its. Ella Mary Houseman has sold her Tea Room to Mrs. L. E. Newton, who will take charge at once. Hrs. Houseman. by dint of much industry, Ina built up a ï¬ne little business. The ladies on Dunham Road of the new Branigar Brm‘. Subdivision, met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Charles Hnmmond to organize a club. A very pleasant afternoon was spent with sewing and music after which a most] delicious luncheon was 9150M. Missl Narguerite Hammond serving. n: Pain-view Avaâ€"Plane “4-1-1 Mr. and Mrs. w. r. Webb, of; West Somerxille, a suburb of Boston†Mum announce the engagement ofi their daughter, Glmlys. to Mr. Leon! Summon. of Downers: Grove. The: wedding will he celebrated in the, early fall and they will make this; village their home. 1 Miss Help“ Huhharvl. fnrmrr’ly I! teacher in the local high school. 9pm! I {ow day< Inc! week a! the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hughes. in High-t land awmw, Misc Hubbard remms' to thp hi. ton department in the! Waterloo lm‘a. high «hook where? [tho was laet year. 5 BRUNET DONKIN Ir. and Mrs. R. C. Brim and daughtvn Ruth and Pilinhuh. ind Xr. Senior Robinson. of Locipofl. In loving tnmnrrmt morning via Miss "Louise" for a \acaflnn trip h Mid- dle Inlet, “in when: Mr. and Mrs. Gonna Barry haw ham enjoying lewlu-c for the [amt hm “mks. Anmunccments an- out n! the Hub of a (Manner. Nollie-Joan. In Mr. and Mn. Waller J. Shuts. on the lflcvaonn of Sandâ€. July am. The new uriv-I and I'M-mom" I?! doing â€M It (ha Mary Thompson hospital in Chicago. Mm (Emcl- MrKre loft for Harl- villc Tueulay an" spend“); I week born with (rivndn and attending "to funeral of her [rlmlluhon P; W. Farmr. Slu- will join Mr mother at Elerlr when! they no now mak- ln; lbeér bamr. flu. (home Allison will cnleflnï¬n the M. 1-2. l’hiluheu (Slum and their friuula at her home on Wlmn awn. Monday evening, August 8th. “one bring act-die and (tumble an than [I plenty of mark to be dom- lor the bar} Carpenters Capt. R. I). Parker gave his third reading before the Cynitixm Society of Chicago, in the annic Temple Jam. Sunday night. He spoke on the subject, “A l’sychologirnl Experience with the Devil and His Place of Abode." The Misses Carrie, Amelia and Marie Ahlcrs and Mrs. Horn, of Au- rora, Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. Sultzmun, of Lawler, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Richter. of Chicago, spent Sunday af- ternoon at the C. l". Wolf home on Rogers street. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Malthand and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wolf, spent Sun~ day touring the country seeing Gen- eva, Elgin St. Charles, Dundee, Ro~ eelle and on the way home stopping of! at Glen Ellyn for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Val. Baker. JOBBING ATTENTED TO Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Steï¬'y and sons, of Nonth Forest. avenue, return- ed Thumday morning from a tour of Yellowstone Park. On their way home they stopped off in Nebraska for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slick have )1:- turned from North Dakota where they have been visiting with Mr. Slick’s bi‘éthers. He is much improv- ed in health having gained in weight during his visit. Mr. and MS. Emil Eiehhorst, of Highland avenue, left last Friday morning on an automobile trip for a. visit with their sons in Iowa and at Montevideo, Minn. They expect to be gone three Weeks. ESTIMATES FURNISHED gin, are visiting their cousin, Mrs. Philip Jory. The Womans Missionary Society of the Congregational Church will meet Friday, August 12 av. 2:30 p. m., with 511:5; Frank Lacey, Highland avenue. A conlial invitation is ex- tended to all members and friends. W M159 Lavina Mizelle, of Georgia, is visiting her sister and the Misses Lela Lang and Edith Proctor, also of Geor- PERSONALS Builders I So much for "w rlennlinmn; noo- Ior the beauty. In former yarn H mm ulwoys the custom to lave the fauna!" u Mu- depot in \m- during HM autumn months nod the pcrkwnym around the depot urn roll ï¬lial with; flown. u win with wide (Mt m4 Mont: of the villm would listen to} comments of visitor! on tho. have)" of "w to" mu tkpo! mm. } Our mm.