Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 27 Jul 1912, p. 5

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mason WILLIAXB’ amt-amt, “Wonders of Electricity." honootthemoltumqno ever manta n-Chlumnqnn nucl- coco. m x my menu. the wlrcluu umph and the otne’r 4 m Mule- in electricity up made so simple and expmned , “mu memo-emmummtnuudm an sully under-um ;fl-. Immmmmuhommwmmmmmuhm jumummmmmmum Dumbo-windward)! "'-‘”mymnmmmmgmnum ,1mnoonudnednmmonmmn'IHIomonm tnhohmoflhomothbdmlnuu Maputo: he I- hand of tho Inn-l Imitation-I clan-h h Inch-A. I». am bu m may mum for locum all... and n In up many mumm- In m; uh- I. on. 0! (ho popular locum to: out Chum-qua. DR "ILL Hull high I- (M M 0! Mr mm Al I flab lincoln Ghaulauqua AT DOWNERS GROVE August 7th to lath PROFESSOR LOUIS WILLIAMS. 0R. HARRY 8. HILL. Chauuuqua Tent Men. The tent man with the Lincoln Chutnoqm Ire young college non. selected for their non! qualltla. You will find than courteous and cumâ€"mum In every Ion-o o! the van]. You will oflu their Mond- ‘lp while they m m ygu. mt '11! member the- long «In Ila am. It II the modern addition to the public school system. cmmnue Ae In Uplift. , A Chautauqua cuiuvetee e teete'for elem, wholesome entertainment and mu the people to e much higher plane than street hire end questionable stove, gives a town e more] tip-lift. educational inspiration and enthusi- Professor Morgan has 1 In!!! num- ber of Chmmugua dates this summer. throughout the mlddle vest. and II speaking espei’tinlly to the farmers on “Consemtlon of the Individual and the Rural Community" and "The Hot- orn Patriotism.” '. The tabulation of answers to these quesuom brought to light some nurtâ€" llng turn: I: for inflame, the rela- tion of drinking. or of church member- ship. to farm ownership. hank "count, credit standing. and children In col- Iexe or high school Some of the facts (has collected, n- laung to the individual fame}. were: land owner or tenant: number of children; chm-ch member; drinking Inn; moderate drinker. or tact-let: money In bank, money owed. credit and or poor: number of children In college or hm: school: daily. veelxly or monthly papers taken; books in the humane Mullinflcmlhm no work thus belng clone. the Univer- Ilty of Wisconsin. cadet tho directlon of meeuor E. L. Koran Ind lab assistants. has. durlng the past winter. conducted an especially Interesting nodal survey and canon Entire township. were taken. ll widely new-ted localities. and the facts ob filled Ind “Inland. The western umnw uhoob ur- ry on u lumen. cormpomm vml lho tumor- of Mr vamp-«In lulu. KM»; advice ad network; question. Marvin-moan] to link mn- hrly tuned bulletin. on and: tar- subjects. m your mvenl countloo In 3 ”I0- «u unto raised money by populu mbocriptlon. to employ a united Inn {tom their state unlvenlty to W- U]! mpnlntcnd the hm work. .54 MM the (armor. u to the but method tobaunchnordormtho boot result. In their union!” mu. with In mull" no“ coadlflonn. In comparatively few years all this has changed. in any meeting of ham are today you wilkhear discussions on the “Balanced Halon," "Scientific Feeding." “Soil Analysis," "Seed Test- ing,” and on other subjects that once were looked at nskanoe. and confined to the class room. Almost at a bound. tanning has taken its place u u: exact science in the minds of the people. Several leading nnlvenmei have (or yours conducted special short courses (or the inrmer and his son. These courses have been utendod by thousands who have gone back to their work with I new lntomt um I broader vision of tanning. M n pm- tmion. Many oi the mat railroad. have run “Good (‘rop Speciall” over their line. and around much loot! intemi. Not so many years ago the 1811ch turn! college was considered n lingo Joke by the majority of farmers. It was almost a disgrace for I farmer to have it known that. he attended one of these institutions. uuflmmmuuvmd 6000 VIIIIIK IIF UNIVERSITIES Special Short wmm Courts. con- ducted ior tho Fnrmer and HI. Sonuâ€"Addrouu‘fl the Chautauqun. Tillers of the Soil Are Being Greatly Bonefitad. FOB FARMERS W am mourn! Efll. we are clearly shown, will