World‘o Fur Om; Thv- Palm board of Inclo In unlu- ln: tn nuke . runway of IM- mlnml re-mlroos of Alex-min umMy at "he WurM‘s rulr. A cummmm- mmpmwvl 0' Mann. E. A. Smith. samupl Hut- lngn. Walt" WM". Quincy IL MH- In». Home tutu. A Mom- Maw. «now In "or flu- Ily n! l‘blrlu Mulder. ma down In nah-Mum»! "In"! [wt Mali 1' NIMI Md Fin-hm, Mrrou‘ Allan Incl wu firmnllnkd‘ The hm was no Um mummy "nu and "to 0'9" M Un- M- 1"qu tampon! Md cut down MI Mm. Th:- lamlly I'm. fort-nun”, In a [mo lam-x II "n- "no. 70 OM In." looti. . TM «Kuhn um; um lumm In Rot-I: «mu. aunt of J-uoulllo, trauma; ma gunning 0' mm no“. but what to 0m lllllou hm"- IM uvenl In m. amt, clan to no Win-mm:- Illa but mam no Agents 0! 0m I’M-1 aunt may-Ila. I! erllk and hue "new to ma- lnr' urn-In (or the plant: (Mn. I... ’0 Im on Cu. Mn. Juno-u William. 0! Human” vino Ill um mulch-My Ill vhlk- on u mhurhn my vn mow In m. Lam». and below Irrlnurmcuin mum In- much [of Mr n-nm-I uh» xnn- hmh (u a child. Thu "Ml-4'" u! "w «mummy In“ ":0 car up "w lurk in hr u- m. Inn'- Vat-pull. Inn-u- Mrs, Willi-mu wu Mum In rhurlv In Hu- vhf-n "1 "In Innlumkm King's am to Galley. The friend» 0! Mun-nun- college at House have been made happy by Ibo announcement at n pawn-l all: by King Out: 0! Sweden 0! 5.000 crown, 0! “4.000. (crud lhu 326.000 (and for the nublhhuont u! l chair of ign- mm In (In! In-ulullon. whlch Pm. Ideal. Andmcn la onduvorlnx lo rum: lu Buodcm. Over lull of Ihr nmmm malted bu Ilnuly been Ina-rum]. A! Minoan. Loren Slurke, non of Mm. Beanie Starke. and 4 years; howls Knights. aged 19; Du'ld Qulck, proclaim-n! farmer. At Rock Island, Jolm W. Whlte. head attorney of the Modern Wood- men. A! Mann-ll. Mn. Mnrthn E. Pam. A! Nauvou. Connd Knluu. M Trenton, Loren: llemcr. 8n, 150d 12 yearn. At Beardatown, l-‘lormlce M.. young- est dwghur of Mr. and Mrs. Thoma A. Jones. A0. Mount Olflve, Michael Presser; Francis Gerber. Near Carllnvme_ George Drake. At Cullnvflle, Christer Keyea: Jo- Ieph C. Smith. axed 68. At summon. WIlllam Archibald Shlrley, aged 46. At Taylorviiie, Lizzie Manon-smith, 23 years; Mrs. Alice Green, 50. At Palmer. J. L Boyd. aged 66. At Grove City, Mrs. Josephine Har- tei. aged 86. At. Virginia. Theodore Stout, aged 62. Near Chesterfield. Richard Duckies. aged 90 years. At Quincy. Mrs. Dorothy Balcke. aged 83: Mrs. Catherine Zimmerman. ‘2; Mrs. Mame Irvin. 70. At Dclavan, Mrs. Gordon Bailey, aged '85. At Jacksonville. Samuel Hlnckee, aged 76. * Another lroquolu Thou" Fir. Vic‘im Pluc- Away 1: Chicaao. At Mascoutah". Charles Leonhard. At Chiclso. Mrs. Elizabeth Can-In: ton of Injuries received in the Iroquois theater fire. DEATHS THROUGHOUT lLLiNOIS Fromm. mum. The Contra": city council. fined an ordinance ”It!!!“ with. ”on the Manna-h mile pun. m mmnyumn-‘m ,pl.fl‘ month“ .810- M M _ Insane Man a.“ Home AM. In an Insane nf. AHm-o Poster. 