- wow prop! and Imprint ml at "gal-r intorwm. which tom. hr to lump the village cool in vet)" M weather. A «IN sweeper and. ypvinkkr were manhunt-d for lhisl purpose but have no! boon used for; What has happened to the village of Downent Urovo in recent. years? At one time lt was considered one o! the element Ind moat beautiful vll- llgox along lhe Burlington Rood- but. now? Hove you noun-«l tho dirt. romp paper. orange pool-t, etc. on! the nldewolkx and â€tn-cu I: you walk through town? On your troy to flu- l‘out Ofl'icc you I"! obliged to wmlo through I conglomerotlnn of ï¬lth. Oman Ind bonam pool: are thrown on the miller-lb, Mulch in not! only unsightly and ununltary. but; «hummus» to palatrlom. We want the many friends of this Bank in Downers Grove and Vicinity to know that the confidence and patronage of all those who have in any way helped to bring this Bank to its present posi ion, is thoroughly appreciated. And now, as we ï¬x our eye on the ONE MILLION GOAL we trust we may continue to deserve your patronage. Mrs. Elizabeth Morton and Mrs. Frank McCollum celebrated their birthday at the home of Mrs. McCol- lum, July 22d. The guests were Rev. A. H. Kehrl, Mrs. E. and M. V. Mor- ton, Mrs. Laura Smith, Mrs. Wini- fred Emrich, Mrs. J. Marshall, Mrs. J. llanchctt and Mrs. Ray McCollum, of Downers Grove, and Mrs. Ruby Phelps and Mrs. George Grunt of‘ Chicago. After a bountiful luncheon the guests were entertained by music and readings. As they left they wished the ladies many happy ro- lurns of the day. Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Puï¬'er returned last Friday morning from an auto trip to Storm Lake, Iowa, stopping over on the return trip for visits with Frank I’uï¬er at Jefferson City, Iowa, and Mrs. Hale, at Mt. Union, Iowa, covering altogether 1094 miles. Dr. l’ufl'er left Saturday morning for New York City where he Will take up special Work in the New York Post Graduate Medical Hospital. Several articles were lost at the Chautauqua tent. All have been loâ€" cated except two Eastern Star pins and a pair of glasees. If these Were found, kindly leave them at The Re- porter office when they will be re- tiuned to their rightful owners. A ladies’ blue serge jacket has been found and can be had by calling on Frank Dewey. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Finch of No. Main street, received word from Los Angeles, California, of the marriage of their youngest daughter, Miss Mamie Finch to Mr. W. H. Averyt, of that city. Miss Finch is well known here and has the congratulaâ€" tions of her many friends for a hap- py wedded life. The ,new proprietor is the mother of the Miss Newton of the high school faculty, who was one a! the coaches for “The Follies†last winter. CLEANLINESS AND BEAUTY FIRST NATIONAL BANK An Appreciation Downers Grove. Illinois. THE DIRECTORS OF THE nomns GROVE REPQRTER. DOWNERS mammals l Mwby ask for your «my and! support as lbpuhlk-nn Candidate for; flu- oflinc of County Twuumr a! (Du-5 ¢ Aptil I‘Hmurios. I Mr. Goorn Fix wish" to announce! his candida-y for "In ofï¬ce of Conn-f ly Trnmrcr of Dar-go County on the Republican Uclwt, mbjcct tn the; wish“ of the people It the April: Primaries. 7-154 Hinsdnle Phone 848 Cash or «my payments on all in- strumwts. Pianos tuned at renum- ublo prlcm. We aw in a position to secure any make of new or used hand or orches- tra instrument on man notice. Our writes are ï¬ght and a square deal for all. In addition we are oponing 1; music school whom all nmsicul instruments will be taught by the best lenchorx ubtuinable and satisfaction guaran- tot-«l. The Garï¬eld l’iano Co. wishes to announce that Mr. E. J. Harrison has taken over their Downers branch at 13 West Railroad street. Within two Weeks they will be in shape to take care of all prospective purchasers of upright and player pianos, \‘ictrolus. player rolls, records and miscellaneous supplies of all kinds. Having disposed of the Tea 'Roém to Mrs. L. E. Newton, I wish to thank my patrons for the business given me in the past and tmst that they will continue to patronize Mrs Newton, who, I feel sure, will do all in lll'C power to give the very best of serâ€" \‘ICC. Then, too, our village has always been noted for its beautiful tnees. Has anyone stopped to notice the pm- sen condition of the trees, particular- ly those along Maple avenue? It has taken was and years. for the trees to attain their piesent size and came should be taken of them. Cannot someth‘ng- be done soon to keep our village clean, mm the foun- tain and set out flowers around the depot, as in former years, so that the msidents do not have to feel asham- ed when visitors come to town? Lot us make an effort to regain our r0.