Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 26 Apr 1912, p. 1

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uveraus . . . . 50c to $1. 00 (a fluent patterns). Work Pants . . . . $1.00 to $3.50 Khaki Pants . - . . $1.00, $1.19, $1.50 Work Shirts . 1 . . . 50c. 60c. 75c Jackets . 50c to 85c Boys’ Overalls. «Pants and Jacltets, 50c to $1.00 Special Men’s finest quality Khaki Pants. only $1.50 Men’ .9 Work Hats Special Black Soft Hat . . . 50c Special Grey Fedora . . . - 50c nation broad In “I work Influence m mom Through m avenue '0 cu work on! all the "an of work to choc... [or our mun. nut: or nation -â€"o¢t town bohemian: work. om civic work. our child voltm. than- I- mom for ul the mum! to an mlbly in! to Mt". It I: almdy ornnllod ad would not mean an nun mmunm m or on": due: {or mnny. Let all ml I: then mung who maul. laud Inch a mod united alum lnr wort Join this club and ml. 1: "no at the blunt, mam rluhc In our town. and AWVOP for good work In oar mun. SHOULD COME TO [IS-4F YOU WANT VALUES AND lOWEST PRICES '- ‘IOMI'OQ entire anti-(mg- h (be In and wean-1 qv our Overalls . . . - <41» m ‘ No. can. "so much-Why not .11 work What In the club we have Ila-d! omnlud In our villus.â€" ‘Tho Woman's Club'b ll In slamno war! that In been planned Tun-â€" our and: not! comlnly ondoruod by a" 9mm M a» nicotine he 31m: up? THE" BOUNDER. " Another markahlc cting a mountam lion' 9 devotion In in Rug-fin ne role. This is the first of a new‘ xUIficeM agnet Ahmn ”100th And "WHEN DUTY CAI LS. " .u an. point. with mono hot .1» W luonblo reports. the thought can}. nun um (60¢ Ind Munch! On April 18th the second meeting Wu held. delegates from the numer- ous clubs and orgmiutionl val. pmont and the reports Were read. While most or the omit-Non: sini- Ied linen umpstby with the object and plan at "working together (or the betterment of our town." may could not use their way clear to form an- othor club 1nd find a loader able and‘ willing to wry on the work. 1 Men Who Want Work Clothés PRIZE NIGHT SATURDAY. APRIL 27th. I9l3. In Price I. a bowl“! hub" ”tel-Gavel gamer in! out MOTIOORAPH NEW. The Fair Store and upon and number meeting Ii: two weeks 'u «Had to hear report- fmm ume. Resolutions ware drawn up. by a committee, to be curled back to .me Mel-cut organintIonu to be omclally There certalnly was a beautltul null-n expressed by all being willlng to work together for the good of our to“. the only objections oflerod were lack at time or not quite understand- lu how the pun could be carried out atlalactorily. . In the ulna of some of the good women of our town came the thought, .tht if all the dll‘terent women’s or- ganizations of our town: were united into one large body. a federation of -clubs, that more could be'ncoom- pushed for the betterment of our lit- tle vlllage, and a meeting to this et- tect was called on April 4th. . A goodly representation lrom all‘ the organized clubs, and from many small unorganized clubs and classes In our town were. present. The ob. Joct nnd plea of work was ably pre- Iented and an expression on the aub- Ject wag asked for from all present. '. VOL. xxvmâ€"xo. 36 rtnmnnu’ um um mum men. swam. hobo... na7Jm¢ Ava. We Sell Only Good Work Clothes NOT A CIA?" SIEMHER @IOUQGRAPH FAMILY THEATRE n {coll-h I! you any It We hereby dnlre to extend our sin- can thanks to the my friends and neighbor: who no kindly ”slated m durum our recent hour of narrow MR AND \IRS. JOHN H 8483. Full-h. Rh When you ban mum yard to no people fro- con-Huh“ There was no ton-tanner and no formal protnm o! wean-nut“. but after the luncheon the comma] cnlhd “or talk: from various member- pm- nnt. Ind among than who respondent were the Rev. Clark Thomas 0! Blah. State's Attorney-elect Martin 0! Jollet. senator mum of \Voodntock. Attor- ney John nun-at 