Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 27 May 1921, p. 7

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(b Sunday. May 29th. 1921. Memorial Sunday. "881' EVA NG EIJCAL CHURCH Memorial Sunday. May ‘19. 1921! 9:45 a. m. Bible Srlmol. H200 :i. m. Morning Worship. Themn: “Th:- Rnll Call." Special Music. 3:00 p. m. Crusailmu. 6:30 p. m. B, Y. 1". F. 7:30 p. m. aning Sermon. “The Price of Freedom." Musical talent from Chicago with the pastor, Mr. Knhrl. will give spe- cial music both morning and evening. The Men's Class meats at the re- gular hour. 9:45 a. m. Increasing interest and numbers bespeak a splendid future for this class. Wednesday evening at 8:00 p. m. The public is cordially invited to attend the services and to visit and no the reading room. The Rev. .\mold H. Kehrl. Minister Reading Room open Monday and friday from 3 to 5 p. m. Wednesday evening Testimonial fleeting, 8:00 p. m. Sunday Service at 11:00 a. II. Sunday School at 9:45 a. In. Subject: "Ancivnt and Modern Noc- cromancy. alias Mesmvrism and Hyp- notism. l‘vnnunrml." Sermon. May 30. um. Memorial Day. "on- Tflnily. 7:30 a. m. "My Communion. 9:45 I. m. Chum School. “:00 a, m. Morning Prayer and Q ANDREWS MSCOPAI. CHURCH We would Ix- plensal tn have you nth-d mm or all of our son-ins. Wt- Mine you will flvul something worth lay 29. pm. Find Sunday after Prayer and Comment Mveting. \‘in'. Subjw'l: "Luring a I‘m" a! a Tlmv.” Special Slvmunul Du)" Salmon. 8:30 p. In. (“human Dinah-cum; Elma Kr"): land". Subjcri ".‘linim'mn‘ "v-ulla in Afrim," 7:30 p .m. Sun: and I'm-aching Sen \"0'. ‘ Sc-mum by lhv Hininhvr. “The Qumtum of llu- Fir-t Nur- drum" Wnlnm-duy. mm 3:. m. Ildwwk l‘ruwr servirv. eryho‘b' would go (0 mule church Sunday In memory of tho- sol- dkm who hau- me. and in Mnor of than who vv-mo‘n. whilo. Rev. 1. Alfred Namn. Pastor. Sumlan . .‘luy ll 9:30 a. ""r Sunday School. 10:45 a .m.. Morning Worship in German. 7:30 p. m. l-‘A'vning Sci-vim. Sunday. May 29, 1921. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Organ Prelude. Hymn. The Apostle’s Sreed. Prayer. Anthem. Psalterâ€"l‘n‘entyâ€"souond Reading. Gloria Patti. Scripture. Ottertory. Hymn 411 Sermon: “Wayside Orchards." Hymn. Benediction. Posfiude. Epwaflh League 6:30 p. m. Leader~11wu J. H. Drues. Subjeet: “Junior League. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Song Service and Sermon. Theme: “Vision of Sir Launfal.” Wednesday'â€" 3230 p. In. Training Class. 7:45 p. m. l‘myvr Meeting. 8:“) p. m. flaming Prayer and no M. nut I. "new huh-Glue moms-r EPISCOPAI. 0110303 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST my, my 27: 192! FIRST BAP’HST CHURCH Anluu Spencer Phelps. Minister CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 0!! u. m. lhblr Scum-l. A via» (or you. :00 a. m. )lurnivm Devotional Sew Giliol‘t H. Ncwllnd. Yum Lihtary Hall - '39. um. "iblc' Schuul "My Communion “on”. 3 8.!!! Huh". L P. Brunt. L. I". Dell. C. I". Rem-m. R. I". The- line-up: "In-dale “Mord. C. Au'u-II. l'. Knuth, I Elm-o Kola). Thm huso hitsâ€"48mm" (‘2). Bully. Hinulal00322000|0 SI. mevh" will have a game It Mc-mm‘ml l'avk nut Sotunlay again-I (Jim-m am! on Sunday with 8!. I'm- mpim- Jnnium at tho latlet'n MM. 5|. Jv.w|oll'.