Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 20 May 1921, p. 6

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Wm hclk'vv "ml U'u- pMpmiHun \‘m' 'dofontpd .t thr Rim» hr [hr minin- vlonumdings W'nrh rurm in!" [In-- nmpu'gn and M "w er-nu-unt bu": also mimmlrntnoel twin of mum of Hunt who wow handily m favor. . We bring up tho «161411 :21": kw, mun of a .v-imiInr vim-milk)" uhirh tarn’vd Ramnhp‘. Vl'w 71h. at WM? (Thu-arr. Tho run 1" wv ‘23-! you for and 216 again”. When Uw puuulnzum. (m u ('um- munily High Scln-ol an.“ lmmgh! Inn'- lon the rlrrlm‘n of Nov chain?! lad In" 5: Wu lumwl shun M a big mu- Jomy. Thin «an a «Mummy-talcum! lo I)»: pawn-«iv» prvpln cf ”w mm- mumty and lo THE DUII’OIX'I’I'TH u h" fought for H “int rum) r'vln‘ n! "It! remnant J HARDWARE. 36 S. Main Street Tel: CAN ATTEND T0 ORDERS PROMPTLY NOW! MERTZ Q MOCHEL WHILE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST AND ALL KINDS ARE OBTAINABLE l‘mil vvronlly Wad. (Thicrgn “an hand every Friday morning from the Ilka of am Downers Grove Pubiish» ht Compnny. 37 North Main street. Downers Grove, Illinois. Downers Glove Reporter A "OWNERS (ilHH'J'I CO.“- MI'NIT“ "Hm SI'IHMDI. 2] South Main st. Como hrrn (M ”w (I-~unwr 9 Hi-r Vino. Hwy um finn \war~om "("13le Lru “i" he hero in a \299k “'0 ST.\.\'|) I’H' ‘\' of a” the Rhoo: we so". and a ghm- \w» :H: [flail 90 KIIHI'SID'IPP \ifl‘. If )ou DON'T RELIEVE it h_\' Do You Wear Shoes? “'EYENI‘JZRU FACTORY an- Mm Thr filk'. shipmvnt nl' MPH": and R0)"; Work Shw BOY'S â€"â€" ALL SIZES MEN'S, $5.50 to ..... Order Your Coal NEW STOf‘Kâ€"NEW LOW PRICES WE HAVE ALL SIZES OF J. W. NASH Franklin Co. Illinois Coal Pocahontas Hard Coal One fooluhnms mnmmn to tuwnu: mom thu- me war 1‘4 Nu- «Du-u Ihulf 1H“: {mum-v i» in hick. ‘l'luu mnwlum" hr i-n" mm:- as bright. or a» rlm’o-r; :u a basin": man. nr 3- “MI n-mh a» the [mu-mum. ' ‘rm- running rln‘.‘ in thin cmmh-y, lune always nn-numl hum-r in 03-? “W “it and abilm llmn "w unvm folku. Of law yeah the Amrrimnf lunm-r but been bNtor wad, bvlh‘r; mlumlwl. and u fur lwllrr hu-m-u- ! 'lhmu is a nun! for the Communih High Schuol in thi< community and ilkmnm'.‘ (in-u.- rihouhl not lag: In» :himl i" the ambition of giving: buys and girls an educational opportunity. Hlinsulalv. Elmhurst and now Wuut i(”hicauu and other \‘inilfit‘r’ in this‘ vicinity haw mlopu-cl tlu'a tm-mivth century “'33 of high wlmnh’nu. .‘XhauI thunm-rs (inn-v «ll-n)‘ it 1n h-‘x‘ chiln ”IV"... Imp. lml'» brim: thi‘ prnpmihun up a- gain and put it new». Telephone No.29 I’I\'vt_\"|0dy clings In a lb! of dup- known as one of the most. unmo- umssive municipalities in the County. If they can put through a community high school where Downers Grove; ad- mittedly one of the mo.“ progressive villages, fails, our hats are oll‘ to West Chicago. for haul “my a pair and .9: SILLY IDEAS Teiephone 5 ‘91- ”$1.00 . . .8100 ml! fu‘ "rum (8w ~1H?‘.nl“l‘ '1 :lm GLII'~P DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS f (‘nnsialcr this: “In-n «lid .1 reform I- an uplift. vu-r film-t m tmrn‘.