0! Eight. stutu'n At. tamer Hull” and Attorney l'rrndcr- nu ot Whnnton. Attorney: (3. P. "Iran and Vincent Lutnlny at Wood- flock. Adm (flow a! Whutlnnd. John Power- or mm and Mr. Cooley. nimble and "Milli Selig animal I'I ln ils mistmq. iss Btu)- Harte a new series of Selig animal pictures. was manifested by representatives of I" (action- lndlcalod a solidly reunit- ed party with Conxnutnn Copley u loader. Among the guests were numbered nubile-nu of the seven! political faction. within the district and the autumn: "get together" spirit that Three hundred prominent republi- can; from dlflerem clue. and com- munities n the Eleventh Congra- Ilonal district. were guest! 0! Con- sul-nun Copley at a love (out. held on the top floor or the In Sallo hotel In Chicago. Thursday. COPLEY HOST AT Rules.â€"â€"F. H. Grader, z. B. Stearnl, Wm. Hammouchmldt. County Supplies.â€"-M. J. Town, C. H Bismuth. George Boxer. CouncII.â€"~C. H. Bier-menu, M. J Town, F. H. Hattendorf. Special.â€"-â€"Adam Kohley, C. B. Blod- gett. J. H. Hatteudorf. Judiciary.â€"George Fix Geo. A. Keller, M. J. Town. License.â€"J. H. Hattendort, George Fix, C. B. Blodgetl. Court House and Granadaâ€"C. B. Blodutt, Adam Kohley, George Fix. County Farmâ€"George Boxer, Wm. Hummerschmldt, Geo. A. Keller. Fees and Salariea.;â€"Wm. Yackley, George Boger, Z. 13. Steal-nu. Claimsâ€"Geo. A. Kauai, J. H. Hat- telidort, Adam Kohley. Appointmentmâ€"Z. B. Stems, Wm 'uckley, C. H. Blermnnn. Committees for 1912-1913. 0190. H. FISCHER, Chm. Addison. Finance.â€"Wm. Hummerschmidt. F. Hapramer, Wm. Yackley. 38-30 [lain 8t. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. CARD OF THANKS. wean-1 qualifies LUNCHEON. roclor. DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUN TY, ILLINOIS, APRIL 26, 1912 ‘ “I d! tt bed Ithhd ======== [333: [mu mun I.“ s: new.“ mm; bum; .. u- u m It“!!! Llplcllultz, a young violinist pupil at the American Gan-cum. end Mr. Charles Le Barge, a young baritone who has sl- ‘reedy made fine success in the uriâ€" om amen of the past year or two. end who st this time proved him- self 1 singer of greet value, esys the Chicago Ionic News. Mr. 14 Barge has presence end poise in unugusny good degree. and thst he hes Intelligence of high order ismsotoniyhythe wisdom“ eflecflvenen with which he uses his Voice.blltnhointhefect tlnthlgll-I terms are of the very greeted musical and Meg! wonh, s tutor A concert '31 man at Music Hall on nanny evening for the introducâ€" d Cowl. Hilton Llpachultz, a Idem, esteem lid abiding lows of all thy people of our nugget We all with Brother Ind Slam sun-ml much Joy and meson in their work 1t Oak Park. and throughout the future an "The Pastor In His Relation to the Church nd Community": Rev. Viehe on "The Value of Denomination! (Yo operation.” Both pad sincere and uâ€" ‘Iectlonate tributes to the Ability. con- ‘secmion and fidelity of Brother Baum in an his relations to his own chwch. the Wood of churches and the village. Brother Smmm dwelt brlofly In M! ovn aunt. earnest way on the principles thnt have guided him In hll ministry. Brother Summ dur- ing hln five-year pastorate (the flue. llmlt of his church) has won the conâ€" by Brother Blackmail. 1 mm»; m tor. Owing to an important prevlm (2me Brother Williams could not be V!