- A. C. dvfmm-d HIM- uhlv A. C. a! St. l’mcopiux Collage [munch Sunday. The long driven of [Indy and Hum» brin‘inx home the ham» for the local tram. suck Won 0! ”flu and Rudy Ile- nmo-éhk («or Loui- Winâ€"â€" ('krm Saturday. ST. JOSEPH’S A. C. BEATS HINSDALE BY LONG DRIVES UNITED BRITHRIN CHURCH OF EAST 630V! I 8:00 a. m. Memorial Mass and Ser- imuu on “Our Village Dead." Sunday»â€" 8200 a. m. Mass and Sermon. 9:00 a. 111. Bible Study. 10:00 a. In. High Mass and Se:-5 Decoration Day: Ladies’ Aid, Thursday, June 2, at the parsonage. Bible School at 9:45. Morning Worship at 11:00: - Sermon subject: “The Christian Family and Politics." Third in series. Children’s Hour at 2230. Martha Penner, Supt. Senior Alliance Service at 6:45. Live topics and live leademhip. Evening Worship at 7:30. ' Young Ladies Clwrus. Congregational Singing. Short messages on Practical Chris- tianity by the pastor. .LACE ans The Luther League intends to celeâ€" brate an anniversary service Sunday evening, May 29th, at the church. A special program has been arranged. The following soloists have been en- gaged for the occasion. Miss Emma Burmeister, vocal; Minn inane Antler: mann, violin; Prof. ii. Schultz, or-; gan. The Ladies' Aid Society meets Fri- day, June third, at the home of Mrs. i l The Mid-Week Service on June 1, will be in charge of the Missionary Auxiliary of the Church. lundny School l0. Chard: Service: 1 .‘8 .. 39 All"! 8:00 p. m. Compline, Benediction, Rev. Ellen B. Goodwin. Pastor Your clnthm “HI fit honor, and you uill Jinan": be: rqm~ :3 nuHc “'htl'k'f fining. mam!- inu nr ext-whiny. (\n up”! Curmvit‘rc xvi" gladly 13: you with- an obligation. Miss Anna Meyers n 80 South Main Skeet If- ~1’cduu‘ m: ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH. I!) 2r » appear move “I'll"P)‘. l Bane Rem. 3 Rue layout. 8. S. Rinl)’. C. I". Hill". C. I". l‘ollint. l.. I". Influx. R. P. 8.. Jon-ph'l Brady. C. Render. 2 flat p-‘mmh oownnns 930mm mm cm L A C E N E w s 33855:: §9££fifi.Ԥ.“. In the Matter of the Guardianship of Erodeflcl} guys. Gpntav Kohls and Rump. Harbnur Schmidt. Soliritor: for Cnmmaimnt. hand of Neale 0. McLean; Neale 0. McLean individually and u joint tenant with and m e of sold George R. McLenn; Lawrence P. Comw'l‘. as trustee; the unknown owner and holder of one certain promisson' note for the pflncipll sum of “000. dated August 21. I920. anal payable five years after its slate t ether with interest at the rate o ti" per Innum; also the unknown owners and holders of ten interest notes dated August 2|, I920. for the mm 0' SIM each. said notes lining numhered ONE to TEN. both inclusive. No. l of said notes being payuhle on Feb. 2|. I92l, and one of the remaining interest notes in their numerical order being payable, every six.- months thereafter; all of said notes were made hv George. R. .