1M 11. son 0! D. 1. Foster of Rama, not fire to his father's hnmw. The bit“ awakened Ms father. whn nucceedd In getting the momma of the M!!! out o! the home. The boy In In in“ uniting lnquhnlon for Insanity. Go to cm" Prim. Pm" Omar mum and Dr. Stoker. the clairvnylnu, convicted at Decatur on n churn of embezzlement. have been uken to the ponitonflnry It Chesâ€" "r. Stranger Comm". Sumac. A wflldrnsod man, bellovtd to be A, S. Mum-n. he hlvlnx registered If 3 Springfield but»! "nus-r that nuns. mmmmod wlrldo. The mm was a stranpr. Organize Packing Compmy. A packing mmmny ls hem: mun. Izod In Maumn with a "pull stock of 820,000. Ind H In expected that I large packing plant will be nut-hushed flmh. Go to cm" Prim. Prnf nm-r “.1an Ind Dr Ron" .3 I A lo. man In”: H mum for no you- he- mmble owned by cola. mldn't digest [and while I "van! on hilt â€"â€"nothlux Int (into. and llllm w-m I‘ll um In, 1 sum to In 'mm did not m. "It was that 5 Death an “In; Pout-n not need the pill filer that. for l m m can now on a not null .‘I 'm- 1 to I up. at Pou- an «ad (on! In. ‘ ,t‘il: i; {.5th {3!} stranger Commm «mm. A tollâ€"dressed man, believed to be A. S. Mom-e, he hnvlng register-pd at : Springfield Mun! under that nuns, commuted arm-Me. The min was I stranger. IMMn Hem. l‘pmr Allow Inn-mm min In at «Morin: the advisability ol undo-Ina the «mun In lmpmn n "can am Alton morrhunln for the privflen d rlnurormg good: in PM Man. 8m Truman Company. \VH'JIIII P Mulls has manual mm Iallnnl Hu- Qunmy Mm! w company for 85,000 «amuse. for Injur- Ing "valved ter riding on I m be- longing to the ennui]. “an [mu Lupe W In a Incl-henna: count II. I» van» Dam Darla-.1] ol Ibo new.» «hm-ch I( Calm added loflrmn not momhon‘ The!!! Inn two on” and flu- mm IN! by w. l: hum was via lnrlmm. Mum: In twenty-«II wall lwr-rtynne hy Mn Kala Lem? “do. Mala! finch. A You-m Ilw mm: mu n9 flux at a blah m:- of and «Intel Into "no rut cm! 0! not»! mm: In". at "u- 0va!» math- ud .Ifl M (h:- nhnme mm In (in My "an o! I” our case do" a. top of Ike Ink-mum mm and broke Ibo-I Il may placer. Klmflhx mm in nude of m- nbnmo, but no on in him“. II M lam-o In ”minim-u. «at M Omnvma. Norma- wmlntm. up art-dud by In Imbk “(out which uh mm. and "no nan! «no. at hnlmuu.uuldwhlkumn¢ her "lama. fin. dull" to m. M" lulu Hulk-r, who I‘M "in! Int Hu- ammo-r M mm Rum (mu-um u ”out" "In lul July and un- ac; qnmw. h lylu u no will 0' mm ‘ Application is Made.“ Supreme Court to Review the 0m. Charles L. Walker. representing the lllinols and Michigan canal commit slon Attorney General Hamlin and Jud Joseph N. Carter have tiled in the once of the clerk at the nuprenie court at Springfield a petition for a re- hearing in the case in which the III- preme court sustained the contention of Richard E. Burke 0! Chicago that the constitution oi the state forbids the appropriation of money in aid of railroads and csnals and that the ap- propriation in rid of the illinois and Michigan canal made by the legisla- turo It itl last session was invalid. A hearing is asked for on the ground that until tho present amount In the treasury to the credit of tho canal fund ($338,695) is exhausted the sp- propristion must be held valid. Special stress is laid on the statement that the lock tenders will be withdrawn it the appropriation is not declared