“ .113. Rev. Buboock spoke The first Evangelical chum-h was lucked to the doors lut Sunday or!!!» In; at lhe farewell mnlce for Rev. John 8. scum. The scripture wu read by Brother Bubcock. prayer mule I. Cook for the Imam at 191:. A special committee (0 map” the pulpit rm: flavor: was appointed. Mn. M“- m, lira. Dreen and In. 0. Potter, comm-Ming M. Rpm-Mr meeting will be held In 6 at Mn. A. E Phelm' on Mull-ugh avenue. On ”My. April Huh. I "ruled" mu»: of "u- Phlhtheu I” held .1 Mn. Dru-0' m dtncu- "Pedemflon." Anon; other nation. In 1'. In much m and. dun-mu of the nod-l rommluu. In place of Mrs. I. her once. mu Mu Blunt-m m ducted «murmur of the vlmtnx mm- mluoo In pm 0! Mn. Pen! Ono. who mm. The l'ollowuhlp Clan 0! ma M. It. rhmh hold I Malnu- nnd Ind“ meeting at "no homo of Mlu l-tllou Tank" Tue-day Mum. Bevan! In noun! plu- tor hung in": were dimmed. In. hulanflold‘u rat Imam: u sorrel-n urn amped and MI:- um. Wintenon alerted In 1. LA BERGE IN CONCERT. The mu-lc In exceptionally good «beginning with a plum solo. by Mll- Mn Jon... followed by A vocal duel by In. My): Rooovollor cod Mr. Rolpb flowing. In overturn by tho lrlo And coding with I piano and by In" Mormon no. and Mn. Loom Ham 1 Mlu Emm Eliot from the Metho- dht Board of 8. 8.. Chicago. was the speaker or the evening and gave e very lntemuns talk on the oppor- tunities uwaltlng the Women‘s Bible Clue ol todny. I!“ Barman spoke on the roletlon of the 8. 8. to n:- on- uanlnd clan-en. end In. a w. Lewis gave a brief history of the class. while the teacher. Mn. C. It Moon, epoke or the object of wet: I clue. At 7:30 the guests, numbering 124 sat down to a thrmoum dinner. At 8:30 Miss Carrie Barmore, president, took charge and alter dinner speeches and music wore the order of the any. Rev. Custom Fun of 8!. Paul'- Church, Rev. and Mrs. Wilbur Bab- cock 0! the Baptist Church, Rev. and Mrs. John Williams of the Methodlsl Church, the M. E. 8. 8. superinten- ‘dent. R. E. Bateman and his wife. and Mr. Geo. Spohr were honored guest.- o! the claw. Rev. Mn. Eliot of the U. 3. Church. Rev. Vloho of the Con- tra-(loud Church and Rev. and In. 81mm of tho Dvunzellcnl Church ware nnnblo to be fluent owing to previous enmementa. FAREWELL SERVICE. An' Informal reception was held be- twaen 7 and 7:30, during which time the music given by the trlo, composed of Mr. T. H. Wllburn violinist. Mr. Chas. Hallel- cornetlst, and Mrs. Chas. Haller pianist. was thoroughly on- Joyed. The M. E. Phiinthea. Bible Class celebrated its nun anniversary in the church Thursday, April 11th. Five years ago, a group of 11 earnest wo- men organized their 8. 8. class for eg- gressive work-they new number 65 and their record for Christian work has not been one to be ashamed of. ‘11 You In «In to love muff TH.” gm 1:0!th n one. no â€"Ir. W. E Flat”, who pursuant the ll .1. W. Diet: properly last an. expecting to occupy It um owing. cannot have Chic-30 owing to but- nucbumudhummmpluo to In. J. Adm: â€"'l'ho children at Kt. and Mn. lili- ure down with whooping cough. Mr. and In Ellh of Chicsgo. parents *0! Hr. Ellis. spent Saturday and Sun- day in the mugs with Ir. Eli. and their dunner. In. Reed. ‘Amateur photographers to at tho beat mm. let Perm do mr de- nim: and printing. â€"-1’ho Woman Lame of the Cub- olic Church will gm s him nlo‘ and in Built-m, April 27, from 8 until 6. â€"~‘l’he son-u: nd eighth We pr pils at St. Joseph's school, with their teacher. Slater M. Cecilia. with Mn Hoiohn wont to see Shakespeare Peo- ttnl at Lincoln M Toad” after- noon Ind all enjoyed It very Inch. «Chum Bartlett. Illo W Dr. Hop! m W. an were mam In Doirnen Grove Batman} ~11." In already been mod to the 1m of min. u the llbmy, The GM m Hampton. donated by the pnblhhm. Monday with her mother It "mutate â€"Lenter Barr lo enjoying: vacation by putting In M. um carving on the grand Jury. â€"-â€"flr. 1nd In Edvard Otto as enjoying n trip to New York. “MI-a Prune Thoma-m in upend- lng n few 'eoka mm" friends It Bamnmon. Ill. â€"~A. P‘ 1110!": has moved Mn stock a! golu’ {uni-Mug good- but Into Ma on locnnon on first Ave. Mr. Thoma had ope-«l up n “on in Hill «lo but I- glad to get back mm his friend. and patron. In the village. «Punk Bernou- In. con. Donor; hula; spout Ibo vtnlor the Enchant hm. «In. Wam- Thouu bu "land from Highland Park. when m m callgd by the serious Illnou 0! her .Cmnphle llno M photon-polo plain. Ml... mmr .