‘lv lemn and Neole O. Melmran aml by them endorsed and rlelivm-i».l and are swim-cl by a trust deed to Lawn-nee P. Conover. trustee. upon property described as follow:- 1 I The west 120 feet in width of thv~' northeast quarter of Bloek Five! in William Robbins' First Addi-i tion to Hinsvlale. in Set-lion 12.; Township 38. North. Range 11.3 East of the Thirrl Principal Mnriâ€"z than. in the village of Hinsclnlt.» County of Dul’arze aml State (4' lllinois: . that the above named eomplainan' ‘ filed his petition in imam a meek-I anies lion in said eomplainant to thvi‘ i'ullowimzr described premises: i The west 120 feet in width of the northeast quarter of Block Five in' William Robbins‘ rim Adam. 1! to Hinsdale. in Section 12. Town-i ship 38. North. Range ll, East. hi: the Third Prineipal Meridian. in? the, village of Hinsrlale. County of? DuPage and State, of lllinois: J n and that summons: thereupon issuml ' out of said Court against the ahmM named defenclant<. returnable on the first day of a term of the Cirm‘t Court of said Dul’age (Tountv. to ho- holilen at the courthouse in tho Cit", of Wheaton. County of DuPage and! State of Illinois. on the second Mom, day in June. A D. 1921. as is by lawf required. and whieh suit is still penrlfi ing. _ ‘ ~â€" I ihyiwnd ROMS; minors. u, “a... ........... -w. , In went“! by I trust «Inn! to law- wm- l'. (famm’rr. (mutw. upon rm- pcrtv clawn‘bwl an follmw. Mari : The was: one hundml and twenty fort in width of the sum“! aunt'r of "lock MW! in WHIMM obbim' an! Addition In Hill- dnlo. Un Settlon 12. Township 88 North. n... n. lam M m- d Principal "win. In the village of "Mama. County of [)qu and Sun! of lllinoiu: said tum dual bring menial II the monkr': oflia- 0! Dul‘lge Conan in book 66 of Iowa's. page 2.13. m- ulotumt am on Au 9! 2‘. mm; dofenlnnu. (know-1| 0. R790. The muisflr nflidm'u for pulmon- lion having been Mn! in CM all“ of the drrk of the Circuit Court of nail IMP.“ County, Mike I: hem- hy given tn the "id (horn R. ”(IA-run imlh-Mually. ml Ans )qipt jen‘nglvfith annihhuf. r'a â€"_ one of "u- n-maininu ink-mu. notes in their numerical on!” Mn: pay- able awry nix monflu then-alt”; I" of ma mum wmv' mule by “com Mclmruu nml th- 0. “(ll'll and by them rpoprsml INI delhmml am! State of Illinois, County of Dul’age us, in the Circuit Court of Dul’ Count tn the June Term. A. I). 19’ l, in Chancery. Chris Jchmid‘t vs. George 1:. Mcherun, indhiulumly. and ‘us jomt tt-nunt with uncl- husband or Neale O. ilclman; Neale 0. “cu-râ€" nun, individually. uml as joint tu-‘ ‘nutt with and wife of said George R. )lclxrun; Lawrence P. ' uml the unknown Collover. (matu- uwnt-r uml holder at oné ccrtnln pmmixsury not:- for the prinrlplu mm of W. dated August 2|. N20. and payable llw yvuru ultcl its «late to- gether vu’tu intrn-st ut the rate of 6 per cent per unuuln; ulw the un- known owner» and holder» of ten ln- um-ut noun dated Auuunt 2| 1020. (or tlw mum of two each, ulu now brlng numben-ll ONE to Tim, both lncluxh‘r, No. l of salal note» h-ln puynbly 9n Pt‘bruary 2!. 192:. an ' c,'_4 1...“...,- “I“! The school nurse is just as necesâ€" sary to the present and future we!- fum of school children as is the highâ€" ly skilled instructor in any other branch of a good moulvrn education. Two women of Loogootee aged 60 and 92 respectively, werv recent small pox victims. Neither had been vac- cinated since infancy. Rev. Walter Burmeistor attend a conference in Aurora last Thursday. Several members of the Luther league motmwl to Hegewich Sunday afternoon to attend a meeting of the Chicago Local. The closing exercises were held at Lace Public School last Friday. The Cass School will (1050 June third. The Ladies' Aid Society meets Fri- day, June third, at the home of Mrs. A. Mandel. CllANCERY NH'I'ICE NOTICE Lowi; mlawnrth, 'Ck-rk. cu.