invalid. and thus nsvlgstton for corn- merciai purposes will be stopped. The ‘ federal government has appropriated $1,000.000 for the construction of tho ‘ Hennopin canal from ltock islsnd to diennopin. on the lillnois river, and the petitioners contend that construc- tion at tho ilennopin canal. now under way. will be useless without I Chi~ cago connection through the iliinoia and Michigan canal. mu. Mu WM. OM. Roll"! llama, unfilled by Chan” 89mm I! lJncolm lam; up pun-chm! 8mm”. who in at work. and nirvana-d to nlck . quaml. Hpndloy m-n (Mow Ito Mich II Mum-y. mm at than Mulnx Mu on the baud. Mnrny'u «Iv-nth I'll Ipuul Innoouu limb urn h-vr “will" and on If" known. “Minsky I'll Intro hams Palm Hui-lulu "month! and MM In bum!- at $2,000. “do ancn' Election. The board of directors of the Ill|~ noll auto hrmm' III-mule met .1 Springfield In tho ollco of Bocrdnry Ila-loner. tad alt-fled the foflowlu outer. for "m emmlnx term: Pro-L dent. B. If. Wymnn. flycunore: vice president, It M. norms”. Pain-rd:- vlllu; secretary. A. n. "IIIIHI". m. Carmel; (manner. A. P. 0mm“. Win- chester. Tho work [or Ibo ensuing year In toruulllcd._ ASK FOR REHEAI'NNG 0N CANAL 'Iy-nvfll new to «Mm and mm was vir wall Inn-1 m- Lam‘s nplny, In haunted , street cu m for Injnr. on I a: fit» plied. "I n- In a I.» d [WOW-ll Ilium Ilfihmhahfilfll’l haven't-mun“! “nymfl-I'nruurm M‘tm'nuumm lmthootkrhllo'lotlo luvomtlumu "unmanned”? "Betti-them. M“ ”em-unto!” “Tour-n; [Mm «hourâ€"mm 'J .3 $1 1 Mum u I with I" the noun unke- M flood III um: vol! when «man at It drink It. A u «71' iii- d also VI. (m ad you ' Nun uvn by Pound (h; “ ka, lick. Launcher-00W - manunmd h.hnhmmnfmmvd¢ I'M“- Inc-loin...- llcvkhlllb‘dlklolb "maintain-.1 wtumhcvukivw“ mquuim,mvllkhu human-Mouth. Wilhelmâ€"ONI- i3 uh: hon In cuu. :- ‘Cur In“: h mun will n Mm d .0.“- Dom um "mom In Conan. lam! mutant”. In (fault. In mutt-um" In [An-don. Don. M In In Jinn Landau. I. II. M "Won-m." a tonne “that“ II no I... (In "6.000.000, an ID. undo- In“. In“ flout-m tho con-urn m. u o m b can": Calm. II to". m.~.~. ”Immune-indium” Inn-of at a m. ml. If. III. p. mvu E m- _m W“ won ulcflu he... d «vaulte- at (MI: emu M tho «on otdonl n lob-III Inna-flaw: our, other ad I III at the an... .36 Inc boon hula; a corn "I. our do“. in} t I Don‘- Klan, Pl!!- mould Mon: Mamet-u; a "coin 0! me. by 00., Bull”. N. 3- WI“. M 5?: mam-mung!” nomuwflhhw hmwbodquu-m manual: of tho Hum l I“ oboul liven up honowho who! h.’ min; DOIII'I Kidney ru' hot I 0‘ non. I luv. nova boa It!” It. In tho boon duo." .- uoublo wu hereditary In our .' and I hnd been no mutually “ wlth tho alum that 1 Mon 10" pair or "on buyout! nu tune- l mama so unto]! M I ,. j ., eonnud tomybod. '1‘”th buck wu Imam. and m In.” ‘ order «and n .300. 01:,“ an. I was compelled to W of min] of tho mu. «and. oC The doctor- dlumod n! m. If 1‘- m It“. 11-?” "Why, Ir. M.” I). w n iii-32; fifif-:""""' ' In. H. A. V”. cm». 811. copra-lion. '_ ' Can't b0 W10 halt! ! kidneys m and. W )1 woman was mm.” at“. workman THIN MIT.

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