“ supplies 3: J. Portia, I: mum strut. -W. r. Remnant. ! fly at Donn- more. with M. I. o chIMNI. \Hlflun uni Hum. VIII Mn“ hero In! Sunday. They and. the trip In I now cu "nanny porch.“ by It. Koala-JR. Kan-I- Olu. Mu. Aim: 13m The hunt dhuhm o! m. and In. On: L. Duh, Jon Mole, who hid “Mlflflmlmtmthm you-«nu! to nut that land“ :10th Mon! unless u the hon- won conduct“ by Rev. Paul Vleho. 01 m Convention-l chunh. -un.“nuyay Thatcher In: to --Iln. E‘ w. Levin and In. L M. Cook. Attended the "karma and ov- onlu Ian-Ion ol the Cook Co. 8. S. Aunclntloa “and”. April mm. on Joy!" Ibo banqnu II. 0:80 with tho "Wotkon for no" and Olrh." â€"â€"Dr. Puller will have his one. Ind Waco In the warm Ion-o. No. 30 E. Cantu “root. Aim May In ~Hr. and Mn. J. 8. Unler Ind daughter Ruth. were ontortulnod u din-or by Kr. and In. L. M. Cook. WM", Apt" 11th. WI other numbers glven by Mr. La Barge were the "Vaquoro's Song" from "Natoma." “Love Me or Not" (Secchl), “Pirate Song" by Gilbert. and a very pleasing encore number. the poem was thorohghly conserve; py the splendid pronunciation of the "The Pauper's Drive" (Homer), was given with a. goodly amount of an- gmuc are, and the true lnwardness of was so extremely telling that Mr. La Berge created a genuine sensation with it and his audience would rain have had It repeated. His steadiness of breath control in the long pianls- simo passages was remarkable. "luvlctus" by Huhn was given with great steadiness and an ample amount of that virtuositS' which is Inherent and must be emphasized In the rend- lng. “An Irish Love Song" by Lang iiy, uni is not touched with hurdnm at any point of the scale. but, on the contrary. it is of unusually agreeable quality and is used throughout with utmost skill and with a never falling musical impulse. The range and ‘hreudth of his voice are entirely nt- ‘isi’nctory and in the ease with which mezzo and pianiseimo enacts are at- tained. Mr. La Barge has a. decided advantage over most singers of the baritone persuasion. PMIA VII and lube spelt Joflo " ”mm". , . ThoflatShoolorthoIa-ctm Spa-gm now .1! at mmmmmx" "" The Great Douglas Line}: Whoa Duty Cull- (Iu. N).-Dt. mull bu Jun mind “.00 be . new Mania]. and “can. It. In his duh dram. Ilr. Bum. the uncle- man who urns bl: mm; by door"- !u other mph 0! what belong. to than, nu who to the My. hot. and decide- to rob tho hows. Ir. Burn In an wood m o! I my ‘ who I. dunnuly III. and will. an do.- not Interim rm II. Nation. In In: null ml Icon to “flu a. baby cm. Coo-«my. N! m and: to:- I physician. at. and. M Doctor nm. u to In about to Ian. Ink-chlomvymumuhlu on Beau. “A I. Duty m. Nov- omdcu. he no. than may «lb. and then. while Ito-flu (I. ml child, I. all. an by tho mm. cumvcur run. ”mm"- A. A. (flu-8N. “I. 7 00"” MI. [IL <<.rr r)< )rr ($14!! DZO‘ICosIII a t. r. 1 3.. u I. .8. I. 1‘! Lu Tigiothwrfl. "pd-Jun «*5... 3.3.3 '1. '5: a. . 3120.3 RAISING CHIQKguaz Lord Lumber FLY TIME IS SCREEN TIME "so, nutwrkwflhbudv . Our h.- mhfi Mlhmdm‘mny, Ourmdn nhmhaldmlm mum; Inlmn mlndundpnnhfld. ' s. 0. WHITE masons IT' IS ESSENTIA The W II I“! ~ THE MOTIOORAPH I. a“ I Farmers and Merchants Bank Dow-m Grove. Illinois Onpitél Swell ”3.000 00 Surplu- Stodrholdau' unmade- 825,000.00 [Ionaâ€"ho. IA. I.coJP.I..a-d ) Sunday oval-dc In. I P. I. O- I P. I. Orders filled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Do not wait until you have your house lull of flies ORDER NOW W 3.06 32-30 MMHRM. ' In haw-mama. “I! mun um. no I. and urn-mul- 1m. bunch-II unumumuwmm n. tumor-mum.“ won-.nuoo-owmkd gunman-Wig" Prom. An MIA. by carefulbuyi MM” saleaonlywbengswanondufi _ l1n lows magma: by W ' as WWW um advice axe always at thdbi poodofourum. wnom 3a.:

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