-. , 7. - no-“ 5-]3-4 F312; 1'0 nm nrm was t";'} ’Dmersfimc Weaving“: SEND IN YOUR OLD 0“le 5 AND CLEAN RAGS Em: mu. mum mm oven m- 75 N. Forest Ave. Downers Grove Not at home on Monday: Out-Sizes for Stunt Ladle: Jersey Suits. Knittml Cap»; with Angora collars. Skirt; and Gear- zntto Waist. Lowe“ Pricnrâ€"Perfect Fit Guarantved Order a Barclay Covet, with me war guarantm‘. If you dislike darning wpar Malloch’; Hmien' Underwearâ€"for Men, Womm and Children. Call and sr-r- the hnautifu' <va mv-r vim- ~ in Tam-13:. Voile: Ginghams, etc: Landscape Gardening our Specialty l..-\ "I [-15â€"â€" 30 Acres Trees, Shrubs, and Vines best for this climate. Littleford Nurserie- Plume 312.: Ofiice. Farmers Merchants Bank Building" Tun-days. Thursday: I Saturdays. 9 a. m. to 5 p. In. Every evening. 1 to 9. ('nalnrln will he I"! In Hm low"! m-pon-lbh- Hacha-r. tho Ilirhuay (Tom- minnow-r mun-n1»: Iha light to n- Irrt MW or all ln'cla. nv (mom or ‘rm: muuwu (’OMIIISSIONl-m 0? TI"! TOWN- RNH' OP "OWNERS GROVE. INT I'AGI-I COUNTY. ILLINOIS. (‘. K. Rm, (‘nmmduimn [humor-u “row. "I. John Hall. Tqym {Ikvkim 17 8. PM A"... 701* 1" F. W. KETTENBING Contractor 8; Builder Sonic-I hid" will hu- "arrived for HIM work and in mnfnmity with flu- plnm and uwvifirnlbmm up In 2 o' rlurlt p. m. on NW 6th clay I?! Juno A. I). I92]. at "w nfliw a! flu. Town Hark. and wo'" hr kalv npmml I! mid “me in How Tuwn Horkfi om}? Down-rs Grove and 1.0mm! Rom! I'mm Downers Grove to Lem-ml. l‘unh- Road. l‘uulu- Road. ()rrhnnl Road. Sl‘hUrtf'l’ Road. a" M Ilv~rr|~--1 in the pram-«Hum M n n'poriul nlrction thl in ma Tomep nm thc- 4th day Inf Srpu'mlu-r, A; I). 1930. '31'.'m'.'.a"nn.‘.'.‘. v. 'th “w, ulnlinn In lbw Villgge nr lllnulule, Duran ('mmly. "limit. .- iihm' l'muI {mm lhmmiflv \wsu-r I; _10 the 'l'qgvnship l._im_~, An ('uum.\',rlllimn.<. plans and sum-ima- Imus for the improu-mt-nt nf Madison Strool from l’luinfwhl Row! south to {yum-Villa, Public notice is hvwby giwn that the County Samarium-mien! of High- ways of Dul‘aue County. lllinuis. has file-«l in the office of the Town Clerk aml Highway (Iommimioner of flu- :ltuwnshipugf Downers GrmLe. Dagmar East of St. Slephans Moridinn iII ‘ the County of Baldwin and State ‘, of Alabama, containing forty acres ‘ mom or less. The abme desmibcd property will be sol-l free and clear of the «lower rights of Katherine Kohls. the mother of said minors and free and clear of all encumbrances. A dope sit in the sum of 3:. ”15.00 must be made In the‘ sit-Iccssful bidder, at, the time of the sale, the balance to be paid in cash‘ “hon the sale has been apprmed by‘ the County Court of DuPage County and on the dellmry of the guardian' 3 mid to_th_e~_ purchafier: Charlos Haller. Guardian of Frederick Kohl: Gustav KnMs and Rm mnml Kohl.» minora Bunge, Haxbour J; Schmidt. Angie ‘ “'0‘th viiisrgocohdllay of May, A. D. 1921. Enameling T.H.WHI1’1‘EN “mum-W EN that by virtue of a (beats! or- der nude and entemd of record by the County Court of DuPage