not [nanny dluppelr from the wofld. but on the contrary It will grow. do velqp and boat along beside the wheat until “tho harvean' After the Int-volt It will be all too clear which In good and which in M. The lamp of Jean- “ graphicâ€"“cut and flu” ox- prul hafnium and contempt “fu- A. the Psalmist put. It (1:5), "The ungodly shall not stand In the judg- ment. e. 3.. he. no standing. nor uln- nern (ablde) In the congregation of the righteous.” It in not our place to gather the (are: into bundles. God will send lonll reapers (v. 30) and his reaper: are the angels (v. 39). The {act ls we are here warned agnlnu useless or proflaens activity. Our: In to now the right need and then “and back and let God work. We are not even reaponslhle for any procee- of lepnratlon, for God wlll take care of his own and in hls own thus will tend forth hln reaper: who will do what. we would nuke sorry wovrk1 o! nttemptlng to do. How often we see men unlouely nttemptlng the repel-won process durlng the prop.- gntlng and developing per-lad, only to uproot the wheat wlth the dernel. good need are the eons oi the ling- dom. but the tore- ere the eons (chip dren) of the evil one. ltoth the tone of the good and the Ionl of the bed grow from. and develop out oteeed. the eons of the kingdom from the good need. We must remember the three lee- eone we have been studying. The first concerned the neture or the seed end the soil; the eecomi denle with the mystery of the growth end develâ€" opment of the kingdom, whereas: this lesson has to do with the mixed. Anu- (oi-chm than par-bloc. of which an. II but one, Jen. nut (to nulfltodo any and non tally ml couple‘s” taught Ma Chaplet the Inner meaning of this 9"th The kid I- the world. and I! we at I. mm bus the heathen for our Inherit- ance and tho uttetmou port 0! mo world u - Won (Pu 2:8). The 10 m mm, Mu am the Inn! And Mr- than. but nth" a. when! Into-y urn. Muhammad not evolve Into when “to m lilo. Gather Inc landlo- b the coll-and. fl '0 III Mafia, '0 Int «poet to "for lac-(hr. 18- when: 'u up. for full nah-non. that" In I ("that Idaho... while m. m m ripe only for tie-auction. nod. Thouuotonrymoulho hm produced. During than earlier m“ the um hid loom In nearly like the when. u not to be totally dlulngul-hod, but now that the bar- vefl um Inmates Ibo dllcrouco II I“ tooaidolu. It In ligament from un- wnhlo that no Hana I. laid upon the serum- um (bu Ihould have allowed the ('0 to grow up dob In: this ant. Inge. Bumlu. lust and disappointment tuned "to ham 0! an nonnat- whoa my «“000va the and chlrlclfl of tho Imb- ln; honed. Tho mater, however. cmmumbkm.lor.umhg “Our may but don um" Not In any. u "to K‘I‘ Juno- unto-bu u Illn- h nblquitm, but the loo umumrmuu,ml.rom The thirteenth chepter 0! not: thew's gospel is the great kingdom chapter of the Bible. Seven pin-uh! in this chapter give us each of new "pool: or applications oi the princi- ples of the kingdom. in this lesson we ere taught the mixed character 0! the kingdom and also at the ultimate separation of two classes of which it 1is composed. "A man." 7. 24, goes out to sow good Ieodinhis ileld. This man we are told in v. 3'1. in the Son of Man, and elsewhere that the iiold is the world, the hearts oi men. Then followed the propagating stage. that period over which man has no con- trol. During this period while men Ito and slept uniting the time {or cultivation and of harvest, the enemy or men's souls cemo Ind sowed tam. the common dnrnel which so cloeely resemble- wheat in its earliest Itasca. Alter this propagating period hid penned the man and his tenants went out one day to ilnd in their field evi- dence that another ind lino Iowa LESSON TEXTâ€"vMutthew 13:24-30: 38-0. GOLDEN TEXTâ€""Gather up first the urea. and bind them In bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat. into my barn." Matt. 13:20. (By E. 0. SELLERS. Director (I IV.