- putation of being the most beautiful along the “Q." a long time. WIN; has happened to them? C. E. B R 0 W E R Painting-Decorating 26 Main Street Downers Grove, 111 Phone 82~R ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertisements now is the time for all! Ella Mary Houseman PROPERTY OWNER. N. E. MATTER, 7-224 Hinsdale Upholstering and Furni- ture Repair Shop. All work neatly done at reasonable prices. Phone 635 or send postcard. Will call and de liver free of charge. 11-26-tf. R. A. Walsh's famous production, “The Oath,†featuring Miriam Cooper and Conway Tearle is adopted from Wm. J. Locke’s novel, “Idols.†This If you enjoy a good, poppy wes- tern drama don’t fail to see “Dan- ger Valle'y,†at the Dicke Theatre, Friday, August 5th. Neal Hart is the star. 8-5-1 Youth turns to youthâ€"and both to the love-flame in “The Oath." But the quenching torrent of hate submerges {our lives. This wonderful picture, which will be shown at the Dicke Theatre, August 11th and 12th, was adopted from Wm. J. Locke's novel, “Idols." A full line of the celebrated INDU cosmetics for sale at Marion Dexter's ART KRAFT SHOP, one door south of the Ross Bakery. adv. tf. Sandy and. 7 fl (ohmic- Dowmm ampâ€"Phone Ill-DI Chicapcl’hone Wabanh mo WALTER S. OT'N' “The Last Door," in which Eugene O'Brien plays at the Dicke Theatre, Saturday, August. 6th, is a story of mystery, suspense and surprise. You will enjoy it. 8-5-1 Woman’s $8.00 Brown and Black Oxfords, price Woman’s $5.50 Brown and Black Oxfords, price . . . Woman’s $5.00 Brown and Black Oxfords, price . . .. Woman’s $7.50 Brown and Black Oxfords, price . . Lehmann (5' Michels Store BVRRY‘I'RING IN INSURANCR IA“ Actual CARPENTER CONTRACTOR All Work Gui-Mood “Waugh Ave. P. 0. Box 151 DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS Olin. Fan-0r: Men-Illa!- Bulk Building, Tut-dun. Thundlyl Saturdays. 9 a. II. to 5 p. I. Every evening. 1 to 9. Special buy in blue bordered bath towels, only 35c 6‘ A good big double thread bath towel, worth 85c, Special Price Full big size escalloped cut corner bed spreads, best value in ï¬ve years, 33.50 Fruit of Loom Muslin, Special sale per yard ............................ 19c Brown 18 inch Crush, washes fine. at the low price of 10 yards for .. Bleached Crash, 17 inches wide, well worth 150 per yard, Ill yards for Honey Comb Crash, for Dish Toweling, 10 yards for ................ Turkish Towels GEORGE A. FOSS August Clean-Up Sale G. H. BUNGE August Shoe Sale Advertisements Lawyer 7 39c Big Crash Sale 55c Bed Spreads Telephones 177 and 178 For hnir hows, sashes, ('10.. in good wide widths, hennti~ ful color combinations, per ï¬ll‘d Don’t miss the two-reel comedies and the Kinogram News at the Dicke Theatre every Saturday. “Smoky,†the humanzee appears in the two reel comedy Saturday, August 6th. Lawn mowers sharpened. All kinds of machine work. Repairing of all kinds of tools. Expert workmanship and the machinery to do it with. Paul Shroka, Belmont Forest ave., phone 369-J. 6â€"17â€"tf wonderful picture will be shown at the Dicke Theatre August 11th and mm. Two days only. 8-5-1 Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank a chock an his. nmpcllws (hr right rhnugv lho- cam-«UNI chock u.-‘ a valid rem-5p! the hem-fl! of lhe arn'in- 0! Hub: bank. Aren‘t Hum- thin." worth “Mic"! Think it over. 'l'lu-u mum in and SI-It'l'm-Z THE.“ F0" YOl‘RSIflJ’ b5 (um-mg a Checking Account in Uni» bank. THE MAN WHO PAYS HIS BILLS BY CHECK ,\l.\\'.\\'>‘ HASâ€"â€" A State Institution under State Supervision Established 1892 Fancy Ribbons 8-5-1 581“) IN YOUR OLD CARPETS AND CLEAN RAGS WE WILL‘MAKE THEM OVEB IN- TO BEAUTIFUL BUGS Downets Grove Weaving Wis HIGHLAND NEAR LINCOLN Phone 32-1 FridayLAmst 52 1921 , RUGS BUGS FOR SALE