County ‘on the second day of May. A. D. 1921 themndersigned will, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., on Monday. the: sixth day of June. A. D. 1921, at the‘ west mam entrance of the courthouse,1 in the city of Whentou. County of Du{ Page and State 0! Illinois, ofier for sale and sell at public vendue. to the highest and best bidder for cash, the real estate described in said decrctal order, which said real estate is des- cribed as follows, toavit: The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 27, it} ’i‘owgship 6. South, !‘Pnflf' Two, PUBLIC NOTICE IS ,HEEEBY 91V- [HGHLAND NEARIJNCOLN Phone 82-1 RUGS FOR SALE Painling Vanishing MRS. EDW. EMRICH RUGS G. H. BUNGE .\ IW ERTISI'IMENT Lawyer llinadnlo. Illinois. ‘ G. B. TOPE. M. D. [IMHO I. n PIANO TUNING 1nd REPAIRING L. T. Hooker, £2 -) Sn K'nFinL’tlln aw. Lafimnm‘ phone Iafixmgn, H9. S2: nam. ~ in (Iagn'firvd I: t at phone I ”notary. (jarvlcm plowed, gent-mi naming. H7 (i. Rnhm, phone 1604-2. 4-l-tf .\. \NDNTRBSSOR~-Toarhr~r of vim lip and harmony. Privah- I’m-son: giw-n tn all pupih, For informatinn rail :1! Dir-kn, Thl‘atrn aftl'r 7:” p. m., hurdlayn Fritlay.~ and Salm- day‘, 5-204 ic. portrait, View and mmnwrrial. Phone 107-.! for apmintmv-M. Pinwh- ing for amaIr-ur‘, quirk u-rviro, gin-ll wnl‘k, luwr-l prior. Film- «low-l0 - ml {row of rhnrgv. Edgy-worth, 44 L. Warn-n aw. fi-‘Z'JI PHOTOSwFr-r anything phat-"graph \. \IOVTRl-ISSOR~-Tt-:u'hv-r nf ”HEM-)3 flush}? "RESIN i6 l-‘f if Ward, “4 E. Maplv Inn. and "waive rrwartl. 5-27- I LOSA- VA your}: flqlgian miirrullng, w.;{.¢ lmn SAUL-A a m. w. «my Maw “it: '1: ‘01-, ”lusty W. m. Mr a ts. in y m WANTEDâ€"VA mud hand trunk "Wand route! I.“ IMO." not“. ' "I condition. Rik-MI”. [humor- b no" ”- lrm'm. Ito". M. ""‘W- PM" raw-2. 5-”“mwwse march. mm am, y... ‘-â€"'â€"_â€"' " : ma 00mm 3! e I Help W. ‘ d fimn sumxuvm a... «mm m finflfil A firm for grmnl mm.‘ with m mu, 0... min-fl hm- worlx Ind inning. No wishing,hhr-;iflt~u wry finc- orrluni. old ““0 l . Ila-W. U how. and in cm I hard road lady I “IN WIN Mo «latim. with "to ”no!!! of loa- Fo '- Re n ‘ £0,500, prin‘ ‘22,”, ton-m: “I "It. . ' T .. ‘ ’FOI! SALE» A v" rhoira l m FOR RENT +1», phom in". 51715 lot a? . hail, Iighyand wr" W « ~ , , K‘ r' mum-n out In last Grave alumna with FOR RENT» Two flw urn [nu-t a. . water, g. " .ltk‘ily. P . , land nu shame Lam! L :m Carl", . . :4... mulh of lhc- wast NM 0! Magic-1'31“" f'" 'W'fk “h. VIM II 000:. am. For information mluln-ss MF‘ ‘ "w" "W tme. o ""“-“v 2227 '"‘“""a ""~ “"‘mvxu'flfimn SALEâ€"7W0" mm m... of 1 infirm. A (M m mun-I human work IM inning. Na wishing, hip-r- I' "I“. phone ”(Dâ€"“:7 (f f-‘(TRâ€" SAL): ~8hflo~ wginh-r but afir human. in rum. mmmém. w-Nl turn wish-nu. (3." pm llfl-R. N. I'OR SALE .7 room Mum with all main-n rout-airman and m" II It"- of lawn. {mil .0" V’MINI‘ nur- dmn. our «sun». :2!!!" an", Ml: um- um m- n-ul. Palm. 1;. lam WANTEDâ€"VA mud Mud trunk In "I mum. NW”, Down"- (haw. pm m-w-z. 517-! “‘F7:..V8I';i‘,".;} clam-n and l-i- at .13 um!» pvr chm-n. 50-27.! W"! SALH- l’mnlm; nut-n flaw", Mir arr chum. Ilmlu. 73-:- n chm-u. J. N. RM. "-0 Map!" IH'. 