- nlng Department. The Moody Bible Institute of Chicano.) THE WHEAT AND THE TAREO. LESSON FOR JULY 28 m Ho Tm Work! "to Hold. The dulnlu or a “mu. homo ruidoncoJor a rural location I. ll- v-n an hut-00th: mum. me. out Ila mu am and al- mm or In on. 1'50 design a! . hon. atoll to m by ? Â¥ awueuod and Increasing good ml. of the building public mm not In!" thin to occur. II the country. on the other nu. the mbloml of hulldlng «on small hm are to varied. to mph: and no Interesting that Architectural all" In quench! If an building: an to be anything like 1 mm To put up house. In I bountiful mm “mm from plan new“ by In mince! whohunmnmlonucchluflyot the plunlng and «lulu of Doll-u- aned comm hon-u voila be me- thlng awn-chins a social crime. Tho a! m mum II doth. m that commons-lice city condition, In tho country condition favor the mama, noc by lull-a It. ml :- can on. but by 4-"qu at run It ton-L 0- : um mum!" plot Um I- Mum «lulu ham and gird-u- ou (hm “do. and 1 road- wu on an 10¢th a. mum w II- “ “MM: um I: Ilulnlfll‘ Ila lulu-ll Matt 0! lb. flu. but it b not will" that he shook tool m- u. nun-tun [or Inch u (at. A. A Inna o! hat, be In calam- mm upon to «Maui: IQ; am. the ovum IM builder. mun-only con-1401 um am in mm call lot (to Um mu o! Mme-1:0 mhluctun noun-hos. Tho town house in npt to be camped by the luminous o! In INC. by tho limit-(lon- d Ill outlook. by the building lino um by w. ehmclor of the neighboring bonus. I: my In lad! be in ucollont Moo. or work. but the surrounding. u. not (nor- Mo to It. It II up: m be In tho country tuber thin the town lhu (MI wonhler typo I The most noticeable thlng In urchi- ‘tocturo and building at tho pro-out time in the popular interest neon on all sides in round to the pinning and design ol'houses, elpechlly than in nub-um and country neighbor- hoods. The America: ”home" has u. ways been more than n tradition, and this home we always think of u beâ€"‘ in; located in the country or in the outskirts of the old home villue. At the present time we no Jan in the midst of a revival of domutic orchi- tocture, mpeclllly in record to subur- bu bulldinx. The dwelling house (not in It once comely and convenient unm- likoly to become the typical house or rural America. and even in the town: the haven he. beIun to work. qua-(Ion: and glvo advice FREE 01" COST on all tunnels petunia. M the luMevt of hulldmx. (or the renal-I or am Dlpfl'. 0n Account o! M. wide experience an Editor. Author and Msnullctum. he 1:. without doubt. the hmhul nulhoflly on All llleaa subjects. Aurelia Ill lnqulvrlel to Wllllnm A. Radford. No. )7! Well Jackson boulevard, Chlcum 111.. Ind only oncluoe two~cent uuunp for mom. Mr. William A. mdtord wm mmr huma- and!“ A... Asa-com n m Ill exciting to... n busy Oxford urea. 14*. I! hon-e. on can a «min: nu. The nu:- one. to ion in (in: our to | "Via ”afoul-unwant- who. nnd built-in book Ibo!"- far and. no bandit. eo-i cheeroiumoitlhtind. the cam. hull! «Inn about a "llflroolthoh‘tthoftm night, cannot be ovum Opening to flu right from It. in! hall is the dining room. “0 5: iiliigla cued opening: connect both If" room and dining room with tho .- tnl hail, giving a elect at m net: unulull in u lion-o at m- “ The kitchen in '0“ M f0? “ vniont Mutual“. OI no In“ floor four mm balm m vided. besides I Duhroo- In! room ml an undue. of m clout-i This in n MSW to... m iy colonial in dean. u M 5 dignified no “menu In..." and “tho-Ill. anal-MU build. The mam can 1 . home in 83500. "" ii mummmhn“ (aha-Ind. Tho-mm“ unnluttuumh-mfl. be“. ltheo-tmlktflb mm In um «and», H the mm mum! I- ha v” vomldnpectlro-thm anterior. mmmmo unhacbctmmhntdb humvlythwt «goon-Incubus..- 3% no.“ not kmum. II. [not Olav-non. 1‘. 01b 1 NM!“ which an rho to ’0 about “Qua- Au nod- and In" All Inch‘bMUW-m.’ anal-“0mm. mum-1mm" “I... Mouth mm «nun: mun-l nth-bomwbllhnâ€"h «ammo-manning.“ 3 Ho who build. In the country It rostrum by tho convolution rule. u: the town- uto plum but mom- ln tho tron of the It the 110qu face- tho north I. mob-My place tho principal room- at the buck, I0 the In much Iunlhlno u will i3é§:3 5 3 o! sunshine in nu [Mu room. or thopmumottrmthnmh' roamed In the garden. m or which the hauls II to I}. km N ullo Influence the denial. and M m- bo governed In great. meant. by. tit. bulldlnx uteri-l tint u molt “if chained In the neighborhood. --

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