‘ | The I'm-Inch ul’ (hr naimn hm- ?lnuugum'tml cn-ry I‘m'wmd "mu-mom ,lhu- nation has sow-n, and Hm farmoh inf c-u-r) country an- ul\\‘u,\.~ the Inn! to be mun away by puniam. nun- Huliun ur mob hysu‘liu. A famwr i- "m-H-sumcirn! if lw mat-w J "Hum: ”div 0mein of um nm- v mv «Inwr Swim: that our bur-ml. our "\l'fl'.‘ Zour hum-r. mu‘ (-3155, our blun'cm». Qaml our .~hm-t<. everything: \u- rut ur '\\1-:u' ("mum from lluV muuir)’, unfi. {that lhn- chips are nvu-r nmrv than; .nm‘ \W‘l'k H'li‘flli nl' slurmtiun. unlv-w tho regular flow of rum! fmxlslu-flq lumps (-mm'ng- in, it lI-‘Iimnns “5 [u: .v'vulhv tho fact that (hum unm-nnv ,wu.--ka-r~ who kvvp us rm urn foll'm' ‘nwn of high inu‘IPim-nrv. of in em, (Eu-m ability. Anothur thing: .‘luyhv you haw; Enolirml that \\'h(-n the farmer lmri 300mm to town to gm :1 job he 3:: L 1'1 and he :oldum \‘isils‘ 1hr blond Unm- gwlu-mas, the mo "age tnwn man “Yw' «migrates tn tlu- countly m shqm‘ “"Ҥ :how tn farm :11 a profit fl'n"qll0"U)" {guns lu-nkv; xhc farnwv' in lmvn 1m; :play the town gamv and win. but ”w: .rin man can run-01y makv a living} ‘in ”w country. ' ' The Amvricun fum‘cr hurt mm"- :timn tn I'l'RiL mow iruiutml unpar- ftum'ty to think, f(‘\‘.'l‘l‘ Uiln(.'(f\'.-H:U'_\' ithinus to du, and he 11:51.; on the job Warm-r in the moaning: to do 'o‘n. And while m'my mhr-r business hzh nearly bmkv-n its back “Tumbling through this pastâ€"war drfizuion, UH‘ farmer has taken tho biggvn‘t liqui- ldation of any hur'imau'. has cuntinuvtl {tn Inn." in a draw market and A!" in‘ a «lump um-. um! h-p gvnI-mNy \u-a- tht-mnl tho stow-n» withnut lem‘al nit“ or public sympathy. I man than many of his town bmthren dent for their daily bread and breath, and sisters. Anycne doubting this is their heat, their light, and their invited to read any farm paper of transportation, on some corporation, national circulation and note the con- some servant, some calémr. The far. tents (horror, and tllt‘fl to mail a tyu- mar 1's his uwn butcher, baker, .lnu- it'al "smart" magazine that appoub to)". blacksmith and street can also to tilt' stun-Hy nilum intcliigvucc, and he is his own policeman. and usuallv noto what sort of'clziy'traiv I'l mmtains, his mrn mugistrato and grand jury.‘ The Amm'icun furn'el' ha:1 mu!"- Consiilnr how few civil and criminal time to ri-zul. mow irniutml uppor- (usvs comr- from Ull‘ runnirnllln- tunity to think, fowl-r unnecessary!cuuntryside needs l'mv laws and fru'l things to du, :m'l ln- 9:51.; on the job "Win-rs, for every man dwells in hi4 rm'lii-r in tho morning In do 'o‘n. iown king-don], and as ho g’iws th-i And while (Wt-2y min-r husinvss hzi‘i lieu to his neiuhimr so it is mate-ii tr" nearly ln'uln-n its back M-raniliiinu‘ihim again as a matter of ruinse. ; H. E. McAllistel - Co. Whether you want to put new curtains in one room after another, or if you wish to brighten up a spot here and there, you should see our well balanced assortment of cool, inexpensive cretonnes. attractive curtain nets, marquisett“. and rich colonial drawn-it's will enable you to find just the material and just the color you may need for window and door hangings and furniture covering. The following values .will demonstrate that beautiful draperies need not be costly: With the approach of summortinw. mnst huusos do need :1 hit of nmv color â€"- ‘he refreshing touch of new draperies without which that “Summary Atnmsphere" “‘nuid he impossible. Perhaps YOUR Home Needs Some of These New Draperies CRETONNES, 35c to TAPESTRIES. $1.00 to . SILK DRAPES, $1.25 to . NETS. 35c to ........... Materials andPrices "I‘m:- The gardens of unuuvurs untl pro- “ l' ii'unsionuls alike in NW I'Mniu m" “""Duwnms (wow sum-rm! SumLu and "'1‘ ' Manda} mowing) hum kiiling Trusts. “"; Su cm)! was the “rather on Monday ”"- muIIII'nu' that ourh list-rs found u "with n Juror of he m (-I' water standing: in pans out of nluoh. 1 u)‘ pntulm-s. beans and otlu-I‘1 " ww-mhlvs were hard hit. It is said" "I" that Ihu- grape» vrup uf IInu‘m-I» (Irnw' "" is practimtlr I’llilll'd and the puni- “"‘-.Ehli1i¢-< u! golfing lruit n! um kind ""‘ Iullwr unu-Ilain ouiug tn (hi.- xv ' Cnld “"oallwr Sunday and Munday Mornings Huh-s Fruit (‘mp a Big l'm-ertninly. POTATOES, GRAPES. GARDEN SWHIT BY KILLING FROSTS T R A C T 0 R PLOWING DISCING W. S. Hamblin Phone 213-R-2 Lyman Avenue BASEMENT EXCAVATING $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $1.00 South Main Street Klein’s Market The largest assortment of (‘heese in Downers Grove. American, Brick, Swiss. Imported Raque- fort, leiderkranze. Blue Lake. Kraft loaf. Imperial. Pimento, Green Chili, Herkimer ("ounty-â€"â€" CAN YOU BEAT l'l‘l’ .‘ Fancy Blnv {use Rice, 3 pounds Heinz Baked Beans, 2 cans fur . A . Richelieu Sliced Pineapple, large r‘ih Muznlu Oil. 3 sizesâ€"~pls., 2..k; qt.~'.. 3‘ L Shredded Wheat, per package ...... Swans [)(m n Cake Flour. pm 1mm.- ; Navy Beans 3 pounds for , ......... No. 1 Tall Rod Salnmn, per can REMEMBER? Our model system of icclcss refrigenuinn keeps all perishable foods fresh at all lllllt“ .\ rhuchlo ( hm! ( 'nfl'cc fmst and those when the trees “Vere! This has been n cold wring. Fol- in the bloom. Strawberries are; lowin a winter of exceeding mild- checkcd and other small fruits par-,5 ness 5e weather of the last few days tially killed. {has made fumaca tines a necessity. Holland Creamery Butter Klein’s Cash Market I’l ' FFICR P! I .\ R .\l A( ‘\' lulu Ind Cum“ Street: 1‘ch 6 When yuu want to smukv. m- aww! anything in the Drug Store line. Buy vour Cigars by the box. and .in nut he om- hurmssed by having to go, or semi MRI. for some when friends drop in. Buying by the imx will also save you Immey. The same brand of a Cigar tastes better when it is lax-pt in a good CONDITION. Yuu uill ahmys find that our Cigars me nut «In .l!!(12:i.~l01("§3. We keep them MOIST. American Family and Fels-Naptha Soap, bar Specials [at Saturday Only NATIVE POT ROAST. pound . V HOME RENDEREI) LARD. Min. PORK LOINS, per pound PORK BUTTS, per pound CHIC KENS VEAL SHOULDER ROAST VEAL POCKET (To Stuff) 10 Bars for 65 cents (‘omc to US for it lb. 40c Telephone 279 Thi~ i~ an un- uqml Bargain “MW 230 95c 27c $1.85 ..15c . .39c . .20r . .35c 330

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