5-27.: mm 24M.» «mums... ml. rm. "ml baby Inmx)‘. II. C. "6dr, um um. 5.21.: I’OR SAIE~ Good In"! Mr WM. wort. «dummy;- 1M «a. ofi'liwn-ct "mm Ifl-W-l‘ I. 1‘. Run". 6-0-4 iron sawâ€"“Tm. cylinder was.) 7 muggy. «w (million. but p..- Wm. 47' Rog-m ht: FUR SALE ~lh'aulifui hu'm- uilh all moth-tn amwnwnrr», Inmhmnl "In-I". an uc'u- or qnmml. IM- nr [auit mil mm Nation, $9000 nlnun, but. "Mr mw't- :h rum. Hluzml U. Inm- cm 8' ('4... 8237'?! im- hun' in mud comm Faint'ww aw, plum:- WI- l'hum- "'7'“, Muir {Ink-I FOI: S \IJ-i in noun. (r Lmruln ‘FOR SALE * "luck lu-uuty pony. buggy and harm-5x. Best driving pony in this semi-m, mum! and g9"- tln. Good reasons for st-llimz. Make nupninlmmn by phone, lfill-M-‘z. L. H. Hawaii’s. 5-27-1 FOR SAL"?- ~."; yuur 0M hump, weight about I500: gum] u'urkm. Priced In w”. R. lh-nut. phum- 3182:. 3-27-1 ["0" SALE-1:: gmwl brawl mwu.‘ l'rmly lu {arrow soon. AIM- Hm’fl'l‘ I-Im-s, ranging {mm I to 3 wan» with! right for bun-«ling (or park sminr lamb-L Aka Dun-wt Run». '3. llwul. rim-m .‘WL 3-274 FOR SALE . 1’0}- mnu! um . ‘njmnin-g! ' Down" Grove. m.’ 05a and Relidence: '5 Highland Ave. TWIN". '63 OWICI nouns: lint IL “030.111. AllerdoJl. FOR SALI'P-Sevvn Flemish qunt lahbils. Aka about 75 (. urdinal pig~ cums. Cull l~‘. Schmidt. Liam-nit (‘hicagm Home owning: and Sun- days. 762. ‘riskaoo. "(‘11. Mattias «m- bcrt aw" $4000. 5427-! F‘OR §.\LE~A largo silo mt-n'x bi- cycle, 35; child's iron bed. springs mattress, $4. Mrs. I’fcifi'cr, phone 80-J- 5-27-1 FOR SALl‘:--â€"3 r09m__hup_galuw and A..- .1.- FOR SALEâ€"«Furniturv, 15 Grove .4. Full size iron bod, springs and map twss, $12; uuk Ilini table and threw! leaves, $11): oak side um! with large mirror, $15; gas stove. excellent con. dition, S12: good kitclwu table. $3: small rugs: small stand; sew-ml kit- chen utensils. W. E. Elliott. 5337-! RATES: Five linen or less -â€"-- 35c; V. FBEDENBAGEN for me week or 15c for three weeks, 22 89. Mlin SI. M “I If paid on or before date at public»; Residence 27 8. Fairvlew AV“ lion. If chargedâ€"50c for one wrek- East Grove PM"? ”14 i | or $1.00 for three. OFFICE ml IRS 8199-: ‘ho Spa 7M0» -. Sand" '57 um: 0‘0 u Rnidence - Phone 28 N. Foxes! Avo. and Franklin 3. DR. W. W. GOURLEY Phyglcian {i Sumeon Miscellaneous For “ale I V‘OIN' umu! mm. running F. M. KIHUo-fl'v. Li <01“! SI'ttbfl‘ ’u-nv. I. “I; ' gnu-l cmuhfiign. 8U] 37 Lost In (prove .<t. ngs and map ublu and the» M “ith large fm I'mmw . 283 1'! 'rlS 9. FOR SALE Vr‘ry avtvurtnn 5 r0011 'atm. I"; ‘Qnry hnu‘v, ha: a” over but 3-20â€"1_wnm1 "our . v‘tr-am hunt. ""‘V Pom" , 3 ; norms the front all \rmdowt‘d 5". i! ‘Rlxlv (-30.0 in and m‘ar to natirm and tho Infill!) ”1100], 3 ymy nflat “HIE mode?! I“. 1'9‘10'3"! at only $5500 Termi can b l'h"""=had, ill-‘01: SALE â€"».\Ymh-rr. nnarly new 7 my, H V Mann [’2 story bungnlnw. has ten- 4-I-tf; Ir-r r'ntranr'ru large living mom with ‘firn Marv, wry fine dining room with built in buffost. panelled and D Milinz, corner hght, hall openings, 0 ii"n and windowed in pnrch, and other modern conveniences, with lot 132! 300, and near to station. on 3.101! auto road. Price $6,500, reasomblo \"9- tenm. WANTED~Praggrtx of every figs; The m min m m In. Ind pluck: tuck In India; me n nml‘k. -I.lf¢- a}; 't‘é'niij‘yrirfl‘fivfll ’ sen yours. .‘ house with all living rooms 'hath :lonthaér. and 2 spare room. ‘up, a” moth-m mnw-nir-nras. jnuw, improw-mt-ntu n" in and ”i War, :0 raw; turn can be had, the In! is .4th from, :4va in. and in I fwuy gum! Irwatirm, 50V”? ft. ”I! ’~om: fruit mvl 20ml #havifl. PM cn‘ption to so", have you: tried Fredrnhagens Rea’l Estate 132113,. if not, why not, we have "want I a" over East andnboynem Grove on rooms, I” light and wu-Il "an.“ to ammodatc a lam" rumily, pl nf chm-t mom, rumor ligM l?!“ with hr” pantry. ml mllar, do- "‘11., W0". barn am! gang», "up thin: in fivw mmhlion. and immediate pour-«ion ran hv had. Int [20:182. 11 black.“ (0 Marian. l'rk‘e 5.”. Term: raw. TI-Il m4- what will I!" yrm, ownor mming, wan“ to sell. FOR SALE-13931 rehuilt tofu” .Iy In "It North “that. M all nrvmml tin-w. would hand up vtlh mull ham-ms Inn- and». JV wllh but-o! lulu. then II I rhmm- tn tloublc your my van woo. down. "on M wit. mu SAI.R~;onhm. _\_ery stifle. “w. "nu-"y brutal to mm. “- nlmr hu- lam» "Nu. m I” all M r mm- In .. Inc! in with .1 Muffin 0f tho ”:1: II. it Manly I [(0me and Mad. 70 In“ mum. 5- p3 nun-t, will: "out!“ It”. “,3!” ml nmml 88m '1" a n, "m. ‘50 monthly. Including l.- ""34. "ml, 0w have no your old as“. an on the M“ m‘rriooiéng the VII- lo-y. n mm: ulmbuhhv lac-lion. pn- prny joining Nu cluuhh'v' la «In. in a yvnr. all um IN“ I:- u «not. thy Ml upwhtr nnd Mn- Mn (00. um. an". hall-n uw I'M“, ub- onl)’ um. I: M. tutu tn «m. mu am.» In lot-Iron mun. hug: Uwr or would». "01) tan-y tour around. and aurroumkd '0: M6 ghlmm. priru- 8.100. wr Inc.” vb ‘lhr m I'D-dram anal van: to main “If". mu 5M.» .10 um, jams»; . We." utmwln-rrhm. pricv $300. pot terms «my. FOR SALE Twu (5 MN lulu, Inna "n u Jam] alone ”can: “no road, impnn ! nnmu I" would. and Dusty to town. u_ll dunk sail on! Ill handy to town. ul tillublc. would b9 (mm, mm block :0 alalion, 2 to More and market, have very shwh- trm-x. and an. sum to I in price “gm soon, a sum! upecnly (ion at. 87. a mp2, any terms. FOR SALEâ€"r10 acres of “can {ya ,FOR SALl‘I-wvhoicu vacant. two W In. lots; they 50in, street paved,_ impruvcnu-nta‘ in and paid For new bm'lnmd bum up and character 0.- ;tab|islu-d, a" good houses location Tand price right, "20. a fact, wax-Id I separate. mm SALI-Iv-Sonth rmnc vacant lot. u m-ll located close in small lot. around 40 I'm-t, I32 deep. very else”. may take payments, wants an 0801’. would :‘uit for a man employed to hit prune il. mhl limt-s. come in god a- gurc this out with me. and mm om-r. you SA”; 90 rm, 132 .upp, FOR SALE-v 50 feet on Main at. I very good lot for immediate Inc, joins good plan: and would suit mo“ unymw, price $20. per (not, terms to suit. ml: SALE~Nou~resident wilL you from, lot on Belmont Sula, éultlblo for mu- wanlin' to bv near aha C. IL 6'; Q. Roum Nous", has all In». me‘mOIIls in and paid for natuu! timber for shade and 1s near 0.19 wood aux, price $700. easy lentil. V .507 It. with lim- natural timbél'; Clad street paved, all improvements in paid fur m‘ighbul's uu either Slde, d9 nimble location >w., price $25. per 1!. FOR SALl-‘wlkuimbh- 50 It. will REM. EST": M S“ by ' V. FREDENHAGEN nouns 'di for 0'

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