Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Feb 1921, p. 8

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or EARLY DOWN- ERS (mow: DAYS We had, at that period. a mail once a week. which came in Saturday efternoon fmm Lamont. then called Athens. The mail was delivered to fills vlllnge from them up until the time of the building of the Alton ruined. Sometimes the mail man Dd a he"! time W“! through a ‘0 null were imp-same except join flush in the winter months and w w of ll the middle 0! the 3. Joe river. The boys had built a dam across it just above when the Hunt building now stands and the nut was deep enough for mod «running. This was then the Cutting pasture and it was here that the boym played hall on Saturday after-mum} The creek which runs through the village was in than days quit“. a sizable stream and was known as the At that time tho slnuqhs. which have now been filed out and am unâ€" der cultivatitm. wprr small lakés, We) always figured on a Jum freshet which kept these slough: filled tho mt armmd and they wow (hr cause of much sickness as very few weaned “the shakes" as the fevPr and am was known in those days. At this Hm» this pan of [hr mun- try waq a hunlpr': pamdiw. 3: gem-o of all kinds abounnlevl. Them Wow deer. wolves. prairie chirknns. «Ila-J. flavor. pigeon; and ducks and 299er by the thousand:. m of QM vicinity; much-led them dame. during that within which '0“! MM at "w Aldrich tarom. TM mm of the Math": “rt, Bert. El- lery and Frank Walk" and Hm good times of the ymm: poopir nfirml W in of the rvfnrmrrv of that day uhn trim! hard in pm a «top In thrm. I think all who altrmlo-I thrsc- dams p99"! mm} kn: am With thr‘ ox- ceptioa of Mn, Labnn Stanlny (f Saratoga nvrmw. \lhn rrwnth' ms- nd away. ' It was in 1850 that then- arrived here "In” timbers. musicians, who taught dancing. Near” all the young M time in hotel: km I hr II which liquor in MM. I do not n~ m that was charged p" drink c- lapk Imw. Th Gm Moi. on that W (hen hot! n ”It South mod. which I.- .. Ink Anna. :1: l have Mom naked. was Don-(M on the MI! m d an Dual ”IMO. M an “no it mahnyplm.hdumwm ”It! (ran Chicago (0 own A! Iy “ban. 1‘. 8. (Capt) and J. '. (Wm) Bonn both laugh: In this M In!" which '0 in all up ‘0 th- your am. In 1M- ymr I m but new. ennui-In hm mom I? amxwl’.m-unm¢m baton-rim Amwlh at 0. P. "mt-y m lb! m In! «hool bounce bull! in what b not (he fill-cc of Down Grove and on what was (in link." flak! m.hmm¢olvhtnmhm at when wum 8am Bryn Tlle church building I'm- mid w the l-Jvnngtlical Church Sofll'!y later. was twice moved. the Ian lime tu Wat lune “mac, and More that than has been rebuilt u I dwelling helm and in It!!! in use. TM! church tn the Int one emu-d out of Na- The (inst church ‘m'ectml in this \i- cinity was the (‘ungroxuliunal thumb and stood just arm.» the mm! from the nld «lepul at "PHHUI‘L This was erected in lhv yrur 1836 and the lh-v. Orange Lunun. grumu’atlwr of Wm- ter Lyman of “owners (Brown \\ a; flu- fint push”; Mr. Lyman still has in‘ his possez-u'éon .‘mm- of tho svmmnw punched by Um piuneer mini-nor oil: the Gospel. 1 Eli Curtias. it \\a.~. I think, “hu was the lint [Klrlnunh‘l‘ in this sec- “on About um time 3! r. Alonzo Holden built. the fink blurlismith slmp which I think stood on tlw suutllvast rul'ul‘l' of the (Iarpcntmv homosu-nd. I will here state, that .l'mm ducumonts that l have in my pmm-ssion I believe that the first public business of any kind in the township “at: a blacksmith Shop conducted by a man named Cha- pin. The shup “‘31.“ iocatwl a link- nm'th cast of \\-ln-r(- my huuso stands in the farm un ilw Plank Ruad. This man boarded at ”It l‘im'ro lluv‘m-r home. This war in i'l’ll‘ your 1834. ()f the log cabins in which alnmst every- one lived and of tlu- terriblv maul conditions which prmailwl up tu [ht-i building of tho l‘lunk maul, my mmn~ ory is still l‘rmh. I on the Carpenter harm-stead where his daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Eugen:- W. l-‘urrar. stm rcâ€" sidE. (Maple uu-nuv and (Jarlwntel streets). , if you had your mm in: with I. it run fillod‘tor 25 mu m (Continued from Page pm! who! a“. In my next ankle I will tell of the building a! on Hank road and other 1mm. 0! the early day: At llIi~ UnH' tmssim: tlm plnim was If hugv undertaking with 0.\ warm. The rountn' was occupied by tlhmi. nmi> of hoflilv Indian» and nnh ln' trawling in big martin-s “no tlIv :Ilmmantu ublv to art through. but I think all the boys who \wnt fmm llowlwrfi (Prove nrriwd safely and war sum-mum] in getting their wham- M the yellow metal and all sat-1)“ H‘IUHK'ILI'i") the exception of Albert and Amos Adams who [ruined the n-xt of their lives and won highly lumomi by their adopted sate, Cal- Harlin. u DO IT TODAY! Farmer’s and‘ Merchant’s Bank A State Institution under State Supervision Estaflished 1892 ,' Evoruhinu- \vIrIIt along in ”10::qu :uld way until the 50m 184‘! “burn the [neur spread m'N thv country of thv ‘discmmy of gold in (.aliforma. Of ice-urn}. this news quickt‘ned the blood «If the young men of the «Immunity who had Iiswned to the 111105 «If their t'hlt-I.“ of aiming west intlw old days and moryono was at at favor hr-at In} hv nfl'. Among (how who mmlv up: thvir minds t-n join um illsh in the gum fluids from this plun- \u-rv tha- l‘nllnwing: (‘huI‘II-s (Ennis-s, I I’. Hindu-It. Dexter and L. SuInk-y 3.1- 3 , ! hm and Am“c Adams and uni Hf a ’ rt of lfivhat y'ou ma‘ke and 011’]! soon be able to G T SQUARE and STAY UARE. You may yopen a SAVINGS ACCOUNT here with $1.00 and get COMPOUND INTEREST on your savings. The next went of importance to Downers Grove township was the huildinu‘ of the Plank road from Chi~ «ago to Nam-willie in 1850. As this mud is now lo he State Aid road No. :3 and to be hard stufucml, they can thank lhc 0h] Plank Road (Jorlwra‘ lion for much \mrk on tho highway. 'l‘hny sturighk‘ned it out in sou-ml pluccs, building it through slang-hi: which will ho :1 great _lwln at this time. Tlll! company spun! thousands pf dollars building it through thv Dixon slnugh as the old road ran :u‘qund i-lnsi- to wth tho Dixnn housv now stands. Stop doiyg it or you’ll go from hadnm wor_se. SAVE ‘ "ml Farming m the only occupation and prices were so low tint folks did not get rich very fast. Wheat was worth only 40 cents per bushel and oats and porn hardly paid hauling to market. To offset this land was very cheap, from six to twelve dol- lars pvr acre. “Borrowing from Peter to pay ' Paul” is Poor Policy RlCHEUEU PACIFIC COAST- In Tamale: Bauer or laud. Inn an PLAZANI'IT III’OR‘I‘EDâ€" Ski-Id. Max. in Olive on. m an GOLDEN NIH IMPORTED-- ln Ollve Oil. on ma ................. THE "088â€"- In Cm! Oil. per m .......... HOME: RUNw In Conan-nod on a can for. )IALMRD OR MOTHER 60085- lu Mutual. [nor can ................... The Corner Grocery V. Nash Phone No. 8 Lenten Specials ”CHEM!!! FISH runes Only the Very In! Id 8.!" SARDINES flm Print“ look A L1H» mm. minted by Gutenberg no hm n slam: In H55. Is the car- llnu Itnmvn prlmm back. A copy at this bout 0: now In the Bmuh n.- Through Life's Pilqnmage And Illu- u-u-r. In} «my mu! nicm. Ululu‘ n..- Hm :Iml mph-r l!u- Mars. rlimlmu: "w (In-Hy hilla and mum: ulnn: llw “can plznus. Juflrm»ym; by land uml jamnn-Hn: by w... rmnlm: Incl yum: no «(rm-urbâ€"ln llIO'V‘X. mu] (t-zu‘l m1 nm.‘ nuuflu-r, mm .‘ vu- rvfilh-w lrtu‘c-h'rl Ilnmnuh Ilul wlzrmmm- u! lllr.vâ€"('lmrlm Dickens. In "Lillie Don- I“... E Ur. “um i.»- wlling mm-ing Immu- mohinos :Iml outfits by mail tn III Im ; INTI-WM mgmnzatitms. llIvsn mu m; ln' mm! mmth' in an ((lIIC'ItiumIl \I'zlyl ll_\ .‘('h"(vlS ('«Illt'gI-s and nthr-I' agon- vir' Inning to do “I'th (he cnhgzhl-l' unmom of tho ma.<':<('~« 01’ the prunin- Lu l full ~omv of tlu- literatum ad~ wflhing hi> lino \\.l> went to lmlin.’ uml tl-i> neck 2m m'IAIlrr wax rocuhed’ fur a ("IIInplI‘lr outfit from lw'm-rt L.; ,l’onu‘olhm, (Hl'icinl Director of Ag; Ellculllll‘t‘ of tho Gwalior (Suwmnwnt; uf ('Inlml India. 'l'lu- mm‘hinu will" hr mm in Uruching Ihv natives the; nzmlmn way Inf farming l'mm plant;-X imc; to hanmt linua l2. nil! also! luring In (lll‘lll u-vnvs and [H‘uplvi m" n-mnlv (“nu-r: of the \wrhl in a way; which hm hot-n linpglfiflbl‘ [whim bv-, mum (vf a lack of I'Ilurulum :IIIIung' tln‘ gun! was of tlw purple. ; Thu! at h‘ust am of thc prorim-Os of far-away India will touch the rim tin-s “hat the wmhl is duing via the moving; picture route is attnstml to in an mwior rt-rL-ix'ml Monday by H. S. hum. SELLS MOVIE OU'D FIT T0 FAR-AWAY ‘ INDIA GOVERNM’T 8. Hum Gels Order From Agri- cultural lkpartmenl of an In- terior Province. ll 12¢ é Lulu Lorraine was bum in East {Gr-m1- l“nhruary 18th 1920. Shh is +ul'x‘iwd by her (athnr and mother Sam! bmllu‘rs, Ernest. nndrMnriun :I-‘mmor and 'I'hunms [’00. Jr., and her Egmmlpurom.», Mr. and Mrs. William ; “00419011. “You Can’t Beat That Route for Scenery” To Sore a Corneal Hole Through Wood. Wm'n you! Imu- a «muivnl hole to bore. and: :H I‘m‘ a hundh- hole in a “pun-u nmul or ollu‘r Unlililr plzu'e, Svuvu Ilw rqur of .m <\; u- w” v uu- 'm' I)“ a lulh- hmw and In"; In Luring at ”w side win-w llw anlllvr mm uf Hm huh) ls “mm-d. 'l‘lw imwr val-,zv 0! tln- mun-r hp twin: :an:1:l::r qu- vum‘r m” :nmhndh diam inn II ml! fruit) the bull}. nl' Hm I". nulluxr' Hm hulvh rum- ~ :lw Ml L... ~ imu Hu- nw-Lâ€"-l'upulur Stio'hw- \iumm‘x. 26 inch pink, blue and grey plain baby flannels, yard 16c Funeral services \rem held at her humo' 'l‘hursdny, the Rev. Calvin Campbell of the Christian Church of ('Thicngn, officiating. Burial was made in the West Side conwu‘ry. Lehmann (‘3' Michel’s Store Little Lula Lorraine, the eleven months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poe of Rant Grove, passed away at her home Tuesday, Febrw ary 8th. , Pretty ribbons in fancy patterns and plains for hair bows, fancy work girdles, em, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 widths at per yard ................................. 50 to 69c J. l. annuals. 11am Am 1...:â€" 7! 3-33.; In). .0 :2. a: .r: «in Iran .5 .3. ".1. alt. In: tin-3: .[ than. I .34 .33. ”in = torn-H... l- f .I . u. u a g . IL on fut-n2. I... = if. u 3. VIII. I S ".1. junk. rites“ .7. than. .34 .33. .... ..._.._.............. .5“. .. . D. u a g . IL on Anus-ht. I... :35. cat-4...... in I. i. = r. 5.. ‘3. It: I is! all... 3 (I. NOTIONS Bmtnns that sold for 10, 12, 15 8: 200 per card 6:1 Tu "k Men's Brown 10 inch Shoe Laces GB per pair 6! .Vnsn'ight Hair Not. 2 for .................... 27x through Colored}; anil Salt Lake to Californin. said a much-traveled mun. referring to the Buriington. Denver Rio Grande and Wes- tern Pacificâ€"that great genital, usujc highway LULA IDRRAINE POE Special Low Prices Sale on New Merchandise Still On! Baby Flannel 36 inch bleached muslin. A grade that sold for 35 to 400 at 19c Only 200 yards left of Calicos. light and dark patterns, while they last, at per yard .................................. 14c A $2.50 value ladie’s aprons in kimnna style, dark light colors @ ............................................... $1.65 Ribbons 1 pound fine cotton stitched halt. full Cnmfm'ter size. well worth $2.75 or $3.00. Special Price ........ $1.75 We still have a number of cotton blankets that we are selling at very low reduced prices. $4.95 Grades @ .. .33.!9 $1.89 Grades 61‘ . . A £2.89 $1.15 Grades (I?) .............................. 82.95 “WWW“ Special Lot No. lalimbmidery Insertions. yard ..§c Special Lot No. Zâ€"lmce Insertions Worth up to 2°C 3 yard. Special Price ......................... 4c The High Y Club gave a Vaientine party in the parlors of the Congre- gational Church Monday night, which was attended by over fifty of the [ML ML: 0! the High School. The program was in charge of John Lehman and Richard Drum. and the Over Fifty Pupil- of Hill! School [interlinked-Regulu- Meeting Next Monday. HIGH “Y" CLUB GAVE VALENTINE P A R T Y MONDAY TAXES Authorized County Depository Calicos Special EIRST NATIONAL BANK COTTON BAITS SPECIAL , Muslins BLANKI'I'S Downers Grove. Illinois. PAY Your ’l'hefligh‘YCluthwtreguâ€" larly in the Command .dmmdl parlors. The next meeting will be held next Monday at which time re- gular business will be tmnsactnd. A!â€" ber a short parliamentary drill. the time will be spent in "self analysis for vocational guidance." -. onfinmflmopathm Derivation of Word “mpg." Tlm Hume "gipsy" ls probably dew rived from "Emplian." by which term the ulpsiefi were